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detox cases

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Interesting cases, with similar symptoms. It seems the liver issue needs to be addressed for the best results. i.e., coffee enemas, along with that detox diet.....I feel motivated to do a juice fast now!



A lady of 41 years came to see me. She was suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia. She had been unable to work for 6 years. She told me that blood tests had revealed a chronic infection with Mycoplasma fermates and she had been on several courses of antibiotics over the last year but to no avail. When I took her case I found a long history of liver congestion the symptoms of which included tonsillitis and heavy, painful periods. She had picked up an infection in her late 20s while she was travelling abroad and at 33 years contracted Ross River Virus. This, she said, was the beginning of the end - she picked up every viral infection going. At 36 years she suffered chronic diarrhoea and at 37 years allergy testing revealed many foods that she was now "allergic" to. Despite going on a very restricted diet her symptoms worsened with digestive problems, diarrhoea, headaches, and increasing muscle cramping, spasm and pain. It was now very difficult for her to get out of bed with the pain and she could not use her fingers or hands for long. As in so many cases of CFS we are looking at a deep level of congestion, toxicity and nutritional deficiency. Many cases read like a catalogue of symptoms increasing in intensity but the common thread is liver congestion, suppression of the immune system usually through anti-biotic abuse and a nutritionally deficient diet/poor digestion over many years. This situation cannot be turned around in a hurry as the body has to rebuild. I am happy to say that there were gradual improvements over the months and by six months the muscle pains had gone and she was able to use her hands for prolonged periods of time. The build-up of dampness and toxicity in the muscles due to liver congestion and digestive impairment takes many months to resolve and can only be done through strict adherence to the detoxification diet.


A 53 year old lady who was riddled with pain, finding it difficult to get up in the morning and do basic household chores, came to see me. She had tried numerous treatments for her pain including chiropractic treatment and glucose injections for the pain in her spine. When I took her case history I found that she had been toxic and very dehydrated for many years. As a child she suffered constipation, headaches and recurrent cystitis. She did not drink much as the lavatory was outside. Later in adulthood she suffered kidney stones and by 42 menstrual cycle had become erratic. By 48 years she had a hysterectomy as she was suffering very heavy blood losses. Since then she deteriorated rapidly; she was suffering many food intolerances, her hair was falling out and the pain in her joints and muscles was increasing. By the time she came to see me she was on pain medication. This was a very dehydrated "stuck" picture with deep liver congestion. But within 2 months she was off all her medication, her energy was good and she was pain-free. This is a classical case where an impaired digestion gives rise to inflammation in the tissues. The treatment was simple and effective. Of course all her other symptoms cleared as well.

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