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Re: first cleanse (was: a few questions)

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What you experienced doing your cleanse is not

unusual, some have fairly miserable nights doing the

flush depending upon a number of things, how toxic

you are, how large the stones are that are trying to

pass, etc. Sounds like it was successful to me! The

problem is having the courage to do it again after

having a bad experience. I've had nights like

you describe, but do not always throw up.

Did you shake the olive oil together with

grapefruit juice before drinking? This has made

a big difference for me, much better than the lemon

juice approach for me. In a few hours things

begin to happen, and that is when you may experience

nausea. If you can lay still through it, and maybe

suck on a mint, you may find that it will subside in

time, as the stones pass and the contractions let

up. I find that to be true most of the time. Since

you're new at this, you may have been inclined to

jump out of bed when you felt like you were

going to throw up. If you don't try and wait it out

a bit, and jump out of bed you will throw up.

Keep a bowl next to the bed just in case, so you

won't have that " will I make it to the bathroom "

concern. There may be times when you will have

no choice but to run to the bathroom, though.

Every flush is so very different, don't expect

what happened now to happen every time.

You did well passing the stones you did, and

will probably see more throughout the day!


L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes


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" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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Dear ,

Congratulations on your first flush!

You did seem to get some stones out and there is also chaff, which

many people talk about. That is fine like sand. Have a 2 week rest

and try again. There may still be something to cleanse in the


Keep taking your herbs, some of them may actually shrink or soften

stones already there and may also prevent more from forming. Also

see which foods promote good bile flow (look in group page's links

and files). If your liver gets congested, the bile may also be very

thick and therefore not giving optimum function.

I agree with in the sense that, if you feel like throwing

up, it's a good idea to try to overcome the feeling. Sometimes it's

more of a mental challenge than a physical challenge. The most

important thing is to lie flat for as long as possible.

Some recipes ask you to lie on one side, others tell you to pull

your knees up to your chest. The most important part is to keep

lying down, not on which side you lie. I've tried various positions

and can't seem to see a difference with myself (although I'm sure

that there are many who may feel that only one position is best).

I do prefer the recipe which uses fresh grapefruit juice and oil.

You can shake it up nicely and when oil and juice are mixed, it

doesn't taste too bad - which is a big bonus to keep your mind off

of throwing up. I've never thrown up on the cleanse, but did during

my first attack. I feel that it was more of a mental thing, because

it didn't help me the first time and I never did it again - even

though I did have just as severe attacks later.(this was all before

I discovered the cleanse and new lifestyle for a healthier liver and

gallbladder and keep touching a lot of wood :) ).

To sum it up - don't get disappointed and best of health to you,


" " <vegan_chick@y...> wrote:

> I'm kinda disappointed right now...I got most of the oil and lemon

> down ( I made extra, so I really drank a little bit more than both


> my recipes suggested) before i gagged, at which point i stopped.

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Really, , that's not so bad! Congratulations on getting the oil

and lemon down to start with. I'm sure you will have flushed more

stones by now, so I'll go on to read the rest of the posts. 's

suggestions are great so I hope you will try them next time. I also

hope you won't get discouraged and that there will be a next time.


> > > lessee, one is called " Liver support Factors " and is made by a

> > > company called BioChem. it contains B6 calcium, zinc, L-

> > methionine,

> > > milk thistle, barberry, buplerum, taurine, inositol, atrichoke,

> > etc.

> > > many other things :) The other is called Liv. 52 and is made


> > > Himalaya ProSelect. I can give you a full list of the contents


> > you

> > > like. They don't contain any of the herbs Dr. suggested


> i

> > > may try to find some of those when i get another paycheck.


> > > enough (to me at least) some of her recommended liver herbs are

> in

> > > the parasite formula that i found and have been taking for a

> > little

> > > over a week.

> > >

> > > So for the past few days i've been chugging apple juice, but


> > to

> > > stop early because all the acid was creating sores in my


> > > Today I ate only breakfast, I've recently taken my first dose


> > > epsom salts, and I drink the oil w/ lemon tonight. I'm REALLY

> > > looking forward to seeing what happens tomorrow. I also know

> that

> > > that comment would sound weird to most people that are not on

> this

> > > list. Wish me luck with my first cleanse!

> > >

> > > -elisa

> > > " Vince Richter " <new_man85@h...>

> > >

> > > > That's great that your GP is open to herbs! What did he/she

> > > > recommend?

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