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Re: zapper in the UK?

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I am new to this group. I have read Dr. s book " A cure for all

diseases " and would like to kno where I can buy a zapper in the UK -

I have searched for ages on the internet and have only found one

company who are charging £248!!

I would be so grateful if anyone has any information.

kind regards


Hi Helen,

I built my zapper 3 years ago for less than $20. I was treating an AIDS

patient from North Carolina at the time and bought her book " The Cure for


The zapper did not improve either his viral load nor the CD4 and CD8

counts. The viral load went up and both CD4 and CD8 went down. At around the

same time, another AIDS patient of mine in Switzerland bought the the ready

made zapper from Dr. 's company. That did not work either.

I bought her other books:

The cure for all disease and

The cure for All Cancers.

These are 3 books with 3 different titles. Apart from the differences on the

cover, the content (the material) in all three books are the same, word for

word. I could not believe she did that.

I called her company and asked if they have cured anyone with AIDS according

to the methods mentioned in the book. They said, they do not disclose

information on results. I asked, why is she calling the book " The cure for

HIV/AIDS " if they have not cured anyone with AIDS. They responded by saying,

" We cannot comment on that "

I know there are a lot of followers of Dr. but I was disappointed by:

1. Her marketing methods (selling 1 book for the price of 3)

2. Their communication style.

The facts:

The zapper is a limited frequency generator(oscillator). There are a lot of

frequency generators on the market. With some of them, you can control the

frequency range. I call the zapper a limited frequency generator because, it

can only generate frequencies in a small section of the radio frequency


I also disagree with the hypothesis that parasites are the cause of all

diseases and when they are eradicated, then there is no disease.

Biological systems contain intrinsic electromagnetic (EM) fields. Although

these energy fields are present inside the body, they are usually measured

as electrical potentials (AC or DC) on the surface of the skin

(electrodermal potentials) or outside the body as fields radiating from the

body. Intrinsic EM fields are generated in the body by the electrical

activity of excitable cells, like those in the brain and the heart. These

fields are routinely measured in the Biomedical community using EEG and ECG

electrodermal recordings.

Therefore, the Biomedical community uses these intrinsic EM fields to

diagnose disease, although their functional role in self-healing mechanisms

is not acknowledged.

Energy fields radiating from the body can be classified as two types:

classical and non-classical.

Both types comprise a bio-energy field which permeates throughout the

physical body and radiates from it.

Examples of classical fields include low frequency electromagnetic energy or

fields with higher frequencies, like light. It can also be inferred that the

body generates non-classical fields, although they cannot be measured

directly with existing electronic detectors. Non-classical fields have also

been called non-Hertzian, non-Maxwellian and non-Abelian, since they don't

obey the classical laws for electromagnetic energy described by Maxwell and


Since non-classical energy fields are also present in the environment, an

equilibrium exists between external energies and intrinsic energies of the

body. The concept that humans are an " open system " exchanging energy with

the environment and with energy fields of other individuals in our

environment is another basic tenet of Energy Medicine (Electro-acupuncture,

Ryodoraku -Electro-Meridain Imaging, Light Beam Generator, Teslar watch,

etc). Thus we are energetically connected to the global environment of our

planet, as well as to all other individuals. Disruptions in the flow of

these enrgies result in disease, either on a personal or planetary level.

The nature of the energy flow between humans and between humans and the

environment is often anomalous and behaves in rather unusual ways.

For example, the energetic communication between a mother and a child allows

the mother to " feel " when her child is in danger even when separated by

hundreds of miles.

There is also a model called the Quantum Energy Healing Model. This model

proposes that the human body's bio-energy field is composed of a series of

at least three different types of energy: classical EM force fields,

potential fields and quantum fields.

The Quantum Energy Healing Model also proposes that the relationship between

these fields can be defined using Bohm's model of the implicate order which

is embedded within the explicate order. In this case, classical EM fields

exist at the level of the explicate order which has embedded within it the

potential field, which in turn has embedded within it the quantum field.

