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Then my cousin gave me the

> advanced taped and I have been doing that 6 times a week for the

last month

> for 30 mins. Because I haven't been able to finish it I just went

back to

> the basic today and it was much easier for me. Oh yeah, I tried


8 min

> workout and it just seems as though that can't possibly do anything

for you

> because it's so short. I have 40 lbs that I must lose. Do you



> more advice?

, that's great that the basic is much easier for you now. It

shows you how far you've come. You can always combine the floor work

(starting at about minute 35 or 45) from the advanced tape with the

basic tape or add the 8-minute tape to the basic tape to extend the

workout and build your endurance. You can also combine the basic

with daily walking to increase your stamina or weight lifting 3 times

a week to increase your metabolism and strength. It is hard to jump

right into the advanced tape. I did it yesterday and find that it is

still a challenging tape even after 1 year of taebo.

Remember that taebo is about changing your life style. There are no

quick fixes. If you are faithful to taebo, you will be rewarded with

new results the rest of your life (some will be pounds, inches, or

clothes' sizes lost; others will be less tangible, e.g., increased

stamina, strength, coordination, balance, stress release, pain

release, ... .).


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Was out with my friends last night and they said I was the only person they

knew who could get up at 6 to clean the house, work all day, run around with

4 kids and still have the energy to stay up till midnight to wash a couple

loads of clothes. It is all energy from Taebo! Here is my problem---can't

find many places to buy clothes from because I now wear a size 1 and there

aren't too many places that carry a 1. However, I have never had so much

fun shopping for bikinis. The smaller the better. Hey, the thong doesn't

look too bad either!

----who has had a great week spending money since it has rained during

her whole spring break from school

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My butt is moving toward the sky causing me clothes to get tighter

> and tighter. What is that?


" What is that? " you ask regarding your butt rising...It's your glute

muscles firming! That's good! Believe me, as you lose weight,

you'll be happy because you won't have a droopy, sagging behind.

(If I haven't already welcomed you to the group, welcome!)



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> , what does LOL mean? Okay, I will just wait and see what


> Oh, something happened today that made me feel great. I bought a

size 12

> skirt yesterday, put it on today and it was sooooo looooose?

However, I can

> not see the loss when I look at myself. Is that normal?


Congratulations on the skirt being loose! It is completely normal to

look at yourself and not see any change. We have distorted views of

our bodies and it takes awhile for us to notice the change. I had

this exact thing happen to me the other day when I was shopping. I

was able to fit into size 7/8 shorts and I was standing there in

disbelief because when I looked in the mirror, I still saw the same

big old legs staring back at me. I guess it just takes some time and

of course, we are much harder on ourselves than we are on others.

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, what does LOL mean? Okay, I will just wait and see what happens.

Oh, something happened today that made me feel great. I bought a size 12

skirt yesterday, put it on today and it was sooooo looooose? However, I can

not see the loss when I look at myself. Is that normal?

Re: Vacation

> In a message dated 4/19/00 10:29:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> momie@... writes:


> << Do you have any

> more advice? >>


> Patience is a virtue. That is my only advise. Be patient! I know it is


> but the weight will come off at it's own pace. It has taken me 2 years to

> lose 75 pounds. It is a slow process. Try to enjoy it along the way


> one day you'll wake up and say, " Hey! Where'd all my fat go? " LOL!

> :)


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.

> Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already

> registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:

> 1/2885/1/_/21226/_/956205303/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> As Deb has said: " Fitness is a journey and it begins with the first step. "


> Visit our new vault site http://taeboon.isportsdot.com/



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Like I said before, I honestly think Taebo has given me all that energy. It

has not only changed my body tremendously, but has made me start eating

healthy and given me a great attitude---like I can do anything---Supermom;

Superwife; Superteacher! That is an exaggeration, but I can honestly say

that I now get twice as much done in a day than before I started doing Taebo.

I never want to sit anymore. I want to move. It is actually hard sitting

here at the computer for any length of time. I just have completely changed

the way I live.

---whose screen name is Fitatforty!

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In a message dated 04/20/2000 11:03:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

drillermom@... writes:

<< I now get twice as much done in a day than before I started doing Taebo.

I never want to sit anymore. I want to move. It is actually hard sitting

here at the computer for any length of time >>

well that explains it!!

You haven't quoted parts of original posts that you have responded to cuz you

cannot sit still long enough!


who got lightening so bye bye

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drillermom@... wrote:


Here is my problem---can't

> find many places to buy clothes from because I now wear a size 1 and there

> aren't too many places that carry a 1. However, I have never had so much

> fun shopping for bikinis. The smaller the better. Hey, the thong doesn't

> look too bad either!


> ----who has had a great week spending money since it has rained during

> her whole spring break from school

, I can empathize with you about the rain (it's raining in Northern

Virginia, too; I sure hope the tomatoes like it), but not the size 1.

I'm afraid you are on your own there.

Elena, who is glad enjoyed her Spring break.

