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Glad you're back 'in gear'. Did you ever get your bathtubs?


Jeanine's Hummingbird Soap Works


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of everose3

Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2006 8:47 AM

Subject: Hi everybody

Sorry to be a way for so long. At work I've been busy catching up on

training & collecting DNAs with NYS's new law in effect. And outside

orders on what I love to do most -- soaping ; ) I'm back in gear and

need to get my product made for shows, and play a little on the puter.

Miss you guys!!!!

Huggs, Bekka

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  • 1 year later...

mine was the same.i was 2b.had lots of infections.30 days of cipro almost killed

me.post 1month.

" robinson.doug8747 " <robinson.doug8747@...> wrote: I still read

the boards pretty regularly. I WAS HCV 2a positive for

about two years that I know about. I was testes because my liver

enzyme where why high. I think that is the procedure now to check for

Hep when they test high. I was never tested in the 80's or 90 for HCV

when I had liver problems. I tried to give blood in 92 they wouldn't

take it, said I have had HCV sometime in the past. Went to a doctor

and they said everything was fine your body must of fought it off.

well it didn't get it all. what I experienced over those years was

frequent sickness and fatigue, my friends always teased me about

taking naps when ever we went camping or fishing. Well I tested

positive in July of 05 started treatment April 06-Sep 21 06. was

cleared in the 4th week blood work test. Still cleared Sep 28th 06


For me this was a brutal 6 months, mentally , emotionally and then of

course physically. Lots of side effects dry nose, dry mouth. If your

mouth and nose dry up...look out bateria will set in. I couldn't

swallow because of the sores and swelling, the doctor order some

" majic mouth wash. (your doctor and nurse will know what this is)

well that worked for awhile then it got so bad they gave me lidocaine

in a liquid jell now that killed the pain. I use " Oasis " it is

over the counter keeps the mouth wet taste pretty good. for the nose I

put some A & D ointment type stuff to keep it from being so dry, that

really helps. I have done that for years especially in the winter

this worked for me.

I had shortness of breath, lung congestion, still cough stuff up

after a month, mouth not as dry doing pretty well, but I itch all

over still all the time. skin is dry. the riba rash got me. I still

have some reddish spot all over the get really dry then go away. Well

the bottom line is this for me. I can tell the effects of the HCV are

not bothering me anymore, but i still have some sides from the

treatment and they get better all the time. It was hard, some people

coast through on this. everybody is different. But if you think this

is hard.....I don't even want to know what a transplant would be like

and I have had friends and loved ones pass from cancer and these two

outcomes are permanent. go for a walk, listen to some good music ,

watch less TV, read a little good stuff each day. Let other help you

when needed, help other when you can. I was happy to be able to take

my own garbage out a week ago and not have to lay on the couch as soon

as I got back, I can walk up a flight of stairs and not have to stop

and catch my breath, It was so fun I did it again. I learned to be

happy for the simplest things in life. YOU CAN DO THIS, thats what

all the tests are for to make sure you do. Life is good and getting

better everyday.

Tim Parsons

knoxville,tn 37931

865-588-2465 x107 work



Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Autos.

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mine was the same.i was 2b.had lots of infections.30 days of cipro almost killed

me.post 1month.

" robinson.doug8747 " <robinson.doug8747@...> wrote: I still read

the boards pretty regularly. I WAS HCV 2a positive for

about two years that I know about. I was testes because my liver

enzyme where why high. I think that is the procedure now to check for

Hep when they test high. I was never tested in the 80's or 90 for HCV

when I had liver problems. I tried to give blood in 92 they wouldn't

take it, said I have had HCV sometime in the past. Went to a doctor

and they said everything was fine your body must of fought it off.

well it didn't get it all. what I experienced over those years was

frequent sickness and fatigue, my friends always teased me about

taking naps when ever we went camping or fishing. Well I tested

positive in July of 05 started treatment April 06-Sep 21 06. was

cleared in the 4th week blood work test. Still cleared Sep 28th 06


For me this was a brutal 6 months, mentally , emotionally and then of

course physically. Lots of side effects dry nose, dry mouth. If your

mouth and nose dry up...look out bateria will set in. I couldn't

swallow because of the sores and swelling, the doctor order some

" majic mouth wash. (your doctor and nurse will know what this is)

well that worked for awhile then it got so bad they gave me lidocaine

in a liquid jell now that killed the pain. I use " Oasis " it is

over the counter keeps the mouth wet taste pretty good. for the nose I

put some A & D ointment type stuff to keep it from being so dry, that

really helps. I have done that for years especially in the winter

this worked for me.

