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By the way, I dont smoke, its my boys and wife, they are the baddies. boondoc2001 <james.b.stanley@...> wrote: Of the people in the MMS support room say that have been smoking , the desire and need to light up is greatly diminished on that product, I have cut my smoking to under half and not even tried to quit.http://MmsMiracle.com/boondoc also If you are zapping or anything as the pathogens die they release toxins and this will give

you those symptoms of being tired and sleepy. once you expell those toxins, you will have a lot more energy and stamina. I can't believe I feel this good and only being on the MMS for 2 weeks, I'm still holding off on my beck stuff that came in at the same time.Good luck Micheal. Let the Healing and purging begin.Jim>> What are some of the best current methods to help people quit?> .............................hey ,good/bad news. My TSH for thyroid is normal, so i dont have to take pills, but now I'm back to square one as to why I am so frequently tired and sleepy.> > > ---------------------------------> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast

with Search.>

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> Does MMS stop epstine barr virus?

> Yes, it should and by other testamony I would say absolutely that


> can.



Well, after battling EBV for over 19 years, I have not found anything

that has completely eradicated it. Yes, there are things that help.

They are tools. I love what one guy said when talking about ozone

saunas. He said, " Don't worship the tools. "

I'm using MMS now, and the one thing I can testify to is that it does

help with breathing. With EBV there will often be an out of breath

feeling like you can't quite catch your breath. The MMS really helps

with that and also give some energy. Ozone is also a good energy

giver, but even that has not totally healed me.

IF you have it, you should really pay attention to your diet. You'll

probably get good improvement just from doing that, and use whatever

tools that help. But I think it is misleading to say do this, heal

that when it come to this virus. It's a very merciless foe.

You can recover a large portion of your health but when under a lot

of unrelented stresses, it can put you back down.

Take care,


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  • 6 months later...
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I wonder if my daughter is unwittingly self-medicating against sub-

clinical hypoT by taking up smoking?

In her mid-teens she became very chunky and miserable and slept a

lot. To my horror, she developed a smoking habit in the last 2 years

but conversely has never looked better. She finally has the gorgeous

figure she deserves and is lively again.

I totally disapprove of her smoking but dread to think what will

happen to her when she gives up, as she will almost certainly do.

My mum's obvious thyroid symptoms coincided with her stopping

smoking but she wasn't diagnosed until years later after going

through hell. She literally transformed from Beckham to

Jabba the Hutt. That is terrifying for a woman whose nicknames

celebrated her height and skinniness.

Do you think I should ask my daughter to get a thyroid test before

she stops smoking and then a follow up one later?



> Remind me not to give up lol

> Joke ;)

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Hi Tracey,

The parallel with Queen of Scots sounds interesting (tall and

willowy) as opposed to Queen I who was round-faced as far

as I can tell, from contemporary images.

The behaviour of I was said to be 'indecisive' and noted as

being a spinster ~ maybe hypothyroid ~ but probably not post-natally


Whilst Q of S was the carrier of the tendency to porphyria as

seen in III....images of show the outer third of her eye-

brows missing, apparently. Credit the artist, he differentiated

between the male and female eye-brows quite noticeably.

Q of S had a need for exercise to keep her feeling well

and 'confinement' was abhorrent to her ~ needless to say she was

incarcerated in Sheffield Castle/Manor for quite some time.

It may have been that this tall stature went with a tendency to

thyroid problems (one of many, if acromegaly was the cause of the

tall stature), she was routinely shown with fine, long fingers.

Her carved reclining statue in Westminster Abbey is said to be a very

accurate portrayal.

When did tobacco come into this country, and what other medications

did the doctors/surgeons use back then?

The scarcity of male off-spring (any off-spring in some cases) was

charcteristic of the monarchs/spouses back then, so, along with

syphilis, they had a fairly tough time of it, both physically,

mentally and emotionally.

Heavy metals used to figure in the apothecary's bag o' tricks.

