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Dear Don,

Hello, my name is Marleen and I live in Missouri. I would be interested in

knowing more about your appeal for BC/BS and would like to correspond. I

have a lawyer but we have not started filing a suit yet.


St. Louis Post-Op





>From: " dk5656 " <dk5656@...>



>Subject: Iowa Blue Cross

>Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 17:34:47 -0000


>Hello Don...I had surgery 12-12-2002 and am trying to get Blue Cross

>of Iowa to pay my $17,000.00 back to me. I have a good attorney

>working on it now. If I get anything done, I'll get with you. If

>you have any ammo that could help my case, I'd appreciate your

>passing it on. I lost 70 pounds and feel I'm close to my ideal

>weight. I never get sick, just urpy, my back feels much better, and

>I have ridiculously low cholesterol levels. My energy which was low

>the first many moinths is back to normal, and I look forward to a

>much longer and happier life. I'd certainly think it's time the

>health insurers acknowledge this surgery as a viable alternative to

>the rny. Sure seems to work for me. To the moderator...If you find

>something objectionable in this post please contact me as I'd like to

>know what I say that you don't like. Why don't you post my posts?

>Thank you, Doug Knapper- In , " donwdc "

><donwdc@j...> wrote:

> > I am compiling a list of insurance companies that have paid for the

>MGB surgery.

> >


> > If you have been paid according to your insurance benefits, PLEASE

>email me with the following information:

> > 1) the name of the insurance company

> > 2) the state where you live

> > 3) the date of your surgery

> > Thanks,

> > Don Warren, DC

> > Surgery: 12-20-02

> > 381 / 245

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Don

The resurfacing procedure for hips is similar to shoulder and knee replacements

that more or

less resurface the ends of the bones.

Sorry I know I not Pat

jane in Wales

Bilateral resurfacings

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Don! I know of the excempts, but not much on how to get! I know they can be a

little difficult to get, but our little ones are worth it!! The religious one

would be easier to get. If I remember wright, a church of some sort has to sign

the form also. Now your child with the epilepsy would a good chance at the

medical excempt. We was handed a medical excempt for my son. We didnt luckily

even have to ask for one, they just gave it to us due to his reaction. Here is a

link that should be able to help you:


Has your children had any vacs? I have older teen children and do worry about

the new vacs they are thinking of inforcing. If this happens, I think that my

other 2 would be excempt due to my youngest having an excempt. I well never let

anyone ever put that poison in my kids again!! Good luck, let me know how the

excempts go!! Jennie<><

Don Vance <dvance@...> wrote:

Hey Jennie! I would like to know where to get the religious exemption for my

beautiful healthy 2 year old daughter, my healthy 7 year old daughter, and my

son now with epilepsy! Please email me how! nomoreshots@...

Thanks so much!


Re: [ ] Re: Vaccine Question/Tina

Hi Tina, I am not seeing the manufacturer's inserts link in your post?? That

would be great to read if you still have!! Jennie<><

mehim2catsnbaby <mehim2catsnbaby@...> wrote: Here is a link to all the

manufacturer's package inserts (not the fluff stuff they give you at

the doctor's office). You can read for yourself the ingredients

(formaldehyde, monkey

kidneys, aborted human fetal cells, neomyocin, aluminum, etc) and

contraindications (see

that the DTaP causes a 2.4% increase in seizures in kids with a history of


If you decide not to give your dd anymore shots, you will need an exemption

for school. I

would not try for a medical exemption. Most doctors are so gung-ho about

vaxes that it

is rare to find one who would give you an exemption. And even then, the

exemption is

only for specific vaxes and it has to be renewed every year - so you would be

at the whim

of your doc.

Best to get a religious exemption. You do not need to belong to any specific


organization. These are your own personal religious beliefs (in that the

divine being- by

whatever name you use - created us with an immune system and does not wish us


mess around with a healthy body but to trust in him/her for our health.)

