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Hepatitis C Newsletter Feb 2011

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Hepatitis C Newsletter Feb 2011

Read the hepc.bull - online monthly newsletter (.pdf).

February 2011


In This Issue

..Sexual Transmission

Is HCV transmitted sexually? The answeris not as clear as we would like. Transmissionin monogamous, heterosexual couples isconsidered to be 3% or less. There have beenoutbreaks of HCV in mostly HIV-infectedmales who engage in homosexual sex (MSMor Men who have Sex with Men) in Europe,but not in the US.


Hep C Cocktails?

The pharmaceutical companies are takingpart in a race to bring the best Hep C drug tomarket. According to an article on the Forbesblog last November, Wall Street believes thatVertex has a new product similar to Merck’snew drug, but that Vertex’s seems to work abit better and that it should sell better. Bothcompanies presented data at a recent conference,and await FDA approval. Merck’s Bocepreviris the only drug that has shown toenable previous non-responders to take ashorter therapy regime. (Both drugs can beeffective with short treatment in treatmentnaïvepatients.) Vertex is convinced thatTelaprevir shows the best results, boasting acure rate of up to 75%.

Dear Editor

Questions Asked and Answered


Hep C & Me: Cured!


That is right, ladies andgentlemen, boys and girls! Iwish I could share this newswith my family, but my family, it turns out,are my friends, and you, my audience. Forthose of you who have been following me,I thank you for all of your praise and support.I could not do it without each andevery one of you.


By Laird

Why does opening my fridge door sometimesfeel like “An Inconvenient Truth�Well, it’s complicated.Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truthsummarizes years of technical work by scientistsin 100 short minutes. To put it mildly,this can be somewhat overwhelming to a sciencenewbie. Similarly, when I open myfridge door it is easy to feel the tasks necessaryto long term survival are burdened withpedantic philosophy. Reading the news on thelatest scientific study always seems to contradictthe last thing I learned. Add the marketingclaims of more organic, less fat, or extralight versions that overwhelm the brain withthoughts of natural consequences. The idea ofthinking global and acting local on every issuecan overpower a person who has a diseasenoted to include apathy, anxiety, and depressionas symptoms!



http://Hepatitis Cnewdrugs.blogspot.com/2011/02/hepatitis-c-newsletter-feb-2011.html

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