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Hi ,

My pediatrician told me that the Hepatitis B vaccine can cause arthritic

symptoms TEMPORARILY after the shot. He also said that the older the

child, the more chance of having the symptoms. He's recommending that

the vaccine series be completed before the age of 10 (or younger if

possible) thus minimizing the chance of the reaction. I don't know

anymore about a long term reponse as your son has had, but will pray for

his relief. If it is only a temporary thing, we can keep hope that this

will go away and NEVER return!!!!!

God Bless, Debra

HuffakerES@... wrote:


> From: HuffakerES@...


> I just read an article linking Hepatitis B vaccination and RA in adults. Also

> MS. My son has developed RA symptoms over the last year. Each flare up that he

> had was within 5-8 days of his hepatitis B shot. It is a series of 3 and we

> have had major flare up each time. Not that we knew this when we were going

> through all of the testing. He is not where he was a year ago but better. We

> did 6 months of prednisone and now are awaiting the results of a muscle

> biopsy. His joint and muscles ache all the time. Cramping in the muscles is

> daily and sometimes intolerable. Sorta hard for a 15 year old to handle. Any

> others heard about his link?????


> Reno


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There was a feature story on this on either 20/20 or Dateline just a couple

of weeks ago. One of the patients they featured was a 4 year old boy who

was terribly crippled with juvenile RA, which had come on immediately after

receiving the Hep B vaccine. They also profiled a number of adults who

were similarly affected. The little boy was being given all the standard

toxic RA meds, with poor results, and I wanted to cry for him. I only hope

his family hears about AP. Hope your son starts feeling better.


rheumatic new to all this

From: HuffakerES@...

I just read an article linking Hepatitis B vaccination and RA in adults.


MS. My son has developed RA symptoms over the last year. Each flare up that


had was within 5-8 days of his hepatitis B shot. It is a series of 3 and


have had major flare up each time. Not that we knew this when we were going

through all of the testing. He is not where he was a year ago but better.


did 6 months of prednisone and now are awaiting the results of a muscle

biopsy. His joint and muscles ache all the time. Cramping in the muscles is

daily and sometimes intolerable. Sorta hard for a 15 year old to handle.


others heard about his link?????



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to digest, go to the ONElist web site, at and

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Dear ,

You bet I've heard of the link between hep b vaccination and rheumatoid

arthritis. I initially thought the onset of my RA was connected to being

immunized with red blood cells from an rh positive donor. (This was to

boost my anti-d titer--long story)

I wrote directly to Dr Classen an some other doctors at the Center for

Disease Control and the National Institute of Health. The first

professional I consulted with, a Homeopathic Doctor, told me that there is a

correlation between the increased use of immunizations and the increased

occurrence of the so-called auto-immune diseases. As the use of

vaccinations rose so have things like asthma, adult onset diabetes,

rheumatoid arthritis, MS etc.

Here is one letter I got from Classen:

<<Dear Ms. jolly,

I think it is highly possible that the Rh immunization may have triggered

your disease. Immune stimulation is known to cause autoimmunity. The

Physicians Desk reference cites interferon as a cause of autoimmunity. You

may want to check Pub med on the internet for more info. >>

Here is what Wilder at NIH said:

<<Immunizations of all types are under scrutiny.

We have no evidence that rheumatoid arthritis is transmitted by plasma.

/RL Wilder>>

As the result of this information I decided not to get a flu shot this

season. I don't want to trade avoiding a short sickness and end up getting

yet another " auto-immune " disease.


PS Here is Classen's address

Bart Classen [mailto:classen@...]


From: HuffakerES@...

I just read an article linking Hepatitis B vaccination and RA in adults.


MS. My son has developed RA symptoms over the last year. Each flare up that


had was within 5-8 days of his hepatitis B shot. It is a series of 3 and we

have had major flare up each time. Not that we knew this when we were going

through all of the testing. He is not where he was a year ago but better. We

did 6 months of prednisone and now are awaiting the results of a muscle

biopsy. His joint and muscles ache all the time. Cramping in the muscles is

daily and sometimes intolerable. Sorta hard for a 15 year old to handle. Any

others heard about his link?????


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  • 3 years later...

In a message dated 1/17/2003 8:16:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, kevtamj@... writes:

1. What do you say to people when they ask you what happened? Do

you go into detail about plagiocephaly, or what?

