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Re: Grandboys

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TrudyThe whole reason you can be free and love them so much is, they go home!! Or, it's not for you to teach them the manners and good behaviour. So, Grandma's just get to spoil grandchildren.My Mom used to allow my son have Fruit Loops with whipped cream for breakfast!!! For years and years now, all the grandchildren to my parents know that when they come for a visit, Grandma would have stocked up with pop and crap and they know exactly where it is. That's the kind of grandma I would have liked to be.However, in the space of time that I was waiting for my cancer surgery and the recovery, all the grandchildren were taken from me. I am not welcome around them. You know it hurt for a long time; but, I also

question any parent that can do that just because of there own issues.My folks didn't speak or have anything to do with my Dad's mother. I was never made aware of this. She was raising 3 of my cousin's and only lived about a block away. So, I was around that house a lot. Then, when we moved back after my Dad's stint on the other coast, I still would even take the bus occasionally, to see my grandmother and my cousins. I honestly did not know about any issues to do with my parents until I was getting married the first time.At the service for my baby brother, my cousin was there and we had not seen each other for likely 40 yrs. Recently I was in contact with him on the net and my Mother before me. He knew my baby brother well.Isn't it sad what people do to one another??Gloria Teri, I never thought I would be all smooshie over a grandbaby. Was

pretty skeptible(?sp) about wanting to spend lots of time with one. I

was still tired from raising my two. It was rough.

But grandsons( no girls; 3 boys) are such fun! I can relax and

just marvel at everything they say & do. True gifts.

Someday you will have your gifts & you will love them so much.

It's some how different than with our children.

Save the earth... It's the only planet with chocolate,

" a well behaved woman never made history " Mae West

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Gloria, I do spoil them! But also I reinforce thier manners and good behavior. Especialy when they are all here at once! Inside Voices!Alas, their inside voices are still a hundred decibels too high! But they try, for a moment anyway. My daughter and I didn't speak for 8 years. Last time I saw those grandboys they were 20 months & 8 months. They are the oldest grandsons, now 10 & 8. Ivfinally tracked her down, but couldn't get the courage to contact her. Can't get wrapped up in all that drama. But tx has a way of clearing our head & regaining perspective on what's important. I sent her a text on her birthday last Oct. Best thing I've done in years! Several times a week we spend hours texting and it feels so wonderful! Last Christmas I told Dear Hubby that all I wanted was to be able to hug close. So he loaded me and both dogs and all my meds, pillow, Friday

shot, a case of water, microwave oatmeal & away we went 4 hrs to Dallas. Only had Christmas Eve night together, but it was best to take baby steps anyway. The grandboys were so big! They said they both remembered me...hmmm, earning fat Christmas presents perhaps? They weren't old enough then. And my sons boy is 6. We ended up just 15 mins from him when we rented Heaven on Earth here in Ok. Now my son has turned into deadbeat dad. I can't believe it. Clayton was always his whole world. But my son moved in with a woman who coincedentally also has a six year old. And now he won't answer Claytons calls. Clayton ask me a few weeks ago, when was he gonna see his Dad? Did I think the other boy was playing with his Christmas presents from his Dad? That's tough. No real good answer to a 6 yr old. Careful what we say. Don't want to build his expectations or put a bad light on his dad with him. Quess I won't speak

to my son for a very long time. He got mad cause I was seeing Clayton every coupla weeks. And I gave Claytons Mama money to help get the kids back in school. s not paying his child support and Mama is a good mama with a tough task. said we were dead to him, last fall. But now I have three ( plus 3 half brothers to Clayton - i dont play favorites and we were in those childrens lives for 3 years before my son broke up) wonderful, muddy( always!) lovely Grandboys!But Clayton moved to N Carolina in Feb.:( He calls me every afternoon after school. And I will have all of them, melissa's and Clayton this summer! And the half-bros some of the time! I will need a rest, then my own vacation at summers end.Yes, it is terrible what we heap upon innocent children. That's why it is so important to me that all the grandboys know each other. Well. They all talk about getting

to see their cousins this summer. Save the earth... It's the only planet with chocolate," a well behaved woman never made history " Mae WestOn Mar 18, 2011, at 7:18 PM, Gloria <gadamscan@...> wrote:

