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Results! (Was it's been a while/Flushing tomorrow)

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Luci, yeh, have to get humor into this somehow :-)

and Bonnie, I didn't know anything about the " full moon "

etc., interesting, but just have it on my calender to flush

every 6 months or so, and do it. For new folks,

I started doing these when I was in my mid 30's at

suggestion of a chiropractor, I'm headed for 52 now.

I skipped about 5 years, and started in again in 2002...all

that info is at my gallbladder web page in the signature lines,

so won't bore you with it, but get to my results from

last night :-)

I did my epsoms at 6 & 8 and 1/4 cup olive oil and

1/4 cup flax seed oil (I like flax seed oil as it has anti-

inflammatory properties and helps with inflammation

that may come to gallbladder, ducts, etc. when flushing,

and boy do any joints that ache feel good for a few

days after the flush! And skin nice and soft! Shows

how valuable those oils are.) Anyway, had my

" cocktail " at 10 pm and lay on my right side with right

knee bent for 1/2 hour and flat on back with head

upper back elevated until about 1 am. Then started

to feel a bit of nausea that lets me know things are

working, laid on side, and guess I fell asleep because

next time I looked at the clock it was 4:30. I staggered

into the bathroom, a bit dizzy, not unusual, by the

way, and no stones showed up, went back to bed with

a heat on the gb area.

At about 10 am. I woke up for the day feeling pretty

good and did a garlic enema (luke-warm water with

garlic capsule opened into it...garlic has natural antibiotic

properties) at about 11 am. And, to my delight,

passed the LARGEST " stone " I ever have in all

the flushes I've done. A little over 1 " long by a bit

over 1/2 " wide. It was green with other colors mixed

in. Passed quite a few other much smaller ones, about

the size of a pea and smaller, most with jagged edges

and flat " sides " like they'd been clumped together in

as small area for some time (the gallbladder), that

are all tan in color. I am quite sure I'm not done yet

as it's about 1:30 now, but am enjoying the benefits

already of a clearer head and more energy. I'm tender

in the gb area of my back. We'll see how it goes for

the rest of the day, and I'll get back to you. I am

keeping the stones in the fridge in a zip lock bag and

when I find time, will take a pic for my web site

and upload to curezone, too. Not sure when I'll get

to that, but I'll let you know.

So that's it for now!!

Take care,

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes


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