2. Does anyone feel like it is their fault that this happened?


Ok, I'm going to do my best to talk you out of feeling guilty! Unfortunately, most of us here are all in the same boat, we tried like heck to reposition, and it failed us (some have seen great results with repo, but I think the majority have not). It's extremely hard to repo when your child also has limitied neck range, or the flat spot is such that it takes great momentum to get out of that rut, so once there, they stay there- so don't feel bad at all- and the fact that she was a preemie could very well have already set the stage for how her headshape grew in the direction it did. It's definetly NOT your fault, you tried, and it just didn't work. On your question #1, for us it really depended on the situation, sometimes a quick answer, "it helps make his head round" was all I'd have to say, especially to children who thought he was in pain or had a head injury. To others in waiting rooms I would get a little more detailed, if they asked. It really depended on my mood, and how the question was asked, I felt a little like a mother lion protecting her cub at times, but in no way felt I had to explain this wasn't my fault. You don't have to go there (unless you really want to- this is also a great opportunity to educate others about plagio). Only you have walked in those shoes, I don't think you couldn't put into words the stress, anguish, challenge, heartache, fear that the time you spent repoing would do justice for. Keep in mind that you know what the story is, and that's all that matters. If someone wants to challenge that, so be it, you've been down this road and can give educated answers and move on. If you didn't care about your child, you wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't be so proactive in getting treatment. I never encountered anyway who thought it was our fault- so you may be just playing the "what if" game because its still the great unknown. Keep your chin up, your a GREAT Mom! Good luck to you and please keep us posted on how the fitting goes!

' Mom (DOC grad 5-8 mnths, dx with tort @ 2 months, pt from 3-9/10 mnths)

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Hi Tammy,

First of all this is NOT your fault!! A lot of us parents here have

felt the same way. The guilt is just a part of it. From what you say

it sounds as if your daughter had/has torticollis. Plaigo is

secondary to tort. I'm sure before your daughter's diagnosis you

never even heard of plagio. So how could you of prevented something

you knew nothing about?

When people ask me (which is rare, most ppl just gawk at my daughter)

I tell them about plagio and what causes it and how it can be

prevented. I think the more plagio awareness, the better.

Welcome to the group. What type of helmet will be getting?

> Hi! My daughter will be fitted for her helmet next week.

> I'm not worried about her wearing it. We are planning to decorate

> it up! However, I do have some questions for anyone who wants to

> answer back.

> 1. What do you say to people when they ask you what happened? Do

> you go into detail about plagiocephaly, or what?

> 2. Does anyone feel like it is their fault that this happened? I

> am a stay home mom, and I feel like I did all I could to avoid

> this. I followed the doctor's recommendations - We moved her to

> different sides of the crib, moved her on the changing table, moved

> her to different arms when feeding, did tummy time, etc. Still, I

> feel like people look at me like I did something wrong. I had to

> exercise her neck daily to get her to turn her head to the left.

> She was a preemie, born 4 weeks early, and from what I've read that

> could have played a part in this. However, I still feel like


> look at me like I could have prevented this. Does anyone else feel

> this way? And if not - talk me out of it! I hate feeling guilty,

> knowing I did all I could to prevent it.

> Thanks,

> Tammy (Mom to , 7 months)

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Hi Tammy & welcome to our group!

It's great you daughter's helmet will be in soon and she'll soon be on

her way to a rounder head! Do you know what type of helmet she'll be

getting (STARband, DOCband, local)?

You sound like you're very excited to get her helmet, it's

good to hear you're not worried!

There are some great decorating tips at www.plagiocephaly.org/support

then " decorating tips " . We just put stickers on my Abby's bands,

pretty much to go along with the season.

When people asked us what was " wrong " with Abby when they saw her

band, I simply told them the band was to help round her head out as it

had gotten flat, I also liked to compare the band to braces for your

teeth. I would tell some people that, that the band was just like

teeth braces, it's helping straighten out her crooked little head!

Guilt - one of our most talked about topics, esp. from new members

like yourself. You certainly sound like you've done everything

withing your power to help 's plagio. Unfortunately, some

things are just out of our control and out of our hands. Your

daughter had 2 strikes against her to developing plagio, she was a

preemie, and she sounds to have torticollis. I've told many parents

to not feel guilty about their child's plagio, so please please please

don't beat yourself up over it. Some children have softer skulls and

are more prone to plagio than others.

The important thing now is, that you're getting treatment and

soon her flat head will be a distant memory!!

Welcome again, it's good to have you w/us. Please let us know when

her helmet is in.

Debbie Abby's mom DOCGrad


> Hi! My daughter will be fitted for her helmet next week.

> I'm not worried about her wearing it. We are planning to decorate

> it up! However, I do have some questions for anyone who wants to

> answer back.

> 1. What do you say to people when they ask you what happened? Do

> you go into detail about plagiocephaly, or what?

> 2. Does anyone feel like it is their fault that this happened? I

> am a stay home mom, and I feel like I did all I could to avoid

> this. I followed the doctor's recommendations - We moved her to

> different sides of the crib, moved her on the changing table, moved

> her to different arms when feeding, did tummy time, etc. Still, I

> feel like people look at me like I did something wrong. I had to

> exercise her neck daily to get her to turn her head to the left.

