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Question for Don- what's the next promising drug?

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Hi Pam

Both Protease Inhibitors are slated to be in your doctors office sometime in May.

I would shoot for July for them to get it together tho.

Whats next? Good question.

Non-interferon? Several are in clinical studies.

When, or if they are released is anybodys guess, but I hope within 5 years.

I say this because the Interferon was the only drug used for HCV for about 15 years.

In 2001-2 the Ribavirin was approved for the I/R combo so well known today.

Its been 10 years, and now we have the Protease Inhibitors to make the triple treatment.

My guess is that the Pharm companys will have new drugs in less than 10 years next time, because they are working like mad dogs to find answers.

[The sooner they get new drugs, the sooner they make money too.]

Click this link to see the list of clinical studies comming down the pipeline -


Pam, I am waiting for a non-Interferon cure too, unless my doctors change their minds, and give me the green light so I can treat now with the triple treatment.

I sure want to be free of this HCV, because its put a big crimp in my life.

You must remember that any new drug - Interferon or not - will probably have side effects.

Remember too, that even if these new drugs come out soon, some people wont cure with them.

Hopefully, not many.

Sorry, but this is the best answer that I can give you, right now.


don in ks

From: pamelag52@... <pamelag52@...>Subject: [ ] Question for Don- what's the next promising drug? Date: Friday, April 29, 2011, 11:26 AM

Hi Don,I hope you're well. We're finally having a beautiful spring day here in Boston.With all the press this week about the two pro-tease inhibitors that are coming out, I'm wondering what the next big drug is expected to be. I figure I'd ask if you knew, since you do so much research, and you're also waiting for a treatment that doesn't use interferon. Do you have any idea what might be the nearest thing on the horizon and how far out it might be?Thanks!Pam------------------------------------

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