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Klinghardt lecture 31 Oct 2001

> Message-ID: <3C386CA4.29065.7A232A@localhost>


> +++++ Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam <AMALGAM@...>

> ++++++


> Dr. Klinghardt and Dr. Kane have given a lecture on

> " Heavy metals and their health impact "

> on 31st October 2001 in the Auditorium Maximum of the ETH Zürich (CH).

> [This is a translation of notes by Dr. beth Sulger Büel, amalgam

> patients organisation Switzerland.

> source: http://www.amalgam-info.ch/vortrag011031.pdf ]


> Without claiming completeness, brought in readable form using own

> wording. If you want to see Dr. Klinghardt

> and Dr. Kane as originals, you have to get the videos.

> Information in this text is in no case replacement for medical advice by

> a doctor and not suitable as basis of

> medical treatment. For damage as result of improper application of the

> presented methods and formulas no

> responsibility is taken.


> Dr. Klinghardt:

> 1. In all chronic diseases heavy metals play a role. So please don't ask:

> May heavy metals play a role at my

> MS or my Morbus Crohn? The question is answered: heavy metals play a role

> at all chronic diseases.

> 2. Heavy metals lead to chronic infections by fungi, bacteria,

> mycoplasma, viruses. But it is a big mistake to

> treat these infections without changing the milieu.

> 3. We all have neuro toxins in our body. Under these neuro toxins mercury

> has a special importance, because

> it prevents detoxification. When mercury is removed, then the other

> toxins tumble out. Neuro toxins lead to

> " Neurotoxine mediated chronic illness " .

> 4. Heavy metals are excreted via liver into the bowels and are resorbed

> again in the colon (enterohepatic cycle).

> This cycle must be interrupted. The green algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa is

> suitable for this. Beginning with 4 x 5

> to 6 g per day, this dose may be reduced after 6 weeks.

> 5. All fish has heavy metal burden; the higher in food chain, the more

> its contamination (the shark eats many

> fish, which have eaten many other fishes, is much more contaminated than

> the little fish). Therefore pregnant

> women should not eat fish or, if they do, then with Chlorella (fish

> breaded with Chlorella).

> 6. There is a synergistic effect between different treatments for heavy

> metal excretion. The combination of

> Chlorella - bear's garlic - Chinese parsley

> is after all the basis of heavy metal excretion.

> 7. Heavy metals disturb the fatty acid metabolism, which can result in

> neurologic defects. But the nerve system

> may be " repaired " by certain fats and oils.


> Neurologic diseases increase massively, e.g. autism. Autism is made by

> damage of the immune system by

> vaccination and heavy metals. Damage by vaccination concerns enzymes of

> the fatty acid metabolism of the

> nerves.

> At those children first of all you have to excrete the heavy metals,.

> with 6 g Chlorella 4 x per day, and bears

> garlic.


> During detoxification infections will be visible, because after dropping

> the mercury the bacteria can once more

> grow in the body. Heavy metal load induces weakened immune resistance,

> and so viruses, bacteria and fungi

> are not really rejected and are chronically at half sleep. But because of

> the antibiotic property of mercury can

> not really grow. If the mercury is now excreted, then these bacteria and

> viruses get the chance to grow. Result:

> there is no heavy metal excretion without infection, including muscle

> pain and headache.


> Some statistics: 400 - 500 years old skeletons and the bones of persons

> died in 1987 - 1997 have been

> examined for lead. The modern bones had 500 - 1000 times more lead than

> the old. Lead inhibits development

> and disturbs formation of blood. Since some years lead is out of the

> petrol. But now carcinogen chemicals

> (MTBE) are in it. So the neuro toxins are replaced by carcinogenes.


> Now Dr. Klinghardt gave the floor to Dr. Kane, a leading food

> expert in the USA, who reported about her

> research on essential fatty acids and her treatment of neurologically

> ill patients. Dr. Klinghardt translated (into

> German):


> 60 % of the brain are lipids. Mercury is lipophil. Mercury goes, where

> fats and oils are. So the brain is damaged.


> There is a good message: a brain damaged by toxins can be " repaired "

> partially by adding the right, essential

> fatty acids and by avoiding of the wrong fatty acids.


> In the interior of the cells there are, besides other structures and the

> mitochondria, which had been the center

> of research so far, also peroxisomes, or organelles. In these peroxisomes

> all detoxification takes place. The

> metabolism via Cytochrome P450 takes place in the peroxisomes. In the

> peroxisomes the fats are burned (i.e.

> processed).


> At persons poisoned with mercury, long chained fatty acids, which can not

> be broken down, are established in

> the peroxisomes. If mercury makes the peroxisomes be sticky,

> detoxification is impossible.