> She was a preemie, born 4 weeks early, and from what I've read that

> could have played a part in this. However, I still feel like people

> look at me like I could have prevented this. Does anyone else feel

> this way? And if not - talk me out of it! I hate feeling guilty,

> knowing I did all I could to prevent it.

> Thanks,

> Tammy (Mom to , 7 months)

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Welcome to the group!

When people asked me I told them Dane's head was mishapened and the

band was making his head round. There are some cards in the files

section. They have plagio info on them. For a little while I

handed them out when I went places and people just stared. I would

just walk up and hand them one (I am like that!). I put my phone

number on them and once even got a call asking for more info. All

in all I would say most people are pretty nice about the whole


Sure I felt guilty! Dane had reflux and we were told by the

Cleveland Clinic (#3 hospital in US!) to lay him only on his right

side. This damaged his neck muscles and gave him plagio. 8 weeks

later he didn't even resembled himself! I beat myself for a while

because I chose such a crappy hospital to deliver at (you should

hear all the things that happened!). Of course I knew I really had

no reason to feel guilty. This wasn't my fault. Even the doctors

weren't intentional in giving me this horrible advice, just

ignorant. As soon as Dane got his band, those guilty feeling all

subsided because I knew that I WAS doing the right thing for him!

It is so hard as parents to not feel guilt about a lot of things. I

even felt guilty about feeling guilty! Repositioning is hard work!

It doesn't work for everyone and that isn't your fault. It didn't

work for us either.

Dane's mom DOC Grad

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Hi my daughter Jenna was Starbanded at 9 months. Most people just say how

cute she is. Others have asked what the helmet is for. I tell them she has

plagio but I don't go into a big talk. Jenna's started inutero. It

worsened due to her preference of her left side. They said she didn't have

tort just a slight tilt.

Sometimes at 1st I felt it was my fault it got worse. I know now it isn't

my fault. We also followed the Dr.s recommendations of repositioning and

tummy time, etc. I feel great now because I got her the helmet and she has

done wonderful.

You are a great mom. You did everything the Dr. said. You are getting your

daughter a helmet. All the work you are doing for shows how

wonderful and a loving mother you are. Please don't feel guilty anymore. I

haven't had a preemie but I have heard many

others with preemies say that does play a part in it.

Good luck with her fitting next week!

Angie and Jenna (Starbanded 10/21)

New to all this

> Hi! My daughter will be fitted for her helmet next week.

> I'm not worried about her wearing it. We are planning to decorate

> it up! However, I do have some questions for anyone who wants to

> answer back.

> 1. What do you say to people when they ask you what happened? Do

> you go into detail about plagiocephaly, or what?

> 2. Does anyone feel like it is their fault that this happened? I

> am a stay home mom, and I feel like I did all I could to avoid

> this. I followed the doctor's recommendations - We moved her to

> different sides of the crib, moved her on the changing table, moved

> her to different arms when feeding, did tummy time, etc. Still, I

> feel like people look at me like I did something wrong. I had to

> exercise her neck daily to get her to turn her head to the left.

> She was a preemie, born 4 weeks early, and from what I've read that

> could have played a part in this. However, I still feel like people

> look at me like I could have prevented this. Does anyone else feel

> this way? And if not - talk me out of it! I hate feeling guilty,

> knowing I did all I could to prevent it.

> Thanks,

> Tammy (Mom to , 7 months)



> For more plagio info

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Tammy, Hi, how funny, my cousins name is Tammy and she has a daughter names !! But, we have heard all sorts of things about our son's helmet. I think that with everyone here, we could write a book about what people say to us. Our son has a locally made helmet, and people are always stopping us asking why does he need to wear a bike helmet in a stroller? Or does he have to wear that because he bangs his head on things? Or the funniest is where in the world did you get a stocking hat like that? Ok, first of all, his helmet looks like a bike helmet, not a stocking hat! But, we just tell them that he has a flat head from being a breached baby. But if they made a really weird coment about it, we just laugh and walk away. But it is so funny, since my husband is a teacher and a coach, right now he is in wrestling, everyone at the meets knows why Jeffry has to wear a helmet, but they all refer to it as his "head gear" , I think that is the best one yet. You have to just take it all with a grain of salt, and laugh. It is a lot of fun though to hear these things. Best of luck and let us know what you hear. Heidi, mom to Jeffry, local helmet, MN New to all this Hi! My daughter will be fitted for her helmet next week. I'm not worried about her wearing it. We are planning to decorate it up! However, I do have some questions for anyone who wants to answer back. 1. What do you say to people when they ask you what happened? Do you go into detail about plagiocephaly, or what?2. Does anyone feel like it is their fault that this happened? I am a stay home mom, and I feel like I did all I could to avoid this. I followed the doctor's recommendations - We moved her to different sides of the crib, moved her on the changing table, moved her to different arms when feeding, did tummy time, etc. Still, I feel like people look at me like I did something wrong. I had to exercise her neck daily to get her to turn her head to the left. She was a preemie, born 4 weeks early, and from what I've read that could have played a part in this. However, I still feel like people look at me like I could have prevented this. Does anyone else feel this way? And if not - talk me out of it! I hate feeling guilty, knowing I did all I could to prevent it.Thanks,Tammy (Mom to , 7 months)For more plagio info

