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Martha Murdock, Director

National Silicone Implant Foundation | Dallas Headquarters

" Supporting Survivors of Medical Implant Devices "

4416 Willow Lane

Dallas, TX 75244-7537

----- Original Message -----

From: " Shomon " <thyroidnews@...>


Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 3:00 AM

Subject: Sticking Out Our Necks / End of Year/Dec 2002 / Issue #64

- S t i c k i n g O u t O u r N e c k s !! -

The Thyroid Disease News Report

by Shomon

" We're Patients...NOT Lab Values!! "

Issue #64 Year-End/December 2002


HTML Version: An HTML webpage version of this

newsletter is online! See:

<a href= " http://www.thyroid-info.com/news/dec2002.htm " >


Welcome to the sixty-fourth issue of " Sticking Out

Our Necks! " my thyroid disease news report. This

newsletter is copyrighted by Shomon, and cannot

be legally reproduced without permission. Feel free,

however, to forward a single copy to someone who

might be interested in reading the newsletter or

subscribing to it in the future.


To subscribe to the email version of " Sticking Out

Our Necks, " using the address you wish to sign up,

send an email to


To unsubscribe, send an email to


(If you have any problems subbing or unsubbing, email

me at

thyroidnews@... and I'll personally

handle it for you)

To contribute information, thoughts or ideas for the

newsletter, write to me, the editor, Shomon

personally, at news@...

ON THE WEB: My Thyroid Disease Information Source and

News Report home page is located at

http://www.thyroid-info.com , and I also run a

comprehensive Thyroid Disease site at About.com,

which you can visit at http://thyroid.about.com .

SEND NEWS! If you see something thyroid-related in

the news or on the web, please feel free to let me

know, send me a note, or forward the URL to me if

it's on the web. My email is

news@... , regular mail is P.O. Box

0385, Palm Harbor, FL 34682, fax is: 727-785-4258





Keep Your Thyroid Resolutions in 2003

Is this the year you'l finally lose weight, stop

smoking, feel better, have a baby? Big changes start

with small steps, and we have all the information and

tools you need to make 2003 terrific for your health!


Tips for Making Your New Years Resolution Work!

Many of us make New Year's resolutions few; of us

keep them. Junno talks about the most important

elements of a good resolution and how we can make our

goals stick this year!


Planning to Lose Weight in the New Year? Experts Say,

" Think Sleep. "

For the millions of Americans who resolve to lose

weight in the New Year, success may hinge on how much

they sleep. Studies suggest that sleep loss may

increase hunger and affect the body's metabolism,

which may make it more difficult to maintain or lose



Synergy Fitness Tip - How to Keep the Resolution

Resolutions for the New Year frequently include

commitments for regular exercise. Many gyms will be

packed during the first week of January. Crowds begin

decreasing within a few weeks. Don't be a dropout!

Here's a simple tip that could double your workouts

in 2003.


Can A Supplement Help Your Weight Loss and Fitness


If you're one of those people who avoid exercise

because of the pain and exhaustion that often comes

afterward -- and especially when you don't workout

regularly -- adding a safe and effective supplement

may make it easier for you to work exercise your



Are You Taking Action Each Day?

Are you taking a step forward, each and every day,

going after what you want to achieve or are you

simply sitting back waiting for things to come to

you? Certified Personal Trainer C. LeBrun asks

if you can imagine how much closer to your goals you

would be if you simply resolved to do ONE thing each

and every day that would bring you closer to that






Spate of Thyroid Cases Baffles Army

A dramatic spike in cases of an overactive thyroid

struck a U.S. Army Special Forces unit based in Fort

, Ky. in the late 1990s, and Army doctors are

at a loss to explain why. Find out more now.


Thyroid at Root of Many Symptoms

Gaining weight, losing weight, exhaustion, the blahs,

anxiousness, insomnia, constipation, hair loss, dry

skin, pounding heart, infertility -- just about any

ailment that can plague a woman often can be traced

back to a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the neck

called the thyroid. WebMD's Star Lawrence talks to

Shomon, Ken Blanchard, and others re: this

common condition.


Alt.Support.Thyroid Publishes New Desiccated Thyroid

Info Pages

Information on desiccated thyroid, including a call

for a research trial of desiccated thyroid drugs.

Isn't it time that researchers looked at the

effectiveness of desiccated thyroid, compared to



Lettuce a Hazard to Your Thyroid? Perchlorate in the


Eating lettuce or other veggies may expose some

consumers to high levels of the thyroid-toxic rocket

fuel perchlorate. Perchlorate is increasingly in the

news this year, and knowing more about this toxin may

help protect you and your family.


