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Re: Don't ever tell Hubby - Trudy

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I didn't want to tell Hubby cause he expects so much of me, healing wise. He is just naive. But he would say I've done this much so bump it up more. But yea I think I need to back off a few days and recupparate " A well-behaved woman never made history " Mae Westhttp://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 On Feb 15, 2011, at 3:44 PM, Christ <ludichrist2000@...> wrote:

Hi Trudy

Personally......I admire you for that ability.


Take it kinda slow please - your still healing, as Teri says.


don in ks

From: trudykinsey@... <trudykinsey@...>Subject: [ ] Don't ever tell Hubby"Hcv" < >Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 2:06 PM

but i am pushing my self physically . I would rather lounge around. But I tackle something néw each day.But if my hands start jerking too much, I know it's time to quit." A well-behaved woman never made history " Mae Westhttp://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 ------------------------------------

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You have me exhausted just thinking about what you are doing...  and by the way...  I have emergency roadside service for my tricycle!  Have clown nose will travel!Hugs,Teri

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 4:01 PM, trudykinsey@... <trudykinsey@...> wrote:


I didn't want to tell Hubby cause he expects so much of me, healing wise. He is just naive. But he would say I've done this much so bump it up more. But yea I think I need to back off a few days and recupparate 

" A well-behaved woman never made history "  Mae Westhttp://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877

            On Feb 15, 2011, at 3:44 PM, Christ <ludichrist2000@...> wrote:


Hi Trudy

Personally......I admire you for that ability.


Take it kinda slow please - your still healing, as Teri says.



don in ks

From: trudykinsey@... <trudykinsey@...>

Subject: [ ] Don't ever tell Hubby " Hcv " < >Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 2:06 PM

but i am pushing my self physically . I would rather lounge around. But I tackle something néw each day.But if my hands start jerking too much, I know it's time to quit. " A well-behaved woman never made history "   Mae West



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