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Welcome Tammy ... this is a great group of people who have lots of good advice. My son just got banded yesterday and we have already had lots of questions and comments from lots of people. So far all of them have been pretty positive. I think I would rather they ask about it then just stare. The staring hasn't bothered me ... my husband gets a little irked though. I think he thinks is getting his feelings hurt. Since he is only 7 months I really doubt that, lol. We went to the zoo after his first fitting and a group of school kids were saying that he was the cutest baby ever ... which he is in me eyes, lol. That just proves that the band doesn't take from their personalties and charming baby looks.

Mom of banded 7/16/03 7 months

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Hi Tammy,

My daughter, , was born 3 weeks early and I also had to do neck

stretches with her.

1. When people would ask what happened I wouldn't get really

technical or say too much. I would basically say that 's head

got squished when I was carrying her and the helmet was working much

like braces for teeth to mold her head back into shape. If they

seemed to want to know more I would elaborate from there.

2. I too am a SAHM and I felt some guilt for not realizing that

there was a problem to correct. When was diagnosed with

plagiocephaly AND torticollis I felt sad and angry that other babies

didn't have to go through stretching and had perfectly round heads.

Why did my baby have to struggle through all of this? Could I have

prevented the severity some way? But I came to realize there was no

way to have prevented it. I could have treated it sooner if 's

pediatrician had been more concerned, but not prevented it.

was diagnosed with both conditions at 4 months, banded at 5

months and graduated at 7.5 months. With constant neck stretching

her tort was resolved fairly quickly.

Now that all treatments are completed I feel a lot better. You

definitely will too. Please don't beat yourself up over this. It

sounds like you've done a great job with and you've already

been proactive with the stretching and getting her helmet. The time

passes quicker than you'd think :)

& (10 months, STARband Grad)

> Hi! My daughter will be fitted for her helmet next week.

> I'm not worried about her wearing it. We are planning to decorate

> it up! However, I do have some questions for anyone who wants to

> answer back.

> 1. What do you say to people when they ask you what happened? Do

> you go into detail about plagiocephaly, or what?

> 2. Does anyone feel like it is their fault that this happened? I

> am a stay home mom, and I feel like I did all I could to avoid

> this. I followed the doctor's recommendations - We moved her to

> different sides of the crib, moved her on the changing table, moved

> her to different arms when feeding, did tummy time, etc. Still, I

> feel like people look at me like I did something wrong. I had to

> exercise her neck daily to get her to turn her head to the left.

> She was a preemie, born 4 weeks early, and from what I've read that

> could have played a part in this. However, I still feel like


> look at me like I could have prevented this. Does anyone else feel

> this way? And if not - talk me out of it! I hate feeling guilty,

> knowing I did all I could to prevent it.

> Thanks,

> Tammy (Mom to , 7 months)

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hello all,

I am the 3 f's (41,fat and fair) I don't consider myself

horribly overweight though- just enough to have gallstones :-)

I have just diagnosed myself (with the help of a few friends)

with having gallbladder pain. My pain is in my back on the right side

that hurts when I take a deep breath and radiates to my shoulder and

my breast bone.

Having just had 2 major surgeries in the last 5 months(total

hysterectomy with bladder repair, leaving one ovary and a breast

reduction) and a minor surgery (trgger thumb release) when I had my

hyst. I really don't want to have another surgery, I can't afford it

for one thing a for another I do not want to go through the pain of

another surgery.

BUT, I am having big pain with this gallbladder thing and I was

looking up alternatives to surgery when I found this site and started

thinking about doing all this stuff.

Could someone please tell me, like I'm 6 years old- what to do

first and why I need to do it? I have been reading that I need to do

a flush- but which is better the week long thing or the overnight

thing, and do I need to do a kidney flush before I do the liver

flush? and what about the bug zapper?? How much does all this cost to

do- I am very poor at the moment and if I have to buy a grapefruit

then that's fine but what about all the other stuff that goes with

it? I also have a 1/2 gallon of olive oil that I bought at sam's club

is this OK or do I need a different kind?

