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Keep us informed please. This is wonderful news and we need to

support every effort to make this pass.

Thanks for letting us know!




> , and everyone else, this just in:


> Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:21 am (PST)

> Senate Bill 491, passed June 12, 2007:


> Requires health insurers that provide coverage for cochlear implant to

> provide coverage of bilateral cochlear implants.


> I'm hoping this will pass in the house, and include Medicare. But it

> could well be what all of us have been waiting and hoping for.


> I'm going to see what needs to be done to get this passed into LAW.





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I have to look further but you may not have been

mistaken--there is a senate bill 491 this year that

was passed, but for the State of Oregon.


--- M Jansen <nucleus24@...> wrote:

> , and everyone else, this just in:


> Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:21 am (PST)

> Senate Bill 491, passed June 12, 2007:


> Requires health insurers that provide coverage for

> cochlear implant to

> provide coverage of bilateral cochlear implants.


> I'm hoping this will pass in the house, and include

> Medicare. But it

> could well be what all of us have been waiting and

> hoping for.


> I'm going to see what needs to be done to get this

> passed into LAW.




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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  • 4 weeks later...
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Great news, Jill! Glad your true self came shining through like you said and not just a positive test! Jackie

good news

Hi, Jill here...I had my meeting with the board and they are not taking my liscense or extending my probation at this point....my probation is finished next April and if I don't get anymor pos. tests they will let me finish..I have to jump thru some hoops but nothing that I don't already do anyhow...she received 25 letters from my support people and five of my co-workers went with me which really impacted her..I am very relieved and actually feel hopeful to be able to prove that not all pos etg people are drinking..I am terrified of getting another pos, I went three years w/o one so I think i've taken care of the problem...ya kniw I realized that they only know us on paper and on paper to them I didn't look so great...I have several diluted spec in the last few years and so to them it looked like a build up to a relapse...what they failed to recognize is that I take HCTZ/losartin and have for twenty years for HTN and that is why my urine will be so diluted at times...that blew the whole build up to a relapse theory..anyhow the letters and the info i gave and the people that showed allowed her to see who i really am and she is giving me a chance to prove myself...I actually instigated this meeting to show her who i am rather than just get the violation stuff in the mail...I don't know if this helps anybody...I hope it does...I still want to work towards getting the cutoff levels changed or removing the test all togethr..Jill

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congrats jill great job..regards,rJill Schroeder-Hall <jillypill@...> wrote: Hi, Jill here...I had my meeting with the board and they are not taking my liscense or extending my probation at this point....my probation is finished next April and if I don't get anymor pos. tests they will let me finish..I have to jump thru some hoops but nothing that I don't already do anyhow...she received 25 letters from my support people and five of my co-workers went with me which really impacted her..I am

very relieved and actually feel hopeful to be able to prove that not all pos etg people are drinking..I am terrified of getting another pos, I went three years w/o one so I think i've taken care of the problem...ya kniw I realized that they only know us on paper and on paper to them I didn't look so great...I have several diluted spec in the last few years and so to them it looked like a build up to a relapse...what they failed to recognize is that I take HCTZ/losartin and have for twenty years for HTN and that is why my urine will be so diluted at times...that blew the whole build up to a relapse theory..anyhow the letters and the info i gave and the people that showed allowed her to see who i really am and she is giving me a chance to prove myself...I actually instigated this meeting to show her who i am rather than just get the violation stuff in the mail...I don't know if this helps anybody...I hope it does...I

still want to work towards getting the cutoff levels changed or removing the test all togethr..Jill

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  • 3 weeks later...
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>Jill I hope yoiu do continue to work toward getting the test removed.

i hope you finish probation and wish you well. I am asking for a

different test in probation as I am unable to consistently pass the

ETG and do not drink. I cannot go through the terrible anxiety after

each test that it will be positive, and I will loose my license!

> Hi, Jill here...I had my meeting with the board and they are not

> taking my liscense or extending my probation at this point....my

> probation is finished next April and if I don't get anymor pos.

> tests they will let me finish..I have to jump thru some hoops but

> nothing that I don't already do anyhow...she received 25 letters

> from my support people and five of my co-workers went with me which

> really impacted her..I am very relieved and actually feel hopeful to

> be able to prove that not all pos etg people are drinking..I am

> terrified of getting another pos, I went three years w/o one so I

> think i've taken care of the problem...ya kniw I realized that they

> only know us on paper and on paper to them I didn't look so

> great...I have several diluted spec in the last few years and so to

> them it looked like a build up to a relapse...what they failed to

> recognize is that I take HCTZ/losartin and have for twenty years for

> HTN and that is why my urine will be so diluted at times...that blew

> the whole build up to a relapse theory..anyhow the letters and the

> info i gave and the people that showed allowed her to see who i

> really am and she is giving me a chance to prove myself...I actually

> instigated this meeting to show her who i am rather than just get

> the violation stuff in the mail...I don't know if this helps

> anybody...I hope it does...I still want to work towards getting the

> cutoff levels changed or removing the test all togethr..Jill


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  • 7 months later...
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Hi Emma - you know how pleased I am for you and just think, if Forest had been up to their usual efficient sending out of their medications, you would never have been forced into the situation of asking your GP to supply this. This is wonderful. Now tell your Mum to get onto her doctor too and see if she can swing this too.