Doesn't matter

that your child has already had vaxes, either. A religious epiphany can occur

at anytime.

If you would like help in finding out what you need to do to obtain an

exemption in your

state, please feel free to email me personally. I have helped several other

moms on

another messageboard.

A couple books I would recommend on the subject are " Vaccines: Are They Really

Safe and

Effective? " by Neil Z (is pretty up to date and goes over each

vaccine), and " Raising a

Vaccine Free Child " by Lydall (talks about the history of vaxes and the

diseases they

are supposed to prevent).

If you aren't sure, then cancel any doctor visits until you have a chance to

do your research

and feel sure about your decision.


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I'm surprised that you have a medical exemption. It really can be at the whim

of your doctor as far as getting one. The package inserts for the vaxes used to

say that a history or family history of seizures was a contraindication for

getting the vax. Now they just say that there is an increased chance of seizure

but that it is not a contraindication (although NO studies have been done on

kids with epilepsy to see what the true effects of the vaccines are in

connection with that language change).

As previously mentioned, exemptions vary by state. Some states have

philosophical objections and basically you just sign a form. For a medical

exemption, your doctor has to sign that a specific vax is not advisable and that

has to be renewed every year. For religious exemptions you do NOT have to

belong to any particular church. It is your own personal beliefs. In fact,

most states do NOT want anything signed by a clergy or lawyer or doctor when

submitting for a religious exemption.

Religious exemptions are not hard to get (I have one for my daughter for

preschool in NY), but in some states, the wording of your letter can be tricky.

I would be happy to review anyone's exemption letter to make sure that it meets

the requirements of the particular state you are in so that it goes through.

Your child's past vax history has no bearing on obtaining a religious

exemption. A person can have a " religous epiphany " at any time of their lives.

Krasner, who Arnold mentioned, is an excellent resource for vax

exemptions in NY.



Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

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Guest guest

Our son had a severe allergic reaction to the vacs within minutes and ended up

in the hospital. The allergic reaction is what I presume the medical excempt

form was given to us for. As far as seizures, I really feel that his 1st mmr

induced them along with other vacs causing some of his medical issues. Blind 1st

year, sever constipation problems, non verbal, on and on! He is finally starting

to show signs of progression from his last round (allergic reaction), but it did

cause gi damage. Do you mind me asking why your interest/knowledge in vacs are?

You seem so knowledgable about them! Jennie<><

Tina BC <mehim2catsnbaby@...> wrote: I'm surprised that you have a

medical exemption. It really can be at the whim of your doctor as far as

getting one. The package inserts for the vaxes used to say that a history or

family history of seizures was a contraindication for getting the vax. Now they

just say that there is an increased chance of seizure but that it is not a

contraindication (although NO studies have been done on kids with epilepsy to

see what the true effects of the vaccines are in connection with that language


As previously mentioned, exemptions vary by state. Some states have

philosophical objections and basically you just sign a form. For a medical

exemption, your doctor has to sign that a specific vax is not advisable and that

has to be renewed every year. For religious exemptions you do NOT have to

belong to any particular church. It is your own personal beliefs. In fact,

most states do NOT want anything signed by a clergy or lawyer or doctor when

submitting for a religious exemption.

Religious exemptions are not hard to get (I have one for my daughter for

preschool in NY), but in some states, the wording of your letter can be tricky.

I would be happy to review anyone's exemption letter to make sure that it meets

the requirements of the particular state you are in so that it goes through.

Your child's past vax history has no bearing on obtaining a religious

exemption. A person can have a " religous epiphany " at any time of their lives.

Krasner, who Arnold mentioned, is an excellent resource for vax

exemptions in NY.



Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

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  • 3 years later...

Thanks for the information I'm still looking into getting me some Cocomilk.  oh

and I don't have AIDS lol, I have a HIV it's not the same thing.



From: Bonnie Cole <bonnieview@...>

Subject: Don

" COCONUT OIL FORUM " <Coconut Oil >

Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 8:29 PM



A whole can of Coconut Milk (14 oz.) contains 3 1/2 tbsp. of Coconut Oil.