According to Bohm, the implicate order is composed of a series of levels,

each embedded within the next, where each level is increasingly more subtle

and fundamental. If one adds to this model the concepts in quantum physics

of hyperspace, then eventually a subtle level in the implicate order is

reached which is higher dimensional. Even Einstein himself used the term

" subtle " to refer to energy that could not yet be measured.

** I am proposing that healing information originates at the most

fundamental level in the implicate order, that of the SPIRIT, and cascades

into the outer layers of increasing energy density, eventually reaching the

elctromagnetic domain. Thus, quantum fields act as a bridge between the

higher dimensional energies of spirit and classical EM fields. EM fields

then regulate the biochemical level as demonstrated by the

Bio-eletromagnetics community. Healing with energy therefore, occurs either

through internal sources of energy generated by the individual in a

meditative state of consciousness, or by an infusion of energy from some

external source that resonates with the level in the bio-field according to

how " subtle " it is.

Dr. s-Louis Friedli, PgDip., MSc., CHt., R.H., RB., Ph.D.

Herbalist, Scientist & Hypnotherapist

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I am new to this group. I have read Dr. s book " A cure for all

diseases " and would like to kno where I can buy a zapper in the UK -

I have searched for ages on the internet and have only found one

company who are charging £248!!

I would be so grateful if anyone has any information.

kind regards


Helen, Have you tried eBay? Here is a link to a search on hulda

clark zapper, they have some available with " buy it now " feature

so you can purchase immediately, I don't know what part of the

country they are in and how the money conversion works, but

you may want to take a look:

http://search.ebay.com/ws/search/SaleSearch?ht=1 & sosortproperty=1 & satitle=za

pper & sacategory=26395 & catref=C1

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes


FREE Health Analysis:



" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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Hi Helen,

I will ship them to the UK




----- Original Message -----

From: " Dr. s-Louis Friedli " <drfriedli@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 8:12 PM

Subject: Re: zapper in the UK?




> <Hi,


> I am new to this group. I have read Dr. s book " A cure for all

> diseases " and would like to kno where I can buy a zapper in the UK -

> I have searched for ages on the internet and have only found one

> company who are charging £248!!


> I would be so grateful if anyone has any information.


> kind regards

> Helen>



> Hi Helen,


> I built my zapper 3 years ago for less than $20. I was treating an AIDS

> patient from North Carolina at the time and bought her book " The Cure for



> The zapper did not improve either his viral load nor the CD4 and CD8

> counts. The viral load went up and both CD4 and CD8 went down. At around


> same time, another AIDS patient of mine in Switzerland bought the the


> made zapper from Dr. 's company. That did not work either.


> I bought her other books:

> The cure for all disease and

> The cure for All Cancers.


> These are 3 books with 3 different titles. Apart from the differences on


> cover, the content (the material) in all three books are the same, word


> word. I could not believe she did that.


> I called her company and asked if they have cured anyone with AIDS


> to the methods mentioned in the book. They said, they do not disclose

> information on results. I asked, why is she calling the book " The cure for

> HIV/AIDS " if they have not cured anyone with AIDS. They responded by


> " We cannot comment on that "


> I know there are a lot of followers of Dr. but I was disappointed


> 1. Her marketing methods (selling 1 book for the price of 3)

> 2. Their communication style.


> The facts:

> The zapper is a limited frequency generator(oscillator). There are a lot


> frequency generators on the market. With some of them, you can control the

> frequency range. I call the zapper a limited frequency generator because,


> can only generate frequencies in a small section of the radio frequency

> range.


> I also disagree with the hypothesis that parasites are the cause of all

> diseases and when they are eradicated, then there is no disease.


> Biological systems contain intrinsic electromagnetic (EM) fields. Although

> these energy fields are present inside the body, they are usually measured

> as electrical potentials (AC or DC) on the surface of the skin

> (electrodermal potentials) or outside the body as fields radiating from


> body. Intrinsic EM fields are generated in the body by the electrical

> activity of excitable cells, like those in the brain and the heart. These

> fields are routinely measured in the Biomedical community using EEG and


> electrodermal recordings.


> Therefore, the Biomedical community uses these intrinsic EM fields to

> diagnose disease, although their functional role in self-healing


> is not acknowledged.


