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It's me, it's me, it's me O Lord, it's me

- at least until c.tab is back on deck

M Lassesen, M.S.

* backup moderator *

PS: Had a good first day at work today!

Phone: 360 297.4717 Cell: 360 509.8970 Fax 520 832.6836

----- Original Message -----

From: Al Melillo

Hi all,

Who is the current list manager-moderator for this list?



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Hi Christie,

Good to read you again. Sorry you had all this trauma and welcome back



> Hi Al and all,


> I'm just coming back but Ken has been moderating in my absence.

> I won't go into the things that have kept me off - just suffice it to say


> lot of trauma both health wise with me and family - and the computer. I


> convinced that pc has CFIDS and all its subsets!


> Take care,

> Christie

> ICQ# 24506195

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 10/28/00 1:27:41 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

borago@... writes:

<< Well to let you all know without the curtousy of informing me I have been

removed as a moderator from this group, I don't know whether this has been

done by CT or the list owner dusan@... I suspect the former. I

can only guess that this group is now in the hands of CT. Welcome to

our friendly little group :-)

Steve >>

Sorry Steve, that is really terrible. Your input has been one of the best

things on this group. I hope you will hang around and participate regardless

which of the higher-ups caused this occurrence. Obviously they have some

hidden agenda and I for one could not care less what they think. Those of us

on the list have always appreciated you and your information. Don't leave us


Pam in ID

Pamacs Selkirk Rex

Home of GRCH Pamacs Winnie The Blue

The first CFA Grand Champion Selkirk Rex

Check out my home page at


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> Well to let you all know without the curtousy of informing me I have been

removed as a moderator from this group, I don't know whether this has been done

by CT or the list owner dusan@... I suspect the former. I can only

guess that this group is now in the hands of CT. Welcome to our friendly

little group :-)


> Steve


This was said with some disappointment at being treated treated this way and so

I apologize for the sarcasm. It would appear that the List Owner Dusan did not,

as I suspected, remove me as a moderator. I can only assume that as I stated to

CT :

" Secondly I am not coming at you with anger b./c she can't have her way but b/c

you are turning this into a group where the moderators decide what is good for

the members and I disagree with that. It is a group list where members

contribute to help one another and I see no reason why members can't be freely

involved. And if you wish to run the group the way you seem to be suggesting

then that is fine, but I don't wish to be part of it. "

that the group is to be run as they wish and they removed me as a moderator, the

List Owner is aware of the problems and I am not sure how they will be resolved,

I guess it depends how she wishes to see the goup run. And it is always

possible that other moderators will be found.

Just thought I keep in touch.



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Sorry Steve! I want to see you continue to be moderator of our group also.

I get busy for a couple of weeks, and look what happens. No Steve. :)

Maybe with your apparent popularity, and (apparent to me) efficiency and

unprovocative, helpful nature, you will be reinstated.

Ann in Florida

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest


All you have to do is go to , my groups, delivery options and

change it to web only.


MGB 5/28/00



Dear moderator:

Please can you help? I am trying to modify my subscription on and my

groups. I am receiving the post directly to my email box and before I have a

chance to check it it feels up. I would like to be able to do web only---and

this is where you can help. I have signed up for again (it

wouldn't let me with my regular name because it said that name was already taken

(GO FIGURE THAT) so my new name and address is waiting for pending

membership. Can you un-pend it for me. I am the same.

My email address is traciebt @ cyou.com. My email address (which I want

you to un-pend) is traciebthomas

If this is a problem please email me.

Thanks for your time.


mgb 10/11/00

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  • 1 year later...

I was on this list from its inception and for years. Clement

created this list to share her newfound recovery from treatment with low

dose interferon, which sadly enough others did not recover by taking,

but the list has lived on. I posted everything I've done on this list

for years, before you ever heard of this list. I needed to take a break

from it for awhile. We can leave it up to the present list owners and

moderators to decide if lurkers should be allowed here or should be made

to feel totally unwelcome. Also if bashing people on other lists meets

the list criteria for sharing here.