You could take that can and put it in one of those small blenders and add

your powdered or liquid vitamins/minerals, frozen fruit, Whey powder, MSM,

Vitamin C powder, green Barley or Wheat Grass, Chlorella, etc etc and have a

great Morning Smoothie.

Whiz that up and it could be your entire breakfast. Enjoy.

As far as having an Immune System problem like Aids, I think you need to

take about 12 - 14 tbsp. VCO daily.


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*look here for hiv*



* On July 19, 1995, Enig was quoted in an article published in The HINDU,

India's National Newspaper as stating that coconut oil is converted by the

body into " Monolaurin " a fatty acid with anti-viral properties that might be

useful in the treatment of AIDS. The staff reporter for The HINDU wrote

about Enig's presentation at a press conference in Kochi and wrote the


* " There was an instance in the US in which an infant tested HIV positive

had become HIV negative. That it was fed with an infant formula with a high

coconut oil content gains significance in this context and at present an

effort was on to find out how the " viral load " of an HIV infected baby came

down when fed a diet that helped in the generation of Monolaurin in the

body. " *

* The reporter commented on Enig's observations that " Monolaurin helped in

inactivating other viruses such as measles, herpes, vesicular stomatitis and

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and that research undertaken so far on coconut oil

also indicated that it offered a certain measure of protection against

cancer-inducing substances. " *

* In another article published in the Indian Coconut Journal, Sept., 1995,

Dr. Enig stated:*

* " Recognition of the antimicrobial activity of the monoglyceride of lauric

acid (Monolaurin) has been reported since 1966. The seminal work can be

credited to Jon Kabara. This early research was directed at the virucidal

effects because of possible problems related to food preservation. Some of

the early work by Hierholzer and Kabara (1982) that showed virucidal effects

of Monolaurin on enveloped RNA and DNA viruses was done in conjunction with

the Center for Disease Control of the US Public Health Service with selected

prototypes or recognized strains of enveloped viruses. The envelope of these

viruses is a lipid membrane. " *

* Enig stated in her article that Monolaurin, of which the precursor is

lauric acid, disrupted the lipid membranes of envelope viruses and also

inactivated bacteria, yeast and fungi. She wrote: " Of the saturated fatty

acids, lauric acid has greater antiviral activity than either caprylic acid

(C-10) or myristic acid (C-14). The action attributed to Monolaurin is that

of solubilizing the lipids ..in the envelope of the virus causing the

disintegration of the virus envelope. " In India, coconut oil is fed to

calves to treat Cryptosporidium as reported by Lark Lands Ph.D. in her

upcoming book " Positively Well " (1).*

* While HHV-6A was not mentioned by Enig, HHV-6A is an enveloped virus and

would be expected to disintegrate in the presence of lauric acid and/or

Monolaurin. Some of the pathogens reported by Enig to be inactivated by

Monolaurin include HIV, measles, vercular stomatitis virus (VSV), herpes

simplex virus (HSV-1), visna, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Influenza virus,

Pneumonovirus, Syncytial virus and Rubeola. Some bacteria inactivated by

Monolaurin include listeria, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus

agalactiae, Groups A, B, F and G streptococci, Gram-positive organisms; and

gram-negative organisms, if treated with chelator.*

* Enig reported that only one infant formula " Impact " contains lauric acid

while the more widely promoted formulas like " Ensure " do not contain lauric

acid and often contain some hydrogenated fats (trans fatty acids). A

modified ester of lauric acid, Monolaurin (available in capsules), is sold

in health food stores and is manufactured by Ecological Formulas, Concord,


truly yours

عبدالرازق بن تون امبوڠ قاسسيم بن تون

عبدالله بن تون حاج محمد يوس٠بن حاج

اسحاق بن اورڠ كاي كاي تون حاج مهمود


life member 1004

ahmad house

" Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even

if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common

sense. "

Stay within the bounds of our nation's LAWS & ORDERS or face the

consequences of CHAOS looking at us stark naked in the face AS WE ARE NOW


On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Don <donjuan69uni@...> wrote:



> Thanks for the information I'm still looking into getting me some

> Cocomilk. oh and I don't have AIDS lol, I have a HIV it's not the same

> thing.