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, thanks for the the encouragement. I stepped on the scale to the

most amazing thing this morning. I lost five lbs. I feel great and am now

more determined to continue taeboing.

Re: Vacation

> , what does LOL mean? Okay, I will just wait and see what


> Oh, something happened today that made me feel great. I bought a

size 12

> skirt yesterday, put it on today and it was sooooo looooose?

However, I can

> not see the loss when I look at myself. Is that normal?


Congratulations on the skirt being loose! It is completely normal to

look at yourself and not see any change. We have distorted views of

our bodies and it takes awhile for us to notice the change. I had

this exact thing happen to me the other day when I was shopping. I

was able to fit into size 7/8 shorts and I was standing there in

disbelief because when I looked in the mirror, I still saw the same

big old legs staring back at me. I guess it just takes some time and

of course, we are much harder on ourselves than we are on others.


Get paid for the stuff you know!

Get answers for the stuff you don't. And get $10 to spend on the site!



As Deb has said: " Fitness is a journey and it begins with the first step. "

Visit our new vault site http://taeboon.isportsdot.com/

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi ,

I have set your subscription to "no mail" status. Please let me know when you wish to start receiving posts from the list again.

Take care and have a good trip.




My computer at work has "web sense" installed and I cannot seem to get to the homepage to change any of my member info.I wanted to request that my email be stopped until May 22. I will be out of town and unable to access my account.Thanks, in VA--Join the most exciting community of women on the web!iVillage.com's FREE membership gets you private email,your own home page, special discounts and sweepstakes,and dozens of problem-solving tools.http://www.ivillage.com/frame/join_email.html

You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. The Archives, Files, and Features List for the may be accessed by going to , enter your email address and password, then point and click. Subscription issues, problems, or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... .

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

*HUGS TO WENDY*Hope you had a wonderful vacation (or are having one!)

"I'll be back probably Friday or Saturday, but maybe sooner if my family really starts to get on my nerves!! LOL "

omg they are not related to mine are they? Would make for a really short visit!! LOL.... Catch us up with how you are doing when you have the time and inclination to do so.

Love ya babe!Aisha.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

> I have a date with Jon in Tuscaloosa next week. He even told

me to leave my husband at home :)

Manda! you are a little bad girl aren't you? lolol

Have a great trip and don't you worry for one-second about the

minefields in your in-laws cupboards.......You are an MGBer! You

scoff at their crappie diets! You are able to push away from the

table with tall buildings of food before you! You can dodge

bullets of sugar from every direction! You are Manda! I can hear

you roar all the way in Florida lololol

Now try and be good for a change =)

hurry home,


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I wanna be a little bad girl, I'm tired of being good... I went to

church again last week and had to leave in the middle of services

because I remembered that I left my iron on. I'm sure I was the

topic of conversation afterwards.


> > I have a date with Jon in Tuscaloosa next week. He even told

> me to leave my husband at home :)



> Manda! you are a little bad girl aren't you? lolol


> Have a great trip and don't you worry for one-second about the

> minefields in your in-laws cupboards.......You are an MGBer! You

> scoff at their crappie diets! You are able to push away from the

> table with tall buildings of food before you! You can dodge

> bullets of sugar from every direction! You are Manda! I can hear

> you roar all the way in Florida lololol

> Now try and be good for a change =)


> hurry home,

> Bethie

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Hon, you CAN avoid those sweets by bringing your OWN yummies...an ice cold

watermelon beats that chocolate all to heck!

AND I should know....the other day one of my support friend's from my local

group came over for the first time...she got the tour of the house, including

the vending room. You should have seen her face! LOL! She is the MOST

disciplined person I know, but she BACKED out of there saying " No more, show

me no more.... " and mumbled " HOW do you do it? " several times. Well, how I

do it is by remembering how little satisfaction those things offered in the

long run, and by remembering the hard work time I put into this newer,

healthier body. Now about period time, I allow myself a terrible treat...I

have to admit I indulge in half a bag of Cheetos once a month.

BUT when someone is eating stuff around me that is not good for me, my first

line of attack is to have something better for me on hand and enjoy that. I

LOVE fresh strawberries, AND if you are really wanting a sweet treat, a

little FF chocolate syrup over them will make ANYONE'S mouth water and is

quite the diversion....but for me, that water melon, or yogurt covered

raisins, are all the sweet I'll ever need. FROZEN GREEN GRAPES, seedless,

are also like candy! So come armed for bear and just smile and say, No

thanks, I've got my _____..would you like some?

And be safe driving. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


in Ark

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I thought I was the only one who liked frozen green grapes. My kids think I'm

nuts, but when I eat my meals since we can't drink after I include a few grapes

and I feel as if I've quenched my thirst.


MGB 8/30/00


Viligidiot@... wrote:

> Manda,


> Hon, you CAN avoid those sweets by bringing your OWN yummies...an ice cold

> watermelon beats that chocolate all to heck!