I had shortness of breath, lung congestion, still cough stuff up

after a month, mouth not as dry doing pretty well, but I itch all

over still all the time. skin is dry. the riba rash got me. I still

have some reddish spot all over the get really dry then go away. Well

the bottom line is this for me. I can tell the effects of the HCV are

not bothering me anymore, but i still have some sides from the

treatment and they get better all the time. It was hard, some people

coast through on this. everybody is different. But if you think this

is hard.....I don't even want to know what a transplant would be like

and I have had friends and loved ones pass from cancer and these two

outcomes are permanent. go for a walk, listen to some good music ,

watch less TV, read a little good stuff each day. Let other help you

when needed, help other when you can. I was happy to be able to take

my own garbage out a week ago and not have to lay on the couch as soon

as I got back, I can walk up a flight of stairs and not have to stop

and catch my breath, It was so fun I did it again. I learned to be

happy for the simplest things in life. YOU CAN DO THIS, thats what

all the tests are for to make sure you do. Life is good and getting

better everyday.

Tim Parsons

knoxville,tn 37931

865-588-2465 x107 work



Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Autos.

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mine was the same.i was 2b.had lots of infections.30 days of cipro almost killed

me.post 1month.

" robinson.doug8747 " <robinson.doug8747@...> wrote: I still read

the boards pretty regularly. I WAS HCV 2a positive for

about two years that I know about. I was testes because my liver

enzyme where why high. I think that is the procedure now to check for

Hep when they test high. I was never tested in the 80's or 90 for HCV

when I had liver problems. I tried to give blood in 92 they wouldn't

take it, said I have had HCV sometime in the past. Went to a doctor

and they said everything was fine your body must of fought it off.

well it didn't get it all. what I experienced over those years was

frequent sickness and fatigue, my friends always teased me about

taking naps when ever we went camping or fishing. Well I tested

positive in July of 05 started treatment April 06-Sep 21 06. was

cleared in the 4th week blood work test. Still cleared Sep 28th 06


For me this was a brutal 6 months, mentally , emotionally and then of

course physically. Lots of side effects dry nose, dry mouth. If your

mouth and nose dry up...look out bateria will set in. I couldn't

swallow because of the sores and swelling, the doctor order some

" majic mouth wash. (your doctor and nurse will know what this is)

well that worked for awhile then it got so bad they gave me lidocaine

in a liquid jell now that killed the pain. I use " Oasis " it is

over the counter keeps the mouth wet taste pretty good. for the nose I

put some A & D ointment type stuff to keep it from being so dry, that

really helps. I have done that for years especially in the winter

this worked for me.

I had shortness of breath, lung congestion, still cough stuff up

after a month, mouth not as dry doing pretty well, but I itch all

over still all the time. skin is dry. the riba rash got me. I still

have some reddish spot all over the get really dry then go away. Well

the bottom line is this for me. I can tell the effects of the HCV are

not bothering me anymore, but i still have some sides from the

treatment and they get better all the time. It was hard, some people

coast through on this. everybody is different. But if you think this

is hard.....I don't even want to know what a transplant would be like

and I have had friends and loved ones pass from cancer and these two

outcomes are permanent. go for a walk, listen to some good music ,

watch less TV, read a little good stuff each day. Let other help you

when needed, help other when you can. I was happy to be able to take

my own garbage out a week ago and not have to lay on the couch as soon

as I got back, I can walk up a flight of stairs and not have to stop

and catch my breath, It was so fun I did it again. I learned to be

happy for the simplest things in life. YOU CAN DO THIS, thats what

all the tests are for to make sure you do. Life is good and getting

better everyday.

Tim Parsons

knoxville,tn 37931

865-588-2465 x107 work



Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Autos.

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mine was the same.i was 2b.had lots of infections.30 days of cipro almost killed

me.post 1month.

