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Gallbladder cleanse

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Hello Diane,

I too have much g.bladder liver pain and attacks. I am currently breast

feeding my 10 month old baby and did the g.bladder flush last night, she has

had no diareha stomach cramps, crying spells or anything since last evening.

I only took two epsom salt dosages last night at 6pm and 8 pm then at 10 took

the olive oil/g.juice.

I skipped one dose (took a cup for the 2 doses) I had done these flushes

before I was pregnant for about two years until there was no more stones

coming out. My liver hurts so very much I felt like I had to do something I

was successful in getting out a lot of stones out so far, one as big as a


I find a coffee retention enema very helpful also, I feel better not so sick

to my stomach and headache.

It is nice to read of others b.feeding and trying to determine the balance of

what to take and not to take. I too feel the strain on my digestive system

and liver but am so pleased with my babys health and the bond that has taken

place. if any other mothers out there have any other tips or comments please

speak up the support is wonderful.

Take care,

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  • 3 years later...

Hi, I was new to the group. Just had my gallbladder removed and feel great.

Surgery at noon on Thursday and out at 8:00 Thursday night. Feel wonderful -

it's been two weeks.

I wanted post this message because I tried the flush. I also found some

surprising information about liver and gallbladder flush from both my doctor and

experience. You know those things that you pass that are supposed to be

gallstones....they are not. It is just the by product of the olive oil, that is

why you cannot keep them " they disintegrate. "

I am sorry to burst the bubble of many people out there - I thought it would

work too. But funny how when I did the flush I had two attacks that week. For

more info, see this site:



Sorry for the depressing news....but it really doesn't work. When my

gallbladder was removed it was filled (I have the stones) and I had done a flush

right before. With regard to surgery, it's a piece of cake...but there are

risks--those that are outlined on the website...they are serious. But all I can

speak of is my experience and it was wonderful.

Thanks for your time,


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At 10:40 PM 10/19/03 -0600, you wrote:

>You know those things that you pass that are supposed to be

>gallstones....they are not. It is just the by product of the olive oil,

>that is why you cannot keep them " they disintegrate. "

How can those large layered things form in only 24 hrs if they are supposed

to come from the olive oil alone?? And how do you explain all the different

types of stones that come out? The green ones, the transparent ones, the

grey ones and the brown gritty stuff. Did you have your stones researched

at a lab? I will have them researched and see if they are just olive oil.

Some people reported golf-ball size stones, I do not see how these are

formed in 24 hrs during the flush.

And how come that the images of operational extracted gallstones look

excactly the same as those that come out during my flushes?


This discussion has been here before about saponification etc.

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Hi Tricia,

Welcome to the group. You've managed to get things a little stirred

up right off the bat, eh? :)

Don't worry about bursting anyone's bubble. What you have presented

is old news... Doctors are very ignorant of alternative methods in

general, and flushing to remove stones and heal the gall bladder is

not an exception. The tired old error that these stones we get when

we flush are merely bile, oil, and grapefruit juice combined with

some magical process in our body that no one has ever explained has

been around since Doctors discovered they were losing money...

People get totally different amounts, sizes, and shapes of stones

with the same ingredients, taken the same way, in their same body,

and then the stones taper off to just a few or none after several

flushes. The number of flushes it takes for that to happen varies

widely as we vary in our body chemistry.

People like you, who have very damaged gall bladders and lots of

stones often have more trouble after starting to flush, because the

stones indeed move and loosen. That's what a flush is supposed to

do. This can bring on attacks in the worst cases. Of course, you

could have attacks without flushing also, since some natural body

processes loosen and move stones in a gentler manner. If you are

that bad off, you aren't escaping any thing by not flushing.

I'm glad you feel great after surgery. From what I hear, people

with gallstone problems feel so miserable for so long that when

their problems subside it is a Godsend. Many have posted on this

list that they had their gall bladders removed and felt great. Many

of those later - a few weeks, months or years had serious problems

that they'd never dreamed of. The Doctors didn't bother to tell

them how common problems are after surgery. If your gall bladder

was very diseased, it may not have responded to flushing in such a

way for you to avoid surgery. Herbs and a strict diet are the way

to go in that case. Later flushes can be added after the stones are

reduced in size and the gall bladder is stronger...

