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Blood tests

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Hi Connie

It was my GP that gave me the pencillin as he thought I had

infectious Arthritis. This was on the Thurday before I had any

results of blood tests. I only took the pencillin for a day and it

made me sick vomitiing blood and blood in my stools.

I was admitted to the local hospital on the Friday who took blood

tests and fluid from my knee. They could not find anything wrong

with the blood tests. They transferred me to the local rheumatology

unit on the following Wednesday where they did more blood tests and

took fluid. It was the doctor there that diagnosed Reactive

Arhritis. They drained fluid from both knees and injected me with

steroids. This gave me some relief I can just about walk without

Crutches. I am in a great deal of pain the only medication I am

taking at the moment are pain killers.

Sorry if I misled you I do not go back and see the specialist until

March 16th I think he is waiting for the steroids to wear so he can

make an assessment of how bad I am.

At the moment the pain is in both ankles and my left knee my rigt

knee is ok at the moment.

Thank you for your help and advice


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  • 5 months later...
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so cdt is a urine or a blood test???


> how about that test CDT??? its is previous posts that those questions

> were answered..measures up to 3 weeks


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CDT is a blood test.

The only longer lasting test I know of would have to be a hair test.

Re: blood tests

so cdt is a urine or a blood test???>> how about that test CDT??? its is previous posts that those questions > were answered..measures up to 3 weeks>

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ok so do we agree that the longest test is going to be the etg test

at least for urine testsso cdt is a urine or a blood test???


> >

> > how about that test CDT??? its is previous posts that those


> > were answered..measures up to 3 weeks

> >


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hi lorie et all back from summer travels...i am not aware of any currently used hair test that measures for etoh...as far as i know,cdt is the longest lasting biomarker for etoh with any kind of track record...regards,robin Lorie Garlick <lorieg@...> wrote: CDT is a blood test. The only longer lasting test I know of would have to be a hair test. Re: blood tests so cdt is a urine or a blood test???>> how about that test CDT??? its is previous posts that those questions > were answered..measures up to 3


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Missed you, Robin...Welcome back!


Re: blood tests

so cdt is a urine or a blood test???>> how about that test CDT??? its is previous posts that those questions > were answered..measures up to 3 weeks>

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this is why i asked i am in a drug court program and

had been sober for over 8 months and currently

relapsed they used a test that they call an " extended

u.a " the relapse happened about a week before i had to

take this test, was tryin to figure out what my

chances were. i have got back into my meetings and am

headed back down the right path however that will make

no difference to them if the test comes back dirty.

--- Lorie Garlick <lorieg@...> wrote:

> Missed you, Robin...Welcome back!

> Lorie


> Re: blood tests



> so cdt is a urine or a blood test???


> >

> > how about that test CDT??? its is previous

> posts that those questions

> > were answered..measures up to 3 weeks

> >








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hi jason...with an 80 hr limit on etg you should be ok...anyway intensifying your program which is what you are doing will be the key...they might catch it with a cdt blood test,but unless you really blew it out,it probably would not be up because it is not as sensitive... don,t worry,sounds like you are doing the right thing...regards,robinjason holbrook <jholbrook42@...> wrote: this is why i asked i am in a drug court program andhad been sober for over 8

months and currentlyrelapsed they used a test that they call an "extendedu.a" the relapse happened about a week before i had totake this test, was tryin to figure out what mychances were. i have got back into my meetings and amheaded back down the right path however that will makeno difference to them if the test comes back dirty.--- Lorie Garlick <lorieglanset> wrote:> Missed you, Robin...Welcome back! > Lorie> > Re: blood tests> > > so cdt is a urine or a blood test???> > >> > how about that test CDT??? its is previous> posts that those questions >

> were answered..measures up to 3 weeks> >> > > > > > __________________________________________________

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  • 1 year later...
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Sadly, we need the reference ranges for each individual test as we have no idea whether these are 'normal' or 'abnormal'. You can get these from your doctor and should be no problem. Let us have them and we can then tell if there is a problem.

Go to our website www.tpa-uk.org.uk and click on 'Hypothyroidism' and then click on 'Tests and Treatment' in the little drop down Menu. You will see the details of the 24 hour Urine test there. The 24 hour urine test is a much better way to tell what is happening at tissue level rather than a blood test. Any problems, just shout.

