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How To Assist With The Simple Suggestion Published by Co-Cure And Others

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How To Assist With The Simple Suggestion Published by Co-Cure And


In the mass communications industry, a tactic that is often employed

to ensure that the message gets across is known as Belt and Braces.

We have sent our emails to the Medical Research Council (UK)

requesting sight of one document. Thank you to all who

participated. Well Done!

We should now send emails to the PHRU (Public Health Resource Unit).

The PHRU was commissioned by the MRC to prepare this report

independently. The PHRU also has this document.

If the MRC have been dragging their feet in the past in giving the ME

Community sight of the document that we need, perhaps the PHRU will

be a tad more compliant. :)

It is an excellent tactic to let BOTH these publicly funded bodies

bodies realise that we mean what we say - we want this document.

Would all members of One Click, their families and friends, please

copy and paste the email below and send it.

For full details on this excellent action, please see Tom Kindlon's

post below that has been published by Co-Cure.

Thanks very much.

Jane - London UK



[Please copy, paste and send the template email below]


Subject: Document Request

I would be interested in a copy of either the PHRU (Oxford) draft or

full report on the consultation process on the MRC`s CFS/ME Draft

Research, Strategy Document (mentioned below).




CFS /ME Research Advisory Group

Note of Third Meeting Thursday 27 February 2003

Matters Arising

There were no new declarations of interest since the previous meeting.

Outcome of Consultation Exercise

The Group was reminded that the draft Research Strategy had been

released for public consultation, with significant national media

publicity. 145 responses had been received by the deadline for

receipt. The Group indicated its gratitude for the effort that these

individuals and organisations had made in helping to preparing a

research strategy for CFS/ME.

A draft report prepared independently by the PHRU (Oxford) of the

responses to consultation was discussed.

If there are any charges in obtaining a copy, either by E-mail, from

a website or post, please let me know.

Thanking you in advance.



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