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Thanks Ilena!

----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 4:34 PM

Subject: Author of Hormone Heresy interviews Ilena


Sherrill Sellman, author of Hormone Heresy, interviews Ilena Rosenthal in her January, 2003, HormoneWise Digest.

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HormoneWise Digest - Vol. 1 - Jan 2003

(digest continued below interview)


The Truth About Breast Implants - An Interview with Ilena Rosenthal

by Sherrill Sellman

Ilena Rosenthal is an incredibly courageous and passionate woman who has been dedicated to raising awareness to the true and serious risks of breast implants and other silicone products. She is a true inspiration of the power of the Feminine to create healing and change in the world. And it has not been easy. What began as a small research project for a friend with tumors and cysts around her 20 year old saline implants in August, 1995, has become an amazing adventure for Ilena beyond anything she could have imagined.

Speaking out on the true dangers of a product so desirable and yet so potentially harmful, sharing the too real stories of women who made the fateful decision to have breast implants, almost immediately made her the target of an unrelenting and incredibly vicious 6 year Defamation Campaign which continues to date.

In November, 1995, she created the only Usenet Newsgroup, alt.support.breast-implant, to provide a place for support and a way for women and their families to connect. She obviously got in the way of the Silicone and Plastic Surgery Industries and their Public Relations Machine well greased by silicone dollars. Nothing was too personal nor too untrue for her Enemies to post or email about her. To learn more of her personal encounter with the forces who wanted to silent her warnings and her message, visit her website at http://www.humanticsfoundation.com

SS: What is your background and what you made become involved in exposing the dangers of breast implants.

IR: Over 30 years ago I received my BA in Psychology from the University of Colorado. During college, I did volunteer counseling in the very early days of Planned Parenthood. I have always been active in women's issues, and was honored to have been a part of a team to form the first Woman's Crisis Center in a small mountain town in No. California 25 years ago.

After hearing story after devastating story from women harmed by breast implants, in September, 1995 I began to investigate the issue for a beautiful and confused friend. As U2 says, "I got stuck in a moment" and now, 7 years later, I am more committed to warning women internationally about the very real dangers, which include vast disinformation campaigns by the silicone manufacturers and the wealthy plastic surgeons groups.

SS: What are the proven dangers of breast implants?

IR: Among other problems:

1. Implants can rupture during mammography.

2. Implants make routine self exams and mammography more difficult. More views are necessary, meaning additional radiation each time.

3. Implant rupture can go undetected for years and silicone is known to migrate through the lymph system and has been found in the brains, spinal fluid, ovaries, livers, and other organs of implanted women.

4. Implants are not lifetime devices, and may need to be replaced (even without systemic problems) more than once a decade.

5. At any time infections are possible, including fungal and antibiotic resistant bacterial infestations.

6. Loss of breast sensation, especially around the nipple area is reported, as well as hyper-sensitivity to touch.

7. Capsular contracture can be very uncomfortable, to the point of severe pain and deformation.

8. Many women have experienced severe necrosis and other forms of breast tissue loss.

9. Many women have experienced serious autoimmune diseases post implantation including: rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, Sjogrens Syndrome (severe dry mouth, eyes, etc.), and lupus. Those women with pre-existing compromised immune systems are now warned to avoid implants.

10. Disproportional numbers of implanted women have reported neurological and cognitive complications, as well as endocrine disruption including hysterectomies, miscarriage.

11. Children born of implanted women have experienced the same autoimmune conditions and have been seriously inadequately studied.

12. Breast implants often negatively affect the ability to produce milk for breast-feeding.

13. Health insurance carriers are routinely denying coverage for implanted (and explanted) women.

SS: Are all implants dangerous? For instance, what about salineimplants?

IR: We are all like snowflakes, no two of us alike An implant is a foreign invader and that alone can create problems for some. Some people can die from peanuts, or strawberries. Breast implants contain many toxic ingredients such as platinum and silica and organic solvents that can cause reactions in various women.

Unfortunately, the saline implant has a whole series of complications, such as fungal infections and a very, very high rupture rate requiring additional surgeries.

