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Re: Blood cleanse

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I hope you don't mind me asking questions (I'm a very inquisitive person).

I've just never 'spoken' with someone who did a blood cleanse and it's

interesting. What kind of a hard time did you have with this cleanse? If

it's not too personal - what prompted you to do a blood cleanse and what are

you hoping to experience as results? Or is it just to cleanse in general

without specific results in mind?

thanks in advance,


dianatrudeau@... writes:

> I bought a series of supplements from Lifequest Still working on the

> first 2 bottles of formula #1 then there is 1 bottle each of #2 #3 #4.

> I

> had a hard time the first 2 weeks but it's levelling off now.


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dianatrudeau@... writes:

> I wish I had known all this when I was 30.

> I've come far now on this road to wellness, but there are still miles to

> go.


I echo both of those! :)

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your story. It really does sound

like you've made a lot of progress and I admire your persistence in sticking

with it through the tough times. So many people drop out because they think

the cure is making them sicker and then they miss out on the great benefits.

I wish I'd started younger, also, but then again, I'm thankful that I didn't

wait longer. I work for a retirement community and I see people every day

who I just know would have a different quality of life if they had known

about some of these things. Every time I hear about someone with colon

cancer or kidney problems or liver disease - I am thankful that I've gotten

myself on this road by 40 at least! :)

in health,


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I bought a series of supplements from Lifequest Still working on the

first 2 bottles of formula #1 then there is 1 bottle each of #2 #3 #4. I

had a hard time the first 2 weeks but it's levelling off now.

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I think that over time, we accumulate all sorts of toxins in our bodies.

Heavy metals from pollution, lord knows what from this processed food we

eat, all these manufactured beverages full of mysterious chemicals, years of

listening to Doctors who are almost nothing more than pushers for the drug


I developed a nasty rash on my face that no one could/would help me with.

This lasted almost a year. But this is where my real quest for " wellness "

began. Primal Defence was my first real weapon in the battle. By bottle 6

the rash was gone. But it certainly wasn't an easy go. Primal was soooo

ohard on me. My back hurt so bad I could hardly move. The brain fog made

it really hard to cope at work (isn't it amazing how we still manage to hold

down jobs) The depression was horrible. I'm not done with Primal Defense but

am taking a break to do this blood cleanse. As soon as this is done I will

go back.

Another benefit from Primal was that now I am sleeping!!! I spent almost 10

yrs of getting 2 or 3 hours a night. You start to lose your mind after a

while. Too bad I came to all this so late in life. I wish I had known all

this when I was 30.

I've come far now on this road to wellness, but there are still miles to go.


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Here is a place where you can read lots of things on various healing

and cleanses. Click on newsletters. You can even sign up for a weekly

health newsletter. I just love them. The past ones are here in the articles.


In a message dated 02/17/2002 7:11:08 AM Central Standard Time,

Rachd1961@... writes:

> I hope you don't mind me asking questions (I'm a very inquisitive person).

> I've just never 'spoken' with someone who did a blood cleanse and it's


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My brother recently passed away at age 61. He had diabetes which led to

kidney failure. He was on dialysis, his liver was shot from the Zocor he

took for cholesterol, his leg was amputated, a few of his fingers. It was

horrible to watch him die this way. If Essiac helps even just a tiny bit

with any of these things, as it says it does, then I'm in!!! I will be

fffff.. sigh hate to say the damn word, 50, in the spring. Maybe, just

maybe, I will be able to get my kids on this road, and call it prevention,

rather than an attempt to reverse damage already done. Lifequest.... great

name isn't it. But it certainly describes the path we are all on here.



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I'm so sorry to hear about your brother and how much he went through before

he died. My dad was also diabetic and it's likely that it contributed to the

stroke that finally took him. I doubt that he would have been open to the

whole arena of internal cleansing anyway, but hopefully I'll be able to share

some of this with some other family members - and pass it on to my nieces and

nephews (when they get old enough) and hopefully sort of " pass the baton "

that way.

And ....the fifties will be FABULOUS! :)

in health,


In a message dated 2/17/02 8:44:14 AM Eastern Standard Time,

dianatrudeau@... writes:

> My brother recently passed away at age 61. He had diabetes which led to

> kidney failure. He was on dialysis, his liver was shot from the Zocor he

> took for cholesterol, his leg was amputated, a few of his fingers. It was

> horrible to watch him die this way. If Essiac helps even just a tiny bit

> with any of these things, as it says it does, then I'm in!!! I will be

> fffff.. sigh hate to say the damn word, 50, in the spring. Maybe, just

> maybe, I will be able to get my kids on this road, and call it prevention,

> rather than an attempt to reverse damage already done. Lifequest.... great

> name isn't it. But it certainly describes the path we are all on here.

> :-)


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Ok now that I just posted that " Bowels and Backaches " post I at least have

company in my misery. Whether it's precipated by the PD or my own dumb lifting

and homestead work. Thanks... of DH

Diane Trudeaa said: Primal was soooo

hard on me. My back hurt so bad I could hardly move.

" People are like stain glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is

out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is alight within. " -Kubler Ross

" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that

followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. "

Holy Bible


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In a message dated 02/17/2002 7:18:24 PM Central Standard Time,

cozad76078@... writes:

> Diane Trudeaa said: Primal was soooo

> hard on me. My back hurt so bad I could hardly move.