TrudyThe whole reason you can be free and love them so much is, they go home!! Or, it's not for you to teach them the manners and good behaviour. So, Grandma's just get to spoil grandchildren.My Mom used to allow my son have Fruit Loops with whipped cream for breakfast!!! For years and years now, all the grandchildren to my parents know that when they come for a visit, Grandma would have stocked up with pop and crap and they know exactly where it is. That's the kind of grandma I would have liked to be.However, in the space of time that I was waiting for my cancer surgery and the recovery, all the grandchildren were taken from me. I am not welcome around them. You know it hurt for a long time; but, I also

question any parent that can do that just because of there own issues.My folks didn't speak or have anything to do with my Dad's mother. I was never made aware of this. She was raising 3 of my cousin's and only lived about a block away. So, I was around that house a lot. Then, when we moved back after my Dad's stint on the other coast, I still would even take the bus occasionally, to see my grandmother and my cousins. I honestly did not know about any issues to do with my parents until I was getting married the first time.At the service for my baby brother, my cousin was there and we had not seen each other for likely 40 yrs. Recently I was in contact with him on the net and my Mother before me. He knew my baby brother well.Isn't it sad what people do to one another??Gloria Teri, I never thought I would be all smooshie over a grandbaby. Was

pretty skeptible(?sp) about wanting to spend lots of time with one. I

was still tired from raising my two. It was rough.

But grandsons( no girls; 3 boys) are such fun! I can relax and

just marvel at everything they say & do. True gifts.

Someday you will have your gifts & you will love them so much.

It's some how different than with our children.

Save the earth... It's the only planet with chocolate,

" a well behaved woman never made history " Mae West

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TrudyMy absolute belief is - think about the little ones!!! However, I do realize that when the parents pull a stupid stunt, there really isn't much we can do.To not answer Clayton's calls!!! How horribly hurtful! I'm glad for him and you, that you are there to take all of his calls. It's so so important. No wonder there is so many young adults dealing with abandonment issues!!I thought that crap about the children's support by the other parent had about been put to rest. We have a government agency here, where after the court order is set down, the mother does not have to chase him. This agency will!! But, there are lots of

guys that still find a way out.I could never understand how it was always the females fault for getting pregnant. My science classes were fairly explanatory about that. Then, I will rage if I hear a mother coming even close to excusing that son. Mine has known since the word "sex" was even in his vocabulary. Your girlfriend is pregnant - well guess what. No, the age of forcing them to marry is long over; but, I don't care if you have to pump gas as a 2nd job - you will support your children.Oh isn't it soo wonderful that you have your daughter back in your life!!! It must have been horrible years for you. Just recently I had a huge issue with my brothers who just began sharing an apartment. To this moment, I will say, it was because the one that was boarding at my husband's place, too a whole lot of things that he had no right to touch. He stole a whole lot of things!! My mother

was trying to defend him and that made me even angerer. Then, I realized that for a long happy life that I've had with my Mom and how helpful she is, I would at least back off and not say anything to her. However, the brother knows, like happened the other day, don't be coming for a visit to the folks if I'm there!! So, he drove away.At this point, I don't care that I should be holding my family close, because we never know how long we have. In this situation - he's a truly negative human being and I sure don't need that in my life.Hope all goes wellLuv Gloria

Gloria, I do spoil them! But also I reinforce thier manners and good behavior. Especialy when they are all here at once! Inside Voices!Alas, their inside voices are still a hundred decibels too high! But they try, for a moment anyway. My daughter and I didn't speak for 8 years. Last time I saw those grandboys they were 20 months & 8 months. They are the oldest grandsons, now 10 & 8. Ivfinally tracked her down, but couldn't get the courage to contact her. Can't get wrapped up in all that drama. But tx has a way of clearing our head & regaining perspective on what's important. I sent her a text on her birthday last Oct. Best thing I've done in years! Several times a week we spend hours texting and it feels so wonderful! Last Christmas I told Dear Hubby that all I wanted was to be able to hug close. So he loaded me and both dogs and all my meds, pillow, Friday

shot, a case of water, microwave oatmeal & away we went 4 hrs to Dallas. Only had Christmas Eve night together, but it was best to take baby steps anyway. The grandboys were so big! They said they both remembered me...hmmm, earning fat Christmas presents perhaps? They weren't old enough then. And my sons boy is 6. We ended up just 15 mins from him when we rented Heaven on Earth here in Ok. Now my son has turned into deadbeat dad. I can't believe it. Clayton was always his whole world. But my son moved in with a woman who coincedentally also has a six year old. And now he won't answer Claytons calls. Clayton ask me a few weeks ago, when was he gonna see his Dad? Did I think the other boy was playing with his Christmas presents from his Dad? That's tough. No real good answer to a 6 yr old. Careful what we say. Don't want to build his expectations or put a bad light on his dad with him. Quess I won't speak