> AND I should know....the other day one of my support friend's from my local

> group came over for the first time...she got the tour of the house, including

> the vending room. You should have seen her face! LOL! She is the MOST

> disciplined person I know, but she BACKED out of there saying " No more, show

> me no more.... " and mumbled " HOW do you do it? " several times. Well, how I

> do it is by remembering how little satisfaction those things offered in the

> long run, and by remembering the hard work time I put into this newer,

> healthier body. Now about period time, I allow myself a terrible treat...I

> have to admit I indulge in half a bag of Cheetos once a month.


> BUT when someone is eating stuff around me that is not good for me, my first

> line of attack is to have something better for me on hand and enjoy that. I

> LOVE fresh strawberries, AND if you are really wanting a sweet treat, a

> little FF chocolate syrup over them will make ANYONE'S mouth water and is

> quite the diversion....but for me, that water melon, or yogurt covered

> raisins, are all the sweet I'll ever need. FROZEN GREEN GRAPES, seedless,

> are also like candy! So come armed for bear and just smile and say, No

> thanks, I've got my _____..would you like some?


> And be safe driving. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.



> in Ark



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey Mike

Just wanted to let you know that we all still be here when you get back.

And you stay healthy yourself.


mike <ckyer6@...> wrote: just wanted to stop by and let you know i will be gone for awhile. hope everyone stays healthy.take care,mike

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  • 6 months later...

I would consider a question about my eating habits from some

stranger while on vacation very rude. My response just might be,

"Oh my eating habits are quite normal for me, what is your problem?"

I know that's not very nice, but then neither was there question.



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If people ask about your eating, you can say " I have some trouble

swallowing, " and if they get too personal or start recommending things

(like you haven't heard it all before!) you can cut them off with " i know

you're trying to help, but i went on vacation to get away from my

problems, not dwell on them! " or even a simple " i appreciate your

concern, but i'd rather not talk about this " . Also, on cruises you are

often seated in the same place every night for dinner, so at least there

you'll only have to explain once!

have a great time on your trip!


On Sun, 10 Feb 2002 23:18:53 -0000 " lizzie2542 " <lsloan2542@...>


> I am interested in knowing how others have handled vacations. I am

> going on a cruise in 2 weeks and am fairly stressed about how I

> handle meals. I am not that concerned about what I can eat or not.


> I will pick and choose what works for me but how do I handle others


> curiosity or concern about why I am not eating normal

> things/portions? I am really sick of when I say " I have some

> difficulty swallowing " everyone says they know lots of people with

> that and why don't I just have it stretched or take medication or

> whatever simple cure worked for their friend. Any advice would be

> appreciated.

> Liz




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I agree Magg. I have just found that waiters in particular get very

concerned that you don't like the food and want to give you someting

else. I have even got my meal free on occassion despite protests

that it is wonderful, I just can't eat much of it.


> I would consider a question about my eating habits from some

> stranger while on vacation very rude. My response just might be,

> " Oh my eating habits are quite normal for me, what is your problem? "

> I know that's not very nice, but then neither was there question.



> Magg

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Dear Liz,

I think most of us have dreaded these questions and wondered what would be a

good response, not only on vacations, but during the holidays, weddings, any

public eating occasion.

There are a couple of different ways to reply:

1. A humorous reply (not sarcastic) often lightens the situation. I am not

famous for my humorous replies, so I leave this topic right away.

2. Asking a question shows that you listened and are taking the person

seriously. You could ask “How long did the positive effect from the

stretching last? Which doctor did they see? How long did the effect from the

medications last? Any side effects? Do you know a good GI doctor or

surgeon?” You show genuine interest, than you can add your own perspective.

Like info you got from your doctor and this group. Why you have not decided

on a treatment yet, that you are doing more research on those options,

looking for a second opinion.

By then most likely everyone is ready to switch the topic.

Here some general thoughts:

We tend to equate diseases, illnesses with “not-normal”. Than we are

expected to go to the doctor and have it “fixed”. But what works for me may

not be right for you. We must find our own ways to wellness and health. And

we are entitled to finding our own path and to live our own life.

And even with an illness or disorder, we are entitled to live life to the

fullest and just the way we like it. I hope you have a wonderful vacation.


E-mail: tbeshear@...


Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

, I know a friend SCI in the Orlando area. I will send a message to

her and either post it or get the two of you hooked up. She used to write a

daily w/c hints page on the net and has alot of connections.


Mike Briggs

Photo Gallery: http://www.pbase.com/photogrif/

" Fish Gotta Swim, I Gotta Dive "

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In a message dated 6/22/02 11:23:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

linseb2000@... writes:

> Does anyone know of a nursing agency in Central Florida

Well I have Action Healthcare and I live in Lakeland (45 mins from Orlando)

their # is (863)680-2273, they've been excellent w/ me, mention s

Gordon sent u ;-)

~s, GRADUATE of Class 2002~

" Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes l

ife meaningful. "

- J. Marine

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