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Re: 2nd flush with no results

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Can you tell us step by step what you did? You should not be constipated by

using the Epsom salts. These produce diarrhea. How did you take the oil, mixed

with grapefruit juice, lemon

juice or by itself? Please let us know maybe we can find out what went wrong.

G Murray

stefnymarie wrote:

> Hello all,


> I am new to this group. I have had another unsuccessful liver flush

> and very frustrated. I followed the directions for Dr. 's

> flush to the T and only experienced nausea and pressure: no stones.

> The first one I did (years ago) I removed numerous stones and was

> not even as careful. I am wondering if all that salt and oil will

> have negative consequences with out removing stones. Already my

> face is breaking out which happens when I feel bloated/constipated.

> Also, does anyone know if there is a way to prevent this? Should I

> do another one right away or even ever again since this is my

> 2nd " failure " ? Would greatly appreciate any ideas.


> Thank you,

> Steph



> Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=80

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=100

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112


> Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


> Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73


> Images:

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/cleanse_flush/

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/intrahepatic_stones/


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> Web Sites for more information:

> http://CureZone.org

> http://www.liverdoctor.com/

> http://www.sensiblehealth.com/

> http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm

> http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html

> http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/


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> Have a nice day !



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Hi Steph, Sorry to hear of the disapointing results.

I usually don't try to guess what someone's problem is over the


I will say this. If you are constipated, and you do a flush

procedure, and you are still constipated afterward, that will

explain why you got no stones and why your face is breaking out. If

the toxins can't get out through your bowel, they go out your lungs

and skin. If you have bad breath, that is also the cause.

The toxins are going out from your lungs when you exhale. There's

several methods of unclogging your system to allow the toxins to

exit your body the best way. Colonics are the most effective and

immediate (most expensive too). Colemas and enemas next (you can do

these at home more economically). Herbs and good food/fiber

combinations to provide bulk to bind toxins and carry them out are

essential what ever else you do. If your colon is sluggish, you may

need to take some natural substance to help with that. I chew about

a teaspoon of raw flax seed every once in a while when I feel the

need and can regulate that way very easily.

Bottom line: you need to have your colon empty to do a good flush.

You also need to empty your colon again right after the flush to get

rid of the stones so they don't dissolve back into your system and

try to get out your skin and lungs.

A bowel cleanse may be more appropriate for you right now than a

liver cleanse. This would include a parasite cleanse if you haven't

done one very recently.

Only you can decide if any or some of this applies to you right

now. These are general principals and you can take them for what

they are worth to you at this time...


> Hello all,


> I am new to this group. I have had another unsuccessful liver


> and very frustrated. I followed the directions for Dr. 's

> flush to the T and only experienced nausea and pressure: no


> The first one I did (years ago) I removed numerous stones and was

> not even as careful. I am wondering if all that salt and oil will

> have negative consequences with out removing stones. Already my

> face is breaking out which happens when I feel


> Also, does anyone know if there is a way to prevent this? Should


> do another one right away or even ever again since this is my

> 2nd " failure " ? Would greatly appreciate any ideas.


> Thank you,

> Steph

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Steph -

I had the same experience. I did my first flush about 2 years ago and had great

results, but my 2nd flush a couple months ago did nothing. I was very strict in

my diet for the days leading up to the flush and day of flush. But I didn't have

any stones come out. Now I have a hard time digesting and it feels like there's

a constriction in my intestines. There's also a strong pulse emanating from the

area just left of my belly button that wasn't there before. I should probably

have it checked out, but I loathe doctors. I read what Vinny had to say and I'll

try a parasite cleanse and bowel cleanse to see if that helps.


> Hello all,


> I am new to this group. I have had another unsuccessful liver flush

> and very frustrated. I followed the directions for Dr. 's

> flush to the T and only experienced nausea and pressure: no stones.

> The first one I did (years ago) I removed numerous stones and was

> not even as careful. I am wondering if all that salt and oil will

> have negative consequences with out removing stones. Already my

> face is breaking out which happens when I feel bloated/constipated.

> Also, does anyone know if there is a way to prevent this? Should I

> do another one right away or even ever again since this is my

> 2nd " failure " ? Would greatly appreciate any ideas.


> Thank you,

> Steph

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Steph, as you see, there is a lot of information available at this

site. I don't have the experience to advise you, but if I were in

your shoes I would read the archives here... it's possible that

someone else has posted similar problems in the past and their story

could help you. If nothing else, it will give you a reason to hang

around here while you wait for one of our more experienced members to

post an answer for you.

Oh, while I'm talking about other members, I just have to applaud

Vince for his very sensitive and sensible post!

For myself, Steph, I have to say that I try to eat the fat-free meals

the day of the flush like you described. Then about 7 in the evening

I take 2T of Epsom salts in about 10 oz of warm water all in one

dose. Then an hour later I start the process of drinking 2c olive oil

and 1c fresh lemon juice in 15 minute increments (that means 1/4c oil

and 1 or 2T lemon juice every 15 minutes until it is all gone). I lay

down between doses, and when I have it all inside me I lay on my

right side (it stimulates digestion and blood flow) and stay there

all night of until I absolutely HAVE to run to the bathroom (about

6 - 8 hours). I also drink water when I want it once I have all the

oil drank. This has worked for me every single time. But I have no

idea if it will work for you or not.

Do you have an herbalist who can help you and advise you with this?

Or perhaps a naturopath?


> > Hello all,

> >

> > I am new to this group. I have had another unsuccessful liver


> > and very frustrated. I followed the directions for Dr. 's

> > flush to the T and only experienced nausea and pressure: no


> > The first one I did (years ago) I removed numerous stones and was

> > not even as careful. I am wondering if all that salt and oil will

> > have negative consequences with out removing stones. Already my

> > face is breaking out which happens when I feel


> > Also, does anyone know if there is a way to prevent this? Should


> > do another one right away or even ever again since this is my

> > 2nd " failure " ? Would greatly appreciate any ideas.

> >

> > Thank you,

> > Steph

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