Glamour Magazine did a very good expose on them, which can be found at:


Further, the clinical studies done by Mentor and McGhan are listed on the FDA webpage with information as to the complications in the first few years. This can be found at:


It was only in May, 2000 that any implant got FDA approval. At that time, the FDA determined that saline implants were "safe enough" despite very high complication rates.

SS: Why are breast implants so popular now? How did the industrymanage to re-establish credibility and safety?

IR: Advertising pays! So do enormous Public Relations budgets.

The breast implant manufacturers and Plastic Surgeons groups have inundated the news media with any "positive" slanted story and ignore the ones exposing the harmful effects. The manufacturers are funders of the "junk science" campaign which calls any findings that will hurt their bottom line "junk" and mis-label corporate funded "science" as sound.

For example, when the National Cancer Institute found a correlation between breast implants and deaths from respiratory and brain cancers, the media broadcast skewed findings such as "most cancers not connected" and other misleading headlines. When extraordinarily high rupture rates were reported by the FDA two years ago, the media again was virtually silent. The same with information of high suicide rates and links for women with ruptured implants and fibromyalgia.

Also, the plastic surgeons and manufacturers fund websites that pretend to be "support groups" and which are staffed by those paid to help sell more implants. They censor any critics and offer very one-sided advice.

One of these even touts the very dangerous "belly button" method of implantation, which the FDA specifically warns against. Never mentioned on these sites are that ruptured saline implants can not be removed by the belly button, and I strongly believe the women getting implants via this method thinking they will forever be "scarless" are being duped.

The bottom line is no one in the world wants to believe that breast implants can and do ruin as many lives as they do. Unfortunately, it is a multi-billion dollar a year business, while concurrently, billions are still unpaid to the victims of faulty implants. All of this makes the issue "controversial" with enormous PR to support the sides with the money.

Most of the women activists in this issue are ill themselves, many have lost not only their breast implants, but their own breast tissue, their health, their jobs, their insurance, and often their families.

It's their word against some of the largest and most powerful companies in the world, like Papa Dow Chemical, Baby Dow Corning, and Bristol Myers Squibb.

SS: What do you recommend to women who have implants? How can they protect their health? What do they need to know? What are the signs of silicone poisoning or allergic reactions?

IR: No one wants to relieve that her breast implants could be harming her health. No one. Every woman has a large emotional, physical and financial investment in them.

Early warning signs are numbness in the extremities, shooting pains and severe headaches. Dry eyes are also often early signals. Painful joints and swelling are common.

Unfortunately, most physicians will deny any connection of implants and these symptoms, yet alone lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis and other disproportionately seen autoimmune illnesses.

Ruptures with silicone gel implants can go undetected for years, although saline filled silicone implants tend to go flat fairly soon when leaking.

Just like the decision to become implanted is one of the biggest women make in their lives, so is the decision to explant permanently. Some women ( , Sally Kirkland among them) had 5 separate sets of implants before finally removing them without replacement.

I do advise women to speak with others who have long-term experiences with implants. I am proud that there are thousands of women from all over the world connected via my support group founded 7 years ago. There are so many who generously share their experiences with new members.

It is also very important to find plastic surgeons who know how to properly and safely remove implants, if they choose this route.

Most of all, women must be honest and gentle with themselves. Trust their instincts. Make their decisions out of love for themselves, not just fear.

SS: Is there a greater danger to teenagers and young women if they get implants?

The FDA finally added some restrictions for women under 18 years of age. Because most women believe that implants are a lifetime product, this means a constant assault on a woman's immune system by having a foreign body inside of her for several decades. Even without systemic problems, this would mean years of re-operations, usually with no insurance, each time with a chance for an opportunistic infection to occur. I believe this is a very dangerous decision for a young woman to make.

SS: Are there any safe, effective breast augmentation techniques or supplements?

IR: I have heard of good results with some supplements, although they appear to be somewhat temporary. One very good friend of mine had liposuction and the fat from that implanted into her breasts. The results were good for a couple of months. Then the fat drifted away and she looked the same before surgery (although her derriere remained smaller).

