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Re: Hey guys!

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In a message dated 03/28/2002 11:27:58 AM Pacific Standard Time, thighmaster@... writes:

Thank you very much. After reading all the most recent posts I'm

thinking there may be a big difference between Hashimoto's (which is

what I have) and other forms of hypothyroidism.

Could be. I don't know much about hashi's. When I first went to my endo last year with an inflamed thyroid gland and severe pain in my neck, he checked the little box by hashi's on the super bill. But when I asked him if I HAD hashi's he hedged saying he thought it was the best description for insurance purposes for the time being but I shouldn't get too fixated on a diagnosis. (?) So, while I was left to ponder that, I did a whole bunch of research on hypothyroidism in general and I came to a pretty clear conclusion that I was hypothyroid and based my request for treatment on that decision.

At the time of the photo I was taking 175 mcgs of Synthroid daily (no

other medication). I am currently taking 137 mcgs of Levothroid daily.

Cool! My old endo only put me on what I feel was the teensiest amount of synthroid and cytomel. I groused a lot about it, as I've said before, but it turned out to be a good treatment b/c it got me to the point where I felt sick enough I was willing to go through all the effort to interview several more doctors. I finally found one who was willing to treat me as a human with verifiable symptoms and who offered the 's treatment to me which has been exactly the right diagnosis and right medicine for me.

In addition to Levothroid I take tyrosine (1500 mg daily). I have been

taking Guggulbolic (guggulsterones) for a week now and I have had to

cut way back on my caffeine. Last week I was drinking 4 cups of coffee

a day and not noticing much effect from the caffeine. Now I drink only

one or two (and it's half decaf) without feeling way overamped

Lord! That is an amazing amount of caffeine! For myself, caffeine and I don't get along. Once in a rare while, if the stars are right, and it's mid-afternoon, I can drink about half an iced tea and that little bit of caffeine will kick my energy in the pants enough to give me a boost. Oddly sometimes, it will make me sleepier. Generally, though I have to leave caffeine alone.

Does the guggul stuff have ephedrine or something similar in it? B/c I've heard from my son that caffeine and ephedra both act as minimal weight loss aids. Both make me incredibly jumpy, so I wouldn't know. Jus' wondering.

I really had no idea what to expect from the

guggulsterones, but I do know what the effects have been for me. Both

tyrosine and guggulsterones help the body make T3.

I'm curious about your response to the tyrosine as I've used it on and off myself for several years but without such dramatic effects. Maybe it's the difference in the presentation of our hypothyroidsim. Since my situation is a normal functioning thyroid gland but a backlog of T4/RT3 in the tissues and your's is (I'm guessing) insufficient T4 production from the thyroid gland itself.

"We are each responsible for our own life--no other person is or even *can* be." Oprah Winfrey

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this is going to be my last post on the subject. she may be a physical

dedication, but certainly not emotionally. Her statement here is rigid and

really bothered me " If weight gain is one of the main symptoms of

hypothyroidism then why doesn't every hypothyroid person experience it? " .

The same reason why I don't have colness or loss of hair. I'm sorry but

that's not an intelligent statement. Not everyone has every symptom.

Hypothyroidism is a disease of the metabolism. It's like telling people

with muscular distrophy that even though their muscles hurt all the time, it

doesn't have to happen b/c not all people experience that. There are cases

in every disease where a small group of people experience mild symptoms.

That doesn't make up for the majority of us though that are fighting every

day to get well. Statements like that make people like us feel even worse

about ourselves and it's just one more person to add to the list who thinks

that nothing is good enough. That's just not what I need and I'm assuming

others would agree with me. Everyone experiences things different and one

size doesn't fit all. Celeste, you offended a lot of people on this list.

That is all I have to say - this subject is closed to me.