Heavy metals also worsen the predisposition to porphyria; it can be

induced by lead for instance, and maybe also mercury, but so also,

the cadmium (from tobacco) may have an influence on the kidneys.

With incarceration, Q of S became progressively more 'pained'

from what sounds like the muscular pain/spasms associated with either

hypothryoidism or porphyria ~ regularly called ME/CFS/Fibromylagia,

nowadays, and maybe this would have been known as a 'somatoform

disorder' by a certain Sheffield-based officionado of that term ~ and

it wasn't the Earl of Shrewsbury or his wife Bess of Hardwick at

Sheffield Castle or the Manor.

In modern terms she would have been given a right royal run-around

with all those symptoms; she'd have been given anti-depressants (it's

all in yer 'ead), she'd have been sent to see every man and his dog

at the local 'ospital, for supposedly 'inexplicable' symptoms, ('yer

not gettin' enough exercise).

Like Queen / I (hypothyroid?) she'd have been told

to stop eating too much ( get 'yerself a toy-boy ) etc.

I can imagine that certain Princesses of more recent note would/did

get a lot of 'stick' for behaviour reminiscent of those symptoms

reported by many with thyroid disease, on this forum; and also the

odd deputy Prime Minister.

The likelihood that our history has been subject to the Profound

Influence of thyroid disease is without doubt (rather than profoundly

hypothyroid ~ from a recent post).


(thanks to Sir Walter Raleigh ~ for the idea)

Was Queen I a pipe smoker?


> I wonder if my daughter is unwittingly self-medicating against sub-

> clinical hypoT by taking up smoking?

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> (thanks to Sir Walter Raleigh ~ for the idea)

> Was Queen I a pipe smoker?


Indeed, and I always thought that those googly eyed portraits of the

day were bad painters, then later I realised it was Thyroid eye

disease, protruding eyes on loads of the upper class portraits.

I would get mine tested before I stopped smoking if I were your

daughter. If the doc will do it that is.

lotsa luv


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Hi Dawn,

I'm going to have to follow some of this up.

Seems to be an association between smoking and knee problems in US discharges from military service.

In a German study, about 35% of men got lower back pain within the previous week of interview and that's more than 50% prevalence on an annualised basis. For women, it was even worse, 40% in the previous week complained of lower back pain.

from the US work:4.1.5. Effect of smoking — Smoking is a significant predictor of disability among males for knee injuries (RH=1.7), but not back injuries. There is a significant literature that relates smoking to the incidence of back conditions [4,7,10,15,21,22,24,29,40,41,45,47,49,51].

A recent review suggests that cigarette smoking may be associated with the progression of musculoskeletal conditions to disability [35]. However, there is relatively little to suggest that knee conditions (as a specific lower extremity injury) would be affected by cigarette smoking [27,45,53].

http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez & artid=2151132 & rendertype=abstract

best wishes


>> Bob> > (thanks to Sir Walter Raleigh ~ for the idea)> > Was Queen I a pipe smoker?

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My mum has a bad swollen knee worse than mine, she needs a knee

replacement and she has Hashis but has never smoked in her life. I

have the worse back, but it isn't as bad since I went on Armour.

However, I feel any association with smoking is likely to be

associated with the additives in the tobacco like benzene,

formaldehyde (they have us embalmed before we are even dead) etc. One

thing I do know is associated with smoking is Buergers disease where

extremities are amputated, high prevalence in Jewish and asian

communities, it is thought to be an autoimmune inflammatory disease,

the only treatment is stopping smoking. That would imply the body

forming and autoimmune response to the body due to tobacco ingredients

which would imply that other autoimmune responses can be caused by it.

However that probably isn't relevent due to the fact that many

autoimmune sufferers of other diseases never smoked. Interesting though.

lotsa luv


> >

> > Bob

> > > (thanks to Sir Walter Raleigh ~ for the idea)

> > > Was Queen I a pipe smoker?


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

By way of clarification in the post I made regarding 'electronic/digital '

cigarettes: they are not remotely the same as FSC, only in that

electronic/digital cigarettes use no flame at all.



