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Re: Digest Number 1204

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Yes, he is a very intelligent and thorough Dr. Initially

doesn't want to be questioned but will give clear and

informative answers. Why? Do you go to him?

As I am not at transplant stage yet is see Dr. Tendler

in the GI Dept. Again, he is through but I can talk to him


E-mail me at loudonmf@....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rosemary, please tell Hunt it is normal to feel depressed and ugly with this

disease. I was and am still occasionally very depressed. When you have

something you can't control it's very mind-boggling. Also, I gained 30

pounds on the Prednisone and had acne like a 16 y/o, so I was VERY ugly. I

still have lost the 30 pounds even though I've been off the Pred for about 6

months. Know a good diet????

Take care, in Louisiana AIH Nov 99'

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Hey, just for your info, I was put on hormones about a months ago and it made

my labs go back up. But, when I got off the hormones they went back to

normal. Just shows that some drugs do affect our lab results. Take care,

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Welcome , sounds like you've been through alot. Please use us as a

sounding board. There's alot of advice and kindness here. There are also

alot of us who have more than one autoimmune disease. Take care, in

Louisiana AIH Nov 99'.

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  • 4 months later...
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I'm just one more person who wanted to voice her support for Geoff and RA

SPES. Geoff has always been extremely helpful to me, and I wasn't even

buying my RA SPES from healingyou.org.

I have been taking RA SPES every day for almost a year with tremendous

improvement in my RA and no side effects. But because of the constant

insistence that because it works it must contain steroids, I had a test done

on my adrenal gland function. They are functioning quite normally, thank


It was a sad day for many people when BotanicLab decided to stop producing

RA SPES, a natural product that actually works and does no harm. You can't

say that for many substances today.




> Message: 8

> Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 09:29:42 -0800

> From: " Geoff " <gbcren@...>

> Subject: Re: prednisone/ra spes


> Hi Gang! Geoff Crenshaw here.


> On February 14, 2001, I received a letter from the organization that

> tested both RA Spes and PC Spes. I had been trying to find these people

> and perhaps obtain a copy of the report for some time. One of our group

> members was instrumental in having the analysis conducted and had

> reported back to the group *at that time* that RA Spes, the product we

> as a group were particularly interested in, specifically did NOT contain

> any undisclosed additives, i.e., there is nothing in it that is not

> listed on the label. Everything in it is listed on the label.


> Since there seemed to be a continuing and unending flap about all this,

> I thought I'd try to run down the report. I was successful in doing so

> and received this response:


> " I do have the file which consists of a two-page analytical

> report on both RA-Spes and PC-Spes. Since we incurred

> considerable expense in having these two products tested, we

> would have to ask $150 for a copy of the report. This is a

> fraction of the original cost. "


> Braced with this I approached the other founders and some benefactors of

> HealingYou about obtaining the report and posting it to the site. The

> majority opinion was that it would be an unnecessary expenditure of

> precious funds better used elsewhere. While all agreed the information

> could be beneficial, the fact that a " brief " had already been received

> from the member at the time the analysis was done, and that brief had

> been promulgated to the group, weighed heavily in the determination of

> such an expenditure as being a wholly inappropriate use of funds.


> I was considering approaching the group to see if anyone wished to

> contribute to a fund-raising specifically for the purpose of obtaining

> and publishing the report to the Web site, but it frankly was not a high

> priority item - fortunately for me. For as we now know, production of RA

> Spes was stopped about 2-3 weeks later.


> If you desire a copy of the report, feel free to buy it. I will gladly

> forward the address in hope you might share it with the rest of us.


> Until then, I believe the appropriate response to,


> " well I dont believe heresay....

> I like facts in black and white.....

> Something to put my finger on

> " Show me The Money " .... "


> Is something politely stated as, " please pay the cashier, Mam. "


> If you'd like to read the entire message, please let me know and I will

> gladly post it for all to see. :)


> Regards, -----------------------

> Geoff ** Usual Disclaimers **

> -----------------------

> How can you have hope?

> Get under the blood of the Passover Lamb.

> EXO 12:7-3 / MAR 14:24 / REV 12:11


> http://www.healingyou.org/ Nonprofit: Herbs, Homeopathics & supp's.

> http://www.800-800-cruise.com/index-aff.html Make money & travel!

> http://www.800-800-cruise.com/ Over a MILLION travel deals!







