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Tomarrow is going to be fun

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Hi Everybody

Tomarrow I see my heart-doc, and my GP for my bi-yearly HCV labwork.

I wonder what the labs will show?

I have to get some heart tests at the hospital too this week.

I hope its still beating. LOL :-)

Last time I got labs, my Viral Load had gone down 1/3rd in count, which cheered me up.

I know it probably doesnt mean much, but it was a good morale booster.

The rest of my labs were still near normal.

I havent done my liver suppliments for 6 months....Ive been experimenting on myself.

I wanted to see if they were doing me any good or not.

If my labs are higher, I will know that I better get back on them.

Im planning on it anyways, because I do believe in their value.

Not as a cure, but just to try to slow the HCV down a bit, and improve my general health.

My gut is real swollen, and I have had major brain fog and depression since I stopped my sups too.

So it will be interesting to see if starting my sups again will help with those issues as well.

Anyways, I will be gone all day tomarrow [Wed], but I will be online in the evening.


Its going to be 65 degrees.....yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! :-)

Please give each other lotsa love and support until I get home.

Be well my friends, and I love you all.

PS - Gloria and Marie, Im sending you both lotsa good stuff.


don in ks

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