> One reason I don't want to post is b/c of

> people like you that " lurk " , get the benefits of my hard work in

> searching for articles, posting what works and doesn't work for me,

> my test results and such. At least I am working to try and help my

> fellow sufferer. If people such as you were to leave the list, who

> would even know? It is time that more people make a little effort to

> posts the experimental things they have tried or the tests they

> thought were helpful or not helpful. Out of almost a 1,000 list

> members, maybe 15-20 post regularly, the rest of you should be

> ashamed to sit back and receive the benefit of the work of these 15-

> 20 while you add nothing " constructive " .


> I feel this message can be helpful b/c maybe it will let people know

> they are getting a free ride and they should also chip in when they

> can. I understand that some on this list do not feel like writing

> much but if you feel well enough to writte in to complain that you

> are on one of the " whiners " I talk about, you feel well enough to

> contribute something to the rest of us.


> Bob




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Way to go Marcia. Edit my original email and make it sound as if

though I am talking about every " lurker " . That is smart. Of course as

you know, I was addressing one particular woman who decided to bash

me recently while bashing another list member. There will always

be " lurkers " and obviously for someone as smart as you would know, A

1,000 members cannot all post at the same time anyway. What are you

doing replying to my message? It wasn't directed toward you. Have you

been on the list with a that went defunct? You say you needed to

take a break but now you are back. Is that b/c you helped destroy

another list? Bob

> I was on this list from its inception and for years. Clement

> created this list to share her newfound recovery from treatment

with low

> dose interferon, which sadly enough others did not recover by


> but the list has lived on. I posted everything I've done on this


> for years, before you ever heard of this list. I needed to take a


> from it for awhile. We can leave it up to the present list

owners and

> moderators to decide if lurkers should be allowed here or should be


> to feel totally unwelcome. Also if bashing people on other lists


> the list criteria for sharing here.


> > One reason I don't want to post is b/c of

> > people like you that " lurk " , get the benefits of my hard work in

> > searching for articles, posting what works and doesn't work for


> > my test results and such. At least I am working to try and help my

> > fellow sufferer. If people such as you were to leave the list, who

> > would even know? It is time that more people make a little effort


> > posts the experimental things they have tried or the tests they

> > thought were helpful or not helpful. Out of almost a 1,000 list

> > members, maybe 15-20 post regularly, the rest of you should be

> > ashamed to sit back and receive the benefit of the work of these


> > 20 while you add nothing " constructive " .

> >

> > I feel this message can be helpful b/c maybe it will let people


> > they are getting a free ride and they should also chip in when


> > can. I understand that some on this list do not feel like writing

> > much but if you feel well enough to writte in to complain that you

> > are on one of the " whiners " I talk about, you feel well enough to

> > contribute something to the rest of us.

> >

> > Bob

> >

> >

> >

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Ladies and gentlemen, taking this stuff backchannel is exactly what

you need to be doing. Taking a backchannel discussion onto this

board is not desired or productive. Please refrain from this type of

behavior. Thanks.

> I was on this list from its inception and for years. Clement

> created this list to share her newfound recovery from treatment

with low

> dose interferon, which sadly enough others did not recover by


> but the list has lived on. I posted everything I've done on this


> for years, before you ever heard of this list. I needed to take a


> from it for awhile. We can leave it up to the present list

owners and

> moderators to decide if lurkers should be allowed here or should be


> to feel totally unwelcome. Also if bashing people on other lists


> the list criteria for sharing here.


> > One reason I don't want to post is b/c of

> > people like you that " lurk " , get the benefits of my hard work in

> > searching for articles, posting what works and doesn't work for


> > my test results and such. At least I am working to try and help my

> > fellow sufferer. If people such as you were to leave the list, who

> > would even know? It is time that more people make a little effort


> > posts the experimental things they have tried or the tests they

> > thought were helpful or not helpful. Out of almost a 1,000 list

> > members, maybe 15-20 post regularly, the rest of you should be

> > ashamed to sit back and receive the benefit of the work of these


> > 20 while you add nothing " constructive " .

> >

> > I feel this message can be helpful b/c maybe it will let people


> > they are getting a free ride and they should also chip in when


> > can. I understand that some on this list do not feel like writing

> > much but if you feel well enough to writte in to complain that you

> > are on one of the " whiners " I talk about, you feel well enough to

> > contribute something to the rest of us.