While it is true that not every woman will experience serious problems, the risks are enormous. I recommend women learn to love themselves as they are and stay as healthy as possible.

SS. How can women support your efforts?

IR: Spread the word of the very real dangers to those who don't yet know. Read as much unbiased information as possible. Our website has many great links on it.


Our non profit foundation, The Humantics Foundation, like many others, has had most all of its donations virtually stop after 9/11. It takes funding for websites, support groups and lists and most of it I have funded myself for the last 7 years.

With approximately 5 new women a day asking for help and support, tax deductible donations in any amount will help us be able to continue this vital work.

Many thanks, Ilena, for your time and wisdom.

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********************HormoneWise Digest - Vol. 1 - Jan 2003



1. "Tours, Lectures & Other Fun Events"2. And a Happier New Year to all of you! 3. The Truth About Breast Implants-Interview with Ilena Rosenthal4. Hormonize With The Seasons5. New Federal "Report on Carcinogens" Lists ESTROGEN THERAPY6. NIH Confirms Hormone Therapy (HRT), Breast Cancer Risk7. The Dangers of Hormone Replacement8. Pretty in Poison9. In a Lather Lather?10. Menstruation: Is It Obsolete? The Continuing Debate11. The Low down on Cervical Cancer Vaccine11. The Oily Truth About Olive Oil12. Guidelines To Help Restore Fertility13. Problems with IVF14. The Strength of Strength Training


Tours, Lecture & Other Fun Events*********************************

Jan. 18thUSA Neways ConventionSalt Lake City, Utah

March 7-9Australia Neways ConventionAdelaide, Australia

March 22The Big Day OffMelbourne, Australia

April - May"Mothers" Australian National Lecture TourFor details contact info@...

May 23-269th International Holistic Health ConferenceAustralasian Integrative Medicine AssociationNoosa, Qld.www.aima.net.au

September 7-14, 2003The Healing Women JourneyCruising to Greater Health and Hormonal BalanceAlaskan Cruise with leading Women Health Writers, Educators and Holistic PractitionersCall for more information: 877-215-1721


And a Happier New Year to all of you!

On New Year's Eve, ten years ago, I set a New Year's intention that would profoundly change my life forever. For some reason only one word unexpectedly came to mind as my goal for the new year. And that was "Balance". "Balance" became my theme song......and miracles began to unfold in ways that I could never have imagined. From the intention of "Balance" all sorts of changes began happening to me...none of which were foreseen .....I began to meditate daily basis (something I had never done before), I learned how to naturally balance my raging hormones, I started to listen more to my own needs and inner promptings. Seeking:"balance" was always quietly echoing in my mind and seemed to naturally influence my actions and my thoughts. With "Balance" as my anthem, that year was to become a pivotal year of transformation for me. I found a level of heal th, inner peace and creative expression that I had never known before. As a result of those changes, a new career as a writer unfolded, along with a new mission and passion in life. All from a clear intention!

So this year, you may wish to consider what intention you wish to hold for yourself and the world. And let the powerful creative force within you reveal a year of personal healing and transformation beyond your wildest imaginings!!


Hormonize With The Seasons

According to the wisdom of Chinese Medicine, each season has a specific relationship with a specific organ system. Understanding the energies of each season is a most profound way to support and maintain physical and emotional balance. Master Chinese herbalist, Angelo Druda, shares his insights for those of us living either above or below the equator! By the way, Angelo specializes in gynecology and offers phone consultations. In the tradition of Chinese medicine, he creates organic herbal tincture formulas tailored to each woman's specific need. He can be contacted at 7707-928-4126 or druda@...