" robinson.doug8747 " <robinson.doug8747@...> wrote: I still read

the boards pretty regularly. I WAS HCV 2a positive for

about two years that I know about. I was testes because my liver

enzyme where why high. I think that is the procedure now to check for

Hep when they test high. I was never tested in the 80's or 90 for HCV

when I had liver problems. I tried to give blood in 92 they wouldn't

take it, said I have had HCV sometime in the past. Went to a doctor

and they said everything was fine your body must of fought it off.

well it didn't get it all. what I experienced over those years was

frequent sickness and fatigue, my friends always teased me about

taking naps when ever we went camping or fishing. Well I tested

positive in July of 05 started treatment April 06-Sep 21 06. was

cleared in the 4th week blood work test. Still cleared Sep 28th 06


For me this was a brutal 6 months, mentally , emotionally and then of

course physically. Lots of side effects dry nose, dry mouth. If your

mouth and nose dry up...look out bateria will set in. I couldn't

swallow because of the sores and swelling, the doctor order some

" majic mouth wash. (your doctor and nurse will know what this is)

well that worked for awhile then it got so bad they gave me lidocaine

in a liquid jell now that killed the pain. I use " Oasis " it is

over the counter keeps the mouth wet taste pretty good. for the nose I

put some A & D ointment type stuff to keep it from being so dry, that

really helps. I have done that for years especially in the winter

this worked for me.

I had shortness of breath, lung congestion, still cough stuff up

after a month, mouth not as dry doing pretty well, but I itch all

over still all the time. skin is dry. the riba rash got me. I still

have some reddish spot all over the get really dry then go away. Well

the bottom line is this for me. I can tell the effects of the HCV are

not bothering me anymore, but i still have some sides from the

treatment and they get better all the time. It was hard, some people

coast through on this. everybody is different. But if you think this

is hard.....I don't even want to know what a transplant would be like

and I have had friends and loved ones pass from cancer and these two

outcomes are permanent. go for a walk, listen to some good music ,

watch less TV, read a little good stuff each day. Let other help you

when needed, help other when you can. I was happy to be able to take

my own garbage out a week ago and not have to lay on the couch as soon

as I got back, I can walk up a flight of stairs and not have to stop

and catch my breath, It was so fun I did it again. I learned to be

happy for the simplest things in life. YOU CAN DO THIS, thats what

all the tests are for to make sure you do. Life is good and getting

better everyday.

Tim Parsons

knoxville,tn 37931

865-588-2465 x107 work



Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Autos.

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  • 1 month later...

" auntiepam77 " wrote:

....think I am the granny of the group--I'm 60...diagnosed with

fibromyalgia 4 years ago...



I've been writing in to Dom's newsletters forever also! I'm

gaining on ya! I'm 58....feel more like 98 (teehee).

I was diagnosed w/fibro in '97 but it went into remission after about

1 1/2 years...then accident of 2002 (Jan) cause fibro to re-occur and

STAY around now causing me to have Chronic Fibro...not good.

Not good because there is a misconception that Fibromyalgia can

be " cured " per all the new pain clinics springing up everywhere.

Even w/all the newest therapies abounding, only time and proper rest

can allow fibro to go into remission AND only if it is the 1st or 2nd

time it's showed it's ugly head.

It's been around for me now for over 6 years...isn't going to

disappear or be " cured " by " trancing " or " self-hypnosis " as my state

seems to believe! Dr. Tennant calls what I have as INTRACTABLE pain

and he's so very right. But my state is trying very hard to convince

the legislature that Fibromyalgia isn't even a disease, let alone

allow any pain specialist the right to treat it.

Further, here in Kansas, it's nearly impossible to find a physician

willing to have any patient that requires long-term maintenance as it

would also mean having the DEA watching their every move.

So bizarre really as we've also got a law on record that advises " No

physician can tell a patient the they can be 'cured' of their

ailment. " So, ironic isn't it, that this same state says Fibro can

be cured and that NO patient should be allowed to continue being

prescribed the meds they need just to survive...

We live in a very dangerous nation. Our govt allows for our medical

records to be examined by them ignoring HIPAA laws and every pharmacy

has to hand over all records to the DEA/ONDCP whenever they " ask. "

While they are busy looking over our personal pill history, the real

addicts and law-breakers are busy stealing/buying illegally/selling

the very drugs that we are trying to get legally!

Our very govt believes that if they can get rid of ALL narcotics -

the legal ones, then NONE will be available for the thieves to steal

illegally! Totally stupid.