Luv - Sheila

Hi SheilaI haven't posted for a while so to remind you: my wife shows allsymptons of underactive thyroid. Doc says she has M.E as she hasEpstein Barr virus. She has had some blood tests done and the results came back today. Idon't understand the results and I wonder if you could take a look.Basophil count = 0.05Eosinophil count = 0.11Monocyte count = 0.38Lymphocyte count = 1.67Are these "normal"?I am aware that we may need a urine test which is as I understand moreaccurate as it measures the level of hormone in tissue over last 24hours. Any suggestions where is best to get this done?Thanks very much Stefanczyk

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Jane

The idea - and the FULL thyroid function test recommended in the TFT Guidelines are Thyroid Stimulating Hormones (TSH) - Free T4, Free T3 - and ask if you can be tested to see if you have antibodies too your thyroid. If you have, treatment is the same, but you would know the cause of your hypothyroidism and whether others in your family also have an autoimmune problem. You could also ask for oyour ferritin level (stored iron) to be checked too .

Good for you in stopping your L-thyroxine before your test.

Luv - Sheila

morning all; i am having my first blood test since starting thyroxine on thursday. initially i only had TSH and T4 level done. what would you suggest would be a comprehensive thyroid function panel of tests to request ? As you suggested earlier, i have stopped the thyroxine and nae this morning so i will be 2 days tablet free prior to the blood test.kind regards jane

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Hi Jane,

TSH free T4 and free T3- good luck with getting free T3!

Subject: blood tests

morning all; i am having my first blood test since starting thyroxine

on thursday. initially i only had TSH and T4 level done. what would

you suggest would be a comprehensive thyroid function panel of tests to

request ? As you suggested earlier, i have stopped the thyroxine and

nae this morning so i will be 2 days tablet free prior to the blood


kind regards jane


Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing


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  • 1 month later...
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The test to see whether you have Hashimoto's are as follows Jane.

You will be tested for Thyroglobulin antibodies (Tg Abs) and TPO Abs. Detectable levels of Tg Abs and/or TPO Abs are mainly associated with thyroid autoimmune disorders.

Are you also having your Ferritin and Vit B12 tested?

Luv - Sheila

blood tests

morning all; is there a specific antibody test for hashimoto's. i am having a load of blood tests next week and the lab slip just says antibodies. many thanks - regards jane

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> morning all; is there a specific antibody test for hashimoto's. i


> having a load of blood tests next week and the lab slip just says


Hi I have Hashimotos and the blood test I have had is just for thyroid

anti bodies, if your anti bodies are high then that means your thyroid

is being attacked as a foreign object and this slowly kills off the

thyroid tissue. My anti bodies are now always high and think probably

always will be. I take 125mcg of L-Thyroxine. Hope this helps

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I have thyroid autoimmune disesase, Hashimotos, is that therefore the same as an under active thyroid? My treatment is L-Thyroxine alone but have oftened wondered if I should have my T3 tested.

From: sheilaturner <sheilaturner@...>Subject: Re: blood teststhyroid treatment Date: Tuesday, 20 May, 2008, 8:20 AM

The test to see whether you have Hashimoto's are as follows Jane.

You will be tested for Thyroglobulin antibodies (Tg Abs) and TPO Abs. Detectable levels of Tg Abs and/or TPO Abs are mainly associated with thyroid autoimmune disorders.

Are you also having your Ferritin and Vit B12 tested?

Luv - Sheila

[thyroidpatientadvo cacy] blood tests

morning all; is there a specific antibody test for hashimoto's. i am having a load of blood tests next week and the lab slip just says antibodies. many thanks - regards jane

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Hello ,

Just wanted to quickly comment on tests. PLEASE have your free T3

tested as well as free T4 and TSH. I also have my reverse T3 levels

tested because free T3 and Reverse T3 are looked at in conjunction

with each other. Not every doctor tests for Reverse T3.

If your doc tells you that you should only have TSH and free T4

tested, you can mention my case where my free T3 has been decreasing

over time to the point where it sits at the lowest end of the

reference range / below normal. My Reverse T3 levels are high (well

above normal range). If they only tested free T4 and TSH my levels

would be considered 'normal'. I think that is reason enough to test

for all four things. Like you, I only use thyroxine at this stage,

but I may be changing treatment due to my most recent test results.


YOU WROTE: My treatment is L-Thyroxine alone but have oftened

wondered if I should have my T3 tested.

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In my case exactly the same. On thyroxine, TSH within lower normal range and T4 at bottom of range. Was refused more thyroxine. I went and had T3 tested (had to do this privately because doctor would not do this) and it was found to be below the range.

Doctor still did nothing, saying they took no notice of T3. So I was forced to see a private doctor who prescribed T3, and even after a year and feeling much better my GP would still not prescribe it.


