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need groups help with some questions

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I do not know what is causing the spell's as I call them, but they

give me the shakes for no reason or not that I am aware of.

Several things are going on here.

1st of all: I get the shakes, in my arms and legs and almost go out

from underneth me.

2nd if I get it goes away.

3rd if I get to much I get nots in my stomach or feels like it ( get

a full feeling alot) and really haven't eaten that much to make me

full, but I feel full.

4th is I have been to the hospital and they told me my white cell

count was high but did not tell me the ##'s of how high and I

wouldn't really know what it means anyways if they told me. The

reason I was in the hosptal was because I could not eat or drink for

8 days and did not have any hunger or appetite at all. Because I'm

not one for starving myself...

5th is in the last month I have put on over 30 lbs for no reason and

I can tell you I don't eat that bad or that much.

most days consist of 2 cups oakmeal or cereal for breakfast and meal

and orange juice, ham or turker sandwich on wheat bread with luttece

and tomato for lunch with about 24 oz of water. Dinner is usually a

salad and a peach and 2 8oz glasses of water or 1 glass of tea

Throughout the day I snack on fruit and drink water throughout the

day at work.

5th I had my gallbladder taken out less then 8 months ago and the

only reason they did that was because I turned Janduice i almost

could fit into the pumpkin patch.. I had not stones or blockage they

could find. They also took it out and rerouted my bile duct into my


they also said my liver at the time was 3 times larger then it should

be. they also said that they think I have a liver disease but not

sure and did not run anymore test.

6th also I do not know of any liver disease or lung disease in our

family because all my family has pass on and I don't know what from.

But I also have coughing attacks, where I feel I can't breath or I

will pass out. I know I can not do the exercise like I use too.

I did a lung test the other day called a speciometer and my test

showed some thing like 2.73 -2.84 I don't know what that means ,

but I know that is was hard on me to do. Also if this helps my

weight is 208, and just a month ago I was at 187, and a month before

that I was at 160. so in the last 6 months I have been putting on

the weight and food intake has not changed, exercise has, because I

have a hard time breathing.

I am only 34 yrs old and up til 2 yrs ago I was healthy ran in

marathons,trathlons,bike races (ms150) , swimming, etc..

I was involved in an auto accident 1 1/2 yrs ago and had surgery on

my neck and back - rear in accident. I was sitting still and got hit

about 65 mph.

Also I am a twin and I weight 1 1/2 lbs at birth and was in one of

those icabators for 3 months. My twin has had only minor things

gallstones and hernia.

I hope this helps and I hope someone can help me out with this

information, please help me understand what is going on and what I

need to do to correct these from happening, so I can live a happier


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