Did I mention that I am pretty scared about doing the flush

thing as I saw that gallbladder full of stones and about passed out

and how in the world do those things comeout of you?

I have a poor diet as well, yesterday I ate a frozen yogurt bar,

2 slices of pizza from dominos and their dots dipped in sugar, I had

tuna noodle casserole with fresh cauliflower (yay!) for dinner and

then a few dark chocolate kisses before I went to bed. I have no

fruit in my house seeing as we just got back from vacation, on

vacation I had a few nights with pain on the night that I had sloppy

joes and the night I had spaghetti, I have pain pills though from the

doc who thought I had a spinal spur so when I have big pain I just

get up and take a pain pill (vicoden 500mg)sometimes I have to take 2.

Am I beyond hope? I am willing to try this so I don't have to

have surgery but I have read that doing the flush does not always

help the pain and that is what I am concerned about. I also don't

know that I'm willing to change my diet forever so should I just get

it out and forget it? Help someone please :-)

thanks for reading-sorry so long- karela

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Hi Karela and welcome to the group.

No one whose undergone surgeries willingly wants to be subjected to

further avoidable trauma on the body. But I am concerned as to your

symptoms clearly indicating gallbladder problems. The pain is

mostly under the right ribs in the FRONT, but may also radiate to

the back.

Relying on pain killers is only good for a short time solution.

Pain killers are no good on a daily basis for the overall good

functioning of your body. Constipation and kidney disfunction may

be the result.

Some of your questions will be answered by going to the files and

the links section of the group. Read the files and I'm sure that

you will find some good info.

Getting healthy is not only doing a " flush " . It is a total

lifestyle. You must also eat healthy. There are many ways to get a

healthy liver/ gallbladder and some are more suitable for each

individual. You also do not need to go the expensive route. I've

dug up my own dandelion roots in clean ground instead of buying them

already processed.

Please feel free to ask any further questions.

Good luck on your pathway to health,


" karela41 " <HdSo5@a...> wrote:

> I have just diagnosed myself (with the help of a few friends)

> with having gallbladder pain. My pain is in my back on the right


> that hurts when I take a deep breath and radiates to my shoulder


> my breast bone.

>...Could someone please tell me, like I'm 6 years old- what to do

> first and why I need to do it?

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Hi karela,

Welcome to the list. There's lots of info here in the archives and

the links like Suzanne said, and there are many opinions, so no one

can really saw step by step what you personally need to do. My

opinion for what it's worth is that your biggest immediate need is

to keep researching and learning. Only then can you make good

decisions about your own health. All this need not be expensive,

but the most information out there is going to be provided by

someone who wants to sell you something (Dr. Hulda is one

exception). You've got to sift through it all and see what you want

to do the most and the least. It will boil down to what long term

effects do you want compared with what short term convenience you

get. You can usually find less expensive ways to get the good

benefits that someone will charge you a lot for.

Educating yourself about alternative health methods eventually leads

you to realize that the difference between conventional methods and

alternative is that conventional methods try and eliminate the

symptoms without curing the problem, and usually making worse

problems in the process. The alternative methods eliminate health

problems, and the symptoms go away on their own. Your pain pills

eliminate, temporarilly, the symptom of a malfunctioning body. The

body continues to malfunction. Other worse symptoms show up later.

Removing the gall bladder removes one of the symptoms of a

malfunctioning body and causes more malfunctioning with more

symptoms eventually. The body continues to malfunction and as you

get older the symptoms just keep increasing. The medical community

gives you the reason " you're just getting old " . Let's just get old

without accelerating our loss of good health if we can :)

I wish I could tell you that you can just do a flush or two and

avoid surgery and not even have to change your eating habits but....

Keep researching and bite off one chunk at a time. Try to

incorporate one good thing into your life at a time. As you get

used to the one thing, try another. Example: Try and cut back on

white sugar, white flour, and hydrolized oil (margerine). Ok, well,

that's three things :), but they are all so important that you can't

go wrong getting them all out of the way at once. The less your

food is processed the better is a good general rule for making daily

choices of what to eat. You'll find out more about what will

benefit you and see what you think you can do.

You can make your own zapper if you want to, or find an

electronically inclined person to do it for you. You can do a

parasite cleans with herbs without the zapper. Or, you can do like

a lot of other people and skip the parasite cleanse and go right to

the liver flush. Ideally, you'd do the parasite cleanse first with

the herbs with our without the zapper, but that's up to you.

See your post wasn't so long.

Best Regards,


> Hello all,

> I am the 3 f's (41,fat and fair) I don't consider myself

> horribly overweight though- just enough to have gallstones :-)

> I have just diagnosed myself (with the help of a few friends)

> with having gallbladder pain. My pain is in my back on the right


> that hurts when I take a deep breath and radiates to my shoulder


> my breast bone.