> Thanks,




> From: Bonnie Cole <bonnieview@... <bonnieview%40sympatico.ca>>

> Subject: Don


<Coconut Oil <Coconut Oil%40\


> >

> Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 8:29 PM





> Don:


> A whole can of Coconut Milk (14 oz.) contains 3 1/2 tbsp. of Coconut Oil.

> You could take that can and put it in one of those small blenders and add

> your powdered or liquid vitamins/minerals, frozen fruit, Whey powder, MSM,

> Vitamin C powder, green Barley or Wheat Grass, Chlorella, etc etc and have

> a

> great Morning Smoothie.


> Whiz that up and it could be your entire breakfast. Enjoy.


> As far as having an Immune System problem like Aids, I think you need to

> take about 12 - 14 tbsp. VCO daily.


> Bonnie



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Thank you very much!  Along with the Coconut oil I'm also doing the Hyrogen

Peroxide therapy.  I was diagnosed 2 years ago and got on meds.  I've been off

the meds for almost 3 months now and I feel great!  Better than ever, meds we

decreasing my viral load but the side effects were what sucked!  I had no

energy, my scap and skin were getting flakey and irritated.  I'm so glad for

H2O2 and Coconut oil.  I read a comment somewhere that Coconut oil did infact

CURE a group of people from HIV where a coconut oil study was being

researched.  I can only hope and pray.....


> From: Bonnie Cole <bonnieview@sympatic o.ca <bonnieview% 40sympatico. ca>>

> Subject: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Don

> " COCONUT OIL FORUM " <coconut_oil_ open_forum@ groups.

com<coconut_oil_ open_forum% 40groups. com>

> >

> Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 8:29 PM





> Don:


> A whole can of Coconut Milk (14 oz.) contains 3 1/2 tbsp. of Coconut Oil.

> You could take that can and put it in one of those small blenders and add

> your powdered or liquid vitamins/minerals, frozen fruit, Whey powder, MSM,

> Vitamin C powder, green Barley or Wheat Grass, Chlorella, etc etc and have

> a

> great Morning Smoothie.


> Whiz that up and it could be your entire breakfast. Enjoy.


> As far as having an Immune System problem like Aids, I think you need to

> take about 12 - 14 tbsp. VCO daily.


> Bonnie



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> >

> > From: Bonnie Cole <bonnieview@... <bonnieview%40sympatico.ca>>

> > Subject: Don


<Coconut Oil <Coconut Oil%40\


> > >

> > Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 8:29 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Don:

> >

> > A whole can of Coconut Milk (14 oz.) contains 3 1/2 tbsp. of Coconut Oil.

> > You could take that can and put it in one of those small blenders and add

> > your powdered or liquid vitamins/minerals, frozen fruit, Whey powder, MSM,

> > Vitamin C powder, green Barley or Wheat Grass, Chlorella, etc etc and have

> > a

> > great Morning Smoothie.

> >

> > Whiz that up and it could be your entire breakfast. Enjoy.

> >

> > As far as having an Immune System problem like Aids, I think you need to

> > take about 12 - 14 tbsp. VCO daily.

> >

> > Bonnie

> >

> >

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Wow that is fabulous. How much CO may I ask do you take per day? Did you test

out which one might have been the major factor in your progress? How long did it

take before you noticed a difference? Jen

> >

> > From: Bonnie Cole <bonnieview@sympatic o.ca <bonnieview% 40sympatico. ca>>

> > Subject: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Don

> > " COCONUT OIL FORUM " <coconut_oil_ open_forum@ groups.

com<coconut_oil_ open_forum% 40groups. com>

> > >

> > Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 8:29 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Don:

> >

> > A whole can of Coconut Milk (14 oz.) contains 3 1/2 tbsp. of Coconut Oil.