For those of us currently experiencing the depth of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is most important to keep the kidneys warm and strong during this time. The cold winter air-cools our basal metabolic fire contained in the kidneys making it important to keep the core of our bodies warm. Winter is the time of greatest yin – cool, damp weather, and less light than summer. We harmonize with winter when we rest, meditate, and store physical energy and essence. A few extra pounds of weight can provide a benefit to us in the middle of winter. This is the time to eat more cooked food, which will raise body temperature and thicken the blood for those cold days and nights. Ginger, cinnamon and fennel can be added to foods to add some extra warmth to the kidneys. Walnuts are the perfect winter food – they nourish and warm the kidneys, but it is imp ortant not to eat too much. Years ago, while studying Chinese Medicine, I learned of an ancient Chinese monk, well passed his 98th year. Walnuts, he would tell his students, was the key.

I know the sun is shining bright in the Southern Hemisphere, even though I cannot see it. Summer grants us the opposite energy from winter. We can harmonize with this season by waking early and living as much as possible outside in the sun. It is the time to work, play, travel and offer our energy to the world. We are nourished by the outside elements in summer. The heart is the key organ in summer and it can be exercised through friendliness and love. It is important to eat less and more lightly on those very hot days. This ensures that the body does not become sluggish and overheated, which make us prone to retaining rather than naturally releasing toxins. Summer is a great time for those cooling and cleansing foods - salads, fresh fruit, tofu, cucumber, and leaf teas.


New Federal "Report on Carcinogens" Lists ESTROGEN THERAPY

Have you heard this on the 6 o'clock news? I don't think so. But it should have been making headlines all over the world.

The tenth edition of the biennial "Report on Carcinogens" was forwarded to Congress and released to the public by the Department of Health and Human Services. This year it added steroidal estrogens used in estrogen replacement therapy and oral contraceptives to its official list of "known" human carcinogens.http://healthy.net/scr/article.asp?PageType=Article & id=2231 in their daily lives.The full report is accessible at: http://ntp-server.niehs.nih.gov

NIH Confirms Hormone Therapy (HRT), Breast Cancer RiskA federal study confirmed that women taking hormone replacement therapy are more likely to get breast cancerhttp://www.rense.com/general32/breast.htm

The Dangers of Hormone ReplacementTodd Mangum, CatalystIt's not surprising that using mismatched and artificial hormones has delivered less than optimal results. What is surprising is that it's taken medicine this long to figure that out.http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=14598


Pretty in Poison

The U.S. Cosmetics Ingredients Review panel has approved the continued use of phthalates in cosmetics, concluding that the chemicals are "safe as currently used." Activist groups, noting that the European Union has just ordered the phase out of some phthalates in cosmetics, said the panel's decision leaves U.S. women at risk of exposure to chemicals that some tests suggest may be linked to birth defects, liver and kidney damage, and disruption of hormonal processes that could affect breast cancer risk. Many health groups, women's rights advocates and environmentalists warn that the ubiquitous presence of phthalates in so many consumer products may lead to dangerous levels ofexposure for pregnant women and other vulnerable groups. A study by the Women'sEnvironmental Network, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, and Health CareWithout Harm found phthalates in almost 80 percent of the 34 name brand cosmeticproducts tested. You can find the report, including a list of specific productsthat you can avoid, at www.nottoopretty.org.http://ens-news.com/ens/nov2002/2002-11-20-06.asp

In a Lather Lather?

Let down your hair and use The Green Guide's new Product Report to help you find shampoos that are safer for you and the environment. For the full report, see http://www.thegreenguide.com/reports/product.mhtml?id=40


MENSTRUATION: Is It Obsolete? The Continuing Debate

In our technocratic and scientific world view the human body is rarely viewed holistically, but understood as an object made up of transferable bits and pieces. Body components can be exchanged or replaced like spare parts: blood transfusions, organ transplants, prosthetic devices, artificial bones and joints, false teeth, plastic surgery, breast and penile implants. We can all be disassembled and reassembled like the cyborgs from our favorite sci-fi flicks.