> If you smoke and are experiencing health issues, you should research Fire Safe

Cigarettes that have been rapidly forced on unsuspecting smokers in the US and

should be worldwide by 2010-2011. Laws requiring so-called " fire-safe "

cigarettes have come into effect in most US states since 2004, as well as in

Canada. You should look for the letters " FSC " on the pack and avoid them.


> Most smokers already know cigarettes are bad, but there's increasing concern

that new fire-safe cigarettes are doing double the damage to their bodies and to

those around the smokers. The added and higher level chemicals contained in FSC

cigarettes has proven to be more toxic than regular cigarettes and cause

increased health related problems for smokers. Symptoms/conditions include, but

are not limited to: increased blood pressure, nausea, sores in mouth and throat,

dry throat, constant headaches, extreme coughing, tightness in the chest,

vomiting, body aches, pain in the abdomen and respiratory conditions including

asthma and bronchitis. These new chemicals have not been tested before forcing

them on the human guinea pigs who purchase them. These unfortunate people are

uninformed about what is causing their strange symptoms.




> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mTXZVCOM0Y & feature=related


> How is a cigarette made " fire-safe " ? The answer is simple: by altering its

chemical composition with the use of more additives.


> There are no reliable statistical data demonstrating that fire-safe cigarette

laws actually reduce fires. In fact, many smokers are reporting that these

cigarettes are more fire prone.


> The only " testing " that has been done on these FSC Cigarettes is their reduced

propensity, measures of tax revenue, pricing, and brand availability to assess

the effects of fire safety standards on the consumer market.


> There has been NO TESTING done to determine what effect that these increased

levels of toxic compounds will have on a smoker.


> Here is information on some of the chemicals that were added to the new Fire

Safe Cigarettes:


> Ethylene vinyl acetate (CAS# 24937-78-8, also known as EVA or

> sometimes simply as " acetate " ) is the copolymer of ethylene and vinyl

> acetate. The weight percent vinyl acetate usually varies from 10 to

> 40% with the remainder being ethylene..............ADHESIVE


> Naphthalene - derived from coal tar, carcinogen similar to moth

> balls....naphthalene vapors build up to levels toxic to both the

> adult and larval forms of many moths that attack

> textiles......Exposure to large amounts of naphthalene may damage or

> destroy red blood cells. Humans, particularly children, have

> developed this condition, known as hemolytic anemia, after ingesting

> mothballs or deodorant blocks containing naphthalene. Symptoms

> include fatigue, lack of appetite, restlessness, and pale skin.

> Exposure to large amounts of naphthalene may cause nausea, vomiting,

> diarrhea, blood in the urine, and jaundice (yellow coloration of the

> skin).


> Increased fluorine.


> Acrolein is a severe pulmonary irritant and lachrymatory agent. It was used as

a chemical weapon during World War I. It is, however, not outlawed by the

Chemical Weapons Convention. Skin exposure to acrolein causes serious damage.

Acrolein concentrations of 2 ppm are immediately harmful. Acrolein is not a

suspected human carcinogen; no studies have been conducted on the carcinogenic

effects of acrolein on humans, but studies on rats have shown an increase in

cancerous tumors from ingestion, but not from inhalation. In October 2006,

researchers found connections between acrolein in the smoke from tobacco

cigarettes and the risk of lung cancer.


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Jade- I can't answer your question to smoking as I quit 4 years ago, thats why I have weight to lose now! Ha! But to your comment about being cold, I have been too! It is weird too, cuz I've been going through menopause for a number of years with hot flashes all the time. So this is refreshing to be cold for a change.

