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Re: Tics, Tourette syndrome, PANDAS & Mold

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Not to minimize the strep or mold exposure, but I would certainly investigate whether this child might have Lyme disease as well. These symptoms are very common in Lyme. You can get more information from these sites.


This is the lab where I was tested for Lyme. I had an IgG western blot and the urine antigen test. I think an IgM western blot would also be useful.


This is a site for doctors who are Lyme specialists.

Hope this helps some.


I'm searching for any and all people that have developed and/or beendiagnosed with the following and confirmed or believed to be related to yourmold exposure:neurologic tics causing involuntary body movements (eyes, head, arms, legs,etc.) Tics are often associated with Obsessive Compulsive Disordercharteristics as well, including repetitive motions such as continualsnapping, whistling, and much more.Tourette's syndrome (involves more than 1 tic, often motor and vocal tics)Or PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated withGroup A Streptococcal Infection) PANDAS is a condition that causesneurologic problems such as tics, tourette's syndrome, obsessive compulsivedisorder and other neurologic and psychiatric problems after having a Strepinfection....an illness many of us are very familiar with.I was contacted today by Laurie, a very concerned mother of a 5 1/2 year oldboy. From what I understand, they have endured mold exposure of 1 1/2 year. Her son was diagnosed with PANDAS and she highly suspects it is directlyrelated to the mold exposure, not just the Strep (throat) infection. Idon't know all the details of her mold situation as she is mostly concernedwith her son's health and would like to find others that may be havingsimilar symptoms and diagnoses after their exposures.Also, her son's symptoms are the closest I've found to what my son hasexperienced with his neurologic problems. My son was not diagnosed withPANDAS, but early on it was mentioned to look into by a nurse friend ofmine, as my son too had Strep in the mold home right before his neurologicsymptoms and involuntary eye and body movements began. My son had seizures. Laurie thought her son was having seizures, but was told by doctors thatit mimiced seizures, but was related to the PANDAS. My son has never beenfully diagnosed regarding his neurologic conditions, especially his eyemovements.Laurie's husband is a doctor, but is one of those docs that is skepticalabout mold causing serious health effects. Laurie is wanting to learn moreabout the environmental connection between Strep (throat) infections,PANDAS, and the above. If you have any of the above symptoms/diagnosesrelated to mold exposure, please contact both Laurie and I as we'd like tolearn more about the connections. If you know of others, please pass thismessage along. If you know of doctors that could help, please let us know.Please be patient with Laurie...she says she's not the most computer savvyperson yet, and she is somewhat still in the frantic stages of all this.Laurie -- lauriesilber@...Beverly -- weik004@...Thank you,Beverly Weikert

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A couple of years ago a now defunct list " AutisMoldFungalresearch "

explored this link.

I contacted parents and they described the symptoms of mold reactivity

in their autistic children perfectly.

However when I told them the importance of avoidance, they would

contact their doctors and be told that this was " Impossible " or that

the level of avoidance that I say is necessary to obtain good results

is beyond the constraints of a normal life and is unreasonable to attempt.

I agree, but I wasn't given a choice.


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