The pragmatic goals of some scientific advancements are clear: the alleviation of pain and suffering, the ability to make all bodies fully "functional", and the prolongation of life. But there are times when this pragmatism gives way to another goal; in our drive for a pain-free and healthful existence we are also seeking a means to perfect the human body.http://www.cwhn.ca/resources/menstruation/obsolete.html


A MIRACLE IN WISCONSINIn Appleton, Wisconsin, a revolution has occurred. It's taken place in the Central Alternative High School. The kids now behave. The hallways aren't frantic. Even the teachers are happy. The school used to be out of control. Kids packed weapons. Discipline problems swamped the principal's office. What happened? In 1997, a private group called Natural Ovens began installing a healthy lunch program.http://www.stratiawire.com/article.asp?id=655


DISTRESSING GUT SYMPTOMSSuccumbing To Sugary Confections May Lead To Bloating, Cramps, Diarrhea, And Other Gut-Level Responseshttp://www.sciencenews.org/20021026/food.asp


The Low down on Cervical Cancer VaccineA Shameful Example of How Medical Research is Taking Dangerous Short-Cuts - Ace reporter Regush tears apart a recent study that suggests a vaccine is the "cure" for cervical cancer.http://www.mercola.com/2002/dec/11/cervical_cancer.htm


Olive Oil

Not all olive oils are created equal. Only real olive oil will provide all the health- promoting benefits of olive oil, and trying to find real olive oil is like looking for a needle in the haystack. If your olive oil isn't cloudy, then it's not the real McCoy. In fact it may be doing you harm. Get the real olive oil story. It shocked me to learn the scam behind the olive oil industry.http://www.beyondhealth.com/freearticles.php

After learning just how much we are all being deceived about olive oil, I have found a source for a fabulous, organic olive oil, which is unfiltered, unpressed and unheated. I spoke with the president of the company and he has agreed to offer a special deal for HormoneWise subscribers. If you tell them you're a HormoneWise subscriber, they will include a 1/4 lb of black, organic black sesame seeds (which are really hard to find). While real olive oil is not cheap, it is an extremely healing food. Learn more about it at their website.800-260-5534 or http://www.livingtreecommunity.com/products.asp?cat=specials

While We're on the Subject of Oil

While we're on the subject of oils, Grape seed oils are one of the few oils that are really healthy to cook with. Grape seed oil raises HDL (good cholesterol), lowers LDL (bad cholesterol), and helps to prevent hypertension caused by sodium excess (common at holidaytime), is high in linoleic acid (sadly deficient in most diets), and so it should be used for just about all cooking where oil is needed, plus it should be your number one choice if you want a dazzling and healthful salad dressing!http://www.bettykamen.com/hints/1029.html


Guidelines To Help Restore Fertility

Twenty percent "of all couples unnecessarily seek treatment for infertility when, in fact, they are simply not getting pregnant because they do not time intercourse correctly," according to the study. Infertility currently affects 6.1 million Americans.http://www.mercola.com/2000/oct/8/fertility_treatment.htm

Problems with IVFAccording to a new study described in the Baltimore Sun and just released in the American Journal of Human Genetics, babies conceived using in vitro fertilization techniques (IVF) are more likely to be born with a rare genetic disorder called Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome. Children with this disorder at higher risk for certain cancers before puberty and also tend to be born large with large tongues and poor closures of the abdominal wall, causing hernias that must be repaired surgically. Several researchers interviewed by the Sun cautioned that while the data are intriguing more research is necessary before accepting the results.http://www.ourstolenfuture.org/Commentary/News/2002/2002-1116-BSun-ivfbabies.htm


The Strength of Strength Training

Today, most people are aware that exercise is good for their health, and is in fact an effective means of preventive medicine. It is therefore hard to understand why so fewpeople regularly participate in an exercise program. According to the United States Public Health Service Centers For Disease Control (1989), less than 10 percent of all Americans perform enough physical activity to attain any measurable fitness benefits, and less than five percent of the general public who do strength training, says Dr. Wayne Westcott in his "Strength Training For Time-Pressured People."http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?PageType=Column & id=234

*********************************I trust that this new year is full of fun, happiness and joy for each of you and your family. I look forward to this year and the opportunity to possibly meet many of you as I travel during my upcoming world tour to launch my new book, "MOTHERS Prevent Your Daughters From Getting Breast Cancer".

Blessings to All,

Sherrill Sellman


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