Radioactive Thyroid Patients May Set Off Terrorist


Some patients who have received radioactive tests or

treatments such as the radioactive iodine (RAI) given

to patients with an overactive thyroid are setting

off the detectors designed to catch terrorists. Some

patients are even being detained. If you have had RAI

and are going to be traveling, or in government

buildings and transportation centers, here are some



Smallpox Information Center

Find out about the disease, the vaccine, and the

relationship between smallpox vaccine and autoimmune

conditions, and why you may not be a good candidate

for this vaccine. Also, controversies over forced

vaccination, and healthworkers who will not give the



Omega-3s Can Help Autoimmune Disease

Omega-3 essential fatty acids from fish oils may be

an answer for some autoimmune conditions. Find out

how these potent nutrients can help you.





Think You Are Suffering From A Sinus Headache? Think


Many thyroid patients battling frequent sinus

infections, but is it really sinus? Headaches may not

be sinus at all, but something else entirely, and

only you and your doctor can find out.


Home Sweet (Achoo!) Home

If you think your home is the safest place to be when

it's cold and windy outside, think again. Your house

or apartment could be making you sick -- especially

if you're prone to allergies.


Clinical Trials-What Are They?

Though many people read about clinical trials, not

all know exactly what they are or who participates in

them. Are you eligible for a clinical trial? Could it

be a help to you? Find out more now.


Understanding Health Claims

If you want to keep your health covered-and your bank

account in check-it helps to learn about your

insurance. What's covered? What should you do your

claim is denied? Knowing these answers can help you

take a more proactive approach to your health, AND

save you money.





Staying Influenza-Free

Thyroid patients seem to get the flu more often, and

it lasts longer, so even more important to avoid

getting it! A prompt and proper diagnosis can help

you give flu and other respiratory diseases the cold

shoulder this season, so you don't have to lose a

minute of work or play to feeling ill. Here are some

tips on how to stay influenza-free.


Flu Information Center





Thyroid Disease 101: The First Place to Start


Thyroid Basics


Weight Loss Information Center


Hypothyroidism Information Center


Thyroid Top Docs Directory


Thyroid Forums


General Thyroid Support & Info Forum


Graves' Disease/Hyperthyroidism Forum


Thyroid & Infertility, Pregnancy & Menopause Forum


Thyroid Cancer Forum


Diet, Weight Loss & Nutrition Forum


Thyroid Top Doctors Forum


Alternative Medicine for Thyroid Disease Forum


Thyroid UK: United Kingdom Thyroid Support Forum





12/3/02 --Understanding Thyroid Lab Tests

was frustrated. She always had trouble

keeping a normal weight...[she] became so

fatigued...I said, " I think your thyroid condition is

under-treated. " " How could that be? My other doctors

said my thyroid tests were normal! "

" Unfortunately...the 'TSH' blood test has its

limitations. It isn't accurate for everyone... " Read

Dr. Ken Woliner's facinating account of thyroid



12/3/02 --Inside Shomon's Medicine Cabinet

People are always writing to me to ask " what drugs

and supplements do YOU take? " While what works best

for me may not work best for you, take a look inside

my medicine cabinet to find out what I'm taking these



11/12/02 -- Clinical Chemists Issue Revised Thyroid

Testing Guidelines

The National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry has

issued new Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines

for thyroid testing, and the dramatically changed new

guidelines will be tremendous interest to any thyroid

patient with a TSH of 2.5 or more -- as well as their

practitioners! A MUST-READ!


11/05/02 -- Do You Have Autoimmune Disease Super-


Most thyroid patients have autoimmune disease --

Hashimoto's disease and Graves' disease -- even if

your doctor hasn't diagnosed it. And if you have one

of these two common conditions, did you know that you

may also have symptoms and risks of other conditions?

There are some very specific symptoms found in almost

all autoimmune conditions. Do you have any of

these " super-symptoms? "


11/05/02 -- Thyroid Arterial Embolization Is Option

For Graves' Disease

Chinese researchers are using an innovative new

treatment for Graves' disease that is safe,

effective, minimally invasive, and an alternative to

radioactive iodine and surgery. Find out more about

thyroid arterial embolization now.


11/04/02 -- Your Thyroid Up in Smoke, Cigarette

Smoking's Little Known Links to Thyroid Disease

A look at the dramatic but little-known connections

between cigarette

smoking and the development or worsening of various

thyroid conditions,

including hypothyroidism, Graves' disease, and

thyroid eye disease.