> Energy fields radiating from the body can be classified as two types:

> classical and non-classical.


> Both types comprise a bio-energy field which permeates throughout the

> physical body and radiates from it.


> Examples of classical fields include low frequency electromagnetic energy


> fields with higher frequencies, like light. It can also be inferred that


> body generates non-classical fields, although they cannot be measured

> directly with existing electronic detectors. Non-classical fields have


> been called non-Hertzian, non-Maxwellian and non-Abelian, since they don't

> obey the classical laws for electromagnetic energy described by Maxwell


> Hertz.


> Since non-classical energy fields are also present in the environment, an

> equilibrium exists between external energies and intrinsic energies of the

> body. The concept that humans are an " open system " exchanging energy with

> the environment and with energy fields of other individuals in our

> environment is another basic tenet of Energy Medicine


> Ryodoraku -Electro-Meridain Imaging, Light Beam Generator, Teslar watch,

> etc). Thus we are energetically connected to the global environment of our

> planet, as well as to all other individuals. Disruptions in the flow of

> these enrgies result in disease, either on a personal or planetary level.

> The nature of the energy flow between humans and between humans and the

> environment is often anomalous and behaves in rather unusual ways.


> For example, the energetic communication between a mother and a child


> the mother to " feel " when her child is in danger even when separated by

> hundreds of miles.


> There is also a model called the Quantum Energy Healing Model. This model

> proposes that the human body's bio-energy field is composed of a series of

> at least three different types of energy: classical EM force fields,

> potential fields and quantum fields.


> The Quantum Energy Healing Model also proposes that the relationship


> these fields can be defined using Bohm's model of the implicate order


> is embedded within the explicate order. In this case, classical EM fields

> exist at the level of the explicate order which has embedded within it the

> potential field, which in turn has embedded within it the quantum field.


> According to Bohm, the implicate order is composed of a series of levels,

> each embedded within the next, where each level is increasingly more


> and fundamental. If one adds to this model the concepts in quantum physics

> of hyperspace, then eventually a subtle level in the implicate order is

> reached which is higher dimensional. Even Einstein himself used the term

> " subtle " to refer to energy that could not yet be measured.


> ** I am proposing that healing information originates at the most

> fundamental level in the implicate order, that of the SPIRIT, and cascades

> into the outer layers of increasing energy density, eventually reaching


> elctromagnetic domain. Thus, quantum fields act as a bridge between the

> higher dimensional energies of spirit and classical EM fields. EM fields

> then regulate the biochemical level as demonstrated by the

> Bio-eletromagnetics community. Healing with energy therefore, occurs


> through internal sources of energy generated by the individual in a

> meditative state of consciousness, or by an infusion of energy from some

> external source that resonates with the level in the bio-field according


> how " subtle " it is.


> Dr. s-Louis Friedli, PgDip., MSc., CHt., R.H., RB., Ph.D.

> Herbalist, Scientist & Hypnotherapist




> Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:

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> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112


> Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


> Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73


> Images:

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/cleanse_flush/

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> Have a nice day !



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Hi Dr. Friedli,

I have chronic Lyme disease 24 years. Misdiagnosed for 22 years. I have done 9

liver flushes since January, and they have certainly helped me. In April I

bought a Rife-like machine called an Ultimate B 3. I am part of a

Lyme-and-rife group and many members are reporting improvement with these

machines. Some even claim to be almost well, when nothing else had worked.

I agree with your comments about Hulda and the zappers. However, I'd be

interested to know what you think of the other frequency generators which emit

higher frequencies than the zappers. I would also like your permission to

forward these comments to my Lyme-and-rife group.

Any comments apprecciated,


I built my zapper 3 years ago for less than $20. I was treating an AIDS

patient from North Carolina at the time and bought her book " The Cure for


The zapper did not improve either his viral load nor the CD4 and CD8

counts. The viral load went up and both CD4 and CD8 went down. At around the

same time, another AIDS patient of mine in Switzerland bought the the ready

made zapper from Dr. 's company. That did not work either.

I bought her other books:

The cure for all disease and

The cure for All Cancers.