> Having just had 2 major surgeries in the last 5 months(total

> hysterectomy with bladder repair, leaving one ovary and a breast

> reduction) and a minor surgery (trgger thumb release) when I had


> hyst. I really don't want to have another surgery, I can't afford


> for one thing a for another I do not want to go through the pain


> another surgery.

> BUT, I am having big pain with this gallbladder thing and I


> looking up alternatives to surgery when I found this site and


> thinking about doing all this stuff.

> Could someone please tell me, like I'm 6 years old- what to


> first and why I need to do it? I have been reading that I need to


> a flush- but which is better the week long thing or the overnight

> thing, and do I need to do a kidney flush before I do the liver

> flush? and what about the bug zapper?? How much does all this cost


> do- I am very poor at the moment and if I have to buy a grapefruit

> then that's fine but what about all the other stuff that goes with

> it? I also have a 1/2 gallon of olive oil that I bought at sam's


> is this OK or do I need a different kind?

> Did I mention that I am pretty scared about doing the flush

> thing as I saw that gallbladder full of stones and about passed


> and how in the world do those things comeout of you?

> I have a poor diet as well, yesterday I ate a frozen yogurt


> 2 slices of pizza from dominos and their dots dipped in sugar, I


> tuna noodle casserole with fresh cauliflower (yay!) for dinner and

> then a few dark chocolate kisses before I went to bed. I have no

> fruit in my house seeing as we just got back from vacation, on

> vacation I had a few nights with pain on the night that I had


> joes and the night I had spaghetti, I have pain pills though from


> doc who thought I had a spinal spur so when I have big pain I just

> get up and take a pain pill (vicoden 500mg)sometimes I have to

take 2.

> Am I beyond hope? I am willing to try this so I don't have to

> have surgery but I have read that doing the flush does not always

> help the pain and that is what I am concerned about. I also don't

> know that I'm willing to change my diet forever so should I just


> it out and forget it? Help someone please :-)

> thanks for reading-sorry so long- karela

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Karela, I admire you for wanting to put a stop to the surgical

approach to health -- that takes a lot of courage. You made me laugh

when you said " Could someone please tell me, like I'm 6 years old. "

It made me laugh because that's the way I felt when I came here. But,

I quickly realized that everyone here has a completely different

approach (which is far better than everyone rigidly thinking there is

only one way!) so I got busy and did the research they suggested. I

took a few weeks to get everything together -- I printed out

a " cleanse recipe " so I would be able to haul it with me to the store

so I wouldn't forget what I would need and I started taking anti-

parasite herbs (I take garlic, cayenne, and black walnut hulls).

I didn't take the herbs for very long before I decided to go ahead

and do the gall-bladder cleanse. The cleanse I did involved the half-

day fast, a simple epsom salt enema, and drinking 16oz. of cold-

pressed olive oil and 1 cup of lemon juice slowly over a 3 hour

period then going to sleep and waiting until morning to flush the

gallstones out.

I'm kind of impatient and not great with rules and directions so I

suspect that if the cleanse worked for me (and it did) that it could

work for anyone. I passed hundreds of small (pea-sized) stones, and a

couple dozen stones the size of large grapes. It didn't hurt to pass

the stones. The " flushing " action of the cleanse felt a little like

having a mild case of the 'flu so I stayed at home as much as I

could, but I didn't have any cramping or fever or any other adverse


Cost...I got everything at Wal-Mart...about $2 for the olive oil, $2

for the lemons, $1.50 for the Epsom salts, $10 for the rubber enema

bag (kit). Everything else I had on hand. The herbs (the three I use

are all available at Wal-Mart) cost about $4-6 a bottle, but if you

got your cayenne and garlic in the grocery aisles they would probably

be cheaper.

Yes, you should make radical changes in your diet. Yes, you should

check with a doctor to make sure you're not experiencing the early

symptoms of a heart attack and not gallstones. But even if you don't

do either one of these you can still do a cleanse and be reasonably

sure that you will be much better off than before you did the


The better your diet the fewer cleanses you'll need to do, but there

are some people here who seem to have the dietary will-power of a

Buddhist monk and they still have problems and need to do the

cleanses. I'm not very good at dieting, either, but I try. Hanging

out here helps because these people help to give me motivation.

Again, I'm not a doctor, and as far as I know my approach only works

for me and there are those who would doubt that it even " works " for

me! So, I won't feel badly if you ignore all of it! I wish you good

health and wise choices.


> Hello all,

> I am the 3 f's (41,fat and fair) I don't consider myself

> horribly overweight though- just enough to have gallstones :-)

> I have just diagnosed myself (with the help of a few friends)

> with having gallbladder pain. My pain is in my back on the right


> that hurts when I take a deep breath and radiates to my shoulder


> my breast bone.