From: jade32108 <gekkoxzoi@...> Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2009 9:59:08 AMSubject: smoking

I would really like to know if anyone on the protocol smokes and if they feel it has effected their weight loss. I intend to quit before I start my next round but would really like some feedback on this. I think it is a valid question.... it seems people are more onterested in the person that is typing in all caps.Also I have been taking a product for my joints and it has oil in the capsule. I haven't been taking it since I started on June 11th. I am experiencing more pain but felt it could slow down or do harm to the protocol. Has anyone elese come across that and what did you do?I have lost 15 pounds and the inches surpass the pounds.....it is amazing. I am cold often....even when it is hot outside. Familiar to anyone? On the melba toast...we are supposed to have 1 melba not 1 serving, which would be three. I just read that and would like to clarify.Other than that doing great hanging in there and if I don't get hungry after the 42 days

intend to continue until I become ammune. I am doing the sublingual not injections.I do have to say the approx 32 years ago after my son was born I did go to a clinic in California to loose wight and they used the HCG injestions. The diet was totally different. Egg and dry toast for Breakfast..chicken breast and applesauce green beans..it was calculated a 500 and I lost all the weight I needed to fast. They still did the 6 week break but instead of "loading" they had us eat egg whited for two days at first. Just thought that my be interesting to some. Weekends were double injections on Friday and they gave us a diet pill for Sunday. Lindora Clinic.Have a good day all....and hang in there!! It's worth it!!Jade

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  • 1 year later...

Will you share the protocol that you used? You have had great results!

Blessings to YOU

Doug & Cheryl

From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 7:37:11 PMSubject: smoking

I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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Hi Florance: Would you be willing to share your "Special Anti=Smoking

Program" with the group or if you would email it to me. Thanks! Doris B.


I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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Did you use the EPFX/QXCI or the Scio?Is your protocol written out?I would love to help someone with this issue.Thank you.LelaOn Feb 3, 2011, at 11:37 AM, florance wrote:

I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special

anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers.

Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again

this is now 1 year later.


Florance (South Africa)

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Do you share your protocol?

From: florance <florancehr@...>Subject: smoking Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2011, 9:37 PM

I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa) ------------------------------------............................................

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To all the people interested in the smoking protocol.

I am willing to share the protocol because it gave me excellent results. I have to type it out etc. give me a week or so and I will send it to you all.



From: Cheryl <dougncheryl@...> Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 7:38:32 PMSubject: Re: smoking

Will you share the protocol that you used? You have had great results!

Blessings to YOU

Doug & Cheryl

From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 7:37:11 PMSubject: smoking

I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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Hello Florance,

Thanks for your info about sucess with Anti Smoking protocol , of course the protocol to use should be adaptated to each individual client, however there are main panels in a sequence, can you please send it ?

Thanks a lot for your cooperation .


Gonçalo (Portugal)

From: florance <florancehr@...>Subject: smoking Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011, 3:37 AM

I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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Hello Florance,if you are willing to share your protocol, I am interested in the stop smoking also.Regards, PetraFrom: Cheryl <dougncheryl@...> Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 12:38:32 PMSubject: Re: smoking

Will you share the protocol that you used? You have had great results!

Blessings to YOU

Doug & Cheryl

From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 7:37:11 PMSubject: smoking

I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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l am very, very interested in smoking protocol . l have a lot of pacients who asked me about it and l have not yet an answer .

l will be so happy to learn from you all.

Thank you !

Love ,

Dr. Pester

From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 9, 2011 8:01:42 PMSubject: Re: smoking

To all the people interested in the smoking protocol.

I am willing to share the protocol because it gave me excellent results. I have to type it out etc. give me a week or so and I will send it to you all.



From: Cheryl <dougncheryl@...> Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 7:38:32 PMSubject: Re: smoking

Will you share the protocol that you used? You have had great results!

Blessings to YOU

Doug & Cheryl

From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 7:37:11 PMSubject: smoking

I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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I am also interested.


Thanks, Barbara


I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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Thank you Florance.....so very kind of you to share with us...With Gratitude~MelindaFrom: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 9, 2011 1:01:42 PMSubject: Re: smoking

To all the people interested in the smoking protocol.

I am willing to share the protocol because it gave me excellent results. I have to type it out etc. give me a week or so and I will send it to you all.