You must be cheering.

Well Done

Luv - Sheila

Hi,I visited my GP yesterday and guess what - I got my prescription for Armour on the NHS. GP wasn't happy though she said that if anything happened to me it was on her head as it was an unlicensed drug. I went down to the local Boots and they said that they could only order it if I had a letter from the Dr explaining what the drugs were to be used for. They called the Drs who said that my GP was going on holiday and it would be next week before the letter could be done, so I drove back to the GPs said I needed it more urgently and they did the letter there and then. I then drove back to Boots and handed in the letter, and they then ordered the meds for me. I can collect them on Friday so we have some positive response. I am so relieved I can't tell you, it will be a big help to me financially now as I am a single mumLoveEmma

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Hi emma,

Good for you- hope you will be feeling better soon!

Subject: Good News


I visited my GP yesterday and guess what - I got my prescription for

Armour on the NHS.



Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing medication.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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HI Lizzie

You have done well to get your Ferritin level up to 46. Are you actually beginning to feel better? Your Free T4 is low but your Free T3 is still a little high. I wonder what the result would have been had you not taken them the night before. However, glad your GP was happy with the results, though your Free t4 is still very low and should be higher than 10. It will be interesting to see whether Dr B increases your T3 (and possibly T4).

Luv - Sheila

Hi EveryoneI have just got my blood results back from GP and I am pleased to saythat my Ferritin level has increased from 15 to 46 in 11 weeks. I havebeen taking 200mg Ferrous sulphate with 1000 mg Vit c twice a day. Iam feeling quite pleased at the moment because obviously the treatmentis working. My B12 was 306 and Folates 7.6 in normal range but I didntget the range. I also had TSH 0.12, T4 10 and T3 6.4 but had takenmeds the night before test as I didn't expect thyroid bloods to bedone as well. Gp was happy with results , I had recently increased T3to 20 mcg on Dr B's instructions as T4 had been 7.7 and T3 4.0, do youthink these results look promising. Am seeing Dr B in 3 weeks for review.Luv Lizzie

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.1/1352 - Release Date: 31/03/2008 10:13

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Hi Sheila

I think I may be beginning to feel a little better this week. My leg

cramps are still there but they feel to be slightly masked if that

makes any sense. My energy levels are a little better too, fingers

crossed that an improvement continues. BTW GP has given me another 3

months of ferrous sulphate so hopefully by then it should be nearing

the acceptable range.

Love Lizzie

> You have done well to get your Ferritin level up to 46. Are you

actually beginning to feel better? Your Free T4 is low but your Free

T3 is still a little high. I wonder what the result would have been

had you not taken them the night before. However, glad your GP was

happy with the results, though your Free t4 is still very low and

should be higher than 10. It will be interesting to see whether Dr B

increases your T3 (and possibly T4).





> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG.

> Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.1/1352 - Release Date:

31/03/2008 10:13


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That is great Lizzie - I am sure after another 3 months building up your ferritin levels, you will start to really feel much better. Keep up the good work and let us know how you get on.

Luv - Sheila

Hi SheilaI think I may be beginning to feel a little better this week. My legcramps are still there but they feel to be slightly masked if thatmakes any sense. My energy levels are a little better too, fingerscrossed that an improvement continues. BTW GP has given me another 3months of ferrous sulphate so hopefully by then it should be nearingthe acceptable range. Love Lizzie> You have done well to get your Ferritin level up to 46. Are youactually beginning to feel better? Your Free T4 is low but your FreeT3 is still a little high. I wonder what the result would have beenhad you not taken them the night before. However, glad your GP washappy with the results, though your Free t4 is still very low andshould be higher than 10. It will be interesting to see whether Dr Bincreases your T3 (and possibly T4).> ----------------------------------------------------------> > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG. > Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.1/1352 - Release Date:31/03/2008 10:13>

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.4/1355 - Release Date: 01/04/2008 17:37

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  • 6 months later...


So glad that things are going good for you. I hope all will stay calm and you

will be able to enjoy this.?