I hope you continue to experience your good feeling. Please keep an

open mind, and at a minimum understand that the Doctors don't have

the last word on anything concerning keeping healthy. Their

specialty is patching you up after your health is lost. And then,

their only tools are drugs and surgery. You know the old saying

that to the man whose only tool is a hammer everything looks like a

nail? Well, to a doctor, every health problem looks like it needs a

pharmaceutical drug or surgery....

To put it plainly, most health problems respond better to

alternative methods if you use the right one for you at the time.

Prevention is best. Early intervention is next. Drugs and surgery

are normally required after years of neglect-usually because of

ignorance caused by too much trust in Doctors. It's definitely not

too late to start educating yourself in what the doctors don't know

and can't possibly tell you about how to keep yourself healthy. You

need to know, especially now that you have one less organ than God

intended with which to stay healthy.

Best regards,


--- In gallstones , " Tricia Coffey " <javalaw@m...>


> Hi, I was new to the group. Just had my gallbladder removed and

feel great. Surgery at noon on Thursday and out at 8:00 Thursday

night. Feel wonderful - it's been two weeks.


> I wanted post this message because I tried the flush. I also

found some surprising information about liver and gallbladder flush

from both my doctor and experience. You know those things that you

pass that are supposed to be gallstones....they are not. It is just

the by product of the olive oil, that is why you cannot keep

them " they disintegrate. "


> I am sorry to burst the bubble of many people out there - I

thought it would work too. But funny how when I did the flush I had

two attacks that week. For more info, see this site:




> Sorry for the depressing news....but it really doesn't work. When

my gallbladder was removed it was filled (I have the stones) and I

had done a flush right before. With regard to surgery, it's a piece

of cake...but there are risks--those that are outlined on the

website...they are serious. But all I can speak of is my experience

and it was wonderful.


> Thanks for your time,


> java



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Vince, that was beautiful. That is exactly what I wanted to be able

to tell her but didn't have the knowledge and patience to write.


" Vince Richter " wrote:

> Hi Tricia,


> Welcome to the group. You've managed to get things a little


> up right off the bat, eh? :)


> Don't worry about bursting anyone's bubble. What you have


> is old news... Doctors are very ignorant of alternative methods in

> general, and flushing to remove stones and heal the gall bladder is

> not an exception. The tired old error that these stones we get


> we flush are merely bile, oil, and grapefruit juice combined with

> some magical process in our body that no one has ever explained has

> been around since Doctors discovered they were losing money...


> People get totally different amounts, sizes, and shapes of stones

> with the same ingredients, taken the same way, in their same body,

> and then the stones taper off to just a few or none after several

> flushes. The number of flushes it takes for that to happen varies

> widely as we vary in our body chemistry.


> People like you, who have very damaged gall bladders and lots of

> stones often have more trouble after starting to flush, because the

> stones indeed move and loosen. That's what a flush is supposed to

> do. This can bring on attacks in the worst cases. Of course, you

> could have attacks without flushing also, since some natural body

> processes loosen and move stones in a gentler manner. If you are

> that bad off, you aren't escaping any thing by not flushing.


> I'm glad you feel great after surgery. From what I hear, people

> with gallstone problems feel so miserable for so long that when

> their problems subside it is a Godsend. Many have posted on this

> list that they had their gall bladders removed and felt great.


> of those later - a few weeks, months or years had serious problems

> that they'd never dreamed of. The Doctors didn't bother to tell

> them how common problems are after surgery. If your gall bladder

> was very diseased, it may not have responded to flushing in such a

> way for you to avoid surgery. Herbs and a strict diet are the way

> to go in that case. Later flushes can be added after the stones


> reduced in size and the gall bladder is stronger...


