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Naturopathic medicine: Aches, pains could be related to viruses

Dr. Nirala i


I would like to know if there is anything in naturopathic medicine

that will help my fibromyalgia.

- Area patient

Fibromyalgia is a condition primarily characterized by

musculoskeletal pain with specific tender points, sleep disturbances

and fatigue. Other symptoms often include poor memory and

concentration, headaches, depression and digestive symptoms. Many

patients are frustrated because their lab results will be completely

normal, yet they feel terrible.

Some studies show that viruses, such as Epstein-Barr, which causes

mono, or some hepatitis viruses are, in many cases, at least

partially to blame for the relentless aches, pains and fatigue. More

often than not, it is a multifactorial disease; in other words, there

are often stressors to the body which take their toll and overwhelm

the body to such an extent it seems impossible to recover. Let's look

at some of these stressors in more detail.

Immunosuppression. We often hear from fibromyalgia patients that they

get " every cold that comes around. " A suppressed immune system is a

welcome mat for infections such as viral illnesses and fungal

infections. Immuno-supporting herbs include astralgus, raw garlic and

echinacea. We will often also suggest supplementations such as

vitamin C, zinc and selenium, which has antiviral properties.

Liver detoxification. Various environmental overexposures to

chemicals in the forms of pollution, pesticide and herbicide residues

on foods, paints, gasoline fumes and dry cleaning chemicals can

overwhelm the liver's detoxification system as well as decrease

certain immune functions. Overexposed people tend to be chemically

sensitive, and walking down a detergent aisle in the supermarket can

cause profound symptoms. We often suggest a detoxification regime

that may include adhering to a particular diet, supplements that

support the detoxification pathways in the liver, sweating in a sauna

or steam bath, gentle exercise and colonics.

Stress-related adrenal dysfunction. The adrenal glands are, among

other things, responsible for secretion of stress hormones and

cortisol. Excess stress can tax this system. It can be likened to

beating a tired horse – it keeps going and going until it is just too

exhausted to do anything. The result can cause decreased cortisol

production, which can lead to blood sugar imbalances and insomnia.

Many times the person will feel " wired but tired, " another clue the

adrenal glands have been overextended.

These cases call for nutritive herbs such as avena (oatstraw) or

glycerrhiza (licorice) as well as B vitamins, especially B5

(pantothenic acid) as it is closely linked to energy production by

the body.

Digestive dysfunction. If you have ever gone to a naturopathic

doctor, you have heard how important the digestive system to the

whole body. We liken it to the root of the tree. If the root is sick,

how can the tree be healthy? In many chronic illnesses, including

fibromyalgia, the digestive tract has been compromised by

overconsumption of refined carbohydrates coupled with high antibiotic

use. This can create " dysbiosis " - overgrowth of opportunistic

organisms and a decrease in beneficial bacteria. Symptoms of massive

digestive fungal overgrowth can mimic those of fibromyalgia and

include chronic sinusitis, fatigue and " brain fog. " Using anti-

fungals and replacing beneficial bacteria, as well as avoiding

refined carbohydrates, can be effective.

Underlying thyroid disorder. If you have fatigue, bowel problems and

depression and you have not been to a physician, we suggest you get a

proper diagnosis. Thyroid dysfunction can be related to these

symptoms and is easily treated.

Fibromyalgia is a complex illness that continues to be on the rise.

The suggestions in this article are part of a more comprehensive

approach to the treatment of a chronic disease.

Nirala i, ND, joined the Yellowstone Naturopathic Clinic in 1998

after completing a BS in human health sciences and a doctorate in

naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University. i is a primary-

care physician with expertise in women's health and chronic illness.

Her specialties include botanical medicine, homeopathy, physical

medicine and nutrition.


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