If your doc tells you that you should only have TSH and free T4 tested, you can mention my case where my free T3 has been decreasing over time to the point where it sits at the lowest end of the reference range / below normal. My Reverse T3 levels are high (well above normal range). If they only tested free T4 and TSH my levels would be considered 'normal'. I think that is reason enough to test for all four things. Like you, I only use thyroxine at this stage, but I may be changing treatment due to my most recent test results.P

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Suffering with Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disease and is one CAUSE of hypothyroidism. There are other causes but autoimmune problems are the most common. Whatev er the case of hypothyroidism, the treatment of the condition is exactly the same. L-thyroxine works for those people who convert L-thyroxine T4) to the active hormone triiodothyronine (T3). If you are not converting and you remain ill with many symptoms and signs on L-thyroxine alone, you would do better with a combinaiton of T4and T3, T3 alone, or natural thyroid extract (Armour thyroid) as the latter contains all the thyroid hormones your body needs.

luv - Sheila

I have thyroid autoimmune disesase, Hashimotos, is that therefore the same as an under active thyroid? My treatment is L-Thyroxine alone but have oftened wondered if I should have my T3 tested.

From: sheilaturner <sheilaturnertpa-uk (DOT) org.uk>Subject: Re: blood teststhyroid treatment Date: Tuesday, 20 May, 2008, 8:20 AM

The test to see whether you have Hashimoto's are as follows Jane.

You will be tested for Thyroglobulin antibodies (Tg Abs) and TPO Abs. Detectable levels of Tg Abs and/or TPO Abs are mainly associated with thyroid autoimmune disorders.

Are you also having your Ferritin and Vit B12 tested?

Luv - Sheila

[thyroidpatientadvo cacy] blood tests

morning all; is there a specific antibody test for hashimoto's. i am having a load of blood tests next week and the lab slip just says antibodies. many thanks - regards jane

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  • 5 months later...

Hi Jo, sorry I'm not Sheila but thought I'd reply anyways lol. I just

wanted to say I've had a nightmare getting the free T3 done, despite

repeated requests from my GP, the lab wouldn't do it, saying that T4

and TSH were fine so no need for T3. He put various reasons for

testing for T3 on the bloods form, it is mostly down to labs trying

to keep costs down from what my GP tells me. Even getting T4 done was

hard work but easier than T3 which is crazy because as you know T3 is

the important one. I eventually got the T3 done after he put 'treated

with natural dessicated thyroid (Armour)' on form, but this was AFTER

I started treatment so have nothing to compare it to! I had a 24 hour

urine test done that showed T4 low but within range and T3 well out

of range, Dr P interpreted that as a conversion problem but since

then, it looks like I am converting but not actually USING the T3,

the urine test shows what you are USING, blood tests show what's IN

THE BLOOD so for me urine test was very useful, I will never know if

the bloods would of shown before starting on Armour low T3 but now

I'm on 2 grains of Armour, it is high in the range and I am not well

by a long shot so I am starting HC per Dr P because he suspects I'm

not using it up due to underactive adrenals. Congratulations for

getting HC and T3 prescribed, I have Armour prescribed but have got

to persuade my GP to prescribe HC now, fingers crossed lol. So do

CHECK that they ask for T3 specifically, not just the TFT (thyroid

function test) because that's just TSH and T4 if you're lucky ,

putting that you're medicated with T3 on the bloods form so the lab

have no excuse not to do it, if they don't do it, they sometimes keep

your blood for a while after they test so your GP could ring them and

ask them to do it, it's better than having your blood drawn again I

think you'll agree! lol. Hope this helps,Ruth x



> Hi Sheila ,


> I have just received a letter from my GP saying it is now time for


> to have a blood test to monitor my thyroxine treatment so I can


> my repeat prescriptions .


> Well firstly I am taking T3 which I explained to them ,and they did

> give me a prescription for this and H.c. so I presume this is just


> over sight.


> What test should I ask them to do specifically so I dont get

told " You

> don't need treatment your'e fine. " Should I make sure they do a

Free T3

> as this is where my problem has been found to be . If you remember

( I

> know you have a lot to remember ! ) I posted you my results and my


> was well out of range.


> Is their Free T3 blood test as sensitive as the 24 hourthyroid

> hormone urine test, I'm worried the test they do wont be sensitive

> enough , please can you advise .


> Many thanks Sheila,


> Jo xx


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Hi Joni

I guess the letter that was sent out to you was the

standard letter for anybody taking thyroid hormone replacement - whatever the

variety. When you go for your blood test, just make absolutely sure that you

have not had any lyothyronine for at least 24 hours before you have your blood

drawn. Take some with you so you can take it immediately afterwards. They

should automatically test your TSH, Free T4 and Free T3. Some laboratories

however, do not test Free T3 if your TSH and FT4 are within the normal range,

so it might be an idea to ask your doctor whether they do this or not. If not,

then ask your GP to write out another blood request form but for Free T3 ONLY -

that way, the lab should do this test.

The 24 hour urine test is much more sensitive than the NHS blood

test, however, sadly, it does appear that NHS practitioners refuse to recognise

any laboratories results outside of the NHS and they also believe the 24 hour

urine test is not as good as their blood test DUH! The blood test should be

sufficient in this case, but let's wait and see the results.

