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Re: Paxil Blues

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In a message dated 12/17/2002 12:33:25 PM Central Standard Time,

nhoj@... writes:

> Anyway, any thoughts or experience with the whole Paxil thing would be

> appreciated.

Hi ,

I have had anxiety/panic all my adult life. It was worse years ago but after

the birth of my daughter 3 years ago it came back full force. I was

prescribed Paxil and I took just one pill before bed. I woke up at 3:00 in

the morning having the worst anxiety attack of my entire life. I was

completely freaking out! It was NOT fun. I never took another pill. I also

was put on Wellbutrin for the PPD/Anxiety after I had her and it made me into

a suicidal/homocidal thinking basket case. I also stopped taking that after

about 2 months and now I refuse to ever take another mind altering drug. I

do have down days but I will never try to come out of it with meds. They

scare me wayyyyyy too much!

Sorry you had such a horrible experience. Your not the only one.

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, many people with epilepsy have anxiety and depressive issues and can be

treated withmedication successfully. Our son takes celexa for anxiety more

than anything and has helped tremendously Drs. tried to introduce others but

we rejected after much research on their side effects. the pit feeling sounds

more like an aura than anxiety. Hope this info helps. if you don't get

anywhere moveon.

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I am shocked that your neuro prescribed Paxil for you for it is

mostly prescribed for scitsofrenia patients and one of the most knowledgeable

side effects is rejection of the calmness and makes you sucidal and anxious

espically when you are taking any epileptic medication.

I take Risperdal and Celexa for depression and anxiety along with Keppra

and Trileptal for my seizures. So far I have had good results and have

stayed out of the mental hospital for 5 yrs now. I also take lorazepam when

necessary for seizure control. It is given to me by my shrink because it is

called a controled substance now.

I would ask the pharmisist about any other medications the doctor writes

you before having it filled because he is more knowledgable of what you are

already taking and if this new medication will have any type of a side effect

that you need to be aware of.

I never take anything different without confering with my pharmisist

first. He know more about meds. than the doctors do.

Wish you a very merry christmas and a happy new year.

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I am shocked that you are keppra along with the other meds and the thought

that they put you on keppra with a history of anxiety and depression. Have

you read the literature. it is stated in there that a people with a history

of mental health issues should not take this medication. Please be very


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It is a known fact that every epileptic has problems with depression

or anxiety at one time or another. That has been proven. But thank you for

the info. about Keppra. I will email my neuro about it becasue if i am not

supposed to be taking it along with the celexa and risperdal, then something

will have to go. I am already scared enough, I dont need nothing else to be

added to the problem if it is not necessary.

Paxil, on top of my seizure meds, just put me into a very sucidal

depressive mod. I was labeled a sucidal manic depressive years ago after my

attempts. I know, I am a lost case. I've heard it a million times. But

with my counseling and meds, I have managed to stay out of the hospital for 6

yrs now. I think that is a big step forward. As long as I take the meds, I

do pretty good. The weekly counseling helps a lot to. I was able to go

through my fathers tramatic death last year without having to be

hospitalized. he doctor gave me a plus on that.

That is why I think it is important for us to have a chatroom where we can

meet anytime day or night if one of us needs a friends no matter what time

day or night.

Everybody needs somebody, sometimes. Nobody is so strong that thy can go

all thier life without breaking down in a time of trauma.

Please take care and have a happy holidays.

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HREF= " http://www.fda.gov/cder/foi/label/2002/21035slr019lbl.pdf " >http://www.fda.\

gov/cder/foi/label/2002/21035slr019lbl.pdf</A> please enter this

site and use the FDA site to see what info you need on keppra. this drug

nearly destroyed not only my sons life but many others. so don't always think

it is you and neuro should fair warn their patients when prescribing this

med. youhave a right to know and if you have a history of mental illness as a

result of other meds or just your epilepsy then this drug is not the one. i

wonder what price people have to pay to be seizure free.

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I understand your feelings about what a doctor thinks because when he

prescribes a medication, most think they are little madonna's and you are to

follow thier suggestions even though you know it is wrong. The reason I know

this is because I had a neuro that was hard headed and I was gonna take

Lamectal even though it was keeping me so overdosed I got blood poisioning

from it and i was so doped that i feel 2times and broke some ribs because at

just 20 minutes after taking the medication, I was not able to stand or talk.

We called him on his cell phone while he was on vacation one night during a

dinner he was having at his home and my mother nd father demanded that he

meet us at the hospital because i had been so drugged that i threw up in my

sleep and started to choke on it without evr waking up. Just so happened my

mom heard me and was able to help. So you see, you know your body better

than anyone.

If you think it is best for you to start with a clean slate, my I suggest

that you go ahead and make your appointment with the new neuro before you

completly quit taking all your meds so he will be aware of what you are doing

in case you have an emergency.

Never take thier word for nothing. If you ever have a question, feel free to

ask because it is you whom has to live and deal with it, not them. I learned

the hard way from experience how to say no i'm not going to take that. I had

to have such massive amounts of medication for any type of control that the

doctor would always raise my dose whenever i had a seizure that i have gotten

blood poisioning from dilatin, tegretol, depakote, lamectal, phenabarb, and

clonipin and have been in hospital in a coma for up to 8 days. So I am very

sceptable on what meds i take. I found out the best person to talk to about

medications and sidefeects is your pharmicist because they are knowledgeable

of the side effects of mixing other medications.

I am sorry if i bored you. I admire your courage of quitting the medication

on your own. Please keep in touch. I would like to know how you are doing.

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I will stick my neck out and say this much........ EVERYbody that has

epilepsy or some derivative thereof is different. Everyone has their own

'special balance' in their mind, body and spirit where general health

exists. Personally, the only time I have ever been 'depressed' in my

life was when I was on Depakote. Other than that, I only had the weird

events recently w/ Paxil.

One medicine might completely derail one persons life, but at the same

time - completely restore anothers.

Depakote destroyed my life.... I looked and felt like an advanced cancer

patient. I have a relative who is a cancer patient and we both agree on

that subject. Lost all but a few strands of hair, extremely sick all the

time, no energy, lots of pain, etc. HOWEVER, I know of several people

who swear by it. even some in this group, so it's still out there for a


I believe that most if not all of the AEDs out there, do more harm than

good in many cases. Especially when neuros go mixing them with other

meds or even AEDs. We can't forget though that there are still plenty of

people out there that it works for.

Don't panic.... just be thorough and pay attention to what's happening

around you, and your perception of it.

Many times I should have listened to myself and didn't, but doc knows

best right? NOT! Keep in mind what I said above, and that Doctors do

what works for them and has worked for them in the past. If it falls

outside that realm, they rarely step outside of their 'comfort zone' and

just keep stirring. :)

6 of one, half-a-dozen of the other ya know?

All I know for certain is that this next year, I am weaning myself off

of ALL my meds, and starting over. I am going to yet another doctor, but

with the added advantage of being re-tested as a clean slate. Hopefully

I will attain a natural state of health. If not, at least I will hold

everything I need in my hands to start again.

Take care all and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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