10/27/02 -- Abdominal Swelling and Hypothyroidism

According to research reported on in the British

Medical Journal, thyroid function should be checked

in all patients with a condition called ascites

(pronounced ah-sih-tez) -- an abnormal accumulation

of fluid in the abdomen. Ascites, which occurs in as

many as 4% of patients, can cause rapid weight gain,

abdominal discomfort and distention, shortness of

breath and swollen ankles. It can even cause

hypothyroidism to be mistakenly diagnosed as stomach

cancer. Find out more now.


10/06/02 -- Radiation Alone Does Not Appear to

Improve Function in Thyroid Eye Disease

Researchers have found that radiation to the eye

areas -- " orbital radioeffective as a solo treatment

for thyroid eye disease and double vision.


10/06/02 -- Benign Thyroid Nodules Grow Slowly If At


Research has shown that only 25% of benign thyroid

nodules show signs of growing at all, and even then,

five years is typically required for nodule growth to

even be detectable by sensitive ultrasound tests.


10/06/02 -- Selenium Supplementation in Patients with

Autoimmune Thyroiditis Decreases Thyroid Peroxidase

Antibodies Concentrations

German researchers have found that selenium

supplementation can reduce thyroid antibody levels

significantly, and even in some cases return them to

normal, concluding that selenium may reduce

inflammation in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.


10/05/02 -- Deciphering Your Prescription

Do you ever wondered what the nearly illegible

" b.i.d. " and " p.o., " " p.r.n. " and the other

mysterious abbreviations on your prescription

actually mean? They are mainly abbreviations for

Latin terms that are still used when writing

prescriptions. Here they all are, deciphered for you!


10/02/02 -- Soy and the Thyroid -- Key Information

The relationship between soy and the thyroid is

complicated. But there's no question -- soy can

impact your thyroid, and some experts believe that

overconsumption of soy can damage the thyroid and

trigger autoimmune disease. Find out more!


9/17/02 -- 10 Thyroid Mistakes Your Doctor May Be


Find out if your practitioner is making one of these

key mistakes that can prevent you from achieving

optimal health.


9/16/02 -- Can Basal Body Temperatures Diagnose

Thyroid Disease?

Are basal body temperatures a valid and valuable way

to diagnose a thyroid condition? Can body temperature

be used instead of thyroid testing to make a

diagnosis? Drs. and Karilee Shames offer

their suggestions and advice about this important



8/28/02 -- Doctors Answer Your Thyroid Questions

What should you do if you can't get through to your

doctor? Are thyroid cysts normal? What can you do if

your doctor's office won't give you your thyroid test

results? What if your doctor won't provide a thyroid

test? What is the optimal combination of Synthroid

and Cytomel? Can your doctor fire you? What type of

tests should you have to see if you have

hypothyroidism, and do you need to see a special

doctor? What causes an underactive thyroid? Women's

health expert and patient rights advocate Marie

Savard, MD, and thyroid experts Drs. and

Karilee Shames, offer their advice and ideas on these

questions and more.


8/22/02 -- Free Synthroid?

Do you know about pharmaceutical company's patient

assistance programs? Synthroid is just one of the

thyroid drugs covered by these programs, which help

low-income, uninsured, underinsured, seniors and the

unemployed. Find out more about the companies and

drugs that participate in these programs, and how you

may be eligible.


8/17/02-- Weight Loss Breakthroughs -- Four New

Studies Expand Knowledge Of Hormones, Appetite

Control And Body Weight

Four studies published this month in the Journal of

Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism(JCEM) and

Endocrinology, highlight the relationship between

hormones, food intake, genes and weight regulation.

All four studies—two basic research and two clinical

research—will help scientists and physicians move

closer to understanding the causes and possible

treatments for obesity, which affects nearly 20

percent of adults in the United States.


8/3/02 --20 Secrets of Successful Thyroid Patients

What things do thyroid patients who feel well have in

common? Over five years I've heard from thousands of

thyroid patients, and discovered that people who feel

the best tend to do some of the same things. Find out

their secrets now!


7/25/02 -- Mainstream Docs Say All Adults Should Take


In a landmark article the Journal of The American

Medical Association has announced that all adults

should take vitamin supplements to help prevent

chronic diseases. This represents a radical departure

from the conventional perspective that always

maintained that adults get sufficient nutrition from

food and that vitamins were unnecessary. What changed

the doc's minds? Find out now.