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I placed emphasis on the word MAIN when I said that I don't think

weight gain is a MAIN symptom of hypothyroidism. Hair loss is not a

MAIN symptom either. You don't read what I write and then all you can

do is attack me personally. That behavior definitely does not show




> this is going to be my last post on the subject. she may be a


> dedication, but certainly not emotionally. Her statement here is

rigid and

> really bothered me " If weight gain is one of the main symptoms of

> hypothyroidism then why doesn't every hypothyroid person experience

it? " .

> The same reason why I don't have colness or loss of hair. I'm sorry


> that's not an intelligent statement. Not everyone has every



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Thank you very much. After reading all the most recent posts I'm

thinking there may be a big difference between Hashimoto's (which is

what I have) and other forms of hypothyroidism.

At the time of the photo I was taking 175 mcgs of Synthroid daily (no

other medication). I am currently taking 137 mcgs of Levothroid daily.

Apparently I absorb T4 more easily from Levothroid than I did from

Synthroid. My doctor stared me on 175 mcgs of Levothroid and I had to

have the dosage lowered twice because I was having symptoms of


In addition to Levothroid I take tyrosine (1500 mg daily). I have been

taking Guggulbolic (guggulsterones) for a week now and I have had to

cut way back on my caffeine. Last week I was drinking 4 cups of coffee

a day and not noticing much effect from the caffeine. Now I drink only

one or two (and it's half decaf) without feeling way overamped and I

also have a lot more energy in the evenings and am doing fine on 7

hours of sleep a night. Before the guggulsterones I HAD to have 8 to

8-1/2 hours. I really had no idea what to expect from the

guggulsterones, but I do know what the effects have been for me. Both

tyrosine and guggulsterones help the body make T3.

Much aloha,


in LA wrote:


> Hey Guys!


> C'mon! We asked Celeste what she looked like and she sent us a


> Clearly she's an example of what dedication and focus can do! And I


> she's been able to get for herself what I've been saying all along,

which is

> the right medication in the right amount at the right time for HER!

> Fortunately, she was able to find that fairly quickly if I'm


> her experience correctly and she's done very well with it. We could

use her

> situation as a reminder to keep focusing on gettting the same things


> ourselves: The right medicine for us, in the right amount, at the


> time!


> We got to have a good discussion about what support means here on

the list.

> We all learned some important things. Celeste has apologized, what

more is

> there? She clearly does a lot of research and is willing to share


> information freely here. So, let's chill and get on with the



> JMO,

> in LA

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Well I have to admit I may have taken Celeste's comments in the wrong way

and Celeste you have taken all the strong feedback graciously and well you

do share a lot of information so I apologize for the getting on my nerves





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Thank you! Your apology means a lot to me.



> Well I have to admit I may have taken Celeste's comments in the

wrong way

> and Celeste you have taken all the strong feedback graciously and

well you

> do share a lot of information so I apologize for the getting on my


> comment.


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I have found tyrosine to be somewhat helpful, but after trying the

guggulsterones I would have to say that tyrosine has been only

marginally helpful. I won't stop taking tyrosine, though.

Guggulsterones are found in the herb Commiphora Mukul. They are in no

way related to ephedrine which is found in the herb Ephedra (aka ma

huang). Guggul is not a CNS stimulant, but ephedrine is. I would avoid

ephedrine. I've had a bad experience with it. And I've also sometimes

experienced getting sleepy after drinking coffee, so I can relate to

you on that. I'm actually glad to be able to dump coffee.

There's a writeup on Guggul at

http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/guggul.html but I think a big part

of it is just sales hype. I can, however, vouch for " the Guggul

extract caused its users to break into a sweat and feel very hot "

statement. I didn't read this until today, but I've been experiencing

this effect and so now I know what that was all about. At first it was

very uncomfortable and only lasted a little while. I actually thought

I was having hot flashes. Now, however, this effect is evening out . .

.. becoming less intense but longer lasting.