> ________________________________________________________________________

> ________________________________________________________________________


> Message: 9

> Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 11:45:05 -0600

> From: " " <asolomon@...>

> Subject: Re: Garlic


> I'm not that afraid of smelling after all the posts indicating I probably

> won't. It just seems easier. But I assume, like you, that fresh is best.




> rheumatic Garlic

>> >

>> >


>> >

>> > Garlic is one of the most valuable foods on this planet. It has been

>> used since Biblical times, and is mentioned in the literature of the

>> ancient Hebrews, Greeks, Babylonians, Romans and Egyptians. The builders

>> of the pyramids supposedly ate garlic daily for endurance & strength.

>> >

>> > Garlic lowers blood pressure through the actions of one of its

>> components, methyl alyl trisulfide, which dilates the blood vessel walls.

>> It thins the blood by inhibiting platelet aggregation, which reduces the

>> risk of blood clots and aids in preventing heart attacks. It also lowers

>> serum cholesterol levels and aids in digestion. Garlic is useful for many

>> diseases and illnesses, including cancer. It is a potent immune system

>> stimulant and a natural antibiotic. It should be consumed daily. It can

>> be eaten fresh, taken in supplement form, or used to prepare garlic oil.

>> >

>> > Garlic contains an amino acid derivative, alliin. When garlic is

>> consumed, the enzyme alliinase, which converts alliin to allicin, is

>> released. Allicin has an antibiotic effect; it exerts an antibacterial

>> effect estimated to be equivalent to 1% of that of penicillin. Because of

>> its antibiotic properties, garlic was used to treat wounds and infections

>> and to prevent gangrene during World War I.

>> >

>> > Garlic is also effective against fungal infections, including

> athlete's

>> foot, systemic candidiasis, and yeast vaginitis, and there is some

> evidence

>> that it may also destroy certain viruses, such as those associated with

>> fever blisters, genital herpes, a form of the common cold. smallpox, and a

>> type of influenza.

>> >

>> > If you find the odor to strong after you eat garlic, chew some prigs

> of

>> parsley or mint, caraway or fennel seeds.

>> >

>> > An alternative to fresh garlic is Kyaloc from Wakunaga of America.

>> Kyolic is an odorless " sociable " garlic product, and is available in

>> tablet, capsule, and oil extract forms.

>> >

>> >

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  • 3 months later...
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Who is Dr. ? Is this the very same

who contacted us and offered to " help " Dr.

in her problems, claiming to be a supporter? I

think he may be a quackbuster. (quackpot) Beware!

There is no such study conducted by a University of

Baja. I don't think there is a University of Baja. We

don't believe there is any such person

Jan Bolen


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I agree with completely. The difference between and Myself as

compared to others in the HBOT field is that we both got into this business

because of our personal experiences with HBOT helping our loved ones. We

both invested our life savings. We both have a safety record that is very

near perfect with never a baratrauma incident or any other incident

happening as a result of lack of training or greed. We are both firmly

convinced, as a result of seeing it happen with our own eyes, that HBOT is

the medicine of the future and because of that we both will do everything

possible to keep it safe and maintain the excellent safety record that hbot

has enjoyed over the last few years.

You are not just considering building a chamber, you are considering

building a unit that you will be putting live people in and keeping them

that way. Why is the safety record in the USA the best in the world?

Because of the standards. You are not putting propane or air in a tank and

compressing it, you are using real people. Our multiplace chamber is 5/8 "

thick steel. A propane tank is not even close. I am a welder and I could

also build a chamber. The question is: Can I add port holes, a door and

proper seal, fire suppression equipment, and do the proper equipment to make

it a safe chamber? No, I would not attempt it.

What about the proper air filtration systems, and a compressor system that

will deliver medical quality air into the chamber. Did you know a regular

compressor system can produce Carbon Monoxide and cause death? Have you

checked on the costs of compressors and filtration systems that are safe for

HBOT use? You are looking at $20,000 plus just for this system alone. And

when we talk about the costs of chambers, it does not take into

consideration the cost of installation by a professional. Check on the

costs alone of installing O2 lines and having them cleaned with nitrogen and

tested and certified safe. Every valve used in the controls have to be

disassembled by a professional company, cleaned and certified for Oxygen use

to be safe.