7/24/02 --Synthroid Receives FDA Approval

Almost two years after the FDA's initial deadline,

and five years after the initial request to submit

new drug applications, Synthroid has finally received

approval from the FDA.


7/24/02 -- The " Estrogen " and HRT Controversy:

Different Sides of the Discussion Presented

The news may make it sound as if the medical world is

in agreement in condemning hormone replacement

therapy, but the truth is that the nation's leading

women's hormone experts are definitely not all of one

mind. Find out what some of the top hormone docs and

alternative experts have to say about the study, HRT,

soy for menopause symptoms, soy for thyroid patients,

and safer natural options.


7/15/02 -- Are You a " Poor T4 Converter? "

Brownstein, MD's new book can help you figure

it out. In Overcoming Thyroid Disease, Brownstein

outlines some fascinating thyroid information,

including the diuretic and weight loss impact of

Armour Thyroid, T2 and T1 and what they actually may

do, the concept of " Poor T4 Converters " and how you

become that way, and why thyroid hormone resistance

is like insulin resistance.


7/11/02 --New Cause of Congenital Hypothyroidism


Dutch researchers reporting in the New England

Journal of Medicine have found a new cause of both

permanent and transient congenital hypothyroidism. Of

particular interest, the findings may explain why

some people become hypothyroid during periods later

in life when thyroid hormone needs increase --- such

as during pregnancy. Find out more now.


7/09/02 --Normal TSH and Symptoms: Should You Be


No, says Dr. A.P. Weetman, in the July 2002 issue of

Clinical Endocrinology. But Weetman's " Commentary "

relies on less than persuasive research, and rests on

an outdated TSH reference range, and a shifting

definition of what TSH level is " normal. " Find out

more about Weetman's controversial thoughts.


6/28/02 -- Thyroid Antibodies are Marker for Post-

Partum Depression

European researchers have found that the presence of

thyroid peroxidase antibodies makes a pregnant woman

nearly three times more likely to develop post-partum



6/20/02 -- Find Doctors Who Prescribe Armour or


Thanks to a new database created by Forest

Pharmaceuticals, you can find doctors who prescribe

Armour or Thyrolar.


6/20/02 -- More States Distribute Thyroid-Protecting


More states and areas are moving to stockpile or

distribute stores of potassium iodide, the pills that

can protect the thyroid against damage from certain

types of radioactivity in the event of a nuclear

accident or terrorist attack on nuclear facilities.


6/14/02 -- The Dirty Bomb Scare: Do You Need

Potassium Iodide?

After the June 10, 2002 announcement of the arrest of

alleged al-Qaeda member and potential " dirty bomber "

Padilla, interest in potassium iodide, the pill

that can protect the thyroid in the event of a

nuclear accident, has skyrocketed. The government

just bought more than a quarter million of these

thyroid-protective pills for Washington, and pills

are being stockpiled and distributed north of New

York City. Should you buy your own supply?


6/14/02 -- Common Questions About Thyroid Disease and

Weight Loss

Thyroid patients have so many questions about diet

and weight issues. Is everyone who is hypothyroid

also overweight? Will treatment for

hyperthyroidism/Graves' autoimatically mean weight

gain? How much weight does a typical patient gain? Do

you lose the weight when you get on the right thyroid

drug and dosage? Find out more now.


6/14/02 -- Top Five Books for Thyroid Patients

If you had only $100 to spend, and could buy just a

few books about thyroid disease to keep close at

hand, what would they be? Here are the five most

recommended books for thyroid patients. Buying all

five could cost less than even one visit to an

endocrinologist, but reading them could be worth your

better health for years to come!


6/11/02 -- Endometriosis: Common, Overlooked and

Linked to Thyroid

Endometriosis is frequently overlooked, and now

researchers have found a strong link to autoimmunity

and thyroid disease. If you're a thyroid patient with

painful periods, infertility, pelvic pain, or

abdominal tenderness and bloating, find out whether

you may be suffering from this common condition.


6/1/02 -- Thyroidectomy for Graves' Disease

According to the Australia New Zealand Journal of

Surgery, total thyroidectomy is now replacing partial

thyroidectomy as the standard treatment for Graves'

disease in that area.


5/29/02 -- Fats That Heal: Fats That Kill

Dr. Udo Erasmus, founder of the nutritional oil

" " Udo's Oil, " and an expert on the use of power of

essential fatty acids has some advice for thyroid

patients regarding the effects of essential fatty

acids on thyroid hormone receptors, inflammation,

weight loss, and what he views as the optimal diet

for thyroid patients. Find out more.