Best wishes,


" What a long, strange trip it's been. "



> Cool! My old endo only put me on what I feel was the teensiest

amount of

> synthroid and cytomel. I groused a lot about it, as I've said

before, but it

> turned out to be a good treatment b/c it got me to the point where I


> sick enough I was willing to go through all the effort to interview


> more doctors. I finally found one who was willing to treat me as a


> with verifiable symptoms and who offered the 's treatment to

me which

> has been exactly the right diagnosis and right medicine for me.


> > In addition to Levothroid I take tyrosine (1500 mg daily). I have


> > taking Guggulbolic (guggulsterones) for a week now and I have had


> > cut way back on my caffeine. Last week I was drinking 4 cups of


> > a day and not noticing much effect from the caffeine. Now I drink


> > one or two (and it's half decaf) without feeling way overamped


> Lord! That is an amazing amount of caffeine! For myself, caffeine

and I

> don't get along. Once in a rare while, if the stars are right, and


> mid-afternoon, I can drink about half an iced tea and that little

bit of

> caffeine will kick my energy in the pants enough to give me a boost.


> sometimes, it will make me sleepier. Generally, though I have to


> caffeine alone.


> Does the guggul stuff have ephedrine or something similar in it?

B/c I've

> heard from my son that caffeine and ephedra both act as minimal

weight loss

> aids. Both make me incredibly jumpy, so I wouldn't know. Jus'



> I'm curious about your response to the tyrosine as I've used it on

and off

> myself for several years but without such dramatic effects. Maybe

it's the

> difference in the presentation of our hypothyroidsim. Since my

situation is a

> normal functioning thyroid gland but a backlog of T4/RT3 in the

tissues and

> your's is (I'm guessing) insufficient T4 production from the thyroid


> itself.


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I might have missed a post. Who had severe pain in their neck and where

was it? Only seeing if it was a similar symptom to mine.



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  • 1 year later...
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This is pretty outrageous news ! I am so happy to hear that you've had such great results with the progesterone sublingual! I'll have to check into that. I've always heard about the creams, have never heard or even seen the sublingual before. Can you buy it over the counter, or is it prescription only? I tried progesterone creams a couple times. The first time I got break through bleeding (started my period mid-cycle all of a sudden!) and the last time, my periods practically stopped altogether. I went from normal flow to very skimpy flow and only 1 or 2 day periods. I saw a difference in my skin, too, though. That was nice. Let us know how to get this sublingual, and also the dosage you are taking. Are you taking it on days 14 to 26, and off it the first two weeks of your cycle?


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 9:00 AM

Subject: Hey guys!

I just wanted to let you all know I am feeling so good on this progesterone sublingual!And also not only am I finally sweating again, I feel more energetic, and also my joint pain for the last week is realy noticably better! Like improved about 60% !!! I dont know if its a combo of the antibiotic protocol, and the progesterone, but It seems to be directly after I started the progesterone. I know they say that implants are estrogenic, and some of the side effects of too much estrogen, will cause joint stiffness, and auto immune illnesses.(esp thyroid)

Anyway one wierd thing- my hair since I had Tyler and all these thyroid problems has always been falling out, and very tangly and somewhat coarse, I mean I would have to lather conditioner in it to get all the tangles out, and still it was hard to brush through. Lost lots of luster, hold and shine, and just hasn't been the same. Well guess what? I am using the same shampoo, no changes there- and all the sudden a week after being on this stuff, it is so soft and non tangly! I cant believe it! I am feeling it now and it is so soft , and bouncy ! I can not believe it. Even my hubby said to me yesersday, that my hair looked so shiney and full, and if I had something done to it! I cant believe the differnce in the way I feel. My face skin even feels more supple and more oily, which it hasnt been for over 2 years! I know Dr Mercola said if I was extremly estrogenic dominnant Iwould see a different right away, despite the fact that the full effects arent obtained for 3 full months! Well I am! Praise God!

