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Re: update from julie

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I am not a doctor so can only share my experience. But I would say up front two things.

1. If it quacks - think "duck" You clearly have symptoms of infection and probably have not been treated appropriately or long enough.

2. DO NOT TAKE CIPRO OR ANY QUINOLONE FOR ANYTHING. This family of antibiotics is extremely dangerous. It will cause tendon damage and central nervous system damage sometimes within 3 days, and much more likely if you have to take it for any length of time. There is no need to ever take this family of antibiotics. Chances are longterm Zithromax or some other antibiotic will treat your infection. If the doctor only prescribe one or two weeks but you still have symptoms YOU STILL NEED TREATMENT AND YOU MAY NEED LONGER TREATMENT OR A DIFFERENT ANTIBIOTIC.

Did the doctor give you an antibiotic in an eye drop? They could give you both an oral antibiotic and an eye drop.

Again, I am not a doctor, but I have lived through severe longterm infection - mycoplasma and Lyme. My son also has Lyme and took eye drop antibiotics since his main symptom was severe headache behind his eye.

Hope this helps.

a Carnes

I do not have a definitive diagnosis of mold but amobviously being affectd by something.I mentioned mysymptoms coincided with coming to visit Tucson as partof a house hunting trip. My symptoms continued throughbuying a house, moving here, selling a car and buyinganother car, and restricting my work so I am no longerworking from my office. No difference in symptomsbased on my location noted except the eye infectioonwhich finally reso.ved likely from the cipro.I've posted my symt[poms and such before. A few newthings. Some lab abormalities include SED Rate High 25CRP 10.2 told this means inflammatoryprocesscarbon dioxide 20 LowRDW 15.8 HighALt Liver enzyme 79 HAST Liver Enzyme 45 HBun/Creatine Level 38.3 HMixed flora in urineTemps ranging from 100-102 in doctor's office and athomeCulture from eye while in hospital has finally comeback as positive with high quantities of staph. I wason cipro from 7 days and again for 5 days with noresolution of symptoms. They did not put me back onantibiotics.Very poor followup care from primary care docs andspecialists and lots of pressure from my company dueto medical leaveNeed help, ideas?

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