Veri & Jaye 14 poly

good news

hi all, just wanted to share some good news which has had me dancing

round the house this morning. Marija had her usual monthly blood tests

on Friday and I got the results today, the best yet! The nurses

couldnt hide their excitement she has been on oral methotrexate for

nearly 6 months now and has been exceptionally well for 6 months.

Todays results have seen her ESR inflammation marker go down to 13

from a high of 75 and all her bloods are completely normal-a much

needed boost for all of us. Fingers crossed for the next 6


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Dear Milena,

  What wonderful news!  I am so happy for you and your daughter!!  I hope that

she continues to do well.



Mia is cute

   Ian   9 years old

   Sashi 5




From: rade_milena <rade_milena@...>

Subject: good news

Date: Monday, October 27, 2008, 8:14 AM

hi all, just wanted to share some good news which has had me dancing

round the house this morning. Marija had her usual monthly blood tests

on Friday and I got the results today, the best yet! The nurses

couldnt hide their excitement she has been on oral methotrexate for

nearly 6 months now and has been exceptionally well for 6 months.

Todays results have seen her ESR inflammation marker go down to 13

from a high of 75 and all her bloods are completely normal-a much

needed boost for all of us. Fingers crossed for the next 6


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Congrats Dorothy glad for your great news!!

Good News

I had a follow up visit today. I'm 15 months post treatment.

HCV is negative...my doctor said I now have a .02% chance of recurrence so

this is super news!

I encourage those on the fence about treating to go for it. I waited way

too long and wish I had done it many years ago.

My best to all!


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Congrats Dorothy glad for your great news!!

Good News

I had a follow up visit today. I'm 15 months post treatment.

HCV is negative...my doctor said I now have a .02% chance of recurrence so

this is super news!

I encourage those on the fence about treating to go for it. I waited way

too long and wish I had done it many years ago.

My best to all!


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THAT'S WONDERFUL!!  stay that way and that leaves me hope or so that i see hope

with me and about me through my treatment and I have only til the end of July

and then the check ups and I hope I'm better then yours. just because I want

awesome results too. and if I knew then what I knew now this would have never

happened to me. Praise god and those that love us. amen and also we're awesome

and to stay that way.

bettydominguez. looking hot.

From: emily <emily_sweethang@...>

Subject: Re: Good News

Hepatitis C

Date: Monday, May 18, 2009, 7:22 PM

Congrats Dorothy glad for your great news!!

Good News

I had a follow up visit today. I'm 15 months post treatment.

HCV is negative...my doctor said I now have a .02% chance of recurrence so

this is super news!

I encourage those on the fence about treating to go for it. I waited way

too long and wish I had done it many years ago.

My best to all!


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THAT'S WONDERFUL!!  stay that way and that leaves me hope or so that i see hope

with me and about me through my treatment and I have only til the end of July

and then the check ups and I hope I'm better then yours. just because I want

awesome results too. and if I knew then what I knew now this would have never

happened to me. Praise god and those that love us. amen and also we're awesome

and to stay that way.

bettydominguez. looking hot.

From: emily <emily_sweethang@...>

Subject: Re: Good News

Hepatitis C

Date: Monday, May 18, 2009, 7:22 PM

Congrats Dorothy glad for your great news!!

Good News

I had a follow up visit today. I'm 15 months post treatment.

HCV is negative...my doctor said I now have a .02% chance of recurrence so

this is super news!

I encourage those on the fence about treating to go for it. I waited way

too long and wish I had done it many years ago.

My best to all!


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July is right around the corner, Betty. I was undetectable from the very

start..about 3 weeks into treatment..so I had no doubt that I'd beat it. I

had some rough spots along the way, but it was worth it.

Good luck!


From: Hepatitis C

[mailto:Hepatitis C ] On Behalf Of betty dominguez

Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 1:14 AM

Hepatitis C

Subject: Re: Good News

THAT'S WONDERFUL!! stay that way and that leaves me hope or so that i see

hope with me and about me through my treatment and I have only til the end

of July and then the check ups and I hope I'm better then yours. just

because I want awesome results too. and if I knew then what I knew now this

would have never happened to me. Praise god and those that love us. amen and

also we're awesome and to stay that way.

bettydominguez. looking hot.

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Congrats! THat is awesome and thanks for passing on encouragement!

Best Wishes,



> I had a follow up visit today. I'm 15 months post treatment.




> HCV is negative...my doctor said I now have a .02% chance of recurrence so

> this is super news!




> I encourage those on the fence about treating to go for it. I waited way

> too long and wish I had done it many years ago.




> My best to all!




> Dorothy





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Congrats! THat is awesome and thanks for passing on encouragement!

Best Wishes,



> I had a follow up visit today. I'm 15 months post treatment.




> HCV is negative...my doctor said I now have a .02% chance of recurrence so

> this is super news!