I do everything the docs tell me to do and am still undertreated! If

any physician even considers prescribing what is necessary for any

one patient, the govt is immediately looking over his shoulder and

into his assets to see if they can make any $$ by taking this good

doc to court! So, for most of us, rarely do we get the total meds we

need to live a fairly " normal " life. It's all I can do just to be up

long enough to fix food for myself...the housework/yardwork becomes a

thing of the past...

What can we, any of us do about this?

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> I'm Pam and I've been reading Dominie's newsletter forever. So far


> think I am the granny of the group--I'm 60. I was diagnosed with

> fibromyalgia 4 years ago, although I suspect I had it many years

> before that. I was a technical writer with IBM for 35 years,


> retired in 2005 when I just couldn't work any longer.


> I live in North Carolina with my 2nd husband of 2 years, 2 dogs,

and a

> cat with a bad attitude. I do my best to keep active unless things


> really bad, I know I take too many prescription meds, but don't


> how to not take them.


> Lots more I could write about but don't want to take up time with


> many people giving intros.


> Pam

Hello Pam. My name is Loma and I am one of the younger Fibromytes. I

am 38 (have had it for over 10 years. I also live in NC in the

foothills. In Caldwell County. Just thought I would say hi to a

neighbor---in the same state online is a neigbor in my book! Take

care and sleep if possible.



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Hello Loma,

I live in Salisbury--Rowan County. Relatively close to you.


Re: Hi Everybody

>> I'm Pam and I've been reading Dominie's newsletter forever. So far I > think I am the granny of the group--I'm 60. I was diagnosed with > fibromyalgia 4 years ago, although I suspect I had it many years > before that. I was a technical writer with IBM for 35 years, finally > retired in 2005 when I just couldn't work any longer.> > I live in North Carolina with my 2nd husband of 2 years, 2 dogs, and a > cat with a bad attitude. I do my best to keep active unless things are > really bad, I know I take too many prescription meds, but don't know > how to not take them. > > Lots more I could write about but don't want to take up time with so > many people giving intros.> > PamHello Pam. My name is Loma and I am one of the younger Fibromytes. I am 38 (have had it for over 10 years. I also live in NC in the foothills. In Caldwell County. Just thought I would say hi to a neighbor---in the same state online is a neigbor in my book! Take care and sleep if possible.Loma>

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> >

> > I'm Pam and I've been reading Dominie's newsletter forever. So


> I

> > think I am the granny of the group--I'm 60. I was diagnosed


> > fibromyalgia 4 years ago, although I suspect I had it many


> > before that. I was a technical writer with IBM for 35 years,

> finally

> > retired in 2005 when I just couldn't work any longer.

> >

> > I live in North Carolina with my 2nd husband of 2 years, 2


> and a

> > cat with a bad attitude. I do my best to keep active unless


> are

> > really bad, I know I take too many prescription meds, but don't

> know

> > how to not take them.

> >

> > Lots more I could write about but don't want to take up time


> so

> > many people giving intros.

> >

> > Pam


> Hello Pam. My name is Loma and I am one of the younger

Fibromytes. I

> am 38 (have had it for over 10 years. I also live in NC in the

> foothills. In Caldwell County. Just thought I would say hi to a

> neighbor---in the same state online is a neigbor in my book! Take

> care and sleep if possible.


> Loma

> >

>yea not far. Gentle hugs

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Hello Pam. No you are not the granny. I am 65 and on Social Security since losing my hubby almost 5 years ago. I've been doing the Domonie thing for several years now and have learned so much. I live in land outside of the capital of polis where the government of the state is. I have had fibro (knowingly) for about 10 years. The symptoms go back much farther than that though. I had to retire 6 years ago due to the fibro and to take care of my husband before his death in 2003. God bless all you fibromites out there. The info is such a blessing. Let's all hang in there and keep praying for a breakthrough. Shirley Godbout

Hi Everybody

I'm Pam and I've been reading Dominie's newsletter forever. So far I think I am the granny of the group--I'm 60. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 4 years ago, although I suspect I had it many years before that. I was a technical writer with IBM for 35 years, finally retired in 2005 when I just couldn't work any longer.I live in North Carolina with my 2nd husband of 2 years, 2 dogs, and a cat with a bad attitude. I do my best to keep active unless things are really bad, I know I take too many prescription meds, but don't know how to not take them. Lots more I could write about but don't want to take up time with so many people giving intros.Pam

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Hey everybody, I am in the granny group LOL I will be 65 in

February. I live in the northwest part of South Carolina. I am so

excited about this new way to get and keep in touch with each other.

