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Epilepsy is a desease which defined as paroxysmal and temporary disturbance of

brain characterized by loss of consciousness or muscle tic or abnormal

sensation, emotion and behaviour. In Accupuncture word, this desease is

categorized as 'xian zheng'(epilepsy syndrome) and 'dian xian'(epilepsy).


1. Histories of the family, epileptic attack and encephalopathia.

2. Clinical manifestations are vary greatly. There may be grand mal, rolandic

mal, infantile spasms and petit mal. Grand mal is characterized by suddenly loss

of consciousness, involuntary of muscular contraction with foam in the mouth,

which last for 1 to 5 minutes. The patients may then fall into sleep and awake

after a few hours. The petit mal is sudden, short loss of awareness without

aurea and muscle tic, come with interruptions of speech or action which persist

for 2 to 10 seconds. The patients often normally comes to consciousness quickly.


1. Epilepsy Induced by Fear

Main symptoms are sudden panic, confusion and loss of self-control, frighten and

may be alarm and restlessness, crying with fear during sleep, tendency to remain

in the mother's arms, alternative flush and pallow on the face, red tongue with

white fur, taut and rapid slippery pulse.

2. Epilepsy due to Accumulation of Phlegm

Main symptoms are convulsion of extremities during a fit od epilepsy,

unconsciousness, headache and abdominol pain, come with stridor produced by

phlegm in the throat, salivation, yellow face, thick fur of tongue, and slippery

and rapid pulse.

3. Epilepsy due to Blood Stasis

Main symptoms are with a history of birth injury or tramuma which characterized

as paroxysmal localized headache, occasional vomitting, paroxysmal convulsion of

the whole body or half body or local region upon attack, dark purple tongue,

thready and unsmooth pulses and dark purple superficial venule of the index



Usually it takes between 1 to 6 months for recovery by The Tole's teory of



Acute toxic encephalopathy is caused by the abrupt appearance of symptoms and

signs of the central nervous system in the course of primary diseases. The

reason of the desease is unknown. The disease may be associated with

immunoreaction to infection and its toxin invading the brain tissue directly. In

Acupuncture, this is called 'jing feng'(infantile convulsion).


1. It may occur at any age, but usually in infants from 1 to 3 years old. The

brain damage always follow by the primary disorders within a few days or 1 to 2

weeks after their attack.

2. The diagnosis is usually abrupt with high fever, headache, vomitting,

restlessness, convulsion, coma, delayed reaction to light, always come with

holotonia, decerebrate rigidity. Some of the patients may have the symptoms of

meningeal irritation, increased or reduced of tendon reflex and have cerebellar

symptoms, such as ataxia and kinetic tremor.

3. The lab exam shows that cerebrospinal fluid is clear. All are normal only the

pressure is high and sometimes there is a slight increase of protein.

4. By fundus exam, Arteriolar spasm, blood stasis of small vein and retinal

edema can be observed.


1. Always seen in the stage of cerebral edema of toxic encephalopathy, in the

case of the primary disease, with abrupt high fever, headache, vomitting,

restlessness, delirium, drowsiness, convulsions of the limbs, involuntary

staring, lockjaw or unconsciousness, deep-red tongue with yellow and dry fur,

stiffness of the extremities and neck, either taut and rapid or slippery and

rapid pulse.


Usually it takes between 1 to 6 months for recovery by The Tole's teory of



Toh is 80 years old and " retired, " he was recommended by his sister who has just

recovered from diabetes by Master Leong. as he says -- not my choice, he has

Parkinson's disease, a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system,

which interferes with many daily activities.

" Parkinson's disease is caused by a gradual deterioration of nerves in a region

of the brain that controls movement. In later stages, there may be some

intellectual deterioration and memory loss. Parkinson's slows your reaction

time; it makes you stiff, it makes your muscles not react when you tell them to

move, " ,the main reason is because of the 'Qi' flow in the brain is disturbed

said Master Leong.

Toh told that he has spent 30 minutes to reach our centre from the carpark. He

feels difficulty in walking and moving, before he can take the first step, he

need to concentrate for 4 minutes to control his mind. But even his body doesn't

cooperate, his mind is fine.

After one month full acupuncture and herbal treatment by Master Leong, Toh is

now able to walk and move easily. He is now fully recovered from Parkinson

Disease. He have brought a gift to Master Leong, he is so 'suprise' with the

consultation of Master Leong, he thought that he won't cure from Parkinson for

his life. He also thanks to his sister for recommended him to Master Leong.

" Over the 140 years, we have more than 100 success proven record of Parkinson

Disease. " said Master Leong.


