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Re: polyps in the gallbladder

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>Subject: Re: Re:Re: Polyps is the gallbladder

>The smaller one I'm talking about is with the 9 >volt battery, cables, and

>copper tubing.

>That's all there is to that one......not that much >to it.

>Is that the one you have?


Yes, that sounds similar to the one I have. Mine doesn't have copper tubes

though, it has leads that are like you would find on an EKG machine.

Jan Y

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  • 2 years later...

he Doctor found out 2 tiny

polyps inside my gallbladder

with the help of the



I can only tell you my experience. I had GB attacks which started in 2000.

In Dec. of 2000, I had to go to ER because of horrible attack, and after that,

I decided to start seriously watching my diet and doing cleanses, which I

started in Jan. of 2001.

For a whole year, I did regular cleanses, actually until Sept. of 2002, I

think. It's kind of hard to remember. The reason that it's hard to remember is

because I found Beta-TCP, which helped my problem a whole lot. I could

basically eat kind of regular, but then I still ate healthy.

So from Sept. of 2002 until Feb. of 2003, I didn't do any cleanses. I

finally did a cleanse at the end of Feb. of 2003. Until then, I didn't feel

like I

needed another cleanse. Anyway, when I did that cleanse, I knew that it

wasn't a good one. I felt some pressure. So in early March of 2003, I had a

horrible GB attack, to which I went to ER again. After pain shots of demerol, I

was able to go home and also with prescription pain meds for about 2 weeks. It

was a bad attack. Then on April 25th of 2003, I had another bad GB attack and

went again to ER. At that time, a sonogram was done on my GB, and it showed

two small stones blocking the mouth of my GB. Also, it appeared that my GB

wall had thickened, which can be a bad sign. When a person has GB cancer, their

wall thickens, but it can also thicken with irritation, as is the case with


Again, I went home. I decided on May 17th to do a cleanse and try to catch

the stones. I had a good cleanse and caught many stone-type things, but I kind

of felt certain that those two small stones had passed. BTW, I had always

had good cleanses previously.

Well, I never felt really well after that. I developed a bad case of

diarrhea which I could never get over by late June, but I thought that I got a


case of food poisoning, so I figured that was it.

In late June, I got worse. I had been running fever all day long, which I

thought was due to some kind of food poisoning. But that night, can't remember

the exact date, I was running high fever. As a matter of fact, my husband

woke me, said, " You're burning up!! We're going to the hospital. "

See, he knew what to watch for.

Shortly after he woke me up, I started turning a horrible shade of yellow.

It started in my head and went all the way down. I was having juandice. What

had happened was I did pass those two small stones, but they had stuck in my

common bile duct. One was blocking bile up into my pancreas, so I had

pancreatitis. Well, they shipped me to another hospital because they didn't

have a

surgeon. BTW, I don't have insurance either.

So I chose the hospital that I would go to and they accepted me. It was a

crazy experience. I arrived about 4 a.m. at that hospital on a Friday morning.

By Sat. afternoon late, I had passed that one stone, but I don't remember it.

It unblocked my bile duct and my color started coming back. I had an ERCP

after this on Tuesday to remove the remaining stone. But when the doctor

looked in my GB during the ERCP, I didn't have any more stones, but I did have

thickening of the GB walls. So the surgeon came in and asked me if I still


surgery since I had no stones. I told him that yes, I do have wall

thickening. My surgery went very good, which was surprising considering my

circumstances prior.

What I'm trying to say is that if you have some polyps or thickening of the

walls of your GB, then don't take chances. If you're fairly certain it's okay,

I surely would continue with the cleanse, by all means. I tried for several

years to save my GB, which to this very day I'm glad that I tried to. I do

not regret it at all. As a matter of fact, I wish that I still had it.

What helped me make up my mind besides the thickening of the walls? Well,

for one thing, a friend just told me about a young man, a father of several

children, who had been having GB problems that he put off. Turns out when they

had to do emergency surgery on this younger man to remove his GB, he had

gallbladder cancer, which is really rare. I say " young man, " I think that he

was in

his mid-30s. I'm now 50.

So just everyone try to do the best that they can do. Study all you can

study about the subject. Not everyone's surgery turns out bad, but all surgery


serious in one way or another. Mine just happened to be an easy surgery,

although I surely wasn't expecting it.

Take care,


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Hi ,

I believe that the epsom salts and apple juice methods are equally

good. Go to the group's links section to read up on the various

cleansing methods.

Have you asked your doctor why it's not possible to just remove the

pokyps (as in colon surgery)?


> What is the best way to clean

> the gallbladder ??? Some

> advocate apple juice, and

> others citrus juice with epson

> salt so I would like some

> advice.

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