> I hope you continue to experience your good feeling. Please keep


> open mind, and at a minimum understand that the Doctors don't have

> the last word on anything concerning keeping healthy. Their

> specialty is patching you up after your health is lost. And then,

> their only tools are drugs and surgery. You know the old saying

> that to the man whose only tool is a hammer everything looks like a

> nail? Well, to a doctor, every health problem looks like it needs


> pharmaceutical drug or surgery....


> To put it plainly, most health problems respond better to

> alternative methods if you use the right one for you at the time.

> Prevention is best. Early intervention is next. Drugs and surgery

> are normally required after years of neglect-usually because of

> ignorance caused by too much trust in Doctors. It's definitely not

> too late to start educating yourself in what the doctors don't know

> and can't possibly tell you about how to keep yourself healthy.


> need to know, especially now that you have one less organ than God

> intended with which to stay healthy.


> Best regards,


> Vince


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Hi I am new to the group. When I first decided to get serious about

dealing with this emerging problem (I used to have a cast iron

alimentary system) all I saw was the flush stuff, there's so much

about it. But I kept looking and finally found a counter argument,

which to me sounds reasonable, and is basically what the original

poster wrote.

For the record I don't believe alternative medicine is any better or

worse than any other sort merely for the label. A lot of conventional

medicine was unconventional at some point.. that's tautological.

However at a point things that work become known to work and proven

to work. Things that stay alternative for any length of time seem to

be generally crap. But as this flush business seems relatively new,

there could be something to it. And just because most alternative

medicine is quackery doesn't mean it all is. Considering the likely

other option for me is surgery, I at least want to explore the

possibility that there is something to the flush.

Also for the record (and any potential advice) I don't have stones

(accd to ultrasound anyway) but have been having attacks. Diagnosed

as biliary cholic (which to me sounds like doctorspeak for " beats the

hell outta me, have some meperidine " )

But it would help me if I could understand some things.

1) I don't understand how a flush would yield successively increasing

results. This is counterintuitive, and counterlogical as well. If it

worked at all one would expect that the largest stones would come out

first. One would expect diminishing results rather with successive


2) How does the flush work? I haven't seen any reasonable explanation

for how this does what it is supposed to do. I can concoct reasons in

my head for why it might work.. but then so could anyone.

I'm sure someone has done some credible writing on this.. could

someone point me to it?

Thanks for your attention,


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Hi , Welcome to the group :) You came to the right place if

you want to find anecdotal information and testimonials about what

we've learned. If this isn't what you're looking for, you may be in

the wrong place. There are no doctors and drug company

representatives here that I know of. None talking about double

blind placebo controlled multi-million dollar studies that prove how

great flushing is for the gall bladder, liver, and your overall

health... I'm not sure what you will call credible information to

read. If I did, I could more easily direct you to more information

that would satisfy you if it existed. If you have an open mind, and

are willing to put forth some effort to research and learn, there is

plenty of thought provoking information available. If you want

someone who is an authority telling you what to think and do, you

may want to stick with American trained medical doctors and nurses.

Here's some reading to get you started if you want:

Web Sites for more information:







Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73

Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:





Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/




Enjoy :)


> Hi I am new to the group. When I first decided to get serious


> dealing with this emerging problem (I used to have a cast iron

> alimentary system) all I saw was the flush stuff, there's so much

> about it. But I kept looking and finally found a counter argument,

> which to me sounds reasonable, and is basically what the original

> poster wrote.


> For the record I don't believe alternative medicine is any better


> worse than any other sort merely for the label. A lot of


> medicine was unconventional at some point.. that's tautological.

> However at a point things that work become known to work and


> to work. Things that stay alternative for any length of time seem


> be generally crap. But as this flush business seems relatively


> there could be something to it. And just because most alternative

> medicine is quackery doesn't mean it all is. Considering the


> other option for me is surgery, I at least want to explore the

> possibility that there is something to the flush.


> Also for the record (and any potential advice) I don't have stones

> (accd to ultrasound anyway) but have been having attacks.