I am thankful for such a wonderful lady as Dominie who gives much

time and thought to her newsletters which I read completely. If

anybody lives around my area, please let me know. Thanks. Sharon



> Hello Pam. No you are not the granny. I am 65 and on Social

Security since losing my hubby almost 5 years ago. I've been doing

the Domonie thing for several years now and have learned so much. I

live in land outside of the capital of polis where the

government of the state is. I have had fibro (knowingly) for about

10 years. The symptoms go back much farther than that though. I had

to retire 6 years ago due to the fibro and to take care of my husband

before his death in 2003. God bless all you fibromites out there.

The info is such a blessing. Let's all hang in there and keep

praying for a breakthrough.


> Shirley Godbout




> Hi Everybody


> I'm Pam and I've been reading Dominie's newsletter forever. So far


> think I am the granny of the group--I'm 60. I was diagnosed with

> fibromyalgia 4 years ago, although I suspect I had it many years

> before that. I was a technical writer with IBM for 35 years,


> retired in 2005 when I just couldn't work any longer.


> I live in North Carolina with my 2nd husband of 2 years, 2 dogs,

and a

> cat with a bad attitude. I do my best to keep active unless things


> really bad, I know I take too many prescription meds, but don't


> how to not take them.


> Lots more I could write about but don't want to take up time with


> many people giving intros.


> Pam









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  • 1 month later...

You’re welcome – that what we’re here for –

support and advice. Hope you continue to do well, I am feeling better day

by day and my weight is slowing increasing – only had the myotomy last



Yorkshire, England

.. I want to thank all of you from the bottom of

my heart for all your well

wishes for myself and michelle. Each of you have been a huge source of

emotional energy

to get through something like this.

thanks everyone


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Hi a,

Must be great to be back home again and have the whole thing behind you!

Thanks for keeping us updated on too, I am so glad she's doing fine now.

Take it easy, don't rush into anything, you need your rest now.



hi everybody

How is everyone? and I got home last night at about 11:00. It was a long drive. I'm doing great. I still have a lot of soreness but I'm off my pain meds pretty much. I'm trying to adjust mostly now to meal times. I talked with today and is doing really good. She is able to eat a soft diet and will be going home in the next couple of days. I knew she would be fine she's a strong person. I can say I'm really glad I had this done. All of my cardiac issues are gone and I can swallow a lot easier now. Just trying to figure out this diet thing. I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all your well wishes for myself and michelle. Each of you have been a huge source of emotional energy to get through something like this.thanks everyoneKristi

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Hi a,

Great to hear you are home and well. Just try eating in small amounts and see how it goes. It is a wonderful sensation to just swallow and not think about it isn't it!!!

Best of luck on your continued road to normal strength.

Deb from Melbourne Australia

hi everybody

How is everyone? and I got home last night at about 11:00. It was a long drive. I'm doing great. I still have a lot of soreness but I'm off my pain meds pretty much. I'm trying to adjust mostly now to meal times. I talked with today and is doing really good. She is able to eat a soft diet and will be going home in the next couple of days. I knew she would be fine she's a strong person. I can say I'm really glad I had this done. All of my cardiac issues are gone and I can swallow a lot easier now. Just trying to figure out this diet thing. I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all your well wishes for myself and michelle. Each of you have been a huge source of emotional energy to get through something like this.thanks everyoneKristi

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Sounds like you are on the right track having found IOWL. My suggestion would

be to take your time listening and digesting each episode as recommends.

I'm sensing some feelings of shame surrounding your eating disorder, not having

discussed it with anyone. Certainly you can share those feelings here, but you

may want to share your struggle with your actual friends and family so the

feelings of shame and guilt can be resolved and you can move forward toward the

body and life you want!

Best wishes,



> I have been listening to the podcasts for a few weeks, but i realized that i

do need the support, my family is far away and i dont talk about my eating

disorder with anybody. I was doing really good for two or three weeks when i had

some company(my sister), and i noticed that food has been my friend and company

for so long, any time im upset, nervous, or stress about something i go to

food. I cant do this alone in a long term...and im so glad i found this group.I

do like to excercise, i was actually a very good swimmer, and just started

enjoying that activity again, my big problem sometimes is controlling the

portions that i eat, especially when i eat by myself. Im still struggling with

bulimia, and i dont know where to start,but i know its time, im not willing to

see my self like this in a year or more, im losing friendships, meaningful

relationships, time, money and any suggestions?