5/24/02 -- A Rapid Cure for Toxic Multinodular


Researchers have found what they call a rapid " cure "

for the potentially dangerous condition known as

toxic multinodular goiter, which can sometimes cause

thyrotoxicosis. Find out about this potentially

promising treatment, and how quickly it can work.


5/24/02 --Radiotherapy Alone Does Not Appear to

Improve Function in Thyroid Eye Disease

Researchers report that radiotherapy to the eyes does

not appear to be an effective treatment to improve

function and reduce double vision in thyroid eye

disease patients.


5/24/02 -- Benign Thyroid Nodules Rarely Grow

Researchers have found that benign thyroid nodules

rarely grow, and annual ultrasounds are not



5/24/02 -- Hypothyroidism Common After Treatment For

Head And Neck Cancers

Researchers have found that hypothyroidism is more

common than reported after treatment for head and

neck cancers.


5/08/02 --Dr. Siegel's Thyroid Cookies? For Real?

Dr. Sanford Siegel was featured the recent " Woman's

World " " Thyroid Cure " article, along with his

supposed recipe for " thyroid-boosting diet cookies. "

Before you consider baking a single cookie, you need

to find out the real story, and Dr. Siegel's

definitive opinions on whether they can actually help

you lose weight!


5/08/02 -- Video-assisted Thyroid Removal?

Are you a candidate for video-assisted Thyroid

Removal, which typically leaves a scar of less than

one inch, even for complete removal of the thyroid?

Explore this cutting-edge technique.


5/08/02 -- Thyroid and Your Blood Pressure

Thyroid hormone balance has a critical role in

maintaining blood pressure, but what few people know

is that chronic hypothyroidism is a risk factor for

hypertension -- HIGH blood pressure. Find out more



5/01/02 -- Complications After Total Thyroidectomy

Researchers have determined that one particular

complication is the most common in people who have

had a total thyroidectomy. Find out more about the

post-op complications and risk factors.


4/26/02 -- Breaking News: Estrogen, Menopause and


With researchers discovering that the benefits of

estrogen are overrated and the dangers underreported,

it may be time to focu on your thyroid, says thyroid

experts & Karilee Shames.


4/26/02 -- Chernobyl -- 16 Years Later

April 26, 2002 was the 16th anniversary of the

Chernobyl disaster, and various concerns -- including

thyroid health problems -- still plague the Ukraine,

and other areas that were downwind of the world's

worst nuclear disaster. Find out more about the

Chernobyl crisis 16 years later.


4/16/02 -- Yoga and Thyroid Disease

A look at the role of yoga in healing various thyroid

conditions, including the various yoga poses that can

help and even heal the thyroid.


4/2/02 --When To Get A Second Opinion

Drs. and Karilee Shames, authors of Thyroid

Power, share their thoughts on when you should have a

second opinion for your thyroid care, and how to know

when the time is right.


3/21/02 -- A Lab's Normal Thyroid Levels May be

Abnormal for You

Researchers have finally documented what patients

have known – each person has his or her own " normal "

thyroid function and being with a lab's normal range

does not necessarily mean your thyroid is normal for




3/21/02 -- Can Red Wine and Grape Juice Help Thyroid


Researchers have found that the antioxidant that

makes red wine healthy may have a role in fighting

thyroid cancer.


3/21/02 -- Pregnancy Ups Incidence and Size of


What happens to thyroid nodules during pregnancy? A

great deal, according to new research that looks at

this important issue for the first time.


3/21/02 -- Thyroid Cancer in Young People

Researchers identify the most effective thyroid

cancer treatments for young people, as well as the

prognosis for thyroid cancer patients under 20.


3/14/02 -- Does Overt and Subclinical Hypothyroidism

Complicate Pregnancy?

Researchers have looked further at the connection

between both overt and subclinical hypothyroidism,

and successful pregnancy, and have some surprising

findings to share that are important for every woman

who is considering pregnancy while hypothyroid.


3/08/02 -- Hashimoto's vs. Hypothyroidism: What's the


Some people use the terms " Hashimoto's " and

" hypothyroidism " interchangeably, but that's not

correct. Hashimoto's is a disease -- hypothyroidism

is a condition, and while they're linked, there's a

lot to learn about their differences.


