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Have I missed something? Why does not feel welcome here?

darling, you are very welcome here. Did somebody say something? Please stay

as a asks. This is a wonderful group.

Sincerely, Jeannette

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I'm sorry that you feel you are not welcome here. I'm sure that no one meant

to make you feel that way. If I did I'm sorry. I'm really bad about reading

all of my mail and then thinking I'll go back and answer one, then I get side

tracked and forget to answer. I'm trying to answer as I read so I want have

that problem. Please reconsider and stay with us. I have read your post and

enjoyed them. Tery - FL

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i to hope you don't leave the group. my house has been like most everyone

elses. jesse has been in a flare for over a month now and has been sick with

upper respertory problems and ear infections that are making me lose his

balance and he keeps falling on top of the flu that the two youngest ones

have. with the holidays coming and trying to maintain some sort of structure

in the house has been almost impossible.

it seems that most everyone in the group has been having the same kinds of

problems. this is a bad time of year cause everyone is trying to do

everything and with the flu and cold season here everyone is just a bit

weaker. i don't think anyone would intentionally hurt your feelings. this is

one place that everyone is caring and undersanding.

i truley hope you stay with us.


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I'm sorry you feel that way, . I honestly don't think that you were being

purposely overlooked

just because you are new. We have almost 180 members in this group. Of course,

not everyone posts on

a regular basis, but it has been increasingly difficult for everyone to keep

everyone else straight.

It's also a busy time right now and people aren't online as much as usual. Under


circumstances, you might be getting more feedback.

I wish you would give us another chance!


----- Original Message -----

From: " " <dat2352@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 9:39 AM

Subject: [ ] leaving

> I am not a stick in the mud, actually I am very friendly but I have felt less

than welcome here.

I dove right into the discussions, introduced myself and asked questions but I

have felt very little

support. You seem like really nice people to each other from what I read but

the only ones who have

really communicated with me in any way are other new people. I am on several

other-other topics of

interest to me and I was welcomed readily. I have learned allot here by reading

others mail but I

don't get any feelings of welcome so I will be going. Thanks for information

and I have bookmarked

websites mentioned but I need more than you can give me. Bye!

> Temple

> Kuddle Kritters Farm

> Chelmsford, MA

> dat2352@...

> http://www.homestead.com/kuddlekrittersfarm/index.html

> http://www/homestead.com/kuddlekraft/index.html

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I wish you would reconsider. I have not been online as much as usual

because of many things going on with my family's health and the holidays.

Our other moderator, who is usually very chatty has had back surgery and

other health problems, that keeps her offline. Many of us have been having

difficulties this past month. I am truly sorry you feel that you are not

welcome here. That is far from the truth. I've enjoyed reading your posts

and am looking forward to getting to know you. Unfortunately my life at

home doesn't seem to let me be at my computer as often as I'd like.

I really hope you will stay with us.


----- Original Message -----

From: <dat2352@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 10:39 AM

Subject: [ ] leaving

> I am not a stick in the mud, actually I am very friendly but I have felt

less than welcome here. I dove right into the discussions, introduced

myself and asked questions but I have felt very little support. You seem

like really nice people to each other from what I read but the only ones who

have really communicated with me in any way are other new people. I am on

several other-other topics of interest to me and I was welcomed readily. I

have learned allot here by reading others mail but I don't get any feelings

of welcome so I will be going. Thanks for information and I have bookmarked

websites mentioned but I need more than you can give me. Bye!

> Temple

> Kuddle Kritters Farm

> Chelmsford, MA

> dat2352@...

> http://www.homestead.com/kuddlekrittersfarm/index.html

> http://www/homestead.com/kuddlekraft/index.html




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  • 2 years later...

I just want to say that I felt that a few people were really mean to me, when all I did was state my opinion, despite the fact that I have been on this site for a long time, and have done my best to help others, the fact is that I do have a very strong opinion with regards to saline implants of all type. Because I don't feel that it is wise or right to give any one the impression that a smooth implant is safe or that they cannot get just as sick from them, everyone, esp Dr Kolb has decided to turn on me. However, I have done much soul searching and realized that it is time for me to move on away from this issue and get on with life, now that my illness is pretty much gone, I have lots of life to live.