As for the " bag " that companies are using to take advantage of those who

want hbot so badly, you cannot safely add oxygen to the bag chamber,

period!!! They were designed for temporary transport and for high altitude

sickness with mountain climbers and will only go to 3 or 4 PSI safely. Yes,

there will be some benefit, but you can get more benefit at less cost from

one round of 40 sessions with 100% oxygen than you will using the bag for a


Ozone treatments cannot even be compared to hbot and is not the same

Science. If one does the studies on saturating the plasma with oxygen and

the carrying it to the cells, especially that of the brain and how the

pressure reduces brain swelling to make this possible, it becomes apparent

that there is no comparison with any other therapy available.

Get real, stay safe, and breathe deeply


Children's Hyperbarics at Miracle Mountain


> Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 02:12:07 -0700

> From: " Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics " <hyperbaric1@...>

> Subject: RE: Re: HBOT-



> I think of safety of the field, I want to see HBOT accepted in every new

> born nursery, I want to see People have access to HBOT at a reasonable


> for everyone to be able to use it, ONE accident and we are back in the


> ages with HBOT. there are standards and Safety is very important to me.

> IF I were self promoting my center I would surely charge more, TONIGHT I


> before a judge who was allowing me to speak about the benefits of near

> drowning, for a Dear little child, Ward of the state who drown one month

> ago, The judge said he would hear our case and possible allow the child to

> go for therapy, I will treat this child at no cost as I do Many children.


> work 12 -15 hours daily just to keep the cost down.

> However, I can tell you this, that in the over 1000 patients that I have

> personally operated the chamber for, Never one accident nor ear ache

> Nothing, I do take much pride in the gentle way that I treat our patients,

> Never would I leave the room with a person in the chamber.

> Of course there are ways to build a chamber or a ozone machine, however

> Keeping the field safe and with some rules for chambers for Humans is very

> important to me.

> My three children were treated and that is how I got into the field. My


> for HBOT is off the charts, My friend, You do not know me, Nor would you

> understand what this field means to me, for you have never had your own

> children affected with disorders, and now Have fully recovered. I refuse


> fight over the subject of Safety, Your post sounded so ignorant of safety,

> Health and the well being of the people who use it. This is not a game.


> Re: HBOT-



> said,> Wayne, Are you out of your mind?

> My Dear ,

> I've noticed many of your replies seem to have the angle of pushing

> your HBOT facility and promoting your " expert skills " .

> Someone with engineering and technical abilities like being able to

> weld airtight seams and pressure test vessels could make an HBOT if

> they really put their mind to it. It doesn't need to have all the

> bells and whistles of professional chamber. One could make a chamber

> out of a large propane tank. It is already made to sustain the

> pressure. Apparently your capabilities don't allow you to imagine how

> someone might go about this.



> >

> > Re: HBOT

> >

> >

> > > Evening Dr. Saul and the list,

> > >

> > >

> > > >But I though that you posted previously that there were HBOT

> chambers

> > sold

> > > >for $40,000. Not yours, but other ones.

> > >

> > > No doubt others have thought of the question I have.

> > >

> > > Surely a super craftsman with determination could build a home

> system from

> > > junk he can find here and there to result if a fully functional


> > system.

> > >

> > > I have an eight by 10 walk in cooler that is virtually air

> tight. It

> > could

> > > be sealed with any material imaginable.

> > >

> > > Getting the door to be pressure tight would be the only problem.

> Maybe we

> > > could swipe the hatch off a submarine or similar.

> > >

> > > I am into control systems, at one time manufactured medical

> products,

> > > designed manifolds and valves. I could certainly build a fully

> computer

> > > controlled system for the HBOT.

> > >

> > > Tell me I am crazy.... if you think so. <grin>

> > >

> > > Wayne

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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You and I seem to be having a knee-jerk week together.

As I recall Dr. did speak supportively of Dr. when he first

joined the list last year. From the description in two posts yesterday

of his reasons for no longer placing faith in her zapper or the

treatment at her clinic, they sound like personal experiences of Dr.

and his associates, with which he was unsatisfied. He is entitled

to his opinions about Dr. , even if you disagree with him.

It seems to me Dr. should not have to prove he is a doctor, but

rather that you should offer some evidence he isn't before calling him a

crackpot. Dr. ' clinic and his credentials are easy enough to

check from information on his website. Did you even call his clinic to

see if it was there? The clinic's number is 0115266 827955. His number

is 01152 65 608784. I called & spoke to him. And, it shouldn't be too

difficult to check if he actually has a clinic by asking any of Dr.

