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Re: silicone testing

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Immunoscience Lab offers the immunology of silicone panel test. I had to order a blood drawing kit by calling them at 1-800-950-4686. My dr then ordered the blood to be drawn by a local lab then I had to send the blood overnight to Immunoscience lab in California. My blue cross covered 80% the cost was around $500.00 and I had to pay 20%. It didnt show i had silicone antibodies but it showed my immune system was overreacting , some t-cells were off , rheumatiod was slightly elevated, etc. My dr. couldnt really tell me much about my results I did call the lab directly to speak to Dr. Vojdani. I dont know whether the test will be of benefit or not but it will tell you if your immune system is overreacting , which is common with BI. I plan on repeating test sometime after I am explanted.


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I can recommend Dr. Melmed in the Dallas area - Medical City - emelmed@.... He will do an excellent job of removing them . . . plus, he's a good man on top of that.

He may be able to recommend someone who can test you . . . probably someone at the Environmental Center in Dallas.

Rogenekaceybu02 <kaceyalong@...> wrote:

I would like to get tested for silicone ASAP. I live in Dallas, Texas. How do I do this? What type of test is it (blood test)? What doctor should I use...and who does this type of thing? I also have United Healthcare insurance and would like to find a physician covered by my insurance. How costly is the procedure without insurance? What other tests should I have done? I will soon by explanted and want to make sure I'm tested beforehand!Thanks so much!Kacey (kaceyalong@...)

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Hi everyone. long time no talk. well i had some more bloodwork done by a new doc and evrything was fine she said nothing autoimmune, thyroid was fine, all fine. but now i noticed i am getting pins and needles in my hands and legs even when i am not staying in one positon for a long time. sometimes when i lay down at night in my legs, and my hands get it when i get nervous alomost like i have panic attacks or something. i seen an ex boyfrind today and i got really nervous felt like i couldnt breathe and sweating and then the pins and needles started. anyone have that? is that MS??????????/Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

I can recommend Dr. Melmed in the Dallas area - Medical City - emelmed@.... He will do an excellent job of removing them . . . plus, he's a good man on top of that.

He may be able to recommend someone who can test you . . . probably someone at the Environmental Center in Dallas.

Rogenekaceybu02 <kaceyalong@...> wrote:

I would like to get tested for silicone ASAP. I live in Dallas, Texas. How do I do this? What type of test is it (blood test)? What doctor should I use...and who does this type of thing? I also have United Healthcare insurance and would like to find a physician covered by my insurance. How costly is the procedure without insurance? What other tests should I have done? I will soon by explanted and want to make sure I'm tested beforehand!Thanks so much!Kacey (kaceyalong@...)

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Pins and needles is one of the most common neurological symptoms for us harmed by implants. Many, many, many women get this. I had it. I thought I had MS too. We might have MS like symptoms, but rarely a diagnosis of straight up MS. But Kim, even though all your tests have come out normal, ( and I am glad for you that they did....) it sounds like you are showing more signs of implant associated illness. You might not ever show abnormal blood work--look at Daryl, she has never had abnormal blood work in over 4 years, but she is sick, sick, sick! She can't even work, yet nobody can tell her what is wrong with her. It is just a matter of time before you start showing even more symptoms, I hate to say. I am sorry. Tough spot for you, I know. I think you will have to get to a point where you know what you want to do to stop all this, and hopefully it will be before it gets out of control. Take care, Kim.


----- Original Message -----

From: kim przybylski

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 6:00 PM

Subject: Re: silicone testing

Hi everyone. long time no talk. well i had some more bloodwork done by a new doc and evrything was fine she said nothing autoimmune, thyroid was fine, all fine. but now i noticed i am getting pins and needles in my hands and legs even when i am not staying in one positon for a long time. sometimes when i lay down at night in my legs, and my hands get it when i get nervous alomost like i have panic attacks or something. i seen an ex boyfrind today and i got really nervous felt like i couldnt breathe and sweating and then the pins and needles started. anyone have that? is that MS??????????/

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Kim, I also have numbness in my feet, and lately it scared me to death. I also thought I had MS. So has Crystal, a friend of mine on this group. She and I have tested negative for MS, although my neurologist ( I had to go to her for bels palsy) believes I show symptoms, but not definitive. Very strange to her. But she has ruled it out.

Lymes, and mycoplasma infections also cause these same symptoms, as well as candida overgowth, two of which I have, Ill pray for you, it is scary, but I believe related to implant disease. I would def take b12 sublinguals to heal your nerves, as I was told to do that by 2 docs. Also, if that doesn’t help, you may want to look into b12 shots

----- Original Message -----

From: *~Patty~*

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:16 PM

Subject: Re: silicone testing

Pins and needles is one of the most common neurological symptoms for us harmed by implants. Many, many, many women get this. I had it. I thought I had MS too. We might have MS like symptoms, but rarely a diagnosis of straight up MS. But Kim, even though all your tests have come out normal, ( and I am glad for you that they did....) it sounds like you are showing more signs of implant associated illness. You might not ever show abnormal blood work--look at Daryl, she has never had abnormal blood work in over 4 years, but she is sick, sick, sick! She can't even work, yet nobody can tell her what is wrong with her. It is just a matter of time before you start showing even more symptoms, I hate to say. I am sorry. Tough spot for you, I know. I think you will have to get to a point where you know what you want to do to stop all this, and hopefully it will be before it gets out of control. Take care, Kim.


----- Original Message -----

From: kim przybylski

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 6:00 PM

Subject: Re: silicone testing

Hi everyone. long time no talk. well i had some more bloodwork done by a new doc and evrything was fine she said nothing autoimmune, thyroid was fine, all fine. but now i noticed i am getting pins and needles in my hands and legs even when i am not staying in one positon for a long time. sometimes when i lay down at night in my legs, and my hands get it when i get nervous alomost like i have panic attacks or something. i seen an ex boyfrind today and i got really nervous felt like i couldnt breathe and sweating and then the pins and needles started. anyone have that? is that MS??????????/

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