I feel bad that I need to leave the group, but I don't feel that I will be missed anyhow and the fact is that just because I disagree with Dr Kolb on this issue does not make me mean or a bad person. I have a right to my own feelings on this subject. I also happen to know that there are certain PS's out there who are trying to do fat transfers and that is legal to do this, and that there are some sucess with it. Hopefully someday this will be improved and implants will be pushed aside for a natural method of enlarging breasts. In the meantime i hope everyone here will be healthy and happy and know that despite having my own opinion I think that I have always tried to help others throughout this whole issue and tried to be nice and supportive.

It is time for me to move on from all this.

take care

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Patty, I had a wonderful "hearts" day, I hope you did too. What did you do? Our house will be closed on next week, we have been in the process of building it for over 9 months now, Arggg! Anyway, I am glad it will come to and end, and we can stop living out of all these god forsaken boxes! Anyhow, we have a jucuzzi in our master bath, and tonight, we took our little guy Tyler over ther (we have the keys but cant move in yet) and filled up the tub, and I watched my husband and him take a bath in what seemed like a an endless pool to him. It was realy a beautiful moment, snow was falling in the window behind them (good thing the neighbors arent in, they would have gotten a eye full!) being Valentine's Day, and to watch them both, to be alive to hear the water, and see his wet smile, and sloppy kisses just realy made me thank God that I am sill here surviving Although, I stopped feeling like a victim a long time ago, tonight was the first time in a long time, that I truly felt blessed. Blessed with family, and people who love me, and blessed to see the white snow falling in slow motion. It was like God was pulling it out of his bag, and sprinkling it everywhere. Anyway, just thought I 'd share that, I know its not about Breast Implants, but tonight, I realized I have come a long way to realy see my blessings. Love you guys,

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Of course, I am upset about leaving the group, as I have valued her participation very much, and she has been a great help to me when I have needed a break from the group as well. I just wanted to let all of you know that has said that if any of you want to write her privately about anything or have questions, she would still be open to receiving private emails from any of you. Please feel free to continue communicating with her if you wish. She just needs a break from this group right now and I can understand that. It can be a very volative issue, always has been and always will be, unfortunately. As Dr. Bernard Patten has said, breast implants are

Bad for those who made them

Bad for those who put them in

Bad for those who got them in

And bad for those who did research on them.

And on it goes.....I hope everyone has had a very nice and love filled Valentine's Day. I did absolutely!~

I feel very blessed. I hope you all do too.



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  • 7 years later...

Angel, I've been deleting all of the posts except for a couple. I

don't feel well and can't handle the extraneous garbage either. I

voiced my suspicions about it, but it still goes on. Just go no mail

until it lightens up.



SUBMIT YOUR DOCTOR: www.presenting.net/sbs/molddoctors.html


nac> The amount of non-relevant posts in the last month is beyond my level of


nac> Since the moderators are letting non-relevant posts like 'ok', welcome

back' et al, is turning this into a chatroom environment rather than one of

'discussion'. All I have done is hit the delete

nac> button when seeing posts from Sickbuildings.

nac> I've met some great people online and in person from the group.

nac> I'll rely upon my friends/associates to forward to me posts that they think

are relevant that might be put up on the NTEF's website. I am sure the important

posts will be cross posted to

nac> ACCHEMIC which will keep me in the 'information' loop.

nac> Take care.

nac> Angel


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Sorry about that...


> >

> > I think Sharon got my point. Im confused with what you are saying. i was

sarcastically responding after someone complained (accused) about their

" suspicions " and had explained them in an earlier post. I was being sarcastic

and I have pretty much been in the depths of despair lately as this has been

pretty traumatizing. Then people are making statements like some of the new

folks are plants of some sort? ( I was sarcastically repeating the accusation

since no moderators or anyone else addressed it.. ).

> >

> > Robin


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Robin, there seems to be problems here lately with people reading things into

posts that are not there, and not reading replies to their own posts.

sometimes it's better just to let things roll off your back.

people have good days and bad days, sometimes it comes out in the posts.

sometimes just thinking about how that person may be haveing a bad day helps to

overlook flaws.

when you think about how bad you fell, just remembers others are felling the

same way.

