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Liver & Kidney Detoxification--Systemic Cancer Therapy & Prevention

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Hi lists and Health Activists,

Recently some of you have inquired about information on the best liver & Kidney Detoxification Methods.Sometimes in relation to Cancer therapy, sometimes not.

In any event I feel it's important to get some of the most reliable and effective methods out to you. I tend to be partial towards the simplest and most natural solutions to this problem. It might also be one of the cheapest too.

First I would like to clearly state that the presence of a Cancer in the body is really NOT confined to the specific organ that manifests the disease. It is in reality just the currently weakest or most vulnerable organ. Even though some conventional doctor utters those soothing but usually irresponsible words "we got it all", you are still not out of the woods. Cancer is really a systemic disease and the initial diagnosis, while frightening, should really be seen as a wake up call to bring the total body back to the state in which it was meant to be, when all of the organs of detoxification and the immune system is working to keep you healthy and fighting off exposures to the many environmental and occupational exposures that modern, high technology life has brought with it. I have been strongly impressed with Dr.Bruce West,MD's reliance on some of the lesser used raw organic whole foods and their extracts.

If you frequently ate a diet rich in red beets,kale.broccoli,brussel sprouts,cauliflower,Spanish Black Radish,garlic, onions, red peppers and organic liver there might not be a need for a special detoxigication. In reality this kind of diet will never be eaten by most people, even those desiring a liver cleanse.

Dr.Bruce West.MD's recommended liver detoxification uses a lot of these foods in the form of Supplements from Standard Process Laboratories. I have taken the material from his Newsletter Health Alert. He recommends that the liver and kidneys must be detoxified to get the poisons out. The protocol involves one to four three week detoxification procedures using foods and food extracts that stimulate detoxification of the kiver & kidnets. When you eat the right foods or extracts your body uses the phytochemicals to cleanse in the 4 basic ways. The foods are Beet juice,Spanish black radish,garlic,St.'s Wort,zinc,kale,,broccoli,Brussel Sprouts,barley grass juice and liver. While in an ideal world your diet should contain these foods,it might not be that easy to do.

Standard Process Laboratories produces supplements that are actually made from these foods grown organically and processed with minimal heat into raw suppplements. They are the oldest Nutritional Supplement company, started in 1929 and their products are usually only sold through health care practitioners.

Willner Chemists in New York City sells their supplemrnts and they mail throughout the country, maybe internationally too-or there may be more convenient local suppliers.Their website www.wilner.com and tel# 212-682-2817.

A modified version of the Liver Detox program includes all these products made by Standard Process Labs.

Livaplex dose- 2 tablets taken 3 times daily.

Spanish Black Radish-dose 2 tablets taken 3 times daily

Cholocol 11(roman numeral 2)-dose 3 tablets, 3 times/day

Phytolin -dose 2 tablets, twice/day

This protocol is taken for THREE weeks at full dose followed by a week off. The sicker you feel during detoxification, the more repeated sessions of three weeks you will need. If you are dealing with a serious liver detox problem like hepatitis or more seriuos liver disease, also include Zymex Capsules-dose 3 capsules, 3 times/day and Betacol- dose 1 tablet, 3 /day. If you plan to detoxify the Kidneys at this time-agood idea- add Albaplex- dose 3 tablets,3 times/day.

This is a very strong program. Some people can't tolerate even 1 Betacol at first. If you can't start slowly and drink plenty of pure water during the detox.

Dr.West has been very accessible to subscribers, and actually answers his mail quite quickly, although somewhat informally scrawling comments on my original letter often. He shows a continued interest in feedback. If you are interested in subscribing, Write to: Health Alert

5 Court,N6

Monterrey,CA 93940-5753

tel.(831) 372-2103

One year Subscription $39.00

If you want I will mail his article to you. He also may have a more elaborate protocol that you can get. I really think it would be worthwhile for cancer. I really think he has some good ideas.

Good luck,


Ellagic Acid

Hello Arnold. How is everything with you? I followed through with my decision not to have the baby. I opted for the medical abortion and other than sitting it the clinic for 4 hours the first visit, it was amazingly simple. Hard to believe (or maybe not so hard to believe) that the procedure was only recently allowed in the US. We are taking precautions to make sure we are not put in the situation to make such a difficult decision again. We would like to have a child together some time in the future, but we want to wait a safe amount of time and also wants to be sure that he is "out of the woods" in terms of his cancer treatment.

Along those lines, I wanted to ask you if you know of a good source for Ellagic Acid supplements. I have been reading about Ellagic Acid in the treatment of cancer, but they do not sell the supplements at the health food store I go to. Can you recommend a supplier? I know you always say the best source is to actually eat the food containing the nutrient and that is rasberries, so I always encourage to do that, but I would like order him the supplements.

Also, have you heard anything about Gravioli?

I appreciate your time. Hope all is well with you. Did you get dumped on with all of the snow? I heard 7 feet in five days in Buffalo.


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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the long delay, I was behind in my Email and skipped it. I luckily

went back... I don't have the article with protocol in Email Format. it

comes from Bruce West,MD in his newsletter Health Alert. I can summarize or

mail by postal mail. In case I foget again here is the summary:

Using the following Products from Standard Process Laboratories

For 3 weeks take at full dose followed by 1 week off.

The sicker you feel during detox ification, the more three week sessions you

will need to get well.

Livaplex- 2 tablets taken 3 times daily(2x3/day)

Spanish Black Radish (2x3/day)

Cholocol 11(roman nymeral 2) (3x3/day)

Phytolin (2x2/day)

If dealing with serious liver disease, also include:

Zymex Capsules (3x3/day) and

Betacol (1x3/day

If you plan to also detoxfy the kudney at the same time, which is a good

idea, add Albaplex (3x3/day) to the protocol

If you want me to mail you Reply with Subject Heading " Request Liver Detox " .

If you want the entire article give me your Postal Mailing address and ask

for Health Alert June, 1999 article on Liver Detox.

good luck,


Re: Liver & Kidney Detoxification--Systemic Cancer

Therapy & Prevention

> Hi,to arnold gore.i would like to have the article on detoxing.thank you.

> pjbittner



> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv



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Dear Arnold can you send me the copkmplete article about detoxification

pleas. It sounds all very interesting. Maybe I have some, but I guess it is

for you just a click on the attachment to send it forward?

My opersonal e-amiladress: freelens.braam@...

Thank you for all the help in this group. I hope one day you will come to

Europe. 6th of april we have organised a conference about cancer and all

alternative aproaches. F.i. Grace Gawler, Rosie s, Kingsley etc are

coming to this conference and most of it is in english. Are you interested?

I could ask the organisation to invite you?

Gr. Kees braam

webmaster www.kanker-actueel.nl

Re: Liver & Kidney Detoxification--Systemic Cancer

> Therapy & Prevention



> > Hi,to arnold gore.i would like to have the article on detoxing.thank


> > pjbittner

> >

> >

> > Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links


> Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

> visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

> >

> >

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Is anyone going to video it?

Melinda Wiman


The Cancer Cure Foundation

(800) 282-2873 or (805) 498-0185

Information and referrals on alternative approaches to treating cancer

or help with side effects of chemo/radiation

Re: Liver & Kidney Detoxification--Systemic Cancer

> > Therapy & Prevention

> >

> >

> > > Hi,to arnold gore.i would like to have the article on detoxing.thank

> you.

> > > pjbittner

> > >

> > >

> > > Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links

> there.

> > Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

> > visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

> > >

> > >

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