> >

> > Bob

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you

> been on the list with a that went defunct? You say you needed to

> take a break but now you are back. Is that b/c you helped destroy

> another list? Bob

Dear Bob,

You don't know me, and I don't give a rip what you want to say or think

about me. I generally never bother to defend myself. I have never been on a

list that went defunct that I know of. Please do not discuss other lists in

regard to me. I do defend my friends and innocent people who get attacked.



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  • 3 years later...

>Hi this is from Pacific Surgical Weight Loss Center, PLLC.

I just wanted to know if we could make some changes on our support

group reminders on your site.>

, I don't see your current 2nd Tuesday group listed on the calendar

(I was going to delete it for you). You can add all of your support

meetings to the calendar. Are you having trouble accessing it or something?

It's not the moderator's job to add events, those are done by members. I'm

here to help people cancel or change them if the person who originally set

it up has left the group and no one else can access them.

You will need a valid ID to use the calendar function.

Barb, moderator

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Barb can you delete whatever we have on there now....I didn't realize that we

could add them ourselves. Thank-you for the help!

Barbooch <barbooch@...> wrote:

>Hi this is from Pacific Surgical Weight Loss Center, PLLC.

I just wanted to know if we could make some changes on our support

group reminders on your site.>

, I don't see your current 2nd Tuesday group listed on the calendar

(I was going to delete it for you). You can add all of your support

meetings to the calendar. Are you having trouble accessing it or something?

It's not the moderator's job to add events, those are done by members. I'm

here to help people cancel or change them if the person who originally set

it up has left the group and no one else can access them.

You will need a valid ID to use the calendar function.

Barb, moderator


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Michele, I've deleted the Shelton support group meeting from the calendar as

requested. Thanks for the update, we like to keep things current.

Barb, moderator

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11:29 AM

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi Sharon!

Hope all goes well with your preparations and your surgery.

Personally I just filter the emails from the participants in this nonsense

to my deleted folder. Seeing them only annoys and upsets me, which is a

detriment to my healing.

I¹m rehabbing from one knee surgery and just scheduled the second. I¹m

just about to start focusing on my pre-surgery exercises while continuing

the rehab from the first. I¹d be glad to share any of my own experiences

and what I¹ve learned from this list. Though I think you¹ve been on the list

for a while and you probably have read the same excellent information that I

have. You can email me privately if you like while you are taking a break

from the list. Also would love to hear from you about new ideas that have

come up for you as you prepare for your surgery.

Take care.



On 5/12/09 8:54 AM, " Sharon & LeVine " <levine@...> wrote:






> I'm going no mail on this group for awhile I have enough going on in my life,

> I need to knee replacements had breast cancer and trying to get in better

> shape to have the surgery. Once you have been face to face with death you

> learn there are betting things in life than to sit here and read a bunch of

> emails from adults acting like children. I will be back when it gets closer to

> my surgery time, I was hoping to pick up some good tips for rehab, but the

> last few days has been nothing but email fights. This group needs to go on

> moderation and stop these post. Good by

> Sharon LeVine

> http://sharonsfamilylife.blogspot.com/

> http://www.lymphland.com/


> .


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I agree with you Sharon and am also bailing out for now. The noise to signal

ratio is higher than I can stand and the egos are even worse.

Lee Jordan


From: Joint Replacement

[mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of Sharon &


Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 11:54 AM

Joint Replacement

Subject: Moderator

I'm going no mail on this group for awhile I have enough going on in my

life, I need to knee replacements had breast cancer and trying to get in

better shape to have the surgery. Once you have been face to face with death

you learn there are betting things in life than to sit here and read a bunch

of emails from adults acting like children. I will be back when it gets

closer to my surgery time, I was hoping to pick up some good tips for rehab,

but the last few days has been nothing but email fights. This group needs to

go on moderation and stop these post. Good by

Sharon LeVine

http://sharonsfamil <http://sharonsfamilylife.blogspot.com/>


http://www.lymphlan <http://www.lymphland.com/> d.com/


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Hi Jackie,

I am to have TKR on May 27.What are the pre surgery exercises?


People usually don't care about you until you show them that you care about

them. ~~ Unknown

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Hi Carol!

Yeah, that¹s coming up soon.