3/08/02 -- Synthroid Lawsuit Update

Many people have been contacting me to find out the

latest status on the Synthroid lawsuit. When are

payments coming? Can you still get in on the suit if

you haven't filed yet? Find out now.


3/08/02 -- Smoking Increases Risk of Goiter

Researchers have found that in iodine deficient

people, smoking greatly increases the risk of

developing an enlarged thyroid, known as a goiter.


3/08/02 -- Treating Subclinical Hypothyroidism

Reduces Heart Risk

If you are subclinically hypothyroid, here's another

reason to seek treatment for your thyroid condition -

- a reduction of as much as 31% in your risk of dying

from a heart attack. Find out more now.


2/26/02 -- Levoxyl's Reformulation: What You Need to


The Levoxyl that was approved by the FDA in May of

2001 is quite a different formulation than the

Levoxyl that was being sold prior. If you have

noticed a difference in your Levoxyl, or in your

health since receiving reformulated Levoxyl, there is

some critically important information you need to



2/26/02 -- Thyroid Drug Websites

From Armour Thyroid to Westhroid, and all the drugs

in-between, this directory links to the manufacturers

of all the key thyroid drugs, including thyroid

hormone replacement and antithyroid drugs.


2/17/02 -- Breast Cancer/Iodine/Thyroid Linkage


The connection between breast cancer, iodine and

thyroid disease -- as well as the cutting-edge

thyroid and iodine theories of Canadian Dr.

Derry -- are presented at the new web site for the

Breast Iodine Thyroid Effectiveness Society (BITES).

The site also offers up-to-the-minute reporting of

Dr. Derry's legal battles.


2/14/02 -- Studies Show Thyroid Disorders are

Inherited and Often Hidden in Some Populations

Three new studies published in the February issue of

the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism

demonstrate the widespread prevalence of thyroid

disease in the United States.


2/12/02 -- Research Reveals Millions of Thyroid

Patients Undiagnosed

New research finds vast underdiagnosis of thyroid

disease in the U.S., and undertreatment of current

thyroid patients. Findings underscore urgent need for

patient self-education, says advocate.


2/11/02 -- TSH, T4, and Antibodies in the U.S.

The prevalence of thyroid disease, including

hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and thyroid

antibodies, in various populations, is assessed in

this groundbreaking research. Also, researchers

finally reveal the average TSH level for someone

without a thyroid condition!


2/11/02 -- Guarding our Nation's Thyroid Health

Iodine intake, the role of screening, and the need

for more effective thyroid diagnosis and treatment is

discussed in this editorial by Dr. Dunn.


2/8/02 -- Armour Thyroid Launches Website

Forest Pharmaceuticals, manufacturer of Armour

Thyroid, has launched a new website featuring

information about the natural desiccated thyroid

drug. Included in the frequently requested

equivalency chart that converts dosages of

levothyroxine to Armour.


2/8/02 -- Choosing the Right Thyroid Drug For You

Drs. and Karilee Shames, authors of Thyroid

Power, take a look at how to choose the right thyroid

drug for you. They believe that patients on

levothyroxine who don't feel well may wish to

consider changing to a competing brand.


1/25/02 -- New Study Connects Mother's Thyroid

Disease to Infants' Birth Defects

According to new research, women with thyroid disease

are at more risk than previously thought of having

infants who have birth defects, including

abnormalities of the heart, kidney or brain, and

other defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate.


1/25/02 -- Avoiding the " Tyranny of the Test " : Your

Optimal Dose of Thyroid Medicine

Thyroid expert Dr. Shames says that when

confronted with what may be unfair " tyranny of the

TSH test, " you have a number of options, any of which

migh boost you to 90-100% of your prior full

function. Start your exploration of these

alternatives now.


1/16/02--Alcohol May Harm Thyroid Function in Mother,


According to animal research reported on in the

journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research,

alcohol consumption changes thyroid function and

reduces the levels of thyroid hormone in both the

mother and fetus, suggesting links between thyroid

function and alcohol-related birth defects.


1/16/02--The Neck's Generation: Link Between Genetics

And Thyroid Disease Needs ExplorationIn honor of

Thyroid Awareness Month, the American Assn. of

Clinical Endocrinologists reveals findings of surveys

that show, among other data, that " " more than three-

fourths (76%) of the population do not know that

thyroid disease runs in families. "


1/1/02 -- Thyroid Predictions for 2002

After five years of covering the thyroid world, I

thought I'd start off the New Year with my

predictions...about Synthroid, RAI, weight loss,

alternative medicine, the demise of good doctors, and

the people who inspire us.