> The cell is filled with microtubules (tube structures). They are

> important for the transportation within the nerve

> cells. Emotions go along these tubuli. Also mitochondria wander along

> these tubuli. Brains with mercury loose

> these tubuli. Mercury damages proteins in brain as at Alzheimer. The

> damage is identical.


> 60 % of the brain are lipids and also the membrane of each cell consists

> of a double lipid layer. Fatty acids are

> among others responsible for the transport of information and nutrition

> through the cell membrane.


> An unsaturated fatty acid has a long chain with strong vibration. A

> saturated fatty acid has no vibration, it is stiff.


> When mercury nests into the chain of unsaturated fatty acids, the

> vibration stops, the fatty acid becomes stiff.

> Also the fatty acids in the cell membrane are damaged by mercury. The

> mercury damaged cell is stiff, the

> transport of information and nutrition will be impossible.


> The cell needs fatty acids for its normal functioning. But with damage of

> the cell membrane too much fat could

> be in the blood - but, caused by the disturbed transport mechanism, too

> few fat in the cell.


> Heavy metals consume Omega-6-lipids, which are - among others - serve as

> predecessors of the arachidonic

> acid, which is very important for the body. Twelve years ago Dr.

> Klinghardt recommended to his patients to eat

> 6 eggs per day - because of its sulphur and its arachidonic acid. This

> fatty acid is also found in butter and

> cheese.


> What has to be taken into account now to give the burdened brain, what it

> needs?


> At the intake of fats the balance between Omega-6 and Omega-3 is very

> important. Omega-6-oils are in sun

> flower oil, thistle oil and evening primrose oil. From this the

> protaglandins-1-seires is established, which is

> important for the communication in the cell. Omega-6-oils are also in

> meat and butter, from which the

> prostaglandins of the series 2 are produced, which are among others

> important for the production of the

> leukotriene (inflammation mediators).


> Omega-3-oils are in fish or in linseed oil.


> Consideration of oils is essential for mercury detoxification.


> The work of Dr. Yehuda and Dr. Rabinowitz is important, e.g. Fatty Acids

> and Brain Peptides " (Peptides

> 1998;19(2):407-19).


> Dr. Yehuda recommends

> a balance of 4 : 1 between Omega-6 and Omega-3-oils, e.g. 4 parts sun

> flower with 1 part linseed oil.


> The oils should be biological, cold squeezed, in dark bottles and cooled.

> In the USA there are manufacturers,

> who cool their oils from the beginning. Just during the two days of

> mailing the oils are not cooled.


> If you want to know it exactly, you have a lab in USA, which can find out

> by blood test, which fatty acids are

> missing in the patients brain (see addendum). The lipid concentration in

> the red blood cells is measured, this

> correlates with the lipid concentration in the brain. Then a diet plan

> with exactly fats and oils is recommended.


> An other point should be considered at detoxification. The Phospholipase

> 2 (PLA2) destroys essential fatty

> acids. Therefor PLA2 stimulants should be avoided


> Insulin is a PLA2-stimulator. So the patients should have a diet with low

> carbohydrates, a maximum of 6 bread

> exchange units per day. Dr. Klinghardt adds: avoid all grain, also rice.

> No bread! So eat in future vegetables

> with eggs.


> With increased PLA2 the following happens:

> - membrane lipids are lost

> - prostaglandins synthesis is disturbed

> - the membrane permeability is disturbed

> - the homeostasis is disturbed.


> The therapeutic goal at brain diseases is to break down long chained

> fatty acids. So you should avoid peanut

> oil, rape-seed oil and mustard, because they contain long chained fatty

> acids. E.g. at autistic children we work

> with evening primrose oil and electrolytes.


> First nutrition has to changed, missing substances have to be added, then

> detoxification. Dr. Kane and Dr.

> Klinghardt trace autism back to a heavy metal burden. With the method

> described above Dr. Kane has cured

> some children with diagnosis autism.


> Now Dr. Klinghardt spoke until the end of the evening:


> There are 3 kinds of mercury: metallic mercury, mercury salts and organic

> mercury.

> In an amalgam filling there is often 500 mg mercury. Basically in 2

> fillings there is enough mercury to kill a

> person. But mercury leaves the fillings very slowly, and so the body has

> time to distribute it all. Bacteria in

> mouth and gut change it to methyl mercury. It is that methyl mercury,

> which is carried from the mother to the

> child during pregnancy. If then additionally the child is vaccinated,

> sometimes the burden is too big after the 3rd

> or 4th vaccination, it is enough. In USA a child of 5 years has gotten 33

> vaccinations.


