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Honey, Im home

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Hi everybody

Im home finally.

Gad, I hate Wednesdays - I spend all day at the doctors.

Well I saw my heart doc for the results of last weeks 'bunchalabsandtests'.

- Thats a new word - 'bunchalabsandtests'. LOL :-)

Anyways, my doc said that the left side of my heart is damaged.

I think he said that the left side pumps blood back to the body.

He didnt prescribe anything for it tho, and I didnt know what questions to ask him except - 'am I gonna die' - which I didnt.

I was going to ask - 'how damaged', but didnt because I wouldnt understand the answer, having nothing to compare it to.

He did say that it is critical to begin an exercise program, and to stop smoking cigs ASAP.

I am to exercise for 5 minutes a day, per week, and to bump it up by 3 minutes a day, per week.

He wants me to get to the point where I am exercising daily for 30 minutes, and to continue this protocal for the rest of my life.

He wrote me a script for Zyban, to take away the smoking craving.

He told me not to use the nic patches, or chew the nic gum.

He said that people just get addicted to this different form of nicotine use.

Thats what I think too.

He kicked my butt verbally pretty good, so I better get on the ball.

He told me that there is no point in my seeing him if Im not going to make the necessary changes to become healthier.

Monitoring me as I kill myself step by step is a waste of money and time.

I cant argue with that logic. He is right.

Im not even going to look up the side effects or dangers of taking Zyban.

Im just going to start using it, and pray for the best.

Hopefully by the middle of March I can tell everyone that I am truely smoke free....finally after 50+ years of smoking.

I have an exercise bike right next to my bed, a 1-hour timer, and I can see my TV to distract me from the pain that I am sure will kick my butt.

I have run out of excuses.....wah. LMAO

Just kidding - this is exactly the path that I desire to go down.

I want to live, and be as healthy as I can be until the stars call me home.

[Deep breath]

So wish me luck everybody.

Tomarrow I am going to begin seriously getting my ducks in a row.

I love you all.

I hope you all are well.


don in ks

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