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dr. G. infection in gb

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Dr. s is it possable to have aan infection in my gb from

#32 wisdom tooth that was pulled in 1999, now i have ostomylites in the

jaw, it has been cleaned out 4 times.

when i do a gb/liver flush i do it 2 to 4 days and i get hot and clamy,

if i take a dropper full 1100 ppm c.silver i feel better with in 5 min.

they are to clean the jaw next week again, is this a focal infection to

the gullblader?


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> Dr. s is it possable to have aan infection in my gb from

> #32 wisdom tooth that was pulled in 1999, now i have ostomylites in the

> jaw, it has been cleaned out 4 times.

> when i do a gb/liver flush i do it 2 to 4 days and i get hot and clamy,

> if i take a dropper full 1100 ppm c.silver i feel better with in 5 min.

> they are to clean the jaw next week again, is this a focal infection to

> the gullblader?

> roger


In the 1950s, Dr. Voll discovered that each tooth in the mouth relates to a

specific acupuncture meridian. Using his electro-acupuncture biofeedback

technique, he found that if a tooth became infected or diseased, the organ

on the same meridian could also become infected or diseased and vice versa.

The tooth on the gallbladder meridian is the canine, so according to this

theory, it is the canine rather than the wisdom teeth which can affect the


Dr. Adler reported that many diseases can also be caused by the wisdom

teeth, which has a relationship to almost all organs of the body. So

according to this theory, yes it is possible that your infected wisdom teeth

could have caused the infection in the gallbladder.

It is also known that toxins seeping out of root canals can cause systemic

disease of various organs and the gallbladder is one.

Silver is antibiotic.


Gargle with hydrogen peroxide, rinse and then gargle with a tincture of

Commiphora molmol and you should be okay. Do this in the morning and at


Dr. s-Louis Friedli

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