> as biliary cholic (which to me sounds like doctorspeak for " beats


> hell outta me, have some meperidine " )


> But it would help me if I could understand some things.


> 1) I don't understand how a flush would yield successively


> results. This is counterintuitive, and counterlogical as well. If


> worked at all one would expect that the largest stones would come


> first. One would expect diminishing results rather with successive

> applications.


> 2) How does the flush work? I haven't seen any reasonable


> for how this does what it is supposed to do. I can concoct reasons


> my head for why it might work.. but then so could anyone.

> I'm sure someone has done some credible writing on this.. could

> someone point me to it?


> Thanks for your attention,


> dr

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Thanks for being so honest with the group. There are a lot of

different thoughts floating around in this group, but obviously the

main thrust of this group is to support each other through this

process know as a cleanse or a flush.

I'll try to answer your questions, though I'm far from a specialist

and I'm sure that you'll get far better answers from some of the

other members here soon.

First... have you ever seen where the side of a hill was washed away

due to a rainstorm? If you had been there in the year of two prior to

the hillside washing away you would have noticed that rains were

causing erosion of that hillside for quite some time. Each hard rain

would bring down a little dirt, rocks, and mud... sometimes only a

little, sometimes quite a bit, but eventually it wore enough of a

channel so that a huge chunk of hillside falls away all of a sudden.

The flush works a lot like that. The gallstones are tightly packed

into the gallbladder and the oil and citrus work gradually to melt,

loosen, and flush out those stones. My very first flush was very

successful but it didn't wash out any calcified stones and I know,

thanks to ultra-sound, that I have calcified stones that need to come

out, so I keep flushing.

What I love about this site is that there is no " ONE WAY " written in

stone. My husband cannot stomach the pint of olive oil, so he takes a

less aggressive flush and it's been working very well for him, too.

He has had a lot of relief for his gall-bladder attacks thanks to the

flushes taught through this group.

As for how the flush works... and this is where the fact that I am

not a specialist is really going to show!... the Epsom salt helps to

relax the bile ducts and makes it more comfortable for the stones to

pass out of the gallbladder. The acid in the lemon juice or

grapefruit juice helps to soften and dissolve/separate the packed-in

gallstones -- which are composed of cholesterol (I hope I'm

remembering this right!). The olive oil lubricates the whole process

and in virtue the fact that it is an oil it causes the gallbladder to

contract and try to squeeze out bile to help digest the oil -- thus

helping to push the gallstones out of the gallbladder and into the

digestive tract. I believe that the requirement that you lie on your

right side during the flush helps the lemon juice and the olive oil

to seep into the gallbladder and work their magic. It also helps your

digestive tract to work more efficiently.

I know others will be able to direct you to some more authoritative

writings on this subject.


> Hi I am new to the group. When I first decided to get serious about

> dealing with this emerging problem (I used to have a cast iron

> alimentary system) all I saw was the flush stuff, there's so much

> about it. But I kept looking and finally found a counter argument,

> which to me sounds reasonable, and is basically what the original

> poster wrote.


> For the record I don't believe alternative medicine is any better


> worse than any other sort merely for the label. A lot of


> medicine was unconventional at some point.. that's tautological.

> However at a point things that work become known to work and proven

> to work. Things that stay alternative for any length of time seem


> be generally crap. But as this flush business seems relatively new,

> there could be something to it. And just because most alternative

> medicine is quackery doesn't mean it all is. Considering the likely

> other option for me is surgery, I at least want to explore the

> possibility that there is something to the flush.


> Also for the record (and any potential advice) I don't have stones

> (accd to ultrasound anyway) but have been having attacks. Diagnosed

> as biliary cholic (which to me sounds like doctorspeak for " beats


> hell outta me, have some meperidine " )


> But it would help me if I could understand some things.


> 1) I don't understand how a flush would yield successively


> results. This is counterintuitive, and counterlogical as well. If


> worked at all one would expect that the largest stones would come


> first. One would expect diminishing results rather with successive

> applications.