These are 3 books with 3 different titles. Apart from the differences on the

cover, the content (the material) in all three books are the same, word for

word. I could not believe she did that.

I called her company and asked if they have cured anyone with AIDS according

to the methods mentioned in the book. They said, they do not disclose

information on results. I asked, why is she calling the book " The cure for

HIV/AIDS " if they have not cured anyone with AIDS. They responded by saying,

" We cannot comment on that "

I know there are a lot of followers of Dr. but I was disappointed by:

1. Her marketing methods (selling 1 book for the price of 3)

2. Their communication style.

The facts:

The zapper is a limited frequency generator(oscillator). There are a lot of

frequency generators on the market. With some of them, you can control the

frequency range. I call the zapper a limited frequency generator because, it

can only generate frequencies in a small section of the radio frequency


I also disagree with the hypothesis that parasites are the cause of all

diseases and when they are eradicated, then there is no disease.

Biological systems contain intrinsic electromagnetic (EM) fields. Although

these energy fields are present inside the body, they are usually measured

as electrical potentials (AC or DC) on the surface of the skin

(electrodermal potentials) or outside the body as fields radiating from the

body. Intrinsic EM fields are generated in the body by the electrical

activity of excitable cells, like those in the brain and the heart. These

fields are routinely measured in the Biomedical community using EEG and ECG

electrodermal recordings.

Therefore, the Biomedical community uses these intrinsic EM fields to

diagnose disease, although their functional role in self-healing mechanisms

is not acknowledged.

Energy fields radiating from the body can be classified as two types:

classical and non-classical.

Both types comprise a bio-energy field which permeates throughout the

physical body and radiates from it.

Examples of classical fields include low frequency electromagnetic energy or

fields with higher frequencies, like light. It can also be inferred that the

body generates non-classical fields, although they cannot be measured

directly with existing electronic detectors. Non-classical fields have also

been called non-Hertzian, non-Maxwellian and non-Abelian, since they don't

obey the classical laws for electromagnetic energy described by Maxwell and


Since non-classical energy fields are also present in the environment, an

equilibrium exists between external energies and intrinsic energies of the

body. The concept that humans are an " open system " exchanging energy with

the environment and with energy fields of other individuals in our

environment is another basic tenet of Energy Medicine (Electro-acupuncture,

Ryodoraku -Electro-Meridain Imaging, Light Beam Generator, Teslar watch,

etc). Thus we are energetically connected to the global environment of our

planet, as well as to all other individuals. Disruptions in the flow of

these enrgies result in disease, either on a personal or planetary level.

The nature of the energy flow between humans and between humans and the

environment is often anomalous and behaves in rather unusual ways.

For example, the energetic communication between a mother and a child allows

the mother to " feel " when her child is in danger even when separated by

hundreds of miles.

There is also a model called the Quantum Energy Healing Model. This model

proposes that the human body's bio-energy field is composed of a series of

at least three different types of energy: classical EM force fields,

potential fields and quantum fields.

The Quantum Energy Healing Model also proposes that the relationship between

these fields can be defined using Bohm's model of the implicate order which

is embedded within the explicate order. In this case, classical EM fields

exist at the level of the explicate order which has embedded within it the

potential field, which in turn has embedded within it the quantum field.

According to Bohm, the implicate order is composed of a series of levels,

each embedded within the next, where each level is increasingly more subtle

and fundamental. If one adds to this model the concepts in quantum physics

of hyperspace, then eventually a subtle level in the implicate order is

reached which is higher dimensional. Even Einstein himself used the term

" subtle " to refer to energy that could not yet be measured.

** I am proposing that healing information originates at the most

fundamental level in the implicate order, that of the SPIRIT, and cascades

into the outer layers of increasing energy density, eventually reaching the

elctromagnetic domain. Thus, quantum fields act as a bridge between the

higher dimensional energies of spirit and classical EM fields. EM fields

then regulate the biochemical level as demonstrated by the

Bio-eletromagnetics community. Healing with energy therefore, occurs either

through internal sources of energy generated by the individual in a

meditative state of consciousness, or by an infusion of energy from some

external source that resonates with the level in the bio-field according to

how " subtle " it is.