Thousands of people have already ordered their copies

of the " Thyroid Diet Success Guide, " and people are

reporting that the low-glycemic approach featured in

the guide is helping them slowly and safely lose

weight. And now, I've just updated the guide for


Just a few of the key features in the newly updated

and revised 35-page Guide include:

* Is Your Thyroid Causing Your Weight Problem

* Weight Loss Requirement: Optimizing Your Thyroid

* Common Questions About Thyroid and Weight Loss

* Do Your Doctor's Mistakes Stop You From Losing


* The Habits of Successful Weight Loss

* Menstrual Cycle Linked to Weight Loss

* Weight Loss Secrets for Thyroid Patients

* The Thyroid/Weight Loss Connection - Some Theories

* How To Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism

* Stevia for Sweetening

* Thyroid Diet Newsbriefs

* Nuts for Nuts: Can They Help your Diet?

* Weight Loss Success: How I Lost 25 Pounds in 12


* Choosing a Good Protein Bar

* Dieting for the Disinhibited: " Am I Really

Hungry? "

* How Much Weight Do You Need to Lose?

* The Ultimate Thyroid Exercise Program

* Seeing Results with Weight Loss and Exercising

* Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Overview

The " Thyroid Diet Success Guide " features a diet plan

that you can follow, and specific information on

exercises, and many other tips and resources. For me,

it's been the only way I can effectively lose weight

(and believe, me, I've tried them all!!) The " Thyroid

Diet Success Guide " features information about why

it's harder for thyroid patients to lose weight,

insulin resistance, the role of the adrenal system,

and lots of practical suggestions to help you finally

enjoy weight loss success. The Success Guide will

help you get on the right track, with information

that has actually helped other thyroid patients --

including me -- to effectively lose weight!

Order online now, securely, using Visa, Mastercard,

American Express or your Discover card, via secure

processing with CCNow, at


(US orders $14, including shipping, non-U.S.

orders $17, including shipping).

FAX OR MAIL ORDERS: You can also order by fax, or

mail. For an order form you can print out, visit

http://www.thyroid-info.com/dietbook.htm. U.S. cost

is $15, outside the U.S. is $25.

ORDER TOLL FREE: To order by phone, call our toll-

free order line during weekday business hours at 888-

810-9471 to order using your credit card. If you'd

like a call-back, leave a message with your name and

number, and the office staff will call you back to

take your order. U.S. cost is $15, outside the U.S.

is $25.

SPECIAL OFFER: We have reprinted the " Mini-Guides, "

so if you order the " Thyroid Diet Success Guide " you

will receive a free pocket-sized " Mini-Guide " that

summarizes the key diet tips in a portable, easy-to-

carry format!




If you, a friend, or family member has confirmed or

suspected thyroid disease, there's my book, " Living

Well With Hypothyroidism: What Your Doctors Don't

Tell You...That You Need to Know. " Most people,

whether they are hyperthyroid, have autoimmune

Graves' or Hashimoto's disease, thyroid cancer,

nodules or hypothyroidism -- end up being

hypothyroid. That's where this book, published in

2000 by Harper, comes in. " Living Well With

Hypothyroidism " is a top 40 Amazon.com health

bestseller, and in October, went to its 16th

printing! You can find out more information, read a

free chapter online, and get more information on the

book and how to order it at


Don't forget that you can order it from Iherb.com for

a special rate of $10 by going to


You can also order " Living Well With Hypothyroidism "

from Amazon.com for $11.20 plus shipping, at


For you and the people in your life who have a

diagnosed autoimmune disease, or who have symptoms

such as fatigue, hair loss, joint/muscle aches,

rashes, unexplained fevers, and other mysterious

symptoms -- but no diagnosis -- there's " Living Well

With Autoimmune Disease: What Your Doctors Don't Tell

You...That You Need to Know. " The book was just

published in early October, 2002 by Harper.