> 2) How does the flush work? I haven't seen any reasonable


> for how this does what it is supposed to do. I can concoct reasons


> my head for why it might work.. but then so could anyone.

> I'm sure someone has done some credible writing on this.. could

> someone point me to it?


> Thanks for your attention,


> dr

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Vince, I don't need a million dollar research. I doubt it would take

that much in any case. A small university grant should suffice, would

make a good thesis.

I am hardly a sheep, Vince:)

As a generalization, I hate doctors. This is my prejudice based on

experience. They are overpaid mechanics, who assess you in 5 minutes

and rarely pay any attention to expository information over and above

the one sentence they keyed upon for their diagnosis. Who believe

their fecal matter smells of roses because, after all, thats what all

the women chasing their mrs. degree tell them all the time because of

the money they earn, which is kept articifially inflated by the AMA's

control (after all there is a " doctor glut " dontcha know) over

medical schools, the curriculum of which overemphasizes memorization

over analysis, with predicatable results.


No not all physicians come out of the mold this way.. but it is the

mold that exists. Some of my best friends are doctors..

That said, if it's true, it can be proven. And this technique is not

at all beyond science's ability to prove or disprove. Granted there

is less motive than a patentable drug would present. But people are

making money on this procedure as is. With credible support, even

merely from clinical tests, it should be even more profitable. So why

has no one done it? (Or have they?)

Also one can make a strong ad hominem case against Dr. in

specific, she is undoubtedly a fraud. (zapper? syncrometer?) Of

course that doesn't mean she's wrong about the flush. But it

certainly makes this muddy. Genrerally it's preferable for one's

authorities not to have been multiply sued for fraud. We feel better

about it that way.

, that makes sense about the liver. I need to research liver

stones more.

Thanks very much Lucinda, that does explain a few things.

I would add that it seems reasonable to think that the olive oil

would increase the production and flow of bile as well as the

contraction you suggest.

But, I am not sure how lemon could do much since there would not

generally be any backflow into the bladder yes? Or perhaps partial

obstruction causes imperfect closure of the bladder? Still I can't

see that lemon would hurt much.

Considering the option I will almost inevitably try it.

The " ickiness " factor notwithstanding. I also have no interest in

sharing this process with my SO, so will try to fabricate a reason to

be alone a couple of days, which is a hassle in itself. I just wish I

understood it better. Things work or don't for a reason.

Some questions.

Do I understand properly that the bulk of the " stones " do not show up

on a regular ultrasound? Only calcified ones? They told me they

didn't see any stones. Is this still consistent with " cholesterol

stones " ? Or do they see them but not consider them significant?

Would increasing abdominal excercise reasonably increase the

likelihood of spontaneous stone passing? Anecdotally this was never a

problem when I was in the army and did lots of situps regularly. Of

course I was younger.

What position is bladder to stomach connection downmost? If I want to

let it " drain " which position do I lay? If I want to let if " fill "

(preperatory to a flush to perhaps allow for a increase flow for a

period) what position do I lay? It's not clear to me from the


Could mechanical pressure play any part in this? Risk goes up with

being overweight. I am not overweight, but I do constantly ride the

line between accepting the relatively mild (for me) affect of ages

inflation and buying all new clothes. IE my pants get tight and I

excercise a little more then my pants get looser and I slack off. But

the net effect is a significant time is spent with pants tight around

the waist;P Moreover my attacks have mainly been when I was in " tight

pants " phases. Could simple mechanical backpressure be a factor in

stone formation?

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Hi , Even if a gall bladder flush study only cost $1000, who

would do it if it wouldn't allow any one to make a dime?

The info I've seen is a " pass it on " type of evidence between

researchers such as the courageous Dr. Hulda (you need to try

her protocols including the zapper before you can really know much

about them) and those of us who have tried the methods.

Lemon helps alkalinize and cleanse the liver to help it function

better. This helps it detox more completely during the flush.

