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Re: The Hague Lawsuit..The Pharmaceutical Co.'s Crimes Against Humanity...

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At 09:37 PM 9/22/03 -0700, you wrote:

>To the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court,

>Senator Louis Moreno-Ocampo,

>c/o International Court, Maanweg 174

>NL-2516 AB Den Haag/The Hague

actually I have lived around the corner of that building, maybe you can

point out how to support your court case, how do I apply to that court,

what is your registered file number and what does that cost for

registration (usually it is $100,- or more, I'd rather spend that on

natural medicine than on a ticket to Guantanamo Bay).

This is interesting because it applies to my mum's situation.

Can you be more specific about which micronutrients are involved?

1.1.3. Heart Failure

The primary cause of heart failure is lack of cellular biocatalysts,

certain vitamins, minerals, carnitine, coenzyme Q10 and other bioenergy

carriers in millions of heart muscle cells. This results in impaired heart

pumping function and accumulation of water in the body.

In contrast, pharmaceutical approaches for the treatment of heart failure

deliberately ignore this fact and focus on symptoms. Diuretics marketed for

the treatment of heart failure not only eliminate water accumulated in the

body but also wash out vitamins, minerals and other water-soluble bioenergy

carriers. Thus, the pharmaceutical drugs marketed for heart failure

actually worsen the disease and they are responsible for the short life

expectancy of heart failure patients once diuretic medication sets in.

Whilst deliberately avoiding curing the disease, these pharmaceutical drugs

flush out essential nutrients from the body, thereby aggravating the

underlying cause of the disease. Worldwide over one hundred million heart

failure patients remain uncured and eventually die prematurely as a direct

result of the actions by the accused.

1.1.4. Irregular heartbeat

The primary cause of irregular heartbeat is lack of micronutrients,

vitamins, minerals, ubiquinone and other bioenergy carriers, in millions of

electrical heart muscle cells. This results in impaired generation or

conduction of the electrical impulses required for normal heartbeat. A

recent double blind placebo-controlled study has unequivocally documented

that the therapeutic use of micronutrients is an effective safe and

affordable way to correct the health condition underlying irregular heart


In contrast, pharmaceutical approaches for the treatment of irregular

heartbeat deliberately ignore this fact and focus instead on

symptoms.Anti-arrhythmic drugs marketed to treat arrhythmia frequently

worsen the irregular heartbeat and cause cardiac arrest and the premature

death of patients.

A decade ago the author documented in his book Deadly

Medicinethat one new class of anti-arrhythmic drugs in the USA alone

had caused more deaths than the number of US casualties in the Vietnam War.

Worldwide over one hundred million patients with irregular heartbeat

remain uncured as a direct result of these actions by the accused and their

death toll is rising daily.

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Hi Graves,

First when you placed this article mentioned above I thought you were a

scientist having worked on researching heart disease. This was because the

law suit mentions something like 'I worked in the filed of'...

hence my reply then, expecting you know all about it.

apparently from your recent posts in many news groups I gather that you are

NOT a scientist and didn't work on heart disease research. Am I right?

If I am right, maybe when you post something the next time you can be more


If I am wrong -this should implicate you are a scientist having worked on

heart disease research and actually wrote the law suit, I am very sorry and

apologize for my misunderstanding. Maybe you would be so kind to give me

the case number, so I can get a copy of it from the international court

here in my hometown and read through some evidence. (the link doesn't give

me this info, or I am not smart enough to find it on the web site).

many thanks, daan

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At 08:51 AM 10/13/03 -0700, you wrote:

> " The whole issue is that in the world where we live nowadays the power of

>business has become so immense that state power is desperately needed to

>protect our shared lives. "



o.k. a good article but nothing new.

" Simple tip: don't buy their products (do not believe in status and power

presented in adverts) as much as possible, live good health as far as

possible and imagine a new type of business and make it happen -see how

complicated that is. Nice articles and law suits do not help much any more

to change governments or people in power, neither do wars change much to

the benefit of the people.' (I quote myself if you don't mind.)

Something else very practical: I worked with almost all the protective

garment I could find. In my profession then (painter) not any one EVER did

the same thing or used any type of mask. Even if I explained in lenght the

damage to lungs etc. Everybody said 'I am immune', as if it was a sort of

biological contamination and not a built up of intoxication. Btw I had to

quit that work because of eye damage before I could get my new -digital

photography- business on track. The point of this is: you can tell people

and show people stuff is unhealthy, they will not listen until they

experience. So, I will expect a billion victims who believed in the

adverts? maybe.

>- Graves IBWB ( U.S.A. )

> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

>Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live

>a happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing

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