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Re: For CJ !!!!!!

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Hi, I'm Daryl from Las Vegas and I don't post all the time because I am too tired to keep up with all the E-mail. But, I'm so glad that I saw your letter.

I had my implants put in when I was 23 and living in Ft. Lauderdale. I always thought that my body would be perfect if I only had bigger breasts. And I was so excited about my implants. I thought that my body did look better but my life didn't change.

I wasn't any happier or didn't meet better guys. When I finally did meet a great guy, we got married and then the health problems started.

Thank goodness I was married because I am too sick to work and I have been so depressed over the past 4 yrs. I had mine out 3 months ago and I am still sick. I know that it will take a long time if I do get well. I had no idea that my life could be ruined by implants.I thought that the worst thing that could happen is that one would deflate and I'd have to re-do it.

My illness has caused so much pain to my husband and my family. I got pregnant last year and was devastated because I thought the baby would be deformed. Luckily he wasn't but the 9 months were a nightmare. This was not the way I wanted to have a baby. I cry sometimes becasue I can't take care of him the way that I'd like to.

I'm so grateful that you saw this web-site and changed your mind. I never thought that my health would be so terrible at such a young age. I hate myself for what I have done to my body. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. We feel like we might have saved one girl from a terrible problem.

Love yourself! Love, Daryl

----- Original Message -----

From: *~Patty~*

Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 6:45 PM

Subject: Re: DEAR CJ !!!!!!

Yes, Hallelujah, ditto, ditto, ditto

----- Original Message -----

From: diana dickieson

Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 6:36 PM

Subject: DEAR CJ !!!!!!

CJ, YOU HAVE JUST BROUGHT TEARS OF JOY TO MY EYES.......i have been praying for you, girl, I SAY TO MY FRIENDS, IF I COULD JUST SAVE ONE GIRL, JUST ONE, FROM THE PAIN AND SUFFERING I HAVE ENDURED AS A RESULT OF MY EXPIRIENCE, THAT IT WOULD HAVE MADE IT WORTH WHILE, CJ IT HAS BEEN SUCH A BLESSING FOR ME TO HAVE BEEN A PART OF YOUR DECISSION MAKING, i truly hope that you can find peace with the beutiful breast you have......you will be so thankful,when you aren't sick EVERY DAY BECAUSE OF VANITY, IAM SO SO SO PROUD OF YOU, I WISH I COULD HAVE FOUND THIS WEB SITE, BEFORE, I ALTERED AND RUINED MY BREASTS, AND BECAME SO ILL, IAM BLESSED TO HELP YOU...LOVE AND HUGS DIANA>From: "cjvon666" <cjvon666@...>>Reply- > >Subject: (unknown)>Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 20:01:09 -0000>>Thanks Carla, , Patty, Dee, Barb , ,....all of you who took>the time to reply to me to give me your experiences.>>Yesterday (Monday) I called the surgeon's office manager to cancel>and she tried to talk me out of it-she was like "oh, the problems are>with silicone ones -not saline" I replied well saline are made with>silicone shell. She said Carla Dr.--- has done this for 18 years we>HAVE NEVER had any patient come back and complain of anything -it is>always other doctors patients that come to us. She asked me to sleep>on it and call her today.>>I slept on it -I called her today and CANCELED-I just forfeited 300>dollars. But I do not feel bad at all.>>I figure I could always do it later IF I REALLY WANT IT THAT BAD.>Maybe re-evaluate my breasts after I have kids if I ever have kids.>>For now, I really do not want to worry about two big water sacks in>my chest causing me problems. SO IF I EVER LOOK AT TV AND FASHION>MAGAZINES AND SEE THE BUSTY LADIES AND GET JEALOUS OR FEEL INADEQUATE>I will remind myself that there is no telling what these ladies are>really experiencing regarding the implants or are yet to experience.>>I am going to enjoy my little boobies!! I am actually glad that they>are not going to be sliced open!!>>Thanks again to all of you-if I had not come across this site I>probably would have gone through a major surgery just on a whim or>because I was feeling a bit down on myself or felt like "rewarding">myself.>>I wish you all the best with your recoveries and recuperation. You>have prevented at least me from getting implanted.>>CJ

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