Grapefruit juice mixed with the olive oil completely emulsifies the

oil and makes it MUCH more palatable :0) That's very important to


The sequence of the stone exit is from the most easily disloged

(near the exit and loosest) to the more firmly entrenched. The

first ones may be big or smaller than subsequent flushes produce.

several have noticed that the reallly big ones came only after

several flushes. My biggest came the first flush. Think of a

ballon with several different size pebbles from bb size to marble or

even quarter diameter and sand. This mixes up and the small ones

are mixed in with the big ones. The small ones may be the first

ones out, or the big ones may be - depends on which are nearest the


You are correct that many stones do not show up on ultra sound. The

cholestral stones are formed by fat that isn't being properly

emulsified by quality bile. The bile needs to be kept high quality

by lecithin and good oils.

You need to study the weight gain/liver health/bile connection by

looking at the links I sent you. Go to


Dr. Cabot does a good job pointing out how you need to keep

the liver healthy so it can metabolize fat properly. When you do

this, you can more easily maintain your ideal weight and your gall

bladder doesn't as easily produce stones.

There's lots to learn. I'm just getting started myself...


> Vince, I don't need a million dollar research. I doubt it would


> that much in any case. A small university grant should suffice,


> make a good thesis.


> I am hardly a sheep, Vince:)


> As a generalization, I hate doctors. This is my prejudice based on

> experience. They are overpaid mechanics, who assess you in 5


> and rarely pay any attention to expository information over and


> the one sentence they keyed upon for their diagnosis. Who believe

> their fecal matter smells of roses because, after all, thats what


> the women chasing their mrs. degree tell them all the time because


> the money they earn, which is kept articifially inflated by the


> control (after all there is a " doctor glut " dontcha know) over

> medical schools, the curriculum of which overemphasizes


> over analysis, with predicatable results.


> So:)


> No not all physicians come out of the mold this way.. but it is


> mold that exists. Some of my best friends are doctors..


> That said, if it's true, it can be proven. And this technique is


> at all beyond science's ability to prove or disprove. Granted


> is less motive than a patentable drug would present. But people


> making money on this procedure as is. With credible support, even

> merely from clinical tests, it should be even more profitable. So


> has no one done it? (Or have they?)


> Also one can make a strong ad hominem case against Dr. in

> specific, she is undoubtedly a fraud. (zapper? syncrometer?) Of

> course that doesn't mean she's wrong about the flush. But it

> certainly makes this muddy. Genrerally it's preferable for one's

> authorities not to have been multiply sued for fraud. We feel


> about it that way.


> , that makes sense about the liver. I need to research liver

> stones more.


> Thanks very much Lucinda, that does explain a few things.


> I would add that it seems reasonable to think that the olive oil

> would increase the production and flow of bile as well as the

> contraction you suggest.


> But, I am not sure how lemon could do much since there would not

> generally be any backflow into the bladder yes? Or perhaps partial

> obstruction causes imperfect closure of the bladder? Still I can't

> see that lemon would hurt much.


> Considering the option I will almost inevitably try it.

> The " ickiness " factor notwithstanding. I also have no interest in

> sharing this process with my SO, so will try to fabricate a reason


> be alone a couple of days, which is a hassle in itself. I just

wish I

> understood it better. Things work or don't for a reason.


> Some questions.


> Do I understand properly that the bulk of the " stones " do not show


> on a regular ultrasound? Only calcified ones? They told me they

> didn't see any stones. Is this still consistent with " cholesterol

> stones " ? Or do they see them but not consider them significant?


> Would increasing abdominal excercise reasonably increase the

> likelihood of spontaneous stone passing? Anecdotally this was

never a

> problem when I was in the army and did lots of situps regularly.


> course I was younger.


> What position is bladder to stomach connection downmost? If I want


> let it " drain " which position do I lay? If I want to let if " fill "

> (preperatory to a flush to perhaps allow for a increase flow for a

> period) what position do I lay? It's not clear to me from the

> pictures.


> Could mechanical pressure play any part in this? Risk goes up with

> being overweight. I am not overweight, but I do constantly ride


> line between accepting the relatively mild (for me) affect of ages

> inflation and buying all new clothes. IE my pants get tight and I

> excercise a little more then my pants get looser and I slack off.


