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I am soooooo happy for you- you deserve every wonderful thing that happens

to you!!! I see from Dave's post you have a special place in many of our


I wonder if you have any clue how much your friendship means to me as well

as so many others. I know that I posted how great you were a few days after

my MGB. (Bear with me good people of this list.) You all know how I get

when I am emotional! Gloria, I will never forget how sweet you were to me

in the days and months leadng to the date of my surgery, you will always

have a special place in my heart and in my life because-

-having just had your surgery I couldn't have gotten along without your

great advice

-helping me fight the demons at BCBS of NC

-the sippy cup and Chap Stick I so desperately needed

-helping me get up and got to the bathroom for the first time (helping me in

the bathroom) we won't go into that and gross out the poor folks on this


-for catching me when I went to the floor

-for sitting there in my room with my family and taking care of them too

-for babysitting me while they all left to get something to eat

-for sitting there with Stan late into the night so he wouldn't feel alone

while I was enjoying my pain pump

-for holding the basin for me to throw up into-because I just don't do well

with anesthesia

I could sit here all night and type for hours about the things you did for

me not only that night but the things you continue to do. I was so glad you

called the other night- I miss you and I love you!! Mom and Stan say hi!

They can't wait to see you either!

Take care!


It's the little things that show us we are

> >changing!!!

> >Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2001 23:27:54 -0000

> >

> >This morning I had to attend a yearly seminar for work and when I was

> >getting dressed I looked in my hose drawer and all I had was some

> >regular Queen size support pantyhose. I knew there was no way they

> >would fit (since I had been wearing 4X Queen last year and they were

> >stretched to the max) but I tried to put them on anyway.......TA DA

> >they not only fit but fit better than any have in many years!!!

> >

> >Since the hose were a success I desided to put on a straight short

> >skirted dress (one of the beautiful dresses loaned to me by my

> >littermate Robin) and I really felt very sexy! This was the first

> >time my knees have been below my skirt hem in 20 years or more! Wow

> >what a day!!! I came home and desided to try on some swinsuits that

> >Eileen loaned me. I had gotten them several weeks ago but didnot have

> >the nerve to even try them on for myself....well to make a long happy

> >story short I didnot look as bad as I thought....now I have to get

> >the nerve to actually go out in public!!!

> >

> >Just wanted to share the small steps I took today!!

> >

> >Glo

> >MGB 9/25/00

> >387/352/264/....

> >


> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com




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Ditto here Gloria,

For meeting me at Cattleman's with a great grin and a hug on my first visit

For coming to visit and talking to my mom when I was " out of it " .

For my sippy cup and chap stick (I have the cup on my desk as a reminder of


For your tireless efforts to help everyone going through surgery.


in Atlanta

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  • 2 years later...
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OK, I figured out where the pics are, thanks !

Gloria-incredible, awe-inspiring, amazing!! You have come a long way!

Congratulations! I'm so glad you posted the pictures, what a way to boost


in MN


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  • 9 months later...

Welcome to C.A.S.T. Gloria!

There are a few parents on this group getting their juveniles casted. So far, they seem to be happy with results. I'm sure you'll be hearing their stories, soon.

ISOP can send you a video/info on early treatment for progressive infantile scoliosis w/ POP jackets. If your interested, please e-mail me privately with the address that you would like this info sent to. If after viewing you decide that would like to keep this video (for reference to, or to pursue treatment) you can send ISOP $15.00...If not, please send back to me, so it can be recirculated to other interested parents.



Re: s Results


I am new to casting procedures. What type of problems did have with the last cast? My 8 yo sone has had scoliosis sincehe was 4. Rod surgery is in his future but I just starting hearing about castings. I am interested inlearning more about it.



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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

Hey Gloria, I waved at you today...sorta...Dave and I went to Friday Harbor and

I could see Vancouver Island so I waved and said.. " Hi Gloria " . Did you see and

hear me? LOL


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LOL Gee, I'm sorry that I missed that!!!Hey Gloria, I waved at you today...sorta...Dave and I went to Friday Harbor and I could see Vancouver Island so I waved and said.."Hi Gloria". Did you see and hear me? LOL


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