Luv - Sheila

Is their Free T3 blood test as sensitive as the 24 hourthyroid

hormone urine test, I'm worried the test they do wont be sensitive

enough , please can you advise .

Many thanks Sheila,

Jo xx

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Is there any kind of test that can show for sure that you are not



In thyroid treatment , " sheilaturner "

<sheilaturner@...> wrote:

If you are not converting and you remain ill with many symptoms and

signs on L-thyroxine alone, you would do better with a combinaiton of

T4and T3, T3 alone, or natural thyroid extract (Armour thyroid) as the

latter contains all the thyroid hormones your body needs.


> luv - Sheila

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>Thanks Sheila,

I knew I'd read it somewhere not to take meds before test. When I

rang the surgery to check the receptionist said (and she checked with

the nurse ) no , no need just take as usual ! Glad I checked with

you !!

Just one more thing , Iam tring to make a phone appt with the

elusive Dr P. ( I know he must be swamped ! ) I have left several

messages but his secretary never gets back to me. Today I have just

sent my six week diary back, so maybe they will contact me then.

Would I be better off e. mailing for an appt ?

Thanks again Sheila (super Star ! )

Joni x

> Hi Joni




> I

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Hi kj

The normal tests carried out to see your thyroid function are Thyroid

Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Free thyroxine (FT4) and free triiodothyronine (FT3).

If your thyroid is not putting out the hormones it should be then your TSH will

show this by being high. TSH is produced by the pituitary gland when it senses your

T4 and T3 is low and it is automatically produced to tell your thyroid to start

doing the job it should be. This test is usually used to diagnose whether or

not you could be hypothyroid. The FT4 and FT3 should both be tested to

see where they lie in the reference interval. If untreated, they should be just

over the half-way mark. If on treatment, both results should be into the top

third of this reference range. If your FT4 is fairly high, and your FT3 is very

low, this is an indication that you are not converting the mainly inactive

hormone T4 into the active hormone T3. It is the active T3 that your body and

brain need to make everything function. So, if a doctor has not been

taught how to tell from your symptoms whether or not you might not be

converting the T4 to T3 in the liver and kidneys, these are the blood tests

that should help him. Unfortunately, many, many doctors know nothing about T3

and believe that thyroxine is all the body needs. Many do not know that T3 is

the chief hormone your body requires.

Hope that helps

Luv - Sheila

Is there any kind of test that can show for

sure that you are not



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Hi Joni

Dr Peatfield has been staying with me the past

week whilst he did his Yorkshire and Lancashire clinics, and only went home

yesterday. However, Jo, his right hand woman, has been very ill with some sort

of bug this past week and not been at her desk and neither is she likely to be

for the coming week either. He has a weeks emails, faxes and telephone messages

to wade through, and he started that last night, so it might be a while to get

back to you. However, if you have left a telephone message giving your name,

address and telephone number with a request that you need a telephone

consultation, do be assured that he will get back to you. He is just too

popular because there are so few doctors around that have the capability of

actually making their patients better. Emailing him is about the worst thing

you can do, as it could be a couple of weeks before he actually gets to look at


Luv - Sheila

Just one more thing , Iam tring to make a phone appt with the

elusive Dr P. ( I know he must be swamped ! ) I have left several

messages but his secretary never gets back to me. Today I have just

sent my six week diary back, so maybe they will contact me then.

Would I be better off e. mailing for an appt ?


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Hi Sheila,

Dr P did manage to get back to me , but I missed the call ! Still he left a message explaining Jo was ill but he would try to speak to me on wednesday. I worry about him, he works so hard sorting us all out , and Jo , I hope she is feeling better soon .

Thanks again Sheila as well for all you do to ,

Luv and hugs , Joni xxl

From: Sheila <sheilaturner@...>Subject: RE: Re: blood teststhyroid treatment Date: Tuesday, 28 October, 2008, 9:55 AM

Hi Joni

Dr Peatfield has been staying with me the past week whilst he did his Yorkshire and Lancashire clinics, and only went home yesterday. However, Jo, his right hand woman, has been very ill with some sort of bug this past week and not been at her desk and neither is she likely to be for the coming week either. He has a weeks emails, faxes and telephone messages to wade through, and he started that last night, so it might be a while to get back to you. However, if you have left a telephone message giving your name, address and telephone number with a request that you need a telephone consultation, do be assured that he will get back to you. He is just too popular because there are so few doctors around that have the capability of actually making their patients better. Emailing him is about the worst thing you can do, as it could be a couple of weeks before he actually gets to look at them.

Luv - SheilaJust one more thing , Iam tring to make a phone appt with the elusive Dr P. ( I know he must be swamped ! ) I have left several messages but his secretary never gets back to me. Today I have just sent my six week diary back, so maybe they will contact me then. Would I be better off e. mailing for an appt ?


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