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Re: Morning after epsom really necessary?

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> If all the stones (theoretically) come out when you lie down after

> drinking the oil, is there any necessity to taking the epsom in the

> morning? Except maybe to help them pass.. but they are going to pass

> regardless once they come out.


> Is the only reason to avoid some extra discomfort that passing a

> stone might cause? (assuming one ever comes out) I can live with

> that. But the diarhea keeps me from work:(



, When you do the flush, toxins from the cleanse are now

in your intestinal system, being digested and reprocessed in

a sense, so the idea of the epsoms is to cleanse the colon

and keep things moving along, getting those toxins out of

the system. As an alternative, I have done an enema

in the morning with warm water that I open garlic powder

capsules into...not super market grade garlic powder...for it's

anti-bacterial properties. I find this to be just as effective as

the two doses of epsoms the night before are about as much

as I can stand as well.

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes


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" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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What about using the sea salt flush if that was what the morning salts

are for.

2 tsp. of seasalt in 1 L or 1 quart of warm water.

I found the sea salt was a little more tolerable.

G Murray

L. Meydrech wrote:

>>If all the stones (theoretically) come out when you lie down after

>>drinking the oil, is there any necessity to taking the epsom in the

>>morning? Except maybe to help them pass.. but they are going to pass

>>regardless once they come out.






>>Is the only reason to avoid some extra discomfort that passing a

>>stone might cause? (assuming one ever comes out) I can live with

>>that. But the diarhea keeps me from work:(






>, When you do the flush, toxins from the cleanse are now

>in your intestinal system, being digested and reprocessed in

>a sense, so the idea of the epsoms is to cleanse the colon

>and keep things moving along, getting those toxins out of

>the system. As an alternative, I have done an enema

>in the morning with warm water that I open garlic powder

>capsules into...not super market grade garlic powder...for it's

>anti-bacterial properties. I find this to be just as effective as

>the two doses of epsoms the night before are about as much

>as I can stand as well.


> L. Meydrech, CN

>http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes


>FREE Health Analysis:



> " A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a



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> What about using the sea salt flush if that was what the morning salts

> are for.

> 2 tsp. of seasalt in 1 L or 1 quart of warm water.


> I found the sea salt was a little more tolerable.


> G Murray

Do sea salts have a purgative affect? The idea is to

purge the systems, a laxative type effect.

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes


FREE Health Analysis:



" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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The sea salt intestinal bath washes through the system pushing out

anything in its way. The salt level is such, that it is not absorbed by

the GI tract and flows out in about 1 hours time. It is standard in the

Master Cleanse as a morning routine. It must be drank all at once and

not sipped or the body will retain the salt and you will be bloated and

not feel very well. The laxative effect seems to only hang around for

an hour or so, but probably depends on each person.

G Murray

L. Meydrech wrote:

>>What about using the sea salt flush if that was what the morning salts

>>are for.

>>2 tsp. of seasalt in 1 L or 1 quart of warm water.


>>I found the sea salt was a little more tolerable.


>>G Murray




>Do sea salts have a purgative affect? The idea is to

>purge the systems, a laxative type effect.


> L. Meydrech, CN

>http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes


>FREE Health Analysis:



> " A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a




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, the epsom salts also help to relax the bile ducts. This

enables stones to pass through without getting stuck - which is

something that anybody who ever has had a gallbladder attack would

like to avoid at all costs.


--- " " <dragonrouge@u...> wrote:

> If all the stones (theoretically) come out when you lie down after

> drinking the oil, is there any necessity to taking the epsom in


> morning?

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