> > You could take that can and put it in one of those small blenders and add

> > your powdered or liquid vitamins/minerals, frozen fruit, Whey powder, MSM,

> > Vitamin C powder, green Barley or Wheat Grass, Chlorella, etc etc and have

> > a

> > great Morning Smoothie.

> >

> > Whiz that up and it could be your entire breakfast. Enjoy.

> >

> > As far as having an Immune System problem like Aids, I think you need to

> > take about 12 - 14 tbsp. VCO daily.

> >

> > Bonnie

> >

> >

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Craig, lung infections and excessive lung oxidation, which causes inflammation

and airway restriction, arise when glutathione is depleted. The research is

here; scroll down to the lung diseases link:


I've reversed COPD with a nutritional approach that includes undenatured whey

and selenium a few times, without using coconut oil. The problem with any oil is

that it requires a direct hit on the infection, which it won't have in

sufficient concentration when you eat it.


> Does anyone know if the coco oil is effective against a bacterial pneumonia or

bronchial infections?


> Craig


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Would whey and Selenium be good for an ex-smoker? She has been smoke

free for a couple of years. She quit when she went to the hospital

for pneumonia and was told she had the beginning stages of Emphysema.

She is 42, smoked for close to 30 years, and wants to get the crud

out of her lungs.


On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 12:19 PM, duncancrow<duncancrow@...> wrote:

> Craig, lung infections and excessive lung oxidation, which causes inflammation

and airway restriction, arise when glutathione is depleted. The research is

here; scroll down to the lung diseases link:

> <http://tinyurl.com/glutathione-references>


> I've reversed COPD with a nutritional approach that includes undenatured whey

and selenium a few times, without using coconut oil. The problem with any oil is

that it requires a direct hit on the infection, which it won't have in

sufficient concentration when you eat it.


> Duncan



>> Does anyone know if the coco oil is effective against a bacterial pneumonia

or bronchial infections?


>> Craig


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In my opinion Alobar whey and selenium are anti-aging tools that everyone can

and should use for the rest of their lives. They only preserve health.


> > Craig, lung infections and excessive lung oxidation, which causes

inflammation and airway restriction, arise when glutathione is depleted. The

research is here; scroll down to the lung diseases link:

> > <http://tinyurl.com/glutathione-references>

> >

> > I've reversed COPD with a nutritional approach that includes undenatured

whey and selenium a few times, without using coconut oil. The problem with any

oil is that it requires a direct hit on the infection, which it won't have in

sufficient concentration when you eat it.

> >

> > Duncan

> >

> >

> >> Does anyone know if the coco oil is effective against a bacterial pneumonia

or bronchial infections?

> >>

> >> Craig

> >>


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

you always give the best advice.thankyou. I know people can't feel our blisters!

LOL!! it's ok! I still love n appreciate my friends n family.Welcome all new

members! This is a great site. If you are going thru tx or are post tx, hang in

there, it gets better! I pray that you all reach svr 4ever! everything takes

time. The sugar articles were your links, Don! I just clicked on them. I am glad

u liked my story n thanks for fixing it! I plan to add at least once a week. You

will ride, Don! I just rode my bike the other day for a short trip around the

block, picked some roses in front of a church! I can't help myself, it's spring

everything is blooming. They brightened my place for a few days and now the

petals sit in a dish being fragrant! I have been going down to my garage and

restoring a old table that was given to me but needs sanding n painting so

little by little i been sanding it, I do about 30 mins, Hey! I will get her done

all in good time! Then, I will open my french doors in my dining room and

actually have a table to sit n have a candle lit dinner while watching the sun

set over the beach! One day at a time, I am always tired..do what I can when I

can...it takes me alot of self talk! xoxo vew

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