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Guest guest

I feel your pain! I also just found the podcasts and am finding the support and

motivation needed to obtain that long term goal. I FINALLY have the support of

my husband thru this journey. He's now finally trying to loose weight and we

are doing this together. I know I " m in the minority with this and wish everyone

could have this same support system. But, as I said, this is the 1st time I've

had this. I've been struggling for 30years with my weight and within the last

18 months realized that I have an eating disorder. I " m a binge eater.

There's a book that I'm " reading " (I listen rather than read) that has shed so

much light on this for me. Where I am now in the book is talking about

endorphins (sp) and how they work with food. Where, you're full, or think you

are, but you are really just full of " that " food or type of food, and keep

eating! Like you are done with your entree, and are full, but yet you reach for

the bread or rolls! Now it makes sense!

I " ve also started cutting my meal in half when we go out and bringing the rest

home. When I do this, I do notice a difference in the scale the next day. It's

amazing, and such a simple trick. That I've heard millions of times before.

The trick, you probably won't feel full when you eat the half you are not taking

home, but you will feel satisfied. I know I have to get used to that! Eat

until satisfied and not full, by that time, I've eaten too much. Just because

it's there, does not mean that I have to eat it. Now, I have to get myself to

apply that at family holiday get togethers............ I think that's another

book altogether!

If you're anything like me, you know it all, have been thru it all, but just

don't know how to apply it to yourself without sabbatoging yourself...



> I have been listening to the podcasts for a few weeks, but i realized that i

do need the support, my family is far away and i dont talk about my eating

disorder with anybody. I was doing really good for two or three weeks when i had

some company(my sister), and i noticed that food has been my friend and company

for so long, any time im upset, nervous, or stress about something i go to

food. I cant do this alone in a long term...and im so glad i found this group.I

do like to excercise, i was actually a very good swimmer, and just started

enjoying that activity again, my big problem sometimes is controlling the

portions that i eat, especially when i eat by myself. Im still struggling with

bulimia, and i dont know where to start,but i know its time, im not willing to

see my self like this in a year or more, im losing friendships, meaningful

relationships, time, money and any suggestions?


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  • 3 months later...

Sounds like lots of fun Pam, except for

all that driving. Even 6 or 7 hours a day seems excessive to me – not enough

time to stop and sight see!

Sherry in PA

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Pam

Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009

9:58 AM

Subject: Hi


We're starting week 2 of our road trip. Last Monday we

took off from North Carolina and have traveled through Tennessee, Kentucky,

Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, and now we're in Hot

Springs, SD--just spent our second night here. After we see the great

mammoth archeological dig this morning, we'll be heading up towards Deadwood,

then into North Dakota.

I've had a great time. The first couple of days hubby

insisted that we drive for 10 or 11 hours daily, and my body didn't like that

one bit. After he realized that traveling with Ms. Grumpy Pants wasn't

worth the long days, he shortened the driving down to 6 or 7 hours.

That's been much better.

I've posted a few pictures on Facebook, for any of you that

belong to that. Don't remember if you need to be my friend to see the

pics, but if you do, my email is pamhorne@....

Send me a friend request.

I hope you all are doing good. I haven't been keeping up

with my email, but will try to read some of it tonight, if we stop early


Love to everybody XOXO


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Pam~~sounds like a wonderful journey! I would love to do that one day too. Too many hours in the car though. I saw on the weather report that SD is in for snow. Hope you don't get into that. Prayers to the Creator for a save journey.

-- Hi Everybody

We're starting week 2 of our road trip. Last Monday we took off from North Carolina and have traveled through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, and now we're in Hot Springs, SD--just spent our second night here. After we see the great mammoth archeological dig this morning, we'll be heading up towards Deadwood, then into North Dakota.

I've had a great time. The first couple of days hubby insisted that we drive for 10 or 11 hours daily, and my body didn't like that one bit. After he realized that traveling with Ms Grumpy Pants wasn't worth the long days, he shortened the driving down to 6 or 7 hours. That's been much better.

I've posted a few pictures on Facebook, for any of you that belong to that. Don't remember if you need to be my friend to see the pics, but if you do, my email is pamhorne@.... Send me a friend request.