> In former times mercury chrome was a source, which has meanwhile been

> taken from the market. Now

> mercury is available in drops for ears and eyes, in thermostats, in

> liquids for contact lenses.


> As soon as the blood brain barrier is damaged by mercury, all other

> poisons can pass into the brain unhindered.


> If the body is filled up with all those good things, which the body

> needs, then there will be a competition -

> mercury is released out of the compound. If calcium is dosed very high,

> mercury is released.


> Ideal suited to supply the body with all necessary electrolytes is


> goat whey


> Complete detoxification is possible with goat whey, Chlorella, Chinese

> parsley and bears garlic. If you don't find

> goat whey, you can take sheep whey or cow whey as a replacement.


> If you don't tolerate Chlorella, there is an alternative with sauerkraut,

> 4 x per day 2 spoons, also with apple

> pectin or Chitosan, which is made from the skeleton of insects.


> At patients, who suffer from Parkinson's disease, also at MS and ALS,

> additionally to the above mentioned

> glutathione is injected.


> Asthma sufferers are successfully treated with selenase: inhale with

> sprayer 1 ampul of selenase per day,

> during 3 weeks. This therapy has worked until now with every patient.


> At brain patients the poisoning is also in the guts. Formerly

> detoxification was given i.v. (intravenous). But

> mercury poisoning is mainly in the guts. Dr. Klinghardt had a patient, a

> dentist, who excreted after DMPS i.v.

> just 2 micro g / liter in urine. Then Dr. Klinghardt injected DMPS into

> the stomach - and in urine there were

> values of 1500 micro g per liter! A little bit DMPS into the stomach skin

> - and via nerves and spinal cord the

> guts were detoxificated. So it is important to inject small quantities

> directly at the concerned place.


> If somebody is chronically ill, then he has a heavy metal burden. In the

> center of malign tumour there is always

> heavy metal. But be careful: mercury is volatile at room temperature and

> escapes even from the tumour tissue!


> A hair analysis is a good supervision of effectiveness of detoxification.

> The first analysis has to be done before

> the beginning of the detoxification, the second 6 weeks after beginning

> of the detoxification. If heavy metals are

> increased at the second analysis, then detoxification is efficient. If

> not increased, then the detoxification

> schedule is useless and should be changed.


> Detoxification in short words:


> 1. goat whey

> 2. oil schedule

> 3. diet: low carbohydrates, many proteins (amino acids are needed for

> transportation of mercury). When diet is

> changed and minerals are supplemented, detoxification can start.

> 4. Basis of detoxification is the combination of Chlorella, bear's garlic

> and Chinese parsley.

> It is important to say, that strict vegetarians, who don't eat eggs, will

> get difficulties at detoxification.


> There is a new kind of Chlorella, which is grown in glass tubes, which is

> better (cleaner) than the types of

> Chlorella used until now.


> Following: enumeration of further methods of excretion.


> At last some remarks concerning the discussion: selenium yes or no. Most

> people have selenium deficiency

> and need selenium. Too much selenium binds mercury in the brain.


> Addendum:


> 1. Some URLs concerning fatty acids:

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list

> _uids=9493877 & dopt=Abstract


> Lab in USA, which makes fatty acid analysis:

> http://www.bodybio.com/aboutus.html


> A forum on autism, where Dr. Kane gave information:

> AUTISM-FBI/message/1042


> A video from this event is available at Paracelsus Pharmacy in

> Einsiedeln, Switzerland. e-Mail:

> paracelsus@...


> 2. Chlorella, bear's garlic, Chinese parsley:


> · Chlorella pyrenoidosa: a sweet water algae, which always has played e

> big role in Chinese medicine. It can

> mobilise and bind to toxins. So they are transported out of the body. The

> enterohepatic circulation is

> interrupted. Detoxification goes via liver and guts. Algae are dried and

> pressed to tablets.

> · Bear's garlic (ransom, Bärlauch, allium ursinum) contains sulphur

> compounds, binds to mercury and excretes

> it via liver and guts out of the body.

> · The cell detoxifying effect of Chinese parsley (Koriander) was

> discovered and described by Prof. Omura. The

> therapeutic experience is impressive, but be careful with dosage.

> (Excretion of heavy metals by Chlorella, bear's garlic and chinese

> parsley was discussed in detail in Dr.

> Klinghardt's first lecture 1998 in Zürich. From then there is also a

> video, which can be delivered by Paracelsus

> Pharmacy in Einsiedeln.


> Copyright by Amalgam Patients Organisation, Switzerland (German version)

> and Reinhard Lauer (English

> translation)


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