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RE: Candida treatment

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Daryl, I would definitly start treating your candida now! At least start on one project, you know? I did start taking probiotics and flax seed oil before explant, as well as oregano oil, which helped to some extent. I also drank a lot of purple lapache tea (about two to three cups a day, and still do) , as it is very powerful against fungus, toxins, infections, viral, yeast, inflammation, has many antioxidants, it is great! Inexpensive as well! I swear by it! And is full of antioxidants too! I call it my bonus time tea.

I also, followed DR Kolbs protocol & also DR Mercolas before explant as they were very close, but I have recently really adhered to a strict diet based on DR Kolbs as it is based on our needs exactly, and I feel terrible off of it. Its kinda like the zone, (what 's been talking about) a lot of fresh veggies and fruit (but organic if possible ) and no starches/sugar at all. A lot of people told me hoghash about having candida overgrowth, and to just get them out, but in my opinion, they work hand in hand, the suppression from the implants and sometimes other secondary triggers either gives/or makes you more susceptible to yeast and viral issues, so once removed, your body is given a second chance at fighting off the yeast. But you still need to treat the yeast individually even after surgery, as it is still a big task for such a weakened immune system, and yeast can be very resistant. I knew I had candida overgrowth, as since the day my son was born, and for years I had numerous problems. So I had a live cell done. Fungus everywhere. It was one of the worst cases DR Mercola has ever seen, and he has done thousands! Some people will tell you that just getting them out will kick it, and maybe it did for them, but remember you and I have had them for a longer time, as mine were in over 8 years. I noticed the women that had them longer, need a lot more clean up than other women. Maybe our yeast becomes stronger and more resistant over the years, (I know mine is) or that it has went further, more deeper into our systems. I have leaky gut syndrome, where it has passed through my intestine walls and entered my bloodstream, allowing yeast to affect any or all organs in different ways. Maybe some of these women's yeast never got that far, and thats why the seemed to heal so quickly without treating it. However, I know one thing: if you start to treat the yeast, then stay on that plan, sometimes if you fall off the diet, you can create a smarter more resistant yeast. And get them removed as soon as possible. Then continue to stay on the protocol! Stay away from sugars and starches as the yeast/fungas thrives in a sugary environment! I like to think of it in this way, whenever I want that piece of cake: No matter what meds you take, as long as you supply the sugar/yeast environment, they will survive! Think of your implants like your backyard. You can "treat" the mosquitos as much as want with all sorts of yucky sprays (the meds) and they may help, but as long as you continue to supply the perfect breeding, surviving environment- such as leaving out buckets of water, they will come back and also also thrive. Think of sugar in that way, as buckets of water. Your enabling them to survive!!!! And make your body strong with any amount of exercise and eating so healthy, you build up the strongest body possible. Maybe you can look at your delayed explant in a more positive light , you now have the time to prepare your body by treating the yeast, and more knowlegde for your mind, so for for surgery - you can become the most strongest you can, and be better off for it. Healing may go faster, and you may feel so much better. Then the biggest step of all, getting them out. And I hope that will come soon for you, Daryl. You are in my prayers. Hey, we both have little guys aroung the same age, hows your little one? Acheiving any great life milestones, like talking, or walking? Mine is 2 1/2 and taling like nuts!!!! Let me know! Hope this helps. Take care of yourself. Love you,

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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Crystal,


Does this mean that one with candida can never have those things again? Or is it just during treatment? What is an insurance covered test that will tell if I have systemic candida?



On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Crystals MS TM LDN Website <angelindisguise67@...> wrote:

Prescription Treatment for Candida


Dr. McCandless’s protocol for those with insurance is diflucan(fluconazole) and for you 100mg twice daily for threeweeks, along with flagyl (metronidazole) 500mg twice a

day for 10 days, stop 4 days (to let the spores hatchout) then 10 more days.  Highly recommend you takegood hi-potency probiotics to replace the gut withgood bugs - these are never prescribed, but sonecessary for all of us for good gut health.  Be sure

to keep the probiotics and the metronidazole 2 hoursapart, as the probiotics (good bugs) will be destroyedby the metronidazole.  I'm sure no need to mentioneliminate ALL refined sugar (if you love it, it is

your yeast screaming, " SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR!!! " .  Eventoo much fruit sugar is bad, especially strawberries,watermelon, pineapple, and ripe bananas, and no appleor grape products, as yeast love these fruits.

Acceptable fruits are kiwi, pears, and berries inseason except for strawberries.  Best wishes, Dr. JM(feel free to share this for those who needprescription strength yeast treatment). 

May there be a miracle in YOUR life today and may you have the EYES to see it.From My Heart to Yours

Love, Hugs & Blessings, Crystal

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