> the net effect is a significant time is spent with pants tight


> the waist;P Moreover my attacks have mainly been when I was

in " tight

> pants " phases. Could simple mechanical backpressure be a factor in

> stone formation?



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" Hi , Even if a gall bladder flush study only cost $1000, who

would do it if it wouldn't allow any one to make a dime? "

Well you could of course make quite a few dimes as the person who

could claim your particlar formula was effective in clinical trials.

If a commercial product was available with clinical proof to back it

up, most people would never get to a board like this. I wouldn't

have. Sure there would be knock offs.. but you would still make a ton

of money. You keep your exact formula secret and you have a trademark.

Do Breathright nasal strips work? Sure. Are there knockoffs? Sure.

Does Breathright still make alot of money? Oh yes.

You see it all the time " The only product clinically proven.. " blah

blah blah. And people buy it. At a premium. Because they know it


Trying to sell your brand in the face of existing products is work.

Being the first is a windfall. If fact if this really works it's

inevitable someone will market a product. I just wish they already


Anyway.. ok stones may not show up on ultrasound, so I may have some.

I am so not looking forward to this.

I still have a question which side is up and down. How do I position

myself if I want to be in a bladder drain position and how do I lay

if I want to be in a bladder fill position?


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Hi ,

I'm about to have an ultrasound on my gallbladder and liver next

Tuesday. I haven't yet tried any of the cleanses because I want to find

out my results first. However, I couldn't agree more with what you say

about the drugs and medical professions being guided mainly by

financial interest. I'm a nurse myself, and I watch people have surgery

all the time for treatable conditions, because it's profitable for the

surgeon and profitable for the drug companies. Healthy people are their

nightmare. This is why so many questionable additives are still in the

food we consume and dangerous chemicals in the pesticides and

fungicides we use in farming. Many, many of these things things

contribute to the illnesses we suffer from these days, and it really

does play right into the hands of consultants and the pharmaceutical

industries very nicely. Prevent the population from keeping well, and

they smile all the way to the bank.

It's often crossed my mind, too, that governments would do absolutely

nothing to 'protect' the population (or at least provide a choice),

against the control of these two bodies, because of the vast taxes that

they pay to them. To them, we are a valuable commodity that provides

them with their income, and if we remain well, they go broke. Where

would the thousands of oncologists be if cancer was actually cured?

Where would the drug companies be if AIDS were cured? Drug companies

are good at pulling out all the stops to provide expensive drugs that

prolong life (and they are dearer than drugs that don't, have you

noticed??), but pitifully neglectful of funding trials for drugs that

might effect anything resembling a 'cure' (and I'm aware that cancer

technically has no 'cure' because it is caused by genetic damage - I'm

using it as an illustration).



On Saturday, October 25, 2003, at 03:07 AM, Rojkov wrote:

> ,


> I am having really little faith in a change like this, because when

> you think of the chain of

> changes that need to happen you know it will not be easy. Starting

> with the fact that the

> treatment will be so cheap that the doctors will not be able to make

> their living. Many problems

> are traced back to unhealthy liver, colon and kidneys, imaging taking

> all that " work " away from

> the doctors. Not only the doctors would " suffer " but the whole supply

> chain. We are talking dozens

> of years if not hundreds to see this change occur. Consider that FTC

> is trying to shutdown

> www..net, demanding Dr. to deliver scientific proof for

> the methods. It's pretty

> clear that the effort is driven by corporations that want to protect

> their profits and the way of

> life.


> The internet is a real gift from god, and a great threat to

> corporations which is why they are

> trying to shutdown the sources of information, which make me to

> believe that the change you are

> asking for is not what they (who hold you health in their hands) want.


> my 2 canadian cents


> alex


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> I am having really little faith in a change like this, because when

you think of the chain of

> changes that need to happen you know it will not be easy. Starting

with the fact that the

> treatment will be so cheap that the doctors will not be able to

make their living...

