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Re: An aid to detoxification.

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Dear Anne,

I am waiting patiently for your evaluation. Aiding the lymphs to

cleanse is very important.


---<vanadeux@e...> wrote:

> We have had one of these devices made, they are called energy

cleaners, and if you are curious go to both these sites.

www.keelynet.com and look down to the main page you will see

something called a Mexistim. now the same device from the inventor,

you can go to www.edkuniversity.com


> now I shall let the group know in about a month if this really

works or if it does not. But if it does it would be a real boon to

me, as my lymphatic system is very toxic and sluggish, and cannot

clear properly because of bunged up liver,

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> We have had one of these devices made, they are called energy cleaners,

and if you are curious go to both these sites. www.keelynet.com and look

down to the main page you will see something called a Mexistim. now the

same device from the inventor, you can go to www.edkuniversity.com


> now I shall let the group know in about a month if this really works or if

it does not. But if it does it would be a real boon to me, as my lymphatic

system is very toxic and sluggish, and cannot clear properly because of

bunged up liver, (yes am doing a liver cleanse soon).


> now if Dr Friedi looks at this site, he has a very good command and

understanding of energies, I am sure he would give an unbiased opinion.


> I tried it once yesterday, with my feet in a bowl of water and one

connection in the water for half an hour, then did the other half an hour

with me holding the device on a painful area of my leg. I must say that I

did not wake up so stiff and full of aches, maybe just a co-incidence we

will see.


> Regards ANNE


Hi Anne,

I went to both sites and these are my comments:

1. Jerry Decker, the owner of keelynet.com tried very hard to explain what

he thinks is the mechanism of action of the Crock machine.

2. At the other site - (edkuniversity.com), Mr Crock made some false

physiological statements such as:

(a) " All bodies are made up of millions of tiny cells with fluid in the

center and a case around them. The fluid is salty, nourishing food the cells

feed from. The outside case is a tough fiber loaded with potassium. When

salt and potassium sits, it ferments and gives off a flow of D.C. electric

current just like a battery. This D.C. electric is the energy that operates

the body " .

(B) " Nothing takes place in the body without the brain sending a signal

telling it what to do. When the brain sends a signal to a group of cells to

stretch or contract, the signal is an electric signal that flows through the

nerves to a meridian. All cells are hooked to a fine fiber thread which is

the meridian that holds the cells together to form the body " .

© " The cell is filled with sodium-loaded nourishment, liquid food the cell

uses " .

3. The crock machine: This is a very simple open circuit. For example, in a

flash light the load is the bulb. This bulb is connected to batteries and a

switch. When the switch is closed, the bulb lights. In this flash light

(crook's machine), the switch is not closed, so the bulb (wiremesh) cannot

light. The load is the wiremesh.

Wiremesh is used for electromagnetic interference (EMI) or Radio frequency

interference (RFI). Many types of electrical circuits are susceptible to

EMI/RFI and must be shielded. Wiremesh is used to reduce radiated EMI by

reflection and or absorption.

Microwaves ovens have windows fitted with a wiremesh to reflect the

microwave back inside onto the food.

The movement of electrons causes what we know as electricity. In the crock's

machine, there will be an initial movement of electrons from the battery to

the mesh but because the circuit is open, positive ions cannot flow back to

the battery from the mesh.

The human body is positioned at some distance from the mesh. There is no

specific distance mentioned as the uptimum distance or gap between body and

mesh. The body has its own electrical circuits and an example is the action

potential created by the Na/K pump.

Current can cause the induction of a magnetic field and vice versa.

The only thing I can see happening, is the possibility of an induction or

the body coupling with the mesh as a capacitance.

This simple device is so easy to construct. The cost is the cost of the

mesh, the batteries and maybe a timer.

To charge $3000 for something which will cost about $5 is insane.

There are claims about the curative powers of this crook's device. Does it

work each and every time it is used? Are there occasions when it didn't


Jerry Decker said:

" My red cell count when I was first tested was 7.9 and the doctor said I

should not have enough energy to even be walking around. The normal red cell

count for a healthy male is 12 to 16 according to the medical staff I

consulted. They put me on massive doses of iron and folic acid which in the

next test about a month later, only increased my count to 8.1 " .

The normal red blood cell count (RBC) for males above 18 years old is

between 4.7 - 6.0 x 10 to the power 6th. per cu. mm.

What he was saying there does not match at all.

Final comment:

I think this is a very clever scheme ( in the name of charity and an

association with Jesus) designed to dupe innocent victims. Think about it,

will you pay $3000 for a flash light?

If you want to clean up your lymphatic system, the way to go is with the

Light Beam Generator and herbs which have a cleansing effect on the


Best Regards

Dr. s-Louis Friedli, PgDip., MSc., Cht., R.B. PhD.

Herbalist, Scientist and Hypnotherapist.

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