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Dental Metal Toxicity

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Hospital Santa Back Dental Toxicity YOU SHOULD KNOW THATMERCURY- SILVER FILLINGS AND GOLD FILLINGS CANCAUSE LIFE THREATENING DISEASES! The accepted practice of most American dentists forseveral generations has been to treat tooth decay by & #8220;drillingand filling & #8221; using & #8220;silver fillings. & #8221; Silverfillings are actually a mixture of silver, copper, tin and zinc amalgamated (dissolved) withmercury. The amount of mercury in these composites is approximately50 %. Older fillings may have an even greater percentage of mercury. Mercury is more poisonous than any other metal exceptplutonium. Although the safety of dental filling material containingmercury has been debated in dental circles since the 1800 & #8217;s, theofficial opinion of The American and British Dental Association isthat when mercury is combined with other metals and used in dentalamalgam fillings, the toxic properties of mercury are rendered harmless. We now know that this is false propaganda! The & #8220;silver & #8221; fillings in your teeth & #8212;dental amalgams & #8212; are still widely used by the dental professionin most parts of the world. There is now a growing mountain ofevidence that it is NOT safe to do so. Some countries, like Sweden, Canada andGermany, have either banned or imposed serious limitations on amalgamusage. There is now compelling evidence from reputablescientific bodies such as the World Health Organization that, despiteclaims from pro-amalgam bodies, such as The American and BritishDental Association, mercury is NOT & #8220;locked & #8221; safelyin the metal bonds in the teeth; but can leak slowly into the body,often causing severe illnesses. These are reckoned to possiblyinclude; chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's diseaseand a whole range of & #8220;auto-immune & #8221; illnesses. In fact,just by damaging the immune system, dental amalgams could becontributing to an even broader range of illnesses. The mercury present in the filling is not the onlyproblem with dental fillings. A phenomenon called & #8220;electrogalvanism, & #8221; or electricity in the mouth is also a problem. Thisphenomenon is created when dissimilar metals are present in the mouth, such asmercury amalgam mixtures and gold, resulting in an electric currentbeing established in the mouth. This phenomenon can cause electrochemical reactions to take place, analogous to theelectroplating reactions used in the production of jewelry. Additionally, bacteria can use food and other organic debris trappedin between teeth as a food source. One of the byproducts ofthe bacteria is acid; which can directly affect the teeth, as well as,contribute to the electrochemical reaction of the fillings. Theresult is a & #8220;battery-like & #8221; effect, which can releasemercury from the fillings and, potentially, cause a direct electricalstimulus to the pituitary and hypothalamus glands. Studies have linked mercury exposure from the environmentwith a number and variety of illnesses including allergies, chronicfatigue, depression, Gl disorders, immune systems suppression, periodontal disease, neurological problems, reproductivedisorders, birth defects, kidney disease, heart problems,hypertension, respiratory disorders and skin disease. Mercury caninterfere with any process or organ in the body, since it ispoisonous to all cells, but it has a marked effect on the immunesystem. This has been shown by research indicating, the presence ofmercury amalgam fillings in the mouth reducing the immune systemefficiency by one-third to one-half! If a person has a chronic healthproblem for which a cause has not been found and mercury fillings are present in the mouth, mercury toxicity may be acontributing factor. To test whether an individual's mercury levels may be thecause of the problem, one can use the compound 2, 3-DimercaptosuccinicAcid (DMSA) to chelate (bind to) mercury in a provocative oral dose. Analyzing mercury in a collection of urineover the subsequent six (6) hours can give an indication of themercury burden of the body tissues. Care must be given during the process used in the removalof fillings containing mercury and should be done by a qualifieddentist. The dentists at the Hospital Santa dental office specialize in the safe removal of all types of metalfillings and crowns. Large-scale unprotected removal can generate newillness or make the chronic condition worse if special precautions are not followed. Amalgams should be removed according to asequence determined by their electrical potential. The physicalremoval process must also guard against exposure of the patient (as well as the dentist) to the mercury dust and vapors ofthe drilling process. Our protocol includes the administration of avitamin C IV drip, 30 minutes prior to the start of removal of the amalgam, the use of high flow oxygen, high vacuumsuction, the use of a rubber dam tooth isolation procedure andprotective eye wear. This insures optimal protection during theprocedure. Post removal requires chelation therapy. Remember thatthe American and British Dental Associations are very reluctant toacknowledge the toxicity