Dole makes a lot of money selling fruits despite anyone can grow

fruits. People buy Aloe despite you can grow it in your house. People

can buy vinegar (or even make) vinegar, but they still buy douches.

If I can package a remedy that works and I have clinical proof that

it works, I will make money. I am sure there were some EENT surgeons

that were discomfitted by Breath Right Nasal Strips coming on the

market. But why does Breath Right Care? They make their money. And

they help their customers avoid surgery.

Now possibly some surgeons are concerned because they may have

increased exposure to torts from botched and needless surgery, if it

comes to light cleanses work. But that's their problem. If it works

there's money to be made. ( I would.. I like to see things like

successful clinical trials;) ) If there's money to be made people

will make it, sooner than later. If I am making money.. I care about

surgeons fears.. why?

Anyway I am still waiting to try this. I won't be able to do this

weekend. Maybe next weekend.

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Hi , Glad you plan to try the flush. Hope you find clinical

trials and can capitolize on the success of flushes. Making money

honestly is a good thing... Helping people is good too. You sound

like you have a good motive and method with which to make a profit.

Meanwhile we can all benifit from our flushes. :)


> > I am having really little faith in a change like this, because


> you think of the chain of

> > changes that need to happen you know it will not be easy.


> with the fact that the

> > treatment will be so cheap that the doctors will not be able to

> make their living...


> Dole makes a lot of money selling fruits despite anyone can grow

> fruits. People buy Aloe despite you can grow it in your house.


> can buy vinegar (or even make) vinegar, but they still buy douches.


> If I can package a remedy that works and I have clinical proof


> it works, I will make money. I am sure there were some EENT


> that were discomfitted by Breath Right Nasal Strips coming on the

> market. But why does Breath Right Care? They make their money. And

> they help their customers avoid surgery.


> Now possibly some surgeons are concerned because they may have

> increased exposure to torts from botched and needless surgery, if


> comes to light cleanses work. But that's their problem. If it


> there's money to be made. ( I would.. I like to see things like

> successful clinical trials;) ) If there's money to be made people

> will make it, sooner than later. If I am making money.. I care


> surgeons fears.. why?


> Anyway I am still waiting to try this. I won't be able to do this

> weekend. Maybe next weekend.



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  • 2 years later...

, congratulations on doing a liver flush, you will never regret it and will

wonder why

you didn't do this SOONER! Anyone 18 and over will benefit from a gentle flush

of the


Regarding the PARASITE flush, I'd add that while I'm comfortable with the scope

of it, I

didn't do it and I don't think most people need it. Hulda 's whole trip is


parasites and she gets thousands of miracle cures with her plan. But remember,


people will not do anything like this until they are DEATHLY SICK or until they

have had

chronic fatigue, Epstein-Barr or hepatitis. If you are basically healthy I would


going directly into the liver cleansing. You can always go back for parasite

removal later if

you still don't feel right.

Most people have MORE energy when doing this cleansing because it is designed to


gentle and " feel good " . You are getting all that apple juice before the fast,

your colon is

just getting more empty and more clean, and the olive oil and epsom salts are

just a good

gentle laxative and tonic. You will feel good the next day, in fact, it's a

really good idea to

go for a walk, a good swim or move your body so that the cleansing is

throughout. The

flush is good if you are feeling depressed, toxic or tired. Fall is a great time

to do this.

Give everyone a report of what happened and be sure to count the stones.


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My liver flush section for Files isn't written yet. However, it's all on

curezone.com OR pick up

a copy of THE AMAZING LIVER CLEANSE by s Moritz. All flushes are basically


fat diet for several days, drink a quart of apple juice daily then drink 4 oz of

good olive oil

(with some lemon or grapefruit juice) followed by a couple tablespoons of epsom


dissolved in warm water. Works like a charm every time. Curezone.com has over


documented flushes on file. Oh, yeah, be sure to take pictures of your stones

and give a copy

to your doctor (doctors don't believe flushes work).


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