's associates in Mexico to check on him, since they are in the same


I know you are a passionate defender of Dr. , and that is a

wonderful thing. But, she is not perfect, all of her beliefs are not

carved in stone, and other worthy doctors may just disagree with her on

specific subjects. I disagree with some of her pronouncements, and that

diminishes neither me nor Dr. . It seems to me that what you have

done is more like the quackbuster bozo, namely hurling unsubstantiated

accusations that not even you are sure of.

You contradict his assertion of a research paper by saying there has

been no such research, and your proof is that you don't think there is a

university there. If you don't even know whether or not there is a

university there, isn't it possible there is one, and they did research

of which you are unaware?

I'm not trying to pick you apart, but it seems to me in this case that

you are the one crossing the line, not Dr. .

jim :)

oxyplus moderator

Jan Bolen wrote:


> Who is Dr. ? Is this the very same

> who contacted us and offered to " help " Dr.

> in her problems, claiming to be a supporter? I

> think he may be a quackbuster. (quackpot) Beware!

> There is no such study conducted by a University of

> Baja. I don't think there is a University of Baja. We

> don't believe there is any such person


> Jan Bolen


The TRUTH in 11 words:

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened!

-- anon

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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  • 5 months later...

Hi Carolyn..from one veteran JRA-er to another...I could not have put it better myself. Your expression of growing up with JRA hit so very close it could have been my story. I am 36 and was dx'd at 5 so needles to say been there, done that! Thanks for the wonderful words and to all the parents hang tough, the battle is never ending but know your childen and you will endure..hugs to all!


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Dear Donna. I have longed to find someone with a common life story. Have you

had any surgerys to date? I have had 13. Ankle fusions, wrist fusions,

tendons rupture..etc. I have been a member of about .com's arthritis chats

but...so many of those wonderful people have had adult onset. It is hard to

relate to them when we have had a lifetime of JRA. I correct my doctors

constantly...they say oh you have RA ...I say no...JRA! There is a big

difference. The joints it effect are different etc. Do your doctors treat you

now as JRA or RA. The meds act differently from whose with adult onset. I

have been on everything from Plaquenil, gold injections, MTX, enbrel

etc.....My thyroid acted up and I have been on synthroid since I was about

22. My right lung has inflamatory cells now causing bouts of pneumonia and

plurisy. But through all of this my attitude has been strong. Having a

chronic problem your whole life makes you strong. I have two great kids and a

terrific husband. My kids pediatrician and I have watched the kids like hawks

even through panoramic dental x-rays and they have no signs of JRA. There was

no family history, I just started symptoms and it took untill I was 17 to

diagnose it. I went from very athletic to nothing. I have never stoped

looking for answers, or looking for help. If a joint crumbles, I get it

fixed. So if acupuncture can help why not? Right now I am in a cast and in a

wheel chair after my left ankle was fused. I look forward to walking , I hope

by Christmas. Santa...thats all I need! HAHAHA (sound like a song?) I would

dearly love to keep in touch, compare notes, share good and bad days.

Blessings, Carolyn

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Hi Carolyn,

One reason I'm so happy that we're able to connect with one another in this email group is that even after 6+ years of living with my son 's diagnosis of systemic JRA, I learn something new just about every week from reading the messages here.

I understand what you mean about how it can be hard to relate to people who have adult onset illness rather than childhood onset, due to the many differences. Though I was able to learn so, so much from the folks at the Still's Disease Mailing List, and had the opportunity to get to know many very wonderful and caring people, I realized that though many of our issues were similar ... there were a lot of differences, too. Enough that it warranted forming an online group specifically for those with childhood onset arthritis.

One thing I found interesting while reading your post was that the meds act differently for those with JRA, versus adult onset RA. I'm curious. How do you mean? Also, how old were you when your arthritis symptoms first started? What type did they classify it as, when you were 17?