Dr. s-Louis Friedli, PgDip., MSc., CHt., R.H., RB., Ph.D.

Herbalist, Scientist & Hypnotherapist

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> Hi Dr. Friedli,

> I have chronic Lyme disease 24 years. Misdiagnosed for 22 years. I have

done 9 liver flushes since January, and they have certainly helped me. In

April I bought a Rife-like machine called an Ultimate B 3. I am part of a

Lyme-and-rife group and many members are reporting improvement with

these machines. Some even claim to be almost well, when nothing else had


Hi Rosemary,

I do not know how the Ultimate B3 works so cannot comment on that equipment.

On the other hand Rife technology and its application in medicine is good


> I agree with your comments about Hulda and the zappers. However, I'd be

interested to know what you think of the other frequency generators which

emit higher frequencies than the zappers. I would also like your permission

to forward these comments to my Lyme-and-rife group.>

Permission granted, be my guest.

> Any comments apprecciated,

I think it will be a good idea to get in touch with Bruce Stenulson. He

makes quality variable frequency zappers.


Some interesting comments:

The best frequency generator on the market at the moment is the FSCAN. It

can ping the body between

0.1Hz to 15,000,000Hz sine wave and between 0.1Hz to 3,000,000Hz square

wave. It is pricy.

For your condition (Lyme disease), I will suggest you get hold of the EMEM


A guy called Doug, built something called the " Doug " unit. Doug heard about

Rife and his work, so fed frequencies into a small coil under his microscope

stage and discovered Lyme disease frequencies. He then fed these into a 2000

watt audio amplifier, and ran the output of that into a large capacitor and

coil combination. Using this setup, he cured himself of Lyme Disease.

Dan developed EMEM based on Doug's unit and that is effective for Lyme

Disease as well.

" There have been two common complaints with the basic zapper design.

First, it uses a frequency that may not have as good penetration as some

other frequencies. As Dr. points out, it does not penetrate the gut

very well. Second, the voltage is quite low, often around 2 volts under

load. This design uses 727 Hz and a higher output voltage (lower resistance

in the output).

There is a third problem that Dr. Gear noticed. The zapper does not

produce a square wave under load. The wave looks square on a scope until a

person is attached. Then the corners go very round. Dr. Gear solved the

problem by further reducing the output voltage to less than 2 volts. This

helped keep the wave more square. Dr. Bill Biagioli came up with a better

solution. Put a 10uf tantalum capacitor in parallel with the output resistor

at pin 3. The positive side goes toward pin 3. This keeps the wave very

square under load and the difference can easily be felt " .

This whole arena of Bio-electromagnetism is very interesting. EMR spans an

enormous range of frequencies. The shortest gamma rays, a tenth of a

billionth of a millimeter long, vibrate sextillions of times a second.

These, along with X rays and the shortest ultraviolet wavelengths, are

termed ionizing radiation, because their high photonic energy can knock

electrons away from atoms, creating highly reactive ions where they don't


Much of the damage from nuclear radiation is caused in this way. All lower

frequencies, beginning with the longer ultraviolet wavelengths, are

nonionizing. Next comes the only energy we can see - narrow band visible

light vibrating hundreds of trillions of times a second and then the

infrared waves we feel as radiant heat. Below these lie the waves we've

harnessed for communications.

They begin with microwaves (MW), whose frequency is measured in gigahertz or

megahertz - billions of millions of cycles per second - and extend through

the radio frequencies (RF) down to ELF waves, whose frequency converges on

zero. The MW and RF spectrum is arbitrarily broken up further into - EHF,

SHF, UHF, VHF, HF, MF, LF, VLF and ELF. ELM waves approximate the dimensions

of the earth: at 10 hertz one wave is about 18,600 miles long.

Except for light and infrared heat, we can't perceive any of these energies

without instruments, so most people don't realize how drastically and

abruptly we've changed the electromagnetic (EM) environment in just one


Where are we heading? What will be the outcome of this for the future of the

planet? Is this EM pollution creating some of the new diseases we have

started seeing? AIDS, SARS, new forms of CANCERS, Lyme Disease etc etc.

Dr. s-Louis Friedli

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