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Re: flush w/o gallbladder?

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Hi, :

Been a while since I've been on here much. Listen, you remember that I had

my GB out in June? Well, I'll update. I had pancreatitis too! I had two

small stones stuck in my bile duct causing bile to back up. Anyway, I passed


in the hospital, which released the bile and the other one was removed in an

ERCP procedure. The gastro doc did something with my spinchter of oddi. I was

so dopey when he told me, I'm not sure if he removed it or not or what he

did, to be honest. I just know that the nurses said that I couldn't have

anything to eat or drink because it could mess up the internal stitches. The


day I had my GB removed and everything went just fine.

I've been doing okay for some time now except I'm noticing some mild pain in

my upper right abdomen and upper left abdomen right under my left ribs. I've

read that some people who've had pancreatitis, also GB removal, sometimes have

a spinchter of oddi dysfunction. As a matter of fact, sometimes these people

tend to get sicker as time goes on and constantly get pancreatitis. I guess

it's called chronic pancreatitis.

So I'm just curious, have you ever heard of this? Have you ever had pain in

your upper left abdomen under your left ribs?



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Hi Susie,

I have had my gallbladder out now for almost 6 years. I still have had

the symptoms of gallstones without the acute attacks. (almost) I have

passed at least 3 stones with really sharp pain but in a little while

the pain had subsided. I believe the stones passed.

I was wondering if taking epsom salts would make these episodes a little

easier. I also read someone say magnesium, Are they talking as epsom

salts or would plain magnesium oxide work to relax the duct work as well?

I also was diagnosed with an enlarged spleen. This is located under the

left bottom ribs. I have pain and discomfort most of the time. mostly

it feels like a big ball under the ribs. When it get larger, I can tell

I feel more lethargic and not very well. I attribute it to a food that

is not agreeing with me. or an infection. It is hard to tell as it

could be something from days before.

I would see if they could do an ultrasound of the spleen as that is what

is located in that area.

G Murray

Tishri7@... wrote:

> Hi, :


> Been a while since I've been on here much. Listen, you remember that I had

> my GB out in June? Well, I'll update. I had pancreatitis too! I had two

> small stones stuck in my bile duct causing bile to back up. Anyway, I passed


> in the hospital, which released the bile and the other one was removed in an

> ERCP procedure. The gastro doc did something with my spinchter of oddi. I


> so dopey when he told me, I'm not sure if he removed it or not or what he

> did, to be honest. I just know that the nurses said that I couldn't have

> anything to eat or drink because it could mess up the internal stitches. The


> day I had my GB removed and everything went just fine.


> I've been doing okay for some time now except I'm noticing some mild pain in

> my upper right abdomen and upper left abdomen right under my left ribs. I've

> read that some people who've had pancreatitis, also GB removal, sometimes have

> a spinchter of oddi dysfunction. As a matter of fact, sometimes these people

> tend to get sicker as time goes on and constantly get pancreatitis. I guess

> it's called chronic pancreatitis.


> So I'm just curious, have you ever heard of this? Have you ever had pain in

> your upper left abdomen under your left ribs?


> Thanks,

> Susie




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When I've had " pain that...feels like a big ball under the ribs " it

tends to be an allergic reaction. It causes a lot of gas in my system

and the fastest and easiest way I have found of getting rid of this

gas is taking 2g of Vitamin C, then taking another dose an hour

later, followed by more if I need it. The first dose takes care of

the " big ball " feeling, and the next dose usually sends the offending

allergen right on through my system.

I've also been advised by an ND to take as much vitamin C as my

bowels can tolerate, along with lecithin and flax seed oil, to help

rid myself of gall-stones. Maybe it's just a slower, daily version of

the liver flush?

Oh, the magnesium is in the Epsom salts. Taking a dose of Epsom salts

should make your stone-passing episodes less painful.


> > Hi, :

> >

> > Been a while since I've been on here much. Listen, you remember

that I had

> > my GB out in June? Well, I'll update. I had pancreatitis too!

I had two

> > small stones stuck in my bile duct causing bile to back up.

Anyway, I passed one

> > in the hospital, which released the bile and the other one was

removed in an

> > ERCP procedure. The gastro doc did something with my spinchter

of oddi. I was

> > so dopey when he told me, I'm not sure if he removed it or not or

what he

> > did, to be honest. I just know that the nurses said that I

couldn't have

> > anything to eat or drink because it could mess up the internal

stitches. The next

> > day I had my GB removed and everything went just fine.

> >

> > I've been doing okay for some time now except I'm noticing some

mild pain in

> > my upper right abdomen and upper left abdomen right under my left

ribs. I've

> > read that some people who've had pancreatitis, also GB removal,

sometimes have

> > a spinchter of oddi dysfunction. As a matter of fact, sometimes

these people

> > tend to get sicker as time goes on and constantly get

pancreatitis. I guess

> > it's called chronic pancreatitis.

> >

> > So I'm just curious, have you ever heard of this? Have you ever

had pain in

> > your upper left abdomen under your left ribs?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Susie

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> Are they talking as epsom salts or would plain

> magnesium oxide work to relax the duct work as well?

Epsom salts and magnesium oxide are the same.

> I also was diagnosed with an enlarged spleen. This is located under the

> left bottom ribs. I have pain and discomfort most of the time. mostly

> it feels like a big ball under the ribs. When it get larger, I can tell

> I feel more lethargic and not very well. I attribute it to a food that

> is not agreeing with me. or an infection. It is hard to tell as it

> could be something from days before.

It sounds like you could use a good cleansing of the lymphatic

system. The spleen is part of that system. There is more

lymphatic fluid in the body than there is blood, and it

does not have a pump like the heart to move it through the

body, so only moves through exercise. You'll also notice

if you look at an Anatomy book that much of the lymphatic

system is around the heart and lung area, where you are

breathing, the lungs constantly moving contribute to the

movement of fluids though the lymphatics, deep breathing

good. Very important to get enough pure water each day

to keep the body flushing out toxins, and lymph cleansing

herbs may help, too. Here's one that may interest you:


or you may find something similar at a health food store.

There may be other issues, too, but just from information

given, thought this might help...all usual disclaimers apply.

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes


FREE Health Analysis:



" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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How are magnesium sulfate and magnesium oxide the same?

G Murray

L. Meydrech wrote:

>> Are they talking as epsom salts or would plain

>>magnesium oxide work to relax the duct work as well?



> Epsom salts and magnesium oxide are the same.



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you're right and I know better...senior moment :-)

> magnesium oxide no magnesium sulphate yes.


> " L. Meydrech " <claudiameydrech@...> wrote:> Are they

talking as epsom salts or would plain

> > magnesium oxide work to relax the duct work as well?


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