When I used Primal Defense, I felt better. Some chronic pains felt

but after awhile I deve;oped terrible hemorrhoids....so I quit.

I have since learned from the Gerson Institute that this a cleansing

effect of the liver.


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Hi all,

Well, with the body odor, backaches, rash on the face, lack of sleep, and

hemmroids, all of which I am unfortunately familiar with, I am sure glad I am in

this company. At least here I am understood and know from others that this is

not 'unheard of' and I WILL recover.

Thanks Edith for the hemmroid tip, it was what made me stop the first time. I

am now on my second run, in the 7th week and doing fine.

It is funny that someone mentioned the body odor and blood because when I get

nosebleeds, I notice the odor along with the odors I get from my torso. The

Primal Definately brings that out, but now I am confident the body is releasing

toxins and will not always have to experience this humiliating

symptom/cleansing reaction.

God bless,


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Some of these are in the breast enhacing herbs i am taking. I was

told that echinacea is not good to take if you have autoimmune issues

though. Hmm wonder why?

> ,

> I checked out this product and here are the ingredients. I bet you

could take these individual herbs and have good results, too, as well

as drinking some teas.

> A proprietary blend of herbal ingredients to help supply

nutritional support to the blood.*


> Burdock Root is an excellent herbal blood purifier that detoxifies

the blood and lymphatic system.* It is high in iron, and can help

build blood during times of low hemoglobin.* In the botanical

classification of herbs, blood purifiers help remove toxins from the

blood and can also remove excess moisture that provides an

environment for pathogens to grow in. Blood purifiers stimulate the

immune system to fight off pathogens. Burdock root promotes healthy

kidney function by working through the kidneys to remove acids from

the blood.* It is especially helpful with skin conditions, and

supports liver and gallbladder function by stimulating bile secretion

and digestive juices.*


> Dandelion Root is an excellent blood purifier that neutralizes

acids and has a strong alkalinizing effect on the body.* Dandelion is

rich in minerals and potassium that are easy to assimilate. It has

strong antioxidant activity, being high in Vitamins A and C, and

supports liver and gall bladder function.* It stimulates the liver to

promote detoxification of toxins.*


> Echinacea is recognized as one of the most powerful blood and

lymphatic cleansers in the botanical kingdom.* The root is used as a

tonic and blood purifier that neutralizes acid conditions and aids in

lymphatic stagnation.* The chemical compounds in Echinacea that are

responsible for the immune enhancing activity are polysaccharides,

fatty acids and glycosides.* Echinacea enhances T-cell activity and

stimulates the production of white blood cells to promote strong

immune systems.*


> Red Clover Blossom is an excellent blood purifier that helps

promote and boost the immune system.* It also has anti-inflammatory

properties.* Red Clover contains compounds including genistein and

daidzein. The tocopherol present in Red Clover is responsible for its

antioxidant activity.*


> Carotenoid Complex - Carotenoids are pigments synthesized by plants

that give them their orange, yellow and red colors. Along with

Vitamin A and C, beta-carotene is considered an important antioxidant

in nutrition.* The upper intestinal tract is responsible for

converting beta-carotene into vitamin A in the body, as it is needed.

Antioxidants assist the body's immune system to quench free radicals

before they damage healthy cells.* Free radicals are unstable

molecules that circulate in the body and can be caused by exposure to

food additives and chemical preservatives, rancid oils, processed

foods, radiation, UV sunlight and environmental pollution. They are

responsible for many degenerative health conditions. Recent research

has revealed other carotenoid compounds, found in various vegetables

and fruits, that can destroy free-radical causing agents.* For

example, alpha-carotene may have 10 times more powerful antioxidant

activity than beta-carotene and zeaxanthin may provide even stronger

protection.* The potential health benefits of carotenoids show much

promise in promoting healthy heart and circulatory systems, enhancing

the immune system and in providing protection against age-related and

eyesight conditions*


> Chlorophyll is the pigment that makes plants green. Through

photosynthesis, it absorbs sunlight energy and converts it into plant

energy. When we consume Chlorophyll, it is transferred into our blood

and cell tissue. Scientifically, its molecular structure closely

resembles human hemoglobin, the pigment that makes our blood red.

When taken internally, Chlorophyll can oxygenate human cells by

helping to build red blood cells.* Chlorophyll neutralizes acids and

toxins in the blood and helps eliminate them from the body.* Its

detoxifying and immune enhancing qualities may be helpful for heavy

metal build up and optimal health. Chlorophyll is rich in vitamin K.

Vitamin K forms a compound in the body that inhibits the formation of

calcium oxalate crystals which in turn promotes healthy kidneys*


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: naturalbeauty38


> Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 6:34 AM

> Subject: Re: Blood cleanse



> Hi Cricket


> The blood cleanse sounds like it is really helping. I wonder


> what is in this stuff and what the process is that it does, do


> know the details? Well whatever it is if it is working and you


> getting well that fast that is awesome. We need to let women know

> about this stuff! I am happy that your feeling better.

> Congratulations and keep us updated. At some point it would be

> awesome if you would be willing to share your story and photos.


> hugs


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