to my son for a very long time. He got mad cause I was seeing Clayton every coupla weeks. And I gave Claytons Mama money to help get the kids back in school. s not paying his child support and Mama is a good mama with a tough task. said we were dead to him, last fall. But now I have three ( plus 3 half brothers to Clayton - i dont play favorites and we were in those childrens lives for 3 years before my son broke up) wonderful, muddy( always!) lovely Grandboys!But Clayton moved to N Carolina in Feb.:( He calls me every afternoon after school. And I will have all of them, melissa's and Clayton this summer! And the half-bros some of the time! I will need a rest, then my own vacation at summers end.Yes, it is terrible what we heap upon innocent children. That's why it is so important to me that all the grandboys know each other. Well. They all talk about getting

to see their cousins this summer. Save the earth... It's the only planet with chocolate," a well behaved woman never made history " Mae WestOn Mar 18, 2011, at 7:18 PM, Gloria <gadamscan@...> wrote:

TrudyThe whole reason you can be free and love them so much is, they go home!! Or, it's not for you to teach them the manners and good behaviour. So, Grandma's just get to spoil grandchildren.My Mom used to allow my son have Fruit Loops with whipped cream for breakfast!!! For years and years now, all the grandchildren to my parents know that when they come for a visit, Grandma would have stocked up with pop and crap and they know exactly where it is. That's the kind of grandma I would have liked to be.However, in the space of time that I was waiting for my cancer surgery and the recovery, all the grandchildren were taken from me. I am not welcome around them. You know it hurt for a long time; but, I also

question any parent that can do that just because of there own issues.My folks didn't speak or have anything to do with my Dad's mother. I was never made aware of this. She was raising 3 of my cousin's and only lived about a block away. So, I was around that house a lot. Then, when we moved back after my Dad's stint on the other coast, I still would even take the bus occasionally, to see my grandmother and my cousins. I honestly did not know about any issues to do with my parents until I was getting married the first time.At the service for my baby brother, my cousin was there and we had not seen each other for likely 40 yrs. Recently I was in contact with him on the net and my Mother before me. He knew my baby brother well.Isn't it sad what people do to one another??Gloria Teri, I never thought I would be all smooshie over a grandbaby. Was

pretty skeptible(?sp) about wanting to spend lots of time with one. I

was still tired from raising my two. It was rough.

But grandsons( no girls; 3 boys) are such fun! I can relax and

just marvel at everything they say & do. True gifts.

Someday you will have your gifts & you will love them so much.

It's some how different than with our children.

Save the earth... It's the only planet with chocolate,

" a well behaved woman never made history " Mae West

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Yea, my son gets his drivers license revoked & threatened with jail time for non-support. I duun how long he can duck the courts. Becky & Hubby tell me I shouldn't get mad about that issue with him. That is his business and he will reap the bitter rewards someday. But I haven't figured out a way to have any conversation with him cause I am so angry about his treating of Clayton. Oh well, doesn't matter any way cause he has disowned us.Save the earth... It's the only planet with chocolate," a well behaved woman never made history " Mae WestOn Mar 19, 2011, at 1:18 PM, Gloria <gadamscan@...> wrote:

TrudyMy absolute belief is - think about the little ones!!! However, I do realize that when the parents pull a stupid stunt, there really isn't much we can do.To not answer Clayton's calls!!! How horribly hurtful! I'm glad for him and you, that you are there to take all of his calls. It's so so important. No wonder there is so many young adults dealing with abandonment issues!!I thought that crap about the children's support by the other parent had about been put to rest. We have a government agency here, where after the court order is set down, the mother does not have to chase him. This agency will!! But, there are lots of

guys that still find a way out.I could never understand how it was always the females fault for getting pregnant. My science classes were fairly explanatory about that. Then, I will rage if I hear a mother coming even close to excusing that son. Mine has known since the word "sex" was even in his vocabulary. Your girlfriend is pregnant - well guess what. No, the age of forcing them to marry is long over; but, I don't care if you have to pump gas as a 2nd job - you will support your children.Oh isn't it soo wonderful that you have your daughter back in your life!!! It must have been horrible years for you. Just recently I had a huge issue with my brothers who just began sharing an apartment. To this moment, I will say, it was because the one that was boarding at my husband's place, too a whole lot of things that he had no right to touch. He stole a whole lot of things!! My mother

was trying to defend him and that made me even angerer. Then, I realized that for a long happy life that I've had with my Mom and how helpful she is, I would at least back off and not say anything to her. However, the brother knows, like happened the other day, don't be coming for a visit to the folks if I'm there!! So, he drove away.At this point, I don't care that I should be holding my family close, because we never know how long we have. In this situation - he's a truly negative human being and I sure don't need that in my life.Hope all goes wellLuv Gloria