Joe is 8 years old an Autistic kid from Korea. Even though Korea recognized

acupuncture and Joe's grand father is the top acupuncture physician there,he

can't help. Others specialist can not do much.

Being a father of an autistic kid,his father has a lot of pressure and looking

for answer desperately. There finally came to see our MASTER LEONG through high

recommendation from a friend.

When he first came into our centre everyone in the premise had a shock from his

'super-hyper active behaviour'.Jumping and screaming all over the place and zero

communication and eyes contact.He is in his own world, very scared and

frustrated, until he hits himself on the head continous for about 10 mins to 30


Master Leong applied Qi Qong and acupuncture treatment to calmed him down.

According to Master Leong it is his brain's Qi is not moving smoothly . He calm

down after 30 minutes ,then had another session of Qi Qong and acupuncture after

one hour.

3 days of treatment went by and they can see that Joe can respond to instruction

from his father and has some eyes contact.They went back to Korea because his

father has only 3 days of lift from work, but he book for the second visit that

is after six months. He took 6 months of herbal medication home and a list of

do's and done's .

After 6 months they came for 30 days of treatment. Everday he has 2 session of

treatment, that is 60 treatments in total. We can see him improving everday and

in the end of the treatment he was about 80% !!! recovered. They have to go home

now and promise to come in 12 months time. This time he tooks 12 months of

medication with him.

The 3th visit comes, he was almost 100% recovered!!! when we see him. Still we

give him the same treatment for 30 days. In the end of this trip he is quit

confident and normal in most of his activities. They went home with a' 101%


Over the recent years we have cured more than 100's of cases, of cause some of

them did not complete their treatment. All of them improved from the day they

came, we open up their door and aline them to come out off the enclosed world of

their own.

Eventhough it may be time and effort consuming, we have to do it once and for

all - their life.


Isolated in worlds of their own, people with autism appear indifferent and

remote and are unable to form emotional bonds with others. Although people with

this baffling brain disorder can display a wide range of symptoms and

disability, many are incapable of understanding other people's thoughts,

feelings, and needs. Often, language and intelligence fail to develop fully,

making communication and social relationships difficult. Many people with autism

engage in repetitive activities, like rocking or banging their heads, or rigidly

following familiar patterns in their everyday routines. Some are painfully

sensitive to sound, touch, sight, or smell.

Children with autism do not follow the typical patterns of child development. In

some children, hints of future problems may be apparent from birth. In most

cases, the problems become more noticeable as the child slips farther behind

other children the same age. Other children start off well enough. But between

18 and 36 months old, they suddenly reject people, act strangely, and lose

language and social skills they had already acquired.

As a parent, teacher, or caregiver you may know the frustration of trying to

communicate and connect with children or adults who have autism. You may feel

ignored as they engage in endlessly repetitive behaviors. You may despair at the

bizarre ways they express their inner needs. And you may feel sorrow that your

hopes and dreams for them may never materialize.

But there is help-and hope. Gone are the days when people with autism were

isolated, typically sent away to institutions. Today, many youngsters can be

helped to attend school with other children. Methods are available to help

improve their social, language, and academic skills. Even though more than 60

percent of adults with autism continue to need care throughout their lives, some

programs are beginning to demonstrate that with appropriate support, many people

with autism can be trained to do meaningful work and participate in the life of

the community.

Autism is found in every country and region of the world, and in families of all

racial, ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds. Emerging in childhood, it

affects about 1 or 2 people in every thousand and is three to four times more

common in boys than girls. Girls with the disorder, however, tend to have more

severe symptoms and lower intelligence. In addition to loss of personal

potential, the cost of health and educational services to those affected exceeds

$3 billion each year in US.

THE TOLE is dedicated to understanding the workings and interrelationships of

the various regions of the brain, and to developing preventive measures and new

treatments for disorders like autism that handicap people in school, work, and

social relationships and brain damage or vegetable. Up-to-date information on

autism and cure for autistic is the role of THE TOLE in identifying underlying

causes and effective treatments are available in our

http://geocities.com/thetoleherbs/ . Also described are symptoms and diagnostic

procedures, treatment options, strategies for coping, and sources of information


KIDS and very high result for brain problems and complications.Many autistic

kids have been fully cured and now living a normal live some with extral

ordinary IQ and special telent.


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Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Herbal Cure :

Ask The Doctor

The Tole Acupuncture Herbal Medical Centre

Suite 4.08 & 4.10 , 4th Floor ,

Menara Promet,

Jalan Sultan Ismail,

50250 Kuala Lumpur.


Tel: 603-21418370 / 603-21451671

Fax: 603-27326887


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