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Re: new to group-advice requested

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besides what this group can tell you it might be a good

idea to start investigating what services there might be in your town that

can help you since you have no insurance. I had the same problem. Sometimes

Social Services might know of something especia;;y if you are disabled or

have dependent children. I found a doctor who happen to have a program going

where he charges people less who have no insurance. I found a surgeon who

did my procedure for about half the rate. Talk to any people you know who

are in the medical field. Nurses , receptionists etc who might know of these

programs. Also talk to the

hospital in your town. SOmetimes they have programs for people with no

insurance. Some cities have hospitals who will do the procedure even if you

can not afford it. Of course they expect you to pay but sometimes you can

pay what you can afford. Hope you find a solution.

----- Original Message -----

From: " oneibizan " <oneibizan@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 7:52 AM

Subject: new to group-advice requested

> Hello Everyone,

> A week ago I had several hours of very severe pain with nausea and

> vomiting during the night. It was bad enough that I was ready to go

> to the hospital but the pain started easing enough that I was able to

> tolerate it and eventually fall asleep. The next morning the pain was

> dull but tolerable. I have been taking an herbal formula called

> gallstonex by solaray which has artichoke, perpermint, tumeric, milk

> thistle, ginger and couchgrass in it. I also drank about gallon of

> apple juice over the course of the week and ate mostly steamed

> vegetables in broth, some grilled meat, tuna. I take a product called

> superdigestaway before every meal (low fat, no refined carbs, no

> sugar). My gb area is still a bit sore to the touch but not painful

> and I have right shoulder pain in the mornings and evening (which are

> lessening). I also have insomnia which has worsened in the past two

> years. I have had three or four bouts of gb pain over the last 5

> years (not as severe or long lasting) but for many years on and off I

> have had right shoulder pain after I eat. I have frequent stomach and

> digestion problems which have also been worsening (which I treat

> homeopathically). I don't have insurance to find out if I have

> gallstones (and would not elect surgery unless I had absolutely no

> choice). I did a gallbladder cleanse two years ago after an attack

> mentioned by my chiropractor (olive oil and lemon juice before

> bedtime--no other preparations and did nothing the next morning). I

> was very nauseous but did not get sick and didn't know to check for

> the passing of stones. I went to a chinese herb store today and

> purchased Lidan Paishi tablets which contains gold coin grass and a

> few other ingredients but it also has talc, and yellow food coloring

> (I tend to have allergic reactions to things and the additives make

> me a bit nervous). I also don't know what kind of quality controls

> were used and read that some of the formulas can contain toxins so

> I'm a bit leary about taking it now. I have been reading the archives

> to get up the courage to try the flush again (and appreciate everyone

> who has posted here--it has been a big help). I cannot take Epsom

> salt because the sulfites would trigger my asthma and I'm also

> hypoglycemic so the apple juice fast is not an option (the apple

> juice over the previous week has triggered old symptoms). Also, like

> others, I am concerned about the stones getting stuck in a duct since

> I don't know their size (or if I even have stones). I would

> appreciate any suggestions.

> Thank you,

> stephanie





> Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=80

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=100

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112


> Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


> Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73


> Images:

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/cleanse_flush/

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/intrahepatic_stones/


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> Web Sites for more information:

> http://CureZone.org

> http://www.liverdoctor.com/

> http://www.sensiblehealth.com/

> http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm

> http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html

> http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/


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> Have a nice day !


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--- In gallstones , " oneibizan " <oneibizan@n...>


> I also have insomnia which has worsened in the past two

> years.

Hello ,

Insomnia is often caused by stress and or chemical imbalances (i.e.

the estrogen imbalance at menopause). Both of these conditions

often lead to gallbladder distress.

You may get better health through trying to thin your bile. Often,

we have problems if the bile is thick. Diet does play an important

role in the GB health, as you already know. For the moment, I would

suggest to eat a light diet of easy to digest food. Avoid any foods

which stimulate the GB such as beets or nuts, chocolate or alcohol

(to name a few). These very foods should be added at a later date

when you GB has settled down. They will help to make the GB

healthy. You may still benefit by drinking apple juice every day,

but continue eating. The apple juice will slowly soften the stones

(if you have any).

Your symptoms could be an indication of stones or a sluggish GB and

liver. Try reading up on Dr. Cabot's ideas of how the liver

affects the GB.

If you are leary of the chinese herbs, then don't take them. I've

simply dug up dandelion roots and used them by making a brew of

them. There are many local plants that could be of help, so you may

be able to find useful things in your own area.

A cleanse is a quick way to achieve what may also be done over a

longer period of time. Apple juice to soften, lemon juice in the

morning and certain foods are things that can be done daily to

assist in the GB health.

You are on the right track. Good luck in your search for health.

Suzanne (I have two Ibizans)

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