Gloria, I do spoil them! But also I reinforce thier manners and good behavior. Especialy when they are all here at once! Inside Voices!Alas, their inside voices are still a hundred decibels too high! But they try, for a moment anyway. My daughter and I didn't speak for 8 years. Last time I saw those grandboys they were 20 months & 8 months. They are the oldest grandsons, now 10 & 8. Ivfinally tracked her down, but couldn't get the courage to contact her. Can't get wrapped up in all that drama. But tx has a way of clearing our head & regaining perspective on what's important. I sent her a text on her birthday last Oct. Best thing I've done in years! Several times a week we spend hours texting and it feels so wonderful! Last Christmas I told Dear Hubby that all I wanted was to be able to hug close. So he loaded me and both dogs and all my meds, pillow, Friday

shot, a case of water, microwave oatmeal & away we went 4 hrs to Dallas. Only had Christmas Eve night together, but it was best to take baby steps anyway. The grandboys were so big! They said they both remembered me...hmmm, earning fat Christmas presents perhaps? They weren't old enough then. And my sons boy is 6. We ended up just 15 mins from him when we rented Heaven on Earth here in Ok. Now my son has turned into deadbeat dad. I can't believe it. Clayton was always his whole world. But my son moved in with a woman who coincedentally also has a six year old. And now he won't answer Claytons calls. Clayton ask me a few weeks ago, when was he gonna see his Dad? Did I think the other boy was playing with his Christmas presents from his Dad? That's tough. No real good answer to a 6 yr old. Careful what we say. Don't want to build his expectations or put a bad light on his dad with him. Quess I won't speak

to my son for a very long time. He got mad cause I was seeing Clayton every coupla weeks. And I gave Claytons Mama money to help get the kids back in school. s not paying his child support and Mama is a good mama with a tough task. said we were dead to him, last fall. But now I have three ( plus 3 half brothers to Clayton - i dont play favorites and we were in those childrens lives for 3 years before my son broke up) wonderful, muddy( always!) lovely Grandboys!But Clayton moved to N Carolina in Feb.:( He calls me every afternoon after school. And I will have all of them, melissa's and Clayton this summer! And the half-bros some of the time! I will need a rest, then my own vacation at summers end.Yes, it is terrible what we heap upon innocent children. That's why it is so important to me that all the grandboys know each other. Well. They all talk about getting

to see their cousins this summer. Save the earth... It's the only planet with chocolate," a well behaved woman never made history " Mae WestOn Mar 18, 2011, at 7:18 PM, Gloria <gadamscan@...> wrote:

TrudyThe whole reason you can be free and love them so much is, they go home!! Or, it's not for you to teach them the manners and good behaviour. So, Grandma's just get to spoil grandchildren.My Mom used to allow my son have Fruit Loops with whipped cream for breakfast!!! For years and years now, all the grandchildren to my parents know that when they come for a visit, Grandma would have stocked up with pop and crap and they know exactly where it is. That's the kind of grandma I would have liked to be.However, in the space of time that I was waiting for my cancer surgery and the recovery, all the grandchildren were taken from me. I am not welcome around them. You know it hurt for a long time; but, I also

question any parent that can do that just because of there own issues.My folks didn't speak or have anything to do with my Dad's mother. I was never made aware of this. She was raising 3 of my cousin's and only lived about a block away. So, I was around that house a lot. Then, when we moved back after my Dad's stint on the other coast, I still would even take the bus occasionally, to see my grandmother and my cousins. I honestly did not know about any issues to do with my parents until I was getting married the first time.At the service for my baby brother, my cousin was there and we had not seen each other for likely 40 yrs. Recently I was in contact with him on the net and my Mother before me. He knew my baby brother well.Isn't it sad what people do to one another??Gloria Teri, I never thought I would be all smooshie over a grandbaby. Was

pretty skeptible(?sp) about wanting to spend lots of time with one. I

was still tired from raising my two. It was rough.

But grandsons( no girls; 3 boys) are such fun! I can relax and

just marvel at everything they say & do. True gifts.

Someday you will have your gifts & you will love them so much.

It's some how different than with our children.

Save the earth... It's the only planet with chocolate,

" a well behaved woman never made history " Mae West

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