of mercury amalgam fillings and that many dentists may not be fully aware of the special handlingsteps necessary in the safe removal process. Along with replacing the fillings, it is important forthe patient to coordinate with a physician who can help in the processof safe removal of mercury from the body. The chelating agent, DMSA, can be administered orally to facilitate the removal ofmercury from tissue (organ) storage sites. It is best used inconjunction with the removal of mercury amalgam fillings. Additionally, nutrient supplementation is an integral part of the recoveryprocess, providing the body with the tools needed to correct andcompensate for the toxicity of the metal in the body. DMSA What is DMSA? DMSA is an abbreviation for 2,3-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid. It is also marketed under the trade names & #8216;Chemet & #8221; and & #8216;Succimer. & #8221; It is an FDAapproved drug for treatment of lead toxicity in children. DMSA is also anexcellent oral chelating agent for removing mercury from the body. Itcrosses the blood brain barrier and removes toxic mercury from the brain and other body tissues. What happens after the course of DMSA is concluded? Itis recommended that a dentist knowledgeable in the proper procedure ofamalgam filling removal be consulted within one month and mercury amalgam fillings be replaced with compositeor gold. What happens if mercury amalgam fillings are notreplaced? It is emphatically recommended that mercury amalgamfillings be properly replaced. If this is not done or is postponed,it is predictable that tissue levels of mercury in the bodywill build up again as mercury is constantly released from the teeth. In such cases, periodically repeating urine mercury testing and acourse of DMSA chelation therapy is recommended. Can DMSA be taken the day of and day after dental workinvolving mercury amalgam in order to remove any & #8220;stray & #8221;amalgam (mercury) from the body? Yes Are there any side effects to using DMSA? There areusually little, if any, side effects to DMSA at the recommended dose. However, in some cases, as the body rids itself of the mercury, there could be some detoxification symptoms that mightoccur. If this is the case, the temporary ill effects of thosesymptoms are far less of a problem than the permanent ill effect ofhigh levels of mercury in the tissue. What kind of improvement should be noted using the DMSA? Most commonly, as the mercury is removed from the system, people willnotice an improvement in short-term memory, sharper concentration and a decrease in & #8220;foggy & #8221; thinking. DANGERS OF GOLDCONTAINING PALLADIUM / DENTAL ALLOY Palladium (PD) is a silver-white ductile and malleablemetal that belongs to the platinum group. Its atomic weight is 106;its melting point is 1557 degrees Celsius. Palladium is found in the platinum mines of Russia, Canada and Columbia and is usedin electrical contacts; as a catalyst and in gold, silver and copperalloys. The use of & #8220;Gold & #8221; in dentistry dates back toancient times and, today, the gold used by dentists still containsdangerous amounts of palladium. German holistic medical doctors referto palladium as the & #8220;fool's gold & #8221; of dentistry, because itmay be more dangerous than mercury. We use only Bio/2000Palladium-free Gold, which is 99.7% pure gold. This assures that youwill be 100% protected from any and all dangerous toxins. Also, byusing Bio/2000 Gold, or other palladium-free gold, we can create atooth that is very natural looking and also has the strength towithstand extreme amounts of pressure and that will last longerthan pure porcelain. The amount of palladium used today in making dentalcrowns and bridges varies considerably. The more durable & #8220;gold & #8221; and & #8220;silver & #8221; fillings or crowns maycontain up to 78.5% of other dangerous heavy metals. Like mercury, palladium is biomethylated in the digestivetract and, once synthesized, these methylated metals are invariablymore toxic than their inorganic substrates. This toxicity is thought to be due to the non polarnature of many organometallic compounds, which allows them to diffuserapidly into and through cell membranes. Dr. Elef Karkalis, MD, of Oppenheim Germany, believes that methylated palladium ismore toxic than methylated mercury; which is known to cause severeneurological disorders, including insanity. Methyl mercury interacts with phospholipids, causing neurotoxicity. Methyl mercury poisoning has affected people around the world and theindustrial dumping of mercury by products into lakes and streams has contaminated even the fish we eat. Using gold that contains palladium is to be consideredequally or possibly even more dangerous to your health than mercury. You can be assured that we are committed to using all Bio-Dentistry procedures and nontoxic materials in creating a beautifuland safe smile! Perhaps you should plan to have a dental evaluationand/or needed dental work done while you are being treated at Hospital Santa .

Martha Murdock, DirectorNational Silicone Implant Foundation | Dallas Headquarters"Supporting Survivors of Medical Implant Devices"4416 Willow LaneDallas, TX 75244-7537

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