From: Cheryl <dougncheryl@...> Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 7:38:32 PMSubject: Re: smoking

Will you share the protocol that you used? You have had great results!

Blessings to YOU

Doug & Cheryl

From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 7:37:11 PMSubject: smoking

I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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Thank you I am looking forward to the protocol and appreciate your taking the time out of your busy schedule to share it.

Blessings to YOU

Doug & Cheryl

From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 9, 2011 10:01:42 AMSubject: Re: smoking

To all the people interested in the smoking protocol.

I am willing to share the protocol because it gave me excellent results. I have to type it out etc. give me a week or so and I will send it to you all.



From: Cheryl <dougncheryl@...> Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 7:38:32 PMSubject: Re: smoking

Will you share the protocol that you used? You have had great results!

Blessings to YOU

Doug & Cheryl

From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 7:37:11 PMSubject: smoking

I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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Hope it helps you all....LoveQuantuMedicalBioEnergetic Medicine SCIO-INDIGOâ€No problem can be solved from the conscious that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.â€Albert Einstein Branco Dipl. Hom. LCPH MARH FBIH ILQBT Terminvereinbarung:Baseler Straße 1212205 BerlinFon 030 30 10 11 63Mobil 0176 20796804 www.quantumedical.com To: From: santareflex@...Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 02:59:25 -0800Subject: Re: smoking l am very, very interested in smoking protocol . l have a lot of pacients who asked me about it and l have not yet an answer .l will be so happy to learn from you all. Thank you !Love ,Dr. PesterFrom: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 9, 2011 8:01:42 PMSubject: Re: smoking To all the people interested in the smoking protocol. I am willing to share the protocol because it gave me excellent results. I have to type it out etc. give me a week or so and I will send it to you all.Regards. FloranceFrom: Cheryl <dougncheryl@...> Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 7:38:32 PMSubject: Re: smoking Will you share the protocol that you used? You have had great results! Blessings to YOUDoug & Cheryl From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 7:37:11 PMSubject: smoking I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

2 of 2 File(s)

Stop Smoking.doc

smoking detox.doc

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Florence,I am really interested in the smoking protocol.Could you please send it to me.My email is: mcalleros1@...Thanks a lot.María CallerosEl 09/02/2011, a las 12:01, florance escribió:

To all the people interested in the smoking protocol.

I am willing to share the protocol because it gave me excellent results. I have to type it out etc. give me a week or so and I will send it to you all.



From: Cheryl <dougncheryl@...> Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 7:38:32 PMSubject: Re: smoking

Will you share the protocol that you used? You have had great results!

Blessings to YOU

Doug & Cheryl

From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 7:37:11 PMSubject: smoking I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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Thank you Florence .Will you mail it? Because I am very interesting in it.Regards  Elena Kuri From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of floranceSent: Miércoles, 09 de Febrero de 2011 12:02 p.m. Subject: Re: smoking To all the people interested in the smoking protocol. I am willing to share the protocol because it gave me excellent results. I have to type it out etc. give me a week or so and I will send it to you all.Regards. Florance From: Cheryl <dougncheryl@...> Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 7:38:32 PMSubject: Re: smoking Will you share the protocol that you used? You have had great results! Blessings to YOUDoug & Cheryl From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 7:37:11 PMSubject: smoking I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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Me Too!

From: florance <florancehr@...>Subject: Re: smoking Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2011, 9:01 AM

To all the people interested in the smoking protocol.

I am willing to share the protocol because it gave me excellent results. I have to type it out etc. give me a week or so and I will send it to you all.



From: Cheryl <dougncheryl@...> Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 7:38:32 PMSubject: Re: smoking

Will you share the protocol that you used? You have had great results!

Blessings to YOU

Doug & Cheryl

From: florance <florancehr@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 7:37:11 PMSubject: smoking

I did stop smoking sessions on 8 clients on the scio, I did not use the special anti smoking program, just a normal scio session that I worked out for smokers. Out of the 8 clients 5 stopped after only one session and never started again this is now 1 year later. RegardsFlorance (South Africa)

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