I hope you all are doing good. I haven't been keeping up with my email, but will try to read some of it tonight, if we stop early enough.

Love to everybody XOXOPam

Created and Animated


Sandy Farris


November 20, 2006

font Swingdancer

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Hi Pam - Good to hear you're having a great time. Some time ago I

subscribed to Unique Homes (the international source for luxury real

estate) and there are hundreds of fascinating pics of those locations

you're visiting. You must be taking in some truly beautiful sights!

Enjoy, rest and take good care.

Love & hugs




> We're starting week 2 of our road trip. Last Monday we took off from

> North Carolina and have traveled through Tennessee, Kentucky,


> Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, and now we're in Hot

> Springs, SD--just spent our second night here. After we see the great

> mammoth archeological dig this morning, we'll be heading up towards

> Deadwood, then into North Dakota.


> I've had a great time. The first couple of days hubby insisted that we

> drive for 10 or 11 hours daily, and my body didn't like that one bit.

> After he realized that traveling with Ms. Grumpy Pants wasn't worth


> long days, he shortened the driving down to 6 or 7 hours. That's been

> much better.


> I've posted a few pictures on Facebook, for any of you that belong to

> that. Don't remember if you need to be my friend to see the pics, but

> if you do, my email is pamhorne@...

> <mailto:pamhorne@... . Send me a friend request.


> I hope you all are doing good. I haven't been keeping up with my


> but will try to read some of it tonight, if we stop early enough.


> Love to everybody XOXO

> Pam


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  • 11 months later...

, are you Margarita now?  In either case, I'VE MISSED YOU!!!  Your century ride sounds idyllic, as do all of your rides.  I'm sorry you had a string of rotten luck with electronics, I know I'd be very, very lost without my laptops and Android!  Sadly, they are the lifeblood of my existence!



Hi there, this is . I'm sorry I dropped out for so long. I've missed everybody and am looking forward to catching up with everyone.I had just gotten really busy, and on top of that, my computer hard drive died. I had it replaced, but that one died too. I think this one is going to work. I had tried checking stuff on my phone, but it was difficult, and then my phone died too! I just got an iPhone, so that will help me stay in touch.

I spent the Spring and Summer doing long rides (20-50 miles). That kept me pretty busy. I mostly did Cathe's Power Hour during that time.A few weeks ago I did my metric century. It was a fantastic 65 mile ride through wine country near Sebastopol, CA. It was the Tour D'Organics. Boy, did they have fabulous food at every rest stop! This event was a huge milestone in my life. I had never done anything like that before.

Now I'm back to doing shorter bike commutes, yoga, lots of walks, and am about to start using videos again. That's it!Take care!Margarita

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So good to hear from you!  Been thinking of you here and there... :)

Congrats on Tour D'Organics!  What an accomplishment, I can't imagine!!!!!!!!!!




Hi there, this is . I'm sorry I dropped out for so long. I've missed everybody and am looking forward to catching up with everyone.

I had just gotten really busy, and on top of that, my computer hard drive died. I had it replaced, but that one died too. I think this one is going to work. I had tried checking stuff on my phone, but it was difficult, and then my phone died too! I just got an iPhone, so that will help me stay in touch.

I spent the Spring and Summer doing long rides (20-50 miles). That kept me pretty busy. I mostly did Cathe's Power Hour during that time.

A few weeks ago I did my metric century. It was a fantastic 65 mile ride through wine country near Sebastopol, CA. It was the Tour D'Organics. Boy, did they have fabulous food at every rest stop! This event was a huge milestone in my life. I had never done anything like that before.

Now I'm back to doing shorter bike commutes, yoga, lots of walks, and am about to start using videos again. That's it!

Take care!


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So good to hear from you!  Been thinking of you here and there... :)

Congrats on Tour D'Organics!  What an accomplishment, I can't imagine!!!!!!!!!!




Hi there, this is . I'm sorry I dropped out for so long. I've missed everybody and am looking forward to catching up with everyone.

I had just gotten really busy, and on top of that, my computer hard drive died. I had it replaced, but that one died too. I think this one is going to work. I had tried checking stuff on my phone, but it was difficult, and then my phone died too! I just got an iPhone, so that will help me stay in touch.