Lastly, I just wanted to say that I can't wait for your cast to come off too, so you can start walking again after the fusion. That truly would be a great holiday gift ... and I hope it happens right on schedule with no complications : )

Take Care,


Dear Donna. I have longed to find someone with a common life story. Have you had any surgerys to date? I have had 13. Ankle fusions, wrist fusions, tendons rupture..etc. I have been a member of about .com's arthritis chats but...so many of those wonderful people have had adult onset. It is hard to relate to them when we have had a lifetime of JRA. I correct my doctors constantly...they say oh you have RA ...I say no...JRA! There is a big difference. The joints it effect are different etc. Do your doctors treat you now as JRA or RA. The meds act differently from whose with adult onset. I have been on everything from Plaquenil, gold injections, MTX, enbrel etc.....My thyroid acted up and I have been on synthroid since I was about 22. My right lung has inflamatory cells now causing bouts of pneumonia and plurisy. But through all of this my attitude has been strong. Having a chronic problem your whole life makes you strong. I have two great kids and a terrific husband. My kids pediatrician and I have watched the kids like hawks even through panoramic dental x-rays and they have no signs of JRA. There was no family history, I just started symptoms and it took untill I was 17 to diagnose it. I went from very athletic to nothing. I have never stoped looking for answers, or looking for help. If a joint crumbles, I get it fixed. So if acupuncture can help why not? Right now I am in a cast and in a wheel chair after my left ankle was fused. I look forward to walking , I hope by Christmas. Santa...thats all I need! HAHAHA (sound like a song?) I would dearly love to keep in touch, compare notes, share good and bad days. Blessings, Carolyn

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Thanks, Donna, for your encouraging words. I hope you're starting to feel better.



Hi Carolyn..from one veteran JRA-er to another...I could not have put it better myself. Your expression of growing up with JRA hit so very close it could have been my story. I am 36 and was dx'd at 5 so needles to say been there, done that! Thanks for the wonderful words and to all the parents hang tough, the battle is never ending but know your childen and you will endure..hugs to all! Donna

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For links to websites about arthritis and JRA, visit: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/8414/Links.html------------------------------------------------------------------------There are 18 messages in this issue.Topics in this digest:1. RE: Pain reliefFrom: I LB 2. Re: Pain reliefFrom: LEdleman@...3. File - BirthdayList.txtFrom: 4. File - List of DoctorsFrom: 5. RE: Pain reliefFrom: "karens tribe" 6. Re: Ribs?From: "karens tribe" 7. Lorie (Was Re: Pain relief)From: "Georgina" 8. Re: Pain reliefFrom: "Georgina" 9. Who Treats Rheumatoid Arthritis?From: "Georgina" 10. Chronic Reactive Arthritis Does Not Respond to Long-Term DoxycyclineFrom: "Georgina" 11. Impact of REMICADE® (infliximab) on Progression of RAFrom: "Georgina" 12. Re: Pain reliefFrom: "Georgina" 13. Re: Digest Number 1200From: "Georgina" 14. Re: Pat and From: "Georgina" 15. Re: DeeDee: Methotrexate QuestionsFrom: "Georgina" 16. Re: Growth Issues (Re: C's updateFrom: "Georgina" 17. A "wacked out" idea?From: deedit1112@...18. Re: A "wacked out" idea?From: DONALD A MORSE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Message: 1Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 06:08:43 -0800 (PST)From: I LB Subject: RE: Pain reliefLorie Jo.............first off, you are NOT a lamemama!!!!!*I* think as parents, we all do what *we* think isright for our children at any given time.AND........every decision we make is a difficult one,JRA related or not.My ds takes motrin/advil or even OTC naprosyn for hisJA symptoms and does quite well. Ok...........my dd is not on "pain" meds regularly.She is taking mtx,folic acid, prednisone, Enbrel, andZofran (to counteract the horrible sickness she getsfrom the mtx). She unfortunately is allergic to mostof the NSAIDS, and Vioxx as well :(So..........for her pain, if it is really unbearable,I will give her tylenol. I know it's really a low enddrug, but even if it takes away the edge of pain, it'sdone it's job.Yes, my rheumy allows dd/me to take an active role inher treatment. We come up withsuggestions/possibilities, and then we discuss them atlength.......pros and cons. Sometimes we are not inagreement, but for the most part we are okay :)Have a great day.Isabel__________________________________________________

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  • 1 year later...
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I have a comment on the scar tissue discussion: The reason to remove the scar tissue is to remove any particles of silicone or the shell that may have flaked off. In the case of silicone implants it is to remove any and all silicone that may have leaked out. In the case of saline implants-from what I understand about how/why saline implants cause problems, it is the textured shell that flakes off micro particles into the scar tissue that causes the allergic/autoimmune reaction. That is not to say that the smooth shells dont cause problems, because for many women they do; it usually takes longer and the body's reaction is more of either a rejection reaction to a foreign substancce in it, or as they age, the tiny particles are released into the body. I am no Dr. but it seems at this early stage in Kay's implants that scar tissue would not be much of an issue, UNLESS she is already have a bad reaction in some way to the implants. My best advice would be to call Dr. Feng's office in Cleveland and talk to them. They are so knowledgeable about implants and reactions to them.