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Patty, thanks. I am taking it the way you asked, two weeks beginning the 14th day after the 1st day of my period, and then 2 weeks off.I take 20 ml a day. What were you taking, maybe a little too much would cause the break through bleeding? I know the range is between 20-40 ml a day. I will send the Mercola info on it to you, I know because all progesterone supps will be FDA regulated (why?) very soon, he only gives it on a patient/dr basis because of this , but I am sure a simple search on the brand will bring you to where you need to buy it. Its all natural, and very cheap! Like 16 dollars for 3 months!And I agree with you , all I ever heard about was the best was the cream form. but I went with his opinion on this and am happy. Iam sure both works well for almost all.

>From: "~*Patty*~"

>Reply- >

>Subject: Re: Hey guys! >Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 09:26:43 -0700 > >This is pretty outrageous news ! I am so happy to hear that you've had such great results with the progesterone sublingual! I'll have to check into that. I've always heard about the creams, have never heard or even seen the sublingual before. Can you buy it over the counter, or is it prescription only? I tried progesterone creams a couple times. The first time I got break through bleeding (started my period mid-cycle all of a sudden!) and the last time, my periods practically stopped altogether. I went from normal flow to very skimpy flow and only 1 or 2 day periods. I saw a difference in my skin, too, though. That was nice. Let us know how to get this sublingual, and also the dosage you are taking. Are you taking it on days 14 to 26, and off it the first two weeks of your cycle? >Patty > ----- Original Message ----- > From: JOSEPH PALANCA > > Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 9:00 AM > Subject: Hey guys! > > I just wanted to let you all know I am feeling so good on this progesterone sublingual!And also not only am I finally sweating again, I feel more energetic, and also my joint pain for the last week is realy noticably better! Like improved about 60% !!! I dont know if its a combo of the antibiotic protocol, and the progesterone, but It seems to be directly after I started the progesterone. I know they say that implants are estrogenic, and some of the side effects of too much estrogen, will cause joint stiffness, and auto immune illnesses.(esp thyroid) > Anyway one wierd thing- my hair since I had Tyler and all these thyroid problems has always been falling out, and very tangly and somewhat coarse, I mean I would have to lather conditioner in it to get all the tangles out, and still it was hard to brush through. Lost lots of luster, hold and shine, and just hasn't been the same. Well guess what? I am using the same shampoo, no changes there- and all the sudden a week after being on this stuff, it is so soft and non tangly! I cant believe it! I am feeling it now and it is so soft , and bouncy ! I can not believe it. Even my hubby said to me yesersday, that my hair looked so shiney and full, and if I had something done to it! I cant believe the differnce in the way I feel. My face skin even feels more supple and more oily, which it hasnt been for over 2 years! I know Dr Mercola said if I was extremly estrogenic dominnant Iwould see a different right away, despite the fact that the full effects arent obtained for 3 full months! Well I am! Praise God! > Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

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  • 4 years later...
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(1) if you press on the plastic things on the front and back of the bracelet it makes it easier to clean around it.

The device is non-specific!

(2) if you sleep with you bracelet foot crossed on top of your non-bracelet foot it relieves some of the pressure.

I thought the same, was charged with an obstruction that was eventually used against me in another case.

(3) adjust it often or you're going to get all scabbed up, use Neosporin with a bandaid.

Again, non-specific alcohol detecting devices can erroneously read acetone, cigarette smoke, even yeast as alcohol consumption!

(4) wear a white tube sock and roll it up tight underneat the bracelet so it doesn't bounce around when you are walking.

And prove to the court you obstructed why?

(5) avoid flying kites as chasing the wind with your kid will wreak havoc on your ankle!

Agreed, my scars are three years old now!

(9) cover up your bracelet with a tube sock and wear pants (put a rubber band around the cuff of your pant leg) when mowing the lawn -- I don't know if the gas will affect the test, but trying to get grass cuttings out from between your leg and the bracelet isn't much fun, and better to be on the safe side).

I virtually did that and cought a case, beat that one with witnesses, keep them around!

You may survive six weeks, they currently say over 80% of wearers get through without complication, I believe ( after 3 years of research) over 80% of positives are false-positive, Good Luck


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