> Having just had 2 major surgeries in the last 5 months(total

> hysterectomy with bladder repair, leaving one ovary and a breast

> reduction) and a minor surgery (trgger thumb release) when I had my

> hyst. I really don't want to have another surgery, I can't afford


> for one thing a for another I do not want to go through the pain of

> another surgery.

> BUT, I am having big pain with this gallbladder thing and I


> looking up alternatives to surgery when I found this site and


> thinking about doing all this stuff.

> Could someone please tell me, like I'm 6 years old- what to do

> first and why I need to do it? I have been reading that I need to


> a flush- but which is better the week long thing or the overnight

> thing, and do I need to do a kidney flush before I do the liver

> flush? and what about the bug zapper?? How much does all this cost


> do- I am very poor at the moment and if I have to buy a grapefruit

> then that's fine but what about all the other stuff that goes with

> it? I also have a 1/2 gallon of olive oil that I bought at sam's


> is this OK or do I need a different kind?

> Did I mention that I am pretty scared about doing the flush

> thing as I saw that gallbladder full of stones and about passed out

> and how in the world do those things comeout of you?

> I have a poor diet as well, yesterday I ate a frozen yogurt


> 2 slices of pizza from dominos and their dots dipped in sugar, I


> tuna noodle casserole with fresh cauliflower (yay!) for dinner and

> then a few dark chocolate kisses before I went to bed. I have no

> fruit in my house seeing as we just got back from vacation, on

> vacation I had a few nights with pain on the night that I had


> joes and the night I had spaghetti, I have pain pills though from


> doc who thought I had a spinal spur so when I have big pain I just

> get up and take a pain pill (vicoden 500mg)sometimes I have to take


> Am I beyond hope? I am willing to try this so I don't have to

> have surgery but I have read that doing the flush does not always

> help the pain and that is what I am concerned about. I also don't

> know that I'm willing to change my diet forever so should I just


> it out and forget it? Help someone please :-)

> thanks for reading-sorry so long- karela

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I describe the cleanse I did on one of my web pages.

You really don't have to buy all the extras suggested,

the basic cleanse will work...but some like to go deeper

with their cleanses so some products are mentioned.

I think my description of what I did is pretty good, but does

need updating as I keep adding things here and there,

and just did another flush a month or so ago.

The link is http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html

Happy reading, cleansing and flushing <smile>.

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes


FREE Health Analysis:



" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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Hello karela!

First i would like to say that it is very good you have decided to go

nline and do a little research, now you you know more about healthy

living and hopefully will continue to learn more. With searching for

information you have started your treatment!

I am sure you are already familiar with many wonderful procedures

which can make your body much healthier.

You definitely need to do something and do it as soon as possible.

Bowel cleanse, antiparasite program, kidney cleanse, liver cleanse-

these buddies will help you a lot in your health problems. Some of

them need preparation time (like liver cleanse), some don't.

What you can do right now is to change your diet and add some

exercises to your daily routine. Processed foods, sugar, chocolate,

products of flour(bread, pastas, cookies, pies, pizzas, white rice,

instant oats, cornmeal...), canned food, fast food, soft drinks,

animal fats- these contribute greatly into rapid developing of the

diseases; you should try to avoid them, or at least have as little of

them as possible. it is hard in the beginning but believe me, you

will have less and less cravings for them as you reduce them and

substitute them for more healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, nuts,

sprouted grains, oils... Exercising will help you in it, try to walk

at least 15 min per day every day-this should be a minumum program to

do daily.

Prior to doing kidney and liver cleanse you should do a bowel

cleanse. your intestines should be cleansed of old accumulations in

order for a liver cleanse to be successful. if you are constipated

your bowel cleanse should last longer, at least 2 weeks to clear your

bowels properly before the liver cleanse. Read more about bowel

cleanse in the bowel cleanse section of the site. Combine bowel

cleanse with parasite cleanse and after you are finished with it

start kidney cleanse followed by liver cleanse. You can also read

more about them on the site.

Try to maintain a healthy diet, exercises, cleanses and your body

will show its gratitude by being healthy and beautiful.

You can do it, good luck!

> Hello all,

> I am the 3 f's (41,fat and fair) I don't consider myself

> horribly overweight though- just enough to have gallstones :-)

> I have just diagnosed myself (with the help of a few friends)

> with having gallbladder pain. My pain is in my back on the right


> that hurts when I take a deep breath and radiates to my shoulder


> my breast bone.

> Having just had 2 major surgeries in the last 5 months(total

> hysterectomy with bladder repair, leaving one ovary and a breast

> reduction) and a minor surgery (trgger thumb release) when I had my

> hyst. I really don't want to have another surgery, I can't afford


> for one thing a for another I do not want to go through the pain of

> another surgery.