The exercises I did for the right knee are from the book were some of those

recommended in chapter 3 the book on Total Knee Replacement &

Rehabilitation: The knee Owner¹s Manual. (and excellent book if a little

over the top on the amount of exercises recommend IMO). Thae authors

recommend 3-5 sets of 15-25 repetitions. My goal was to do the recommend

25 repetitions 3 times a day. And I did at least one set and often 2 or 3

more each day. These exercises focus mainly on strengthening the quad

muscle and hamstring. They will also help with post-surgery exercises that

work on extension (straightening the leg). I think it really helped with my

rehab. Here they are:

They use a one-gallon bucket and a five-gallon bucket but rolled towels etc

would do the same.

1. Short-Arc quad exercise, uses the one-gallon bucket

> Lying on your back on bed or floor, place the bucket under your bent knee with

> heel resting on the floor. Slowly raise the heel of the foot by straightening

> your knee. The authors say that this is the most valuable in helping to walk

> again after surgery

1. Sort-Arc Quad exercise, uses the 5 gallon bucket or cleaning bucket (I

used that as the 5-gallon was too large for me)

> lying on your back, place the bucket under the upper thigh. As with

> exercise 1, slowly raise the heel of the foot. When your knee is fully

> extended, hold for 10 seconds and slowly lower.

1. Hamstring Isometric exercise

> Lying on you back, put the bucket under you heel. Try to straighten the knee

> by pushing down toward the floor. Hold for 15 seconds. Then try to roll the

> bucket up toward buttocks using only your leg. (I found this very awkward and

> couldn¹t control the bucket; could also do this with an exercise ball or other

> tool. Strengthens the hamstrings.)

1. Straight-leg raise

> Lying on your back, keep your knee straight, tighten the quad muscle and lift

> your foot 8-12 inches off the floor. Hold for 5 seconds. Slowly lower. You

> can do a second round of these this time putting your nonsurgical leg on top

> of the leg you¹re working. This exercise also strengthens the core muscles

> which is very helpful.

1. Armchair push up

> Strengthens arms Use a chair with sturdy armrests. Sit down with hands on the

> armrests. Push down to lift buttocks the chair. Hold for 5 seconds. Slowly

> lower back to the chair. This is really helpful in getting ready to use the

> walker/crutches after surgery.



You can also do the post-surgical exercises which are illustrated at


Hope these help. While it may be challenging to do them at the level these

authors suggest, anything we can do will improve our strength and


Best wishes for a great surgery and rehab.



On 5/12/09 9:53 AM, " Dot Sheltie " <dotsheltie@...> wrote:






> Hi Jackie,

> I am to have TKR on May 27.What are the pre surgery exercises?

> Carol


> People usually don't care about you until you show them that you care about

> them. ~~ Unknown



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Sharon, I am 4 weeks out from my 2nd TKR. I have some tips for rehab after

going through it twice in less than a year. What do you want to know about,

exercises, PT, or just how to get through the pain part and how much to rest?

Does the cancer make you tired? I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and often have

to modify things to get around that illness.


PS: I am on no mail on all my , I'd much rather go to the

message boards on the web, that way I can quickly skip over messages that don't

pertain to my interests.

> I'm going no mail on this group for awhile I have enough going on in my life,

I need to knee replacements had breast cancer and trying to get in better shape

to have the surgery. Once you have been face to face with death you learn there

are betting things in life than to sit here and read a bunch of emails from

adults acting like children. I will be back when it gets closer to my surgery

time, I was hoping to pick up some good tips for rehab, but the last few days

has been nothing but email fights. This group needs to go on moderation and stop

these post. Good by

> Sharon LeVine

> http://sharonsfamilylife.blogspot.com/

> http://www.lymphland.com/


> .






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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Don, I think you do a wonderful job as owner/moderator/friend/warrior. I know

everyone has their own beliefs.I was lic'd in 2 states for cosmetology and while

in school, there was 2 subjects we were trained not to discuss with patrons in

our field which are religion and politcs, because nobody ever see's eye to eye

and it is this freedom in our country that we respect each others differences. I

totaly get what you are saying, and if anybody else gets offended than that's

just the way it is. take it or leave it. If someone chooses to leave because of

such a instance , all we can do is wish them well, and move on..there are many

heppers that need support, newly diagnosed daily! There is only one HepCWarriors

group and one great soulful moderator that runs it named christ! I ain't

going no-where!

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