I spent the Spring and Summer doing long rides (20-50 miles). That kept me pretty busy. I mostly did Cathe's Power Hour during that time.

A few weeks ago I did my metric century. It was a fantastic 65 mile ride through wine country near Sebastopol, CA. It was the Tour D'Organics. Boy, did they have fabulous food at every rest stop! This event was a huge milestone in my life. I had never done anything like that before.

Now I'm back to doing shorter bike commutes, yoga, lots of walks, and am about to start using videos again. That's it!

Take care!


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So funny! When I first started using newsgroups and email, I had a very nosy coworker who would google what I did. So, I started using my first name, which is . She only knew me by my middle name, which is Margarita. 

So, my internet buddies got to know me by my first name, which I hardly ever use!You can use either!

, are you Margarita now?  In either case, I'VE MISSED YOU!!!  Your century ride sounds idyllic, as do all of your rides.  I'm sorry you had a string of rotten luck with electronics, I know I'd be very, very lost without my laptops and Android!  Sadly, they are the lifeblood of my existence!



Hi there, this is . I'm sorry I dropped out for so long. I've missed everybody and am looking forward to catching up with everyone.I had just gotten really busy, and on top of that, my computer hard drive died. I had it replaced, but that one died too. I think this one is going to work. I had tried checking stuff on my phone, but it was difficult, and then my phone died too! I just got an iPhone, so that will help me stay in touch.

I spent the Spring and Summer doing long rides (20-50 miles). That kept me pretty busy. I mostly did Cathe's Power Hour during that time.A few weeks ago I did my metric century. It was a fantastic 65 mile ride through wine country near Sebastopol, CA. It was the Tour D'Organics. Boy, did they have fabulous food at every rest stop! This event was a huge milestone in my life. I had never done anything like that before.

Now I'm back to doing shorter bike commutes, yoga, lots of walks, and am about to start using videos again. That's it!Take care!Margarita

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So funny! When I first started using newsgroups and email, I had a very nosy coworker who would google what I did. So, I started using my first name, which is . She only knew me by my middle name, which is Margarita. 

So, my internet buddies got to know me by my first name, which I hardly ever use!You can use either!

, are you Margarita now?  In either case, I'VE MISSED YOU!!!  Your century ride sounds idyllic, as do all of your rides.  I'm sorry you had a string of rotten luck with electronics, I know I'd be very, very lost without my laptops and Android!  Sadly, they are the lifeblood of my existence!



Hi there, this is . I'm sorry I dropped out for so long. I've missed everybody and am looking forward to catching up with everyone.I had just gotten really busy, and on top of that, my computer hard drive died. I had it replaced, but that one died too. I think this one is going to work. I had tried checking stuff on my phone, but it was difficult, and then my phone died too! I just got an iPhone, so that will help me stay in touch.

I spent the Spring and Summer doing long rides (20-50 miles). That kept me pretty busy. I mostly did Cathe's Power Hour during that time.A few weeks ago I did my metric century. It was a fantastic 65 mile ride through wine country near Sebastopol, CA. It was the Tour D'Organics. Boy, did they have fabulous food at every rest stop! This event was a huge milestone in my life. I had never done anything like that before.

Now I'm back to doing shorter bike commutes, yoga, lots of walks, and am about to start using videos again. That's it!Take care!Margarita

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Thanks Darcy! It's good to " see' you!Are you still riding your new bike?

So good to hear from you!  Been thinking of you here and there... :)

Congrats on Tour D'Organics!  What an accomplishment, I can't imagine!!!!!!!!!!




Hi there, this is . I'm sorry I dropped out for so long. I've missed everybody and am looking forward to catching up with everyone.

I had just gotten really busy, and on top of that, my computer hard drive died. I had it replaced, but that one died too. I think this one is going to work. I had tried checking stuff on my phone, but it was difficult, and then my phone died too! I just got an iPhone, so that will help me stay in touch.

I spent the Spring and Summer doing long rides (20-50 miles). That kept me pretty busy. I mostly did Cathe's Power Hour during that time.

A few weeks ago I did my metric century. It was a fantastic 65 mile ride through wine country near Sebastopol, CA. It was the Tour D'Organics. Boy, did they have fabulous food at every rest stop! This event was a huge milestone in my life. I had never done anything like that before.

Now I'm back to doing shorter bike commutes, yoga, lots of walks, and am about to start using videos again. That's it!

Take care!


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