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Re: Re: Seasonal Variations

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Hi ,

Thanks so much for your kind words. I am feeling better I think. Truthfully, I think my lack of steady exercise is a major problem with how I am feeling right now. It has been a long winter even though I am in this warm desert climate! It has been rainy and icky here lately, and I am in no mood to exercise these days, shame on me! I will give the melatonin a try tonight. In fact, I am going to pop my first pill right now.

Congratulations on your appt with Dr. Feng, I am really glad you are moving forward with this! I know you will be very pleased with their help, and I am sure Dr. Feng will calm your fears about the whole explant thing, the illness connections, and all that other stuff that has been so hard to deal with. This whole thing will be over soon for you, and you can be on the road to healing. I remember how awful I felt when I was sick, and I almost feel guilty for complaining when I have my little brain fog bouts, because they are NOWHERE near as bad as they used to be. Like I said, I feel pretty good almost all the time now, and so I hope you will feel encouraged that you will be getting better. It took awhile, but I thank God I have healed as much as I have.

Take care, and thanks for writing!



----- Original Message -----

From: lisalynh <lisalynh@...>

Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 8:09 PM

Subject: Re: Seasonal Variations

Patty,So sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Relapses/exacerbations are always so frustrating because you get so excited when you're feeling good and then so discouraged when you feel poorly again. I know... my symptoms vary greatly from day to day, with some days being pretty decent, allowing me to function relatively normally, and others when I'm just incapacitated. It's good that you can link changes in your symptoms to changes in the environment... it's so important to be attuned to your body and what conditions provoke what response. I don't know what part of the country you're in, but where I am (DC) it feels as if spring is so far off, so if you're looking for a more wintery climate, take a trip here! But I hope you feel better soon and want you to know you have my support and best wishes/prayers.On another note, I have made an appointment to see Dr. Feng in 3 weeks for a consult. I know that's not far off, but it feels so far away because every day feels so long as I'm feeling so terrible. But I at least feel I'm moving in the right direction. Thanks for you help!

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