> BUT, I am having big pain with this gallbladder thing and I


> looking up alternatives to surgery when I found this site and


> thinking about doing all this stuff.

> Could someone please tell me, like I'm 6 years old- what to do

> first and why I need to do it? I have been reading that I need to


> a flush- but which is better the week long thing or the overnight

> thing, and do I need to do a kidney flush before I do the liver

> flush? and what about the bug zapper?? How much does all this cost


> do- I am very poor at the moment and if I have to buy a grapefruit

> then that's fine but what about all the other stuff that goes with

> it? I also have a 1/2 gallon of olive oil that I bought at sam's


> is this OK or do I need a different kind?

> Did I mention that I am pretty scared about doing the flush

> thing as I saw that gallbladder full of stones and about passed out

> and how in the world do those things comeout of you?

> I have a poor diet as well, yesterday I ate a frozen yogurt


> 2 slices of pizza from dominos and their dots dipped in sugar, I


> tuna noodle casserole with fresh cauliflower (yay!) for dinner and

> then a few dark chocolate kisses before I went to bed. I have no

> fruit in my house seeing as we just got back from vacation, on

> vacation I had a few nights with pain on the night that I had


> joes and the night I had spaghetti, I have pain pills though from


> doc who thought I had a spinal spur so when I have big pain I just

> get up and take a pain pill (vicoden 500mg)sometimes I have to take


> Am I beyond hope? I am willing to try this so I don't have to

> have surgery but I have read that doing the flush does not always

> help the pain and that is what I am concerned about. I also don't

> know that I'm willing to change my diet forever so should I just


> it out and forget it? Help someone please :-)

> thanks for reading-sorry so long- karela

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> get the things julia has for your problems at

> www.sensiblehealth.com or call 1-416-248-2930

> she says your liver needs to be clean to release gstones.

> i had to use the malic acid for 4 day fast, then 4 flushes in a row

> to get the sludge and mucusy slime out it was yellow to almost to

> white, this is how a nanobacteria pluges the bile ductes a md. told me.

> read www.nanobaclabs.com

> www.hemex.com/paradigm_shift.html

> >

> > Hello all,

> > I am the 3 f's (41,fat and fair) I don't consider myself

> > horribly overweight though- just enough to have gallstones :-)

> > I have just diagnosed myself (with the help of a few friends)

> > with having gallbladder pain. My pain is in my back on the right side

> > that hurts when I take a deep breath and radiates to my shoulder and

> > my breast bone.

> > Having just had 2 major surgeries in the last 5 months(total

> > hysterectomy with bladder repair, leaving one ovary and a breast

> > reduction) and a minor surgery (trgger thumb release) when I had my

> > hyst. I really don't want to have another surgery, I can't afford it

> > for one thing a for another I do not want to go through the pain of

> > another surgery.

> > BUT, I am having big pain with this gallbladder thing and I was

> > looking up alternatives to surgery when I found this site and started

> > thinking about doing all this stuff.

> > Could someone please tell me, like I'm 6 years old- what to do

> > first and why I need to do it? I have been reading that I need to do

> > a flush- but which is better the week long thing or the overnight

> > thing, and do I need to do a kidney flush before I do the liver

> > flush? and what about the bug zapper?? How much does all this cost to

> > do- I am very poor at the moment and if I have to buy a grapefruit

> > then that's fine but what about all the other stuff that goes with

> > it? I also have a 1/2 gallon of olive oil that I bought at sam's club

> > is this OK or do I need a different kind?

> > Did I mention that I am pretty scared about doing the flush

> > thing as I saw that gallbladder full of stones and about passed out

> > and how in the world do those things comeout of you?

> > I have a poor diet as well, yesterday I ate a frozen yogurt bar,

> > 2 slices of pizza from dominos and their dots dipped in sugar, I had

> > tuna noodle casserole with fresh cauliflower (yay!) for dinner and

> > then a few dark chocolate kisses before I went to bed. I have no

> > fruit in my house seeing as we just got back from vacation, on

> > vacation I had a few nights with pain on the night that I had sloppy

> > joes and the night I had spaghetti, I have pain pills though from the

> > doc who thought I had a spinal spur so when I have big pain I just

> > get up and take a pain pill (vicoden 500mg)sometimes I have to take 2.

> > Am I beyond hope? I am willing to try this so I don't have to

> > have surgery but I have read that doing the flush does not always

> > help the pain and that is what I am concerned about. I also don't

> > know that I'm willing to change my diet forever so should I just get

> > it out and forget it? Help someone please :-)

> > thanks for reading-sorry so long- ka

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