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Re: New to this group need HELP.......

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Hello, Danette. Welcome to the group. There are usually some very

intelligent people here ready to answer questions right away -- so I

am surprised that your questions have been allowed to wait so long. I

am sorry, since I know you are under a lot of stress and probably in

pain as well.

I did some research, since I don't know a whole lot about

pancreatitis, and thought I'd better gain some knowledge before I

gave any advice. What I found was:

" What causes pancreatitis?

Acute pancreatitis is usually caused by drinking too much alcohol or

by gallstones. A gallstone can block the pancreatic duct, trapping

digestive enzymes in the pancreas and causing pancreatitis. "

....from a site called Mama's Health

Anyway, since I'm going to kindly rule out the idea that you've been

drinking too much alcohol, let's just go with the idea that you

probably have a gall-stone blocking your pancreatic duct.

If that's the problem, then you really really need to be doing a

cleanse. If I were you, I'd get busy drinking apple juice and taking

large doses of Vitamin C while I researched CureZone.com and figured

out which gall-bladder cleanse would work best for me.

To ease your immediate pain, you might want to drink some warm water

with a tablespoon of Epsom salts dissolved in it at three hour

intervals from the time you first get your hands on some Epsom salts

until you have taken at least three doses. You could also apply heat

to your painful abdomen to help relax your tensed muscles and

(hopefully) your blocked ducts. A couple of capsules of Valerian herb

before bed would help keep things relaxed while you slept.

Buy some lemons and some olive oil (extra virgin, cold-pressed) and

prepare yourself for a rather unpleasant 24 hours or so. If you have

any experience with giving yourself an enema you might read up on

those at CureZone.com and do one or two to help clean yourself out

for the flush. I did a simple Epsom salt enema with my first cleanse

and it worked well.

If you have to wait a day or two before doing the cleanse I would

make sure that your diet includes a lot of raw garlic and onions to

help your body fight off infection that might result from the

inflamed pancreas. Vitamin C is also very important to help prepare

your body for your cleanse.

But since your situation is acute I would do my best to arrange to do

a flush right away.

The recipe I follow goes like this. I eat a fat-free menu the day of

my flush. I stop eating anything after 2pm. At 6pm I take 2T of Epsom

salts in warm water and do an Epsom salt enema right afterwards.

After that I do not drink anything until I am through taking all of

my olive oil. At 7pm I drink 1/4c olive oil followed by 2T lemon

juice. Every fifteen minutes I drink another 1/4c olive oil followed

by fresh lemon juice until I have swallowed 2 cups of olive oil and a

cup of lemon juice.(The olive oil can be taken at 20 minute intervals

if nausea makes it impossible to follow the strict 15 minute

interval). I keep the lemon juice and olive oil right by my bed along

with the measuring cup and spoon, and I lie down between doses.

When I am done with the olive oil and lemon juice I roll onto my

right side and go to sleep. It is important to stay on your right

side and stay in bed for at least 6 hours (unless diarrhea or

vomiting makes this impossible) to allow the olive oil and lemon

juice to work on your gall-stones.

I spend the next day at home, near a toilet, and count my gall-stones

as they are released (in the toilet) so I can come here and brag

about how many gall-stones I flushed out this time.

This process relieves me of my minor abdominal pain and makes me feel

like I'm really doing something important for my health. So far it

hasn't made me feel like I'm just brimming with energy, but maybe

sometime down the line it will work.

Once you've done a cleanse and hopefully flushed out any stones that

are causing your acute condition you might want to check out the

other cleanse protocols... ridding your body of parasites, the liver

cleanse, etc., and see if you need to include them in your regimen.


--- In gallstones , " nitegrl777 " <nitegrl777@y...>


> Hello Group,

> I have a few questions if someone could give me some input. I am


> obese female,34 and until recently never had any problems. Suddenly

> (about a month ago)I had severe back pain for two or three days. I

> thought nothing of it,figuring that I had slept wrong. Well then I

> couldn't breathe and went to the emergency room. The doctors did


> sorts of tests on my lungs and heart then sent me home. NOT even 24

> hours later I was doubled over in pain with my stomach and went


> to the er where I was told I had gallstones. Now my dilema is that


> I also have pancreatitis and so the docs wouldn't do surgery


> of the inflamation. Now it has been about a month since I have been

> home and about 4 days ago I got severe pain in my right shoulder

> blade along with some nausea. My family is pressing me to go to the

> hospital but I am uninsured and frankly scared to death to get


> open. I am fearful that because of my weight I will have an even


> difficult time with surgery and the healing process. PLEASE point


> in an alternative direction. I am also a die hard realist who has

> never really tried alternative medicine with the exception of herbs

> and vitamins. So for those of you who have pancreatitis along with

> gallstones please inform me on any success you have had with a

> specific flush. I am scared that I may do more harm than good and

> would appreciate any input. Thanks, Danette

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