" Living Well With Autoimmune Disease " is for anyone

with Graves' disease, Hashimoto's disease, or your

family and friends who have any of the 80 autoimmune

diseases, including:

* Multi-Organ Syndromes -- Including Lupus, Mixed

Connective Tissue Diseases, Sarcoidosis, Sjögren's


* Endocrine Conditions -- Including Thyroid Disease

(Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Graves' Disease), Diabetes,

's Disease, Autoimmune Oophoritis/Premature

Ovarian Decline

* The Pain/Fatigue Syndromes -- Including Chronic

fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFS/CFIDS),


* Hair and Skin Diseases -- Including

Scleroderma/Crest Syndrome, Alopecia, Psoriasis,

Vitiligo, Pemphigus

* Gastrointestinal Conditions -- Including,

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) / Ulcerative

Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Celiac Disease/Celiac

Sprue, Pernicious Anemia

* Joint and Muscle-Related Conditions -- Including

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Spondyloarthropathies: Reiter's

Syndrome and Ankylosing Spondylitis

* Neuromuscular Conditions -- Including Multiple

Sclerosis, Raynaud's Phenomenon, Guillain Barré

Syndrome, Myasthenia Gravis

Don't forget that you can order the book from

Iherb.com for a special rate of $10 by going to


You can also order the book from Amazon.com for

$10.47 plus shipping, at


I was so honored when " IN FOCUS, " the bimonthly

newsletter of the American Autoimmune Related

Diseases Association (AARDA), gave the book a

positive review in its December 2002 issue.

The half-page review says: " ...this chubby 475-page

soft cover book is filled from front to back with

easy-to-read descriptions of autoimmune disease in

general along with overviews of many of the more than

100 autoimmune diseases. It offers to help the reader

gain greater insight into the environmental, genetic,

hereditary, nutritional, and mind-body factors that

make millions of people more or less susceptible to

autoimmune disease – and it does it in an upbeat,

trust-your-instincts way. In addition, it leads the

reader through the maze of key symptoms, diagnostic

procedures, and conventional treatments for the most

common autoimmune diseases – as well as the most

innovative and promising new and alternative

treatments. Of particular help to many readers will

be the chapter on " finding and working with the Right

Practitioner. " Also, the author suggests steps that

the reader might use in putting together his/her own

" autoimmune repair plan. " ... According to Pat Barber,

AARDA's patient educator, Living Well With Autoimmune

Disease – What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You…That You

Need to Know, is a 'must-read book.' This very likely

will be a well-thumbed resource book for the

autoimmune disease patient and his/her family. "

You can receive In Focus (an excellent newsletter for

any thyroid and autoimmune disease patient) when you

join or contribute to AARDA. Find out more at





This month, I'd like to introduce you to a wonderful

charitable organization -- The Pajama Program -- that

was founded by one of my oldest and dearest friends,

Genevieve Piturro.

The Pajama Program is a 501©3 charitable

organization, dedicated to providing pajamas and

books to children without families and permanent

homes. The program identifies key institutions in

major cities in America where children are housed and

awaiting adoption. It is to the children in these

circumstances and temporary living quarters that the

pajamas are delivered with love and affection.

Recently Genevieve visited a center for children with

no fathers, whose mothers are in prison. She brought

12 pairs of pajamas that had recently been donated.

The children came into the room, viewing the pajamas

she'd spread out on a table, so each child could

choose the pair he or she most wanted.

After about four children made their selections, one

little girl came over to Gen.

" Where do I wear these? " the child asked.

Gen told her they were to wear to bed at night.

The child looked at Gen, seemingly puzzled.

" What do you usually wear to bed? " Gen asked her.

" My pants, " the little girl said quietly.

Gen told me that her heart was broken, but her

resolve became even stronger. She is determined to

make sure that children in the most difficult of

circumstances have the comfort of something as

simple, yet as meaningful, as a new pair of cozy


To contribute, you can send new pajamas, in sizes for

ages newborn to 12 years old -- to:

Pajama Program

5700 Arlington Ave, 9th Floor

Riverdale, NY 10471

Or you can send a completely tax-deductible financial

contribution to The Pajama Program, which will go

towards the purchase of more pajamas for the


As I tuck my child into her bed each night, warm and

cozy in her " jammies " as she calls them, I can't help

but think of all the children Genevieve is trying to

help. I'm honored to call her my friend, and happy to

be able to help introduce her wonderful program to

all my terrific readers, as I know that some of you

will find it in your hearts to support this

worthwhile program.

For more information, see the Pajama Program web

page, at:




" Sticking Out Our Necks " email edition is published

monthly by Shomon. Please invite your friends to

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Harbor, FL 34682

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NOTE: All information is intended for your general

knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical

advice or treatment for specific medical conditions.

You should seek prompt medical care for any specific

health issues and consult your physician or health

practitioner before starting any supplements,

vitamins, diet programs, fitness regimens, or

changing prescribed medications.


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<a href= " http://www.thyroid-info.com/news/dec2002.htm " >




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