> I encourage those on the fence about treating to go for it. I waited way

> too long and wish I had done it many years ago.




> My best to all!




> Dorothy





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  • 4 months later...

Your story about the friend who had the child with a tumor that didn't sound

good, ended up a with a nice ending. When I told a few friends of mine that

they had finally come up C-toma for my ear problems, one replied " that's great

news " . she workes in a hospital and put it in perspective to me that what this

is, yes, it's a problem but it's a small problem compared to alot of other

problems we could be faced with. So I have been trying to think of it like

that, with my surgery coming up in one week.


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I am so happy for you and Chloe! I remember being so sad when you posted that her ctoma had come back and admired your positive attitude. I hope you will stick around to give advice to Moms like me who are still going thru it!

Good news

I've always suspected that the reason there is more bad news about ctoma than good news is that once things are going well, people are so busy out enjoying life that they forget to tell everyone their great news!Now I know it's true :)Chloe had a four month post op visit a couple of weeks ago, and after 12 surgeries and some pretty scary moments, she shows no sign of ctama, had a beautiful eardrum, and is hearing at near normal levels in her repaired ear. The hearing aid is put away on a shelf, and she is a plain old normal first grader with an appointment in six months to make sure things are still so good. I would be lying if I said it wasn't still in the back of my mind that this could all come back, but I can't stop it, so we are just going to be glad and enjoy this time.This week, I found out the value of perspective. An acquaintance of mine has a severely handicapped child who requires constant care. They were told he would need surgery for a tumor in his brain and that the prognosis was not good. When the surgeon went in, he found instead a cholesteatoma which was successfully removed with a much better outcome! When I received an email from a family so happy that their child "only had " a cholesteatoma...I realized their perspective on what I have veiwed as something of a nightmare made it a blessing to them.Blessings to all of you!

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> Your story about the friend who had the child with a tumor that didn't sound

good, ended up a with a nice ending. When I told a few friends of mine that

they had finally come up C-toma for my ear problems, one replied " that's great

news " . she workes in a hospital and put it in perspective to me that what this

is, yes, it's a problem but it's a small problem compared to alot of other

problems we could be faced with. So I have been trying to think of it like

that, with my surgery coming up in one week.


> Debbie


Good luck Debbie, chin up all will hopefully go well....My surgery is on the

26th October, so I know how you may be feeling!

If others could put up their good news stories it helps us yet to face

surgery....and yes even if you put up your progress since the operation that

also helps those next in line.

I look at these posts every couple of days to read the good news and results of

all those who have been touched by this disease....

So thank you to all those people who make the time to re-visit this group and

write down their stories.



Brisbane Australia

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A positive outlook should help you as you get ready for and recover from your surgery!


Hoping for the best!


On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:15 AM, debb1655 <dpryor1655@...> wrote:

Your story about the friend who had the child with a tumor that didn't sound good, ended up a with a nice ending.  When I told a few friends of mine that they had finally come up C-toma for my ear problems, one replied " that's great news " .  she workes in a hospital and put it in perspective to me that what this is, yes, it's a problem but it's a small problem compared to alot of other problems we could be faced with.  So I have been trying to think of it like that, with my surgery coming up in one week.



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Hi - I'm really new to the group. I had a C-toma removed from my right ear canal in 2000. The C-toma had eaten the bones inside - so I lost my hearing in that ear. 4 surgeries later and I was told they could no longer operate in there as the nerve controlling the face area had fallen down into the ear canal. The good news to my story is I became a candidate for a BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) in 2009. The surgery was a success and now I can hear from both sides. About 3 weeks ago I woke up and could not hear anything - A week ago they put a tube in the left ear and I can hear somewhat out of the left ear. Anyone have these sorts of problems?



Alberta, Canada

From: cacvac <cacvac@...>Subject: Re: Good newscholesteatoma Received: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 3:13 PM

>> Your story about the friend who had the child with a tumor that didn't sound good, ended up a with a nice ending. When I told a few friends of mine that they had finally come up C-toma for my ear problems, one replied "that's great news". she workes in a hospital and put it in perspective to me that what this is, yes, it's a problem but it's a small problem compared to alot of other problems we could be faced with. So I have been trying to think of it like that, with my surgery coming up in one week.> > Debbie>Good luck Debbie, chin up all will hopefully go well....My surgery is on the 26th October, so I know how you may be feeling!If others could put

up their good news stories it helps us yet to face surgery....and yes even if you put up your progress since the operation that also helps those next in line.I look at these posts every couple of days to read the good news and results of all those who have been touched by this disease....So thank you to all those people who make the time to re-visit this group and write down their stories.Regards,ChristofiBrisbane Australia

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