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Re: New Member, Newly Affected - Questions, Advice?

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Hello, Darron,

Let me try to reply to some of the things you ask.

> 33-year-old male here who recently discovered from the doctor (today)

> about having gallstones and a " fatty liver " and I'm looking for

> advice from anyone.

> When the doctor said " no more alcohol ever " my jaw hit the floor -

> not that I'm a daily consumer, but I have a weekend binge here and

> there since my college days. Hence the reason for the above situation.

An occasional weekend with a few drinks in the evening probably

wouldn't kill you, but if this is more frequent than you feel comfortable

letting on, then there is reason for concern. I think that if you were to

do the flush, it would be great for your liver. That's what most

people on this list are " into " . It's described in the links that are

attached to each email, and I have my experiences & pictures

at my web page that's in my signature lines. I always wonder if

the fatty liver is a liver that is congested because it can't pass

the fat or cholesterol it naturally produces because the ducts

and gallbladder are congested with stones, but I don't know

of any studies to back that up off the top of my head. I should

look it up, but do know liver cleansing would be great for you.

> Also... with the holidays upon us, the socialization fear also has

> hit me a little bit of the " peer pressure " situation and explaining

> to people unfamiliar with this disease.

If your friends are real friends, you should be able to tell them

that you can't drink as much because of your condition, etc.

There aren't many people around who don't know that drinking

in excess destroy's the liver. Non-alcoholic drinks should be

fine, most are drinking for the buzz, but if you think that non-

alcoholic drink will help you socially, and give your liver a

rest, it's a good idea.

Do look into all the helpful links, etc., and take care of your

body, you only get one. Write again if you have more questions.

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes


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" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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Hi Darron, I sent you a lengthy e-mail but I'll also respond here. I'd

definitely look into doing a liver/GB flush. I just completed my 2nd one Sunday

night and purged 94 stones. I'd also look into a diet change. I found a great

diet written by Dr. Cabot who is known as the Liver Dr. I by no means

need to lose weight as I'm already probably too skinny. However, I do need to

change the things I eat. Anyway, if you're interested here's her website:


I purchased her book and am on my 2nd week of her LCD. Anway, definitely do

some flushes and then consider a change in your diet.

Craig Sailer


> From: " Darron Markwood " <BigDLXA429@...>

> Date: 2003/12/08 Mon PM 07:37:31 EST

> gallstones

> Subject: New Member, Newly Affected - Questions, Advice?



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