I dont recall anyone posting about newbees being trolls, must have missed it. if

someones just saying they cant keep up with posts, theres to many posts, posts

are going into subjects that are not relavent to the WDB issues,than maybe just

try to understand that that is what they are saying,nothing more.

> > >

> > > I think Sharon got my point. Im confused with what you are saying. i was

sarcastically responding after someone complained (accused) about their

" suspicions " and had explained them in an earlier post. I was being sarcastic

and I have pretty much been in the depths of despair lately as this has been

pretty traumatizing. Then people are making statements like some of the new

folks are plants of some sort? ( I was sarcastically repeating the accusation

since no moderators or anyone else addressed it.. ).

> > >

> > > Robin

> >


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Very interesting. One of my suspicions is that very soon we will see a

very detailed article gleaned from this list - perhaps even a book!



SUBMIT YOUR DOCTOR: www.presenting.net/sbs/molddoctors.html


K> Thank you Jackie,

K> Also, please inform Barb and I through email. Your names will remain


K> Thank you



>> <SNIP>


>> > I'll rely upon my friends/associates to forward to me posts that they think

are relevant that might be put up on the NTEF's website. I am sure the important

posts will be cross posted to

>> ACCHEMIC which will keep me in the 'information' loop.

>> >

>> > Take care.

>> >

>> > Angel


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Please, please get your names straight. I did NOT write the post you

are referring to!



SUBMIT YOUR DOCTOR: www.presenting.net/sbs/molddoctors.html


C> Robin:

C> I am really sad to read this. Newbie's deserve to be welcomed and treated

with the up-most respect. There is no need for such paranoia. I am just

shocked that this is the sort of welcomed they

C> get.

C> :

C> Just go on digest and not get individual e-mails. I am sure the mods will be

glad to show you how to do this. If a group is giving me too much mail, I

either go on digest or no mail or read from

C> the group's website. I don't go and gripe over a few off topic messages.

Lighten up and allow us all to enjoy our group and to be able to welcome new

members or welcome back old members. I don't

C> see welcoming someone as garbage.

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ARGH!  Just re-visited my " inbox " and discovered the loving, supportive message

in response to this thread.  O.K.:  Once I know better, I do better.  I


this is one lesson I need to learn, especially in this group.  As I once

advocated a " pass " for emotional reactions, I should have provided that to the

folks who said hurtful things.  Sorry for my over-reaction and my

hyper-sensitivity.  I promise to post when I recognize that one of my symptoms,

perseverating over what used to be comments I could dismiss or ignore, has risen

its head.  New tool for Sally's maneuvering this illness:  Don't react right

after reading a post but allow yourself, Sally, a certain amount of time to drop

the boiling point and to reflect and think.  Over-reaction seems to be a way of

life sometimes for me these days.  Apologies for the diatribe, lovely group


Good thoughts to all,



From: osisposis <jeaninem660@...>

Sent: Fri, August 27, 2010 6:34:51 PM

Subject: [] Re: Leaving


Robin, there seems to be problems here lately with people reading things into

posts that are not there, and not reading replies to their own posts.

sometimes it's better just to let things roll off your back.

people have good days and bad days, sometimes it comes out in the posts.

sometimes just thinking about how that person may be haveing a bad day helps to

overlook flaws.

when you think about how bad you fell, just remembers others are felling the

same way.

I dont recall anyone posting about newbees being trolls, must have missed it. if

someones just saying they cant keep up with posts, theres to many posts, posts

are going into subjects that are not relavent to the WDB issues,than maybe just

try to understand that that is what they are saying,nothing more.

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I got your name from that post. I guess it was a bad 'copy and paste' job

someone did.


> Please, please get your names straight. I did NOT write the post you

> are referring to!


> Barth


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Thanks for clarifying that. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone who is

hurting already from mold illness.



SUBMIT YOUR DOCTOR: www.presenting.net/sbs/molddoctors.html


j> I got your name from that post. I guess it was a bad 'copy and paste' job

someone did.



>> Please, please get your names straight. I did NOT write the post you

>> are referring to!


>> Barth


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