Have a Great Day!


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  • 8 months later...

Hi Seval,

If you want to contact me privately virginia@.... I can put you

in touch with someone selling an all natural one (at long last). Take care.


Western Australia

At 09:00 PM 5/12/2003 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi read the dialoge re preservatives & was hoping that anyone could suggest

>a paraben free synthetic choice & where to get it. we don't have many

>outlet in Australia so I would have to get it O/S

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest


You could try contacting Gough, Primary Care Nurse Consultant in

Public Health, Camden PCT. The PCT are developing a very different approach

to primary care nursing/health visiting, using the 3 core Liberating the

Talents functions as a basis for all community staff. is now working

with current HVs (and others) to develop the PH function. Her email is:


Things are in their early stages, but it offers an interesting inner city


All the best


Dr Neil Brocklehurst

Freelance Consultant

Public Health Practice Development

e: neil@...

Generic health visiting

I have been looking at the PHAAR model, Bexley Model, and have spoken with

ruth about her work - does anyone know of a contact for an inner city PCT's

change to public health agenda.

thank yoy



Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you.





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dear Neil

Thank you very much i will certainly follow it up


>From: " Neil Brocklehurst " <neil@...>


>< >

>Subject: RE: Digest Number 1204

>Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 16:48:15 +0100



>You could try contacting Gough, Primary Care Nurse Consultant in

>Public Health, Camden PCT. The PCT are developing a very different


>to primary care nursing/health visiting, using the 3 core Liberating the

>Talents functions as a basis for all community staff. is now working

>with current HVs (and others) to develop the PH function. Her email is:




>Things are in their early stages, but it offers an interesting inner city



>All the best



>Dr Neil Brocklehurst

>Freelance Consultant

>Public Health Practice Development

>e: neil@...


> Generic health visiting


>I have been looking at the PHAAR model, Bexley Model, and have spoken with

>ruth about her work - does anyone know of a contact for an inner city PCT's

>change to public health agenda.

>thank yoy




>Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you.












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  • 5 months later...

In a message dated 10/3/04 8:35:18 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

SSRI medications writes:

> ....It is my understanding that it's only possible to check serotonin

> levels in the brain with an MRI but I doubt very seriously that anyone would

go to

> that extent without being pushed by a patient or their family

The only way to check serotonin levels in the brain is 1) take a sample of

brain tissue, whirl it in a blender, and measure the levels. It helps if the

patient is already dead. 2) a Spinal Tap will also measure serotonin levels but

not as accurately as the brain tissue sample.

" Blind Reason "

a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

Unsafe At Any Dose

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  • 11 months later...

That's fascinating about the dentist. Was this a young dentist? Perhaps there's been some research that is newer. I've had my Harrington rod for 23 years & I've never been put on an antibiotic either. But the thing that shocks me the most here is that is was your ORTHOPEDIST who said that you needed the antibiotic. THat being the case, shouldn't ALL our surgeons be telling us to take prophylactic antibiotics before dental work, etc.?

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I too was told I had to get medical clearance for dental work,I have had this rod for 26 years and this was the first time there was any question of having dental work! So now my dentist insists that I take an antibiotic before any appointment. Has something new happened,a new study maybe about the risk of infection? If you figure it out I would be very interested to know what is going on! And as for pain meds,I vacillate between knowing I need them and hating the fact that I need them. I was a medical assistant in a family practice group for 5 years and I know that the staff always questions people very closely on their need and use of opiates.It is mostly due to the people who abuse them that we are made to suffer. I knew for a fact that one of our patients was selling his oxycontin,but the doctor,now retired, gave them to him anyway. There were also several times that our prescription pads were stolen and the doctor's name forged. But anyway today I am glad I have the meds

but like the weather